I actually quit lurking and registered just so I could reply to this thread. I'm at the very beginning of the investigative process, so I'm learning a lot, but wanted to share something that works for me.
I buy spring Water in the 16 oz bottles, by the cases. I have baskets or cubbies all over the house and disperse a case as soon as I get home. There are bottles EVERYWHERE.
By the computer
Under every end table and night stand
On the magazine stand next to the toidy
At my work table
On top of the dryer
Basically anywhere in the house that I MIGHT be standing or sitting when the first flicker of hunger or thirst hits me. I grab a bottle and toss off 1/3 to 1/2. Then leave the bottle sitting there. My family knows to hold on to their's, only mom can leave recapped bottles "out".
I used to struggle and fight to get down 1 to 2 bottles of water per day. After I started doing this, I can effortlessly empty 3 or 4 without even thinking about it.
Have a good day. I'm off to my first Lap Band Seminar and 1-on-1.