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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gentlespirit

  1. Your wife has a huge advantage already in having you to support her...she's a lucky woman! I wish both of you the best of luck on this journey! Emily
  2. gentlespirit

    Oh so Nervous

    Regina~ Welcome! I'm not banded yet, either. Have gotten insurance approval and the date is set for Jan. 24 in Sioux Falls. I hope you are successful in getting your band done before the end of the year. Emily
  3. gentlespirit

    raging anger and completly discouraged, who me?

    Those damn scales can really do a number on us, can't they? I am SO sorry you're so down. Your posts have been such a blessing to me so many times as I start this journey, and I wish I could do something for you to help. But other than sending positive thoughts and hugs, I guess there isn't. I'm glad you didn't delete all your posts...they are wonderful. I've had the same thoughts about being a failure when the scale doesn't move (or goes up). And no matter what we tell ourselves, we keep basing our feelings about ourselves on the blasted things. You are an amazing woman, and you will get through this. If you can't be strong right now, lean on those of us here who have leaned on you and your wisdom in the past. We're all here to help each other. Hugs and good thoughts... Emily
  4. gentlespirit


    What a ridiculous excuse for a denial! Under the unusual circumstances, your doctor's letter should be good enough. I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. I am in awe of the fact that you lost all that weight on your own, though! You are a strong woman, obviously, and I wish you all the success in the world in keeping that weight loss rolling. Emily
  5. gentlespirit

    The Scoop on Todays' office visit

    I would definitely ask your PCP for something for the anxiety. We don't get points for suffering through something that's so easily taken care of. Chances are if you explain, they will be glad to give you something for this stressful situation. Emily
  6. gentlespirit

    MY first NSV and SV

    Wow...you are doing GREAT! Congratulations! Emily
  7. gentlespirit

    Do you have pets?

    I have to agree with my brother, who has a red heeler (Australian herding dog), and says his dog is better company than most of the people he knows. The older I get, the pickier I get about who I choose to spend my free time with. You can't find many people who give you unconditional adoration like our pets do! Emily
  8. gentlespirit

    We Need To Shout With Joy!

    Thank you for directing us to the wonderful things we can look forward to. Can't wait until I'm banded for awhile and can start my own list! Emily
  9. gentlespirit

    2 years and counting

    Thank you so much for sharing your story (and it wasn't in the least bit boring!). Like kimberly6671, I am waiting to be banded in January and was really getting jittery with all the complications I was reading about. It's great to hear about the people who have not had difficulties from the band itself. We all have difficulties with food issues, and it was inspiring to read how you faced them and did what you needed to do. We all have a beautiful, sexy person inside, and I'm glad you found her again. Your post reminded me that this isn't a day by day decision...sometimes its minute by minute, but it can definitely be done. Thanks again for sharing. You should be so proud of yourself. Continue the excellent work and give yourself a hug! Emily
  10. gentlespirit

    Do you have pets?

    I have a parrotlet (mini parrot about 2 inches high and 3 inches long) that is wonderful company! He is glad to see me when I come home but doesn't require constant attention. He loves to snuggle up at the b ack of my neck under my hair and chirps to me. My two sons gave him to me foro Christmas 3 years ago, and I'd miss him trmendously if anything happened to him. Since they live up to 30 years, he may outlive me! I think you're fortunate that you enjoy your own company and don't need tons of people around. I'm the same way. Besides, I work at a chamber of commerce and deal with people all day and am really ready for some alone time by the end of the day. So I understand...just so you're not alone because you're depressed or afraid to meet people... Emily
  11. gentlespirit

    Water Consumption

    I am wondering how you all fit your Water in when you have to do it in little sips. I have problems with UTIs and currently drink about 3 quarts of water a day trying to keep them from happening. I'm concerned that after I get my band I won't be able to drink as much as I need to. Now I can drink a 6 or 8 ounce glass every half hour and I'm OK, but when I have to do it in little sips at work, I'm afraid it won't be enough. How much can you drink at one time? Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks! Emily
  12. gentlespirit

    Holding my breath....

    How disappointing that you'll have to wait until summer when you were all psyched up to do it now. But you can use the time until then to work on making better food choices and learning to chew, chew, chew. It won't be wasted time, although I know it's hard to wait. Wishing you the best! Emily
  13. gentlespirit

    Bye Everyone!

    Wishing you both a safe journey and an smooth and uneventful surgery and recovery! Emily
  14. gentlespirit

    Minnesota Folks

    I'm so excited to have finally gotten my surgery date in Sioux Falls...January 24. Wanted to go sooner, but I work in an office where I am the only admin. assistant and I needed to time it when I could be out for a week plus. Right now I'm just excited, and not nervous yet, but I'm sure that will come as the time gets closer. Dr. O'Brien wanted me to lose 5-10 pounds prior to surgery, so I'm working on that now. I'm struggling with the "I'm going to have surgery so I might as well enjoy my food now, at least until the firsit of the year" mentality. I certainly don't want to gain before surgery. Someone told me Protein shakes for Breakfast and dinner with a normal lunch is a good way to take those pounds off pre-surgery. Anyone have any other suggestions? Thanks! Emily
  15. gentlespirit

    band date 12/13/05

    Congratulations on getting your date...and so soon! I just got mine scheduled for Jan. 24, and the pre-surgery jitters haven't hit yet. But I am expecting that they will closer to the actual time. The thing I keep reminding myself of is that when someone asked on LBT whether people would do it again, the responses were nearly all a resounding YES! You'll do great! Emily
  16. gentlespirit

    HELP - I need LIQUID cold medicine

    This may be a little late for Tricia, but it's something to think about for next time. I use Zicam nasal spray whenever I think I'm getting a cold. If you use it several times (every 3 hours) at the first sign of a cold, it makes the cold much less severe or stops it all together. It's wonderful stuff. And I think I've heard that even if you have the cold and use it, it'll still help with the symptoms. They have several forms...nasal spray, little pills that you dissolve under your tongue (I couldn't stand them), and nasal swabs.
  17. gentlespirit

    I hit my 1st goal of 30 lbs. TODAY!!

    Congratulations! You should be very proud of yourself! Emily
  18. gentlespirit

    My doctor is a crackhead? Please confirm...

    Doctors get very little training in nutrition, so they really have no idea. I'd ask for a nutritionist consult and have a lot more faith in what they say than most doctors...unless they've made a point of studying nutrition in addition to their regular training. Emily
  19. gentlespirit

    Doctor Help!!

    donali~ That site on liver function is really interesting...I'll be checking it out further, too. What I've read so far seems to make sense... Emily
  20. gentlespirit

    Suddenly Single

    PorcIndoll~ I"m so sorry you're having to go through this. I know you're really hurting and you get tired of trying to be strong for yourself and your son. I would really encourage you to get some counseling if you can. If finances are a problem, as they were with me, Lutheran Social Services has a sliding fee scale that goes down to no cost if you have no income. And they are wonderful. My LSS counselor was an absolute lifiesaver when I was recovering from a MAJOR car accident for a year and was divorced during that same year. I can't say enough good things avout them. Hugs and more hugs to you...you'll be in my thoughts and prayers! Emily
  21. gentlespirit

    Off Topic - well sort of....

    None of us has to go through this alone...we have these wonderful people right at our fingertips, and I am so grateful for that. But I know it hurts that those close to you aren't excited for and supportive of you. Hopefully that will change, but in the meantime, you have lots of support and friends here. Emily
  22. gentlespirit

    I feel so down!

    I read firewheel's post and got teary...it could have been me writing. I, too, have been divorced (for 12 years) and my sons (25 & 27) are busy with their lives in college, which is as it should be. I love my job at a chamber of commerce and have lots of business acquaintances...but they aren't the same as real friends. Whippledaddy, I so appreciated your post. You sound like an amazing person! Thank you for sharing those positive thoughts. Emily
  23. gentlespirit

    I Have My Date!!

    I'm SO excited! The surgeon's office called yesterday to let me know my insurance company had called them with approval and asked me to call back to schedule the surgery. I'm having it done Tues., January 24. I have to go to Sioux Falls Monday for an education class and an appointment with the doc and then stay over and have it done Tues. I've done a lot of research and really want to have this done, but I know I'm going to be teetering back and forth until then. It's helped so much to read the posts responding to someone's question about whether you all regret being banded...it's comforting that nearly all of you said you'd do it again. Dr. O'Brien does want me to try to lose even 5 or 10 pounds prior to surgery...is the best way to do that liquids?? Or...?? Any advice would be great. Emily
  24. gentlespirit

    I'm going to have a baby!!!

    Congratulations!!! I have to admit I'm a tiny bit envious...not because I want another child (I'm 50) but because it's such an exciting time in one's life! Best wishes... Emily
  25. gentlespirit

    appeal letter

    I think it sounds great...you have obviously covered the topic well. Someone who has had to go through the appeals process may have other suggestions...I haven't heard from my ins. co. My only suggestion would be that the sentence just preceding the "6" footnote isn't well constructed...you should add something like "many patients" have been advised to stop taking their diabetes medications...otherwise it sounds like studies have been advised... That's just my administrative assistant's soul talking! I've always been a stickler for grammar because I think it makes a big difference in the impression we leave... Good luck with your appeal! Just my 2 cents. Emily

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