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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gentlespirit

  1. gentlespirit

    I'm Feeling Foxy!

    You were lovely before and are even more lovely now...your spirit shines out from your eyes. And you have a wonderful, wonderful smile! You should be so proud of how well you've done and how much you have survived. Your posts have been such a help and inspiration to me...I appreciate your honesty and willingness to put yourself and your thoughts right out there. Thanks so much, and enjoy your new self!!! Emily
  2. gentlespirit

    Two Weeks Post-Op!!!!

    I'm with Leatha...I want one of those special guys for myself, too!! MsJoy is lucky to have such a supportive and involved person to make this amazing journey with her. MsJoy, congratulations on the weight loss!!! Emly
  3. gentlespirit

    CONFUSED??? Is Protein, Protein?

    As a long-time vegetarian, I'd like to point out that by combining non-animal Proteins, you can make complete proteins. Combinations like rice and Beans or grains and beans can be just as complete as meat. It does take a little more planning, if that's something you are concerned about. I've always been told that just eating a good variety of Protein from different sources is all you need to do. Also, lentils have a higher quality protein than steak, if you like them. Lots of choices... Emily
  4. gentlespirit

    Gastric Sleeve

    Karen~ I checked the site you mentioned out a few days ago, and it sounded really interesting. I'm committed to the band now, but if that had to be removed for some reason, I think I'd consider going the vertical gastrectomy route. Thanks for sharing the info. Emily
  5. gentlespirit


    When I first wanted to start Water aerobics I was sure I'd be too embarrassed to let anyone see me in a swimsuit. Then I decided the heck with it...I should be proud that I'm doing something healthful for myself and if anyone had a problem witht the way I looked, that was just too bad. They could look elsewhere. Having said that, I don't loll around outside the pool..it's a quick in and quick out when we're done. I'm not the biggest one there, either! I'm looking forward to feeling OK in a suit by next year. Emily
  6. gentlespirit

    Sleep apnea?

    My dad and my sons all use CPAPs. My sons are both overweight and hope that by losing weight they will be able to stop using it. But they also both say that they take it with them if they travel because they definitely notice an improvement in energy level because they sleep better with it. It did take both of them awhile to get used to using one, though...especially the one who always slept on his stomach before. Emily
  7. gentlespirit

    Water! Water! Water!

    I live in fear of UTIs, so I drink about 3 quarts a day always. I don't like it really cold, so I keep a 1-gallon pitcher at room temp and drink from that. I'm a little worried about being able to drink enough after I'm banded. Hopefully it won't be a problem. I know I feel a lot better when I drink enough. I have a routine at work but weekends are harder. Emily
  8. gentlespirit

    Getting Closer!

    Good ideas, zone6...I have everything you mentioned except the chewable Vitamins and the pillows. I'll get a couple of those small travel pillows at Wal-Mart...they should lwork great. And I hadn't thought of the laundry, but I'll make sure I have it all done before we head for Sioux Falls. Emily
  9. gentlespirit

    Okay people, let's make a cookbook!!

    I'd certainly be willing to pay for a cookbook...I am always looking for healthy recipes. Teresa, I LOVE that sour cream potato casserole...but I'm afraid to make it because I always overeat!! Which is why I'm so anxious to get my band so that I can enjoy a small amount of something I really love and learn to be satisfied with that. Emily
  10. gentlespirit

    I Need Some Help

    I agree with both Anwyn and Marimaru...he's not being very professional if he's getting angry at you. I also agree that you will probably get more help at this stage from a nutritionist. But he does need to know that you are getting conflicting instructions...that shouldn't happen from the same team. Don't let yourself be intimidated...you hired him, and he's working for you...he also needs to be reminded of that! He needs to be trying to figure out how to help you work toward your goals...not just get upset at you. I think it sounds like you've done amazingly well considering the stress you've had. Take good care of yourself...hugs to you! Emily
  11. gentlespirit


    I also love Water aerobics. I have a spinal fusion due to a car accident injury, and my orthopedic surgeon said it's a perfect exercise. My sister and I have gone 3 times a week for almost 3 years, and I htink we get a great workout. The water really gives you resistance yet also suupport. And you can work at your own level, which is great. If you work harder, you get a higher level of exertion. I can't wait until I can resume after surgery. I also am thinking that I'll join a fitness club so I can use the treadmill the days I don't do water aerobics...but I"ll have to see if my budget can stretch to that. Speaking of treadmills, has anyone found one that can support people our size that is a reasonable price? Any suggestions would be welcome. Emily
  12. Congratulations and best wishes for an uneventful surgery and easy recovery!! Emily
  13. gentlespirit

    banded today! - ouch

    Congratulations!! Hope you have a smooth and speedy recovery!! Emily
  14. gentlespirit

    WOW! It's all going to happen so fast!

    I also had the process go a lot faster than expected...about 3 weeks from first doctor appointment to insurance approval/surgery date. I think in a way that made it easier...once I'd made the decision, there was less time to agonize and second-guess myself! Only 10 more days to go! Emily
  15. gentlespirit

    Fingers crossed

    Sending good thoughts your way! Emily
  16. Interesting...it says no less than 1542 calories for safe, consistent weight loss for me and 58 grams of Protein per day. That's a lot more than I thought. Emily
  17. gentlespirit

    Goal question?

    I am 5'9", and I will be happy if I get to 200...although I'd love to get to 175 if I possibly can.. With my large frame, I don't know if 175is realistic or not. Goals are great to work towards, but I think I'm just going to enjoy the journey and appreciate the loss that I attain as I go. Emily
  18. gentlespirit

    How to prepare for surgery

    Welcome, Cindy~ I'm being banded in 12 days and have spent a lot of time here reading everything I can. Someone posted a list of things to shop for prior to the actual surgery, so you could search for that. I stopped the sodas as soon as I made my decision to be banded and have really concentrated on drinking a lot of Water. Also have tried out some Protein shakes (so far I like Atkins chocolate Royale the best...it's not wonderful but cold it's OK). I also got the liquid Tylenol and GasX, heating pad, sugar free popsicles, Propel, etc. YOu could do a search for shopping list and probably find her list, which was great. Good luck! Emily
  19. gentlespirit

    Officially a Bandster!!!

    Congratulations! Wishing you a smooth and easy recovery... Emily
  20. gentlespirit

    Two emotions that came from being Fat all my life....

    I love them both! I can relate to both very well. You have a gift for poetry...thanks for sharing. Emily
  21. gentlespirit

    I am in AWE..................

    I'm in awe, too! That's phenomenal, and you should be incredibly proud!! Congratulations!!!! Emily
  22. gentlespirit

    New Foods, New Diet.. with WLS

    One of my favorite sayings is that courage doesn't always roar...sometimes it is a quiet voice at the end of the day saying I will try again tomorrow. That's applicable to us, I think. I know we don't always do exactly as we're supposed to, but we just dust ourselves off and try again tomorrow to do better. Emily
  23. gentlespirit

    Emotional Eating-How Do You Cope?

    I'm not going to judge you...I am sure I'll have times like that, too, once I'm banded (2 weeks). My first thought is that perhaps a counselor or therapist could be of help in guiding you. We all use food as a coping mechanism and good friend, or we wouldn't need the band. And I keep reading here that the head hunger is harder to deal with than the physical hunger. I find evening the hardest time of day, too...the only thing that works for me is to keep busy with something. I sew and quilt and have a couple of other hobbies, so I can usually find something to do. I hope you will consider a counselor. He or she may be able to help...mine did. I wish you the best. Emily
  24. gentlespirit

    I was just banded yesterday!!

    Congratulations, Nessa! I'll be joining the ranks in a little less than 2 weeks. Hope it all goes as well for me as it sounds like it has for you! Emily
  25. gentlespirit

    What's the diff between RNY & DS?

    The vertical gastrectomy sounds really interesting...but I'm sure it's not available in my area and I don't want to wait for ages until it is. But I am saving the info. Emily

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