Just wanted to post that my sister and I went to Dr. Garwood at Bryan/College Station, Tx. We were very impressed with him and his staff. They were all very friendly and seemed to be much more knowledgeable than what we had experienced with our surgery and the doctor that did it. We went to Dr. Garwood for our first fill and mine was a bit of an ordeal as I have still been in pain even though my surgery was in Dec. 2007 and I got my first fill last month, March of 2008. Our doctor placed our ports up high on our right rib area. Mine is a bit higher than my sisters and mine had already flipped as I had suspected with the amount of pain I still experience. The doc that did the surgery placed our ports out of pure convenience for him to do fills as he does not do them under fluro...after things we had experienced and the fact that that doc was going to charge us an additional outrageous amount for ever our very first fill, led us to search for someone else. So far we have yet to run across anyone that has had their port placed like ours or any docs that do it like this. I'm very disatisfied with the lack of after care service and with how much pain I had initially and still have. I am now looking at having to have another surgery to correct the port and move it to a more secure area. Any bending, twisting, leaning, muscle activity sets the pain off worse than the normal pain that is always there, feels like my rib muscles are tearing apart at times. Anyway, Dr. Garwood is trying to help see what and when something can be done to fix mine and has just been super nice and really, really knowledgeable. So if anyone is looking for a fill doc around the Central Tx area, I would highly recommend him and his staff to anyone.
Sherrie in Tx