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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NanaRenan

  1. NanaRenan


    FOTU Fear Of The Unknown I'm becoming more aware all the time of what a buzzkill that is! I don't even think I yet realize all the things it stymies. But last Monday night I was having spasms of it. I was banded Tuesday and felt so FREED on Wednesday! I know there's work ahead. But I know I can make it through. So can you! Ya'll let us know how it goes!
  2. NanaRenan

    "Stuck in the middle with you"

    Thanks a lot, WasA!! Printing those out to put by the scales!
  3. NanaRenan

    How do you pick a GOAL weight???

    That sounds like a very wise way of approaching it! I know I was a size 4 and weighed 145-150 when I got married. Smaller than you might expect at that weight, but very fit -- so quite dense muscle-wise. I'm 5' 5". I'd like to be a size 9/10 now, so, add on 30 years, allow for excess skin left over and poor muscle tone, I figure I'd have to be at least 150 to reach that size. But, don't hold me too that -- depends on how much I learn to like exercise again and if I get that tummy tuck!
  4. NanaRenan

    New to forum - What's the difference???

    "Survival Mode" is very real and DOES happen to fat people all the time. I've lived with it for years, it's part of my insulin-resistant/pre-diabetic and eventually diabetic genetics. If I restricted my calories to 1000 calories a day for more than three weeks, my appetite diminishes to the point that at six weeks, I'm not even taking enough enough fluids to be properly hydrated. Husband comes home to an empty table because I haven't even THOUGHT about food -- in fact, I didn't eat Breakfast or lunch yet. Needless to say the weight loss stops, about 3-4 weeks in, too, because my metabolism isn't even switching on to process food - cause there's hardly any coming in. I've been to doctor after doctor, dietician and nutritionists.....they all look at my diet journal and say, "You're not losing weight because you're not eating enough." I would say, "Do you know how crazy that sounds?" Then they would explain it again. Basically, it's my body ANTICIPATING that I'm going to end up only getting that 100 calories every few days like the starving children!! The only diet I ever had a modicum of success with Weight Watchers and it's because it had a range -- and I had to eat a MINIMUM of points every day. It kept my metabolism going enough that I didn't go into survival mode. Unfortunately, I got cocky and started to think I had it all figured out! But that's another thread.
  5. NanaRenan

    facebook anyone??

    It worked just now. Maybe it had something to do with my own account only being a few minutes old. Wonder if it'll let me change my name now that I'm in!! Sigh!! I remember when I used to be the most Net-saavy person I knew. Then again, I used to be the skinniest person I knew, too, OUAT!!!!:faint: Pam<---woefully dragging behind on the Information Superhighway!
  6. NanaRenan

    Spinning class?

    I'm so glad you mentioned this! Now THIS I would like to try. My daughter and I were just discussing my goal weight -- which she thinks might be a little light, comparing it to what she knows I weighed as a bride. BUT, I told her, I rode my bike HOURS every day, so I was small, but very firm and weighed 15-20lbs more than I looked like I did. She walked away and I was sitting here thinking how odd I would look perched on a bike and circling my new, flat, all-the-streets-look-alike neighborhood like I did the very different one I grew up in! Spinning class!! I'm off to call the gym!
  7. Sara -- forget about "young and inexperienced" -- I'm just so happy for you being banded, and eradicating the encumberance of obesity from your future so all those dreams you have won't be deterred at all!!! Congrats and thanks for letting us "GET TO KNOW YOU!"
  8. NanaRenan

    Aetna - How I Got Approved

    Thanks for starting the thread, Starbuck. But do realize there are other factors to consider as well. I did everything that you did -- to the letter. I was denied. We provided additional info and wrote an appeal. I was denied. We provided even more data, wrote another appeal. I was denied. Once more. I was denied. We appealed one last time requesting that Aetna have someone who specializes in bariatric surgery look at my case. On the final try I was approved. Factors like BMI, co-morbidities or (in my case, the policy as our employer had agreed to it) all are huge factors in the equation. Yes, there is a process, but even that is no simple guarantee. BUT - CONGRATS TO YOU FOR GETTING APPROVED!! Hooray for me for a week post op!! And "You can do it!" to everyone else who's currently wrangling with Aetna!!!
  9. I agree, Sereana! Pronetus certainly nailed that one!
  10. NanaRenan

    Here I go...

    Eeek! I'm SO excited for both of you! I went in a week ago tomorrow, so I'm not far enough out to be a great advisor, but I can cheerlead because I know how good it feels to have the whole surgery ordeal BEHIND you! Let us know how you're doing!
  11. NanaRenan


    "cotton mouth" is when your mouth is so dry it feels as though it's been dried out with cotton and IF you can manage to drum up enough saliva to spit, it comes out like a poofy, white cotton ball. Actually -- it was a constant PRE-SURGERY condtion for me, but (a) I've weaned myself off of sinus meds I'd been dependant on for years and (:car: I'm more hydrated than I've ever been -- so I'm not having that problem NOW. Feel for those who are. It's SO annoying.
  12. NanaRenan

    I want to cry

    One thing I can tell you, is stop doing it if it's making you feel miserable. That much you can control. What your doctor's going to say, I'm not sure. But I'm sure you're probably not the first patient he's had to do this. You made need to see someone who can help you work through the "head issues"...because that makes up a big portion of this game -- much bigger than we realize. But meanwhile -- stop beating yourself up. That isn't helping anybody. Spend some time reading on here -- you'll read where others have messed up, too, but picked themselves up and got on with the show. Make today better than yesterday and work toward an even better tomorrow.
  13. The food industry bases their portion sizes on the average diner -- get this! -- a 35 y/o WORKING man. (As in laborer, not white collar.) Do you have any idea how many calories that dude burns in a day?? No wonder the rest of us with metabolisms as unique as snowflakes are not staying trim eating along side "Buddy" and "Hank" at the diner!! LOL My husband and I did WW together several years ago -- He lost 42 and made lifetime and I lost 50. Then we got less vigilant and over the next 5 years I put all of mine back on and he has put on, taken off and put on the same 15-20lbs. But one habit that sticks is we split 75-80% of the meals when we dine out. It's cheaper. You can enjoy your bread or chips without worrying about 'wasting' your food later -- (he worried about that more than "I" did,:rolleyes but then he didn't grow up in the "Clean-your-plate-before-you-leave-the-table!" house like I did.) It's a LOT cheaper, so you can eat out MORE often! You always leave content, and without that awful "I-can't-believe-I-ate-the-whole-thing!" feeling. Did I mention it's CHEAPER?? Of course, one reason it works well for us is we like a lot of the same things. But my girls are pretty good at it, and if I'm not dining with him, I'm usually dining with one of them. And no one bats an eye at it -- altho', I must make one suggestion. Please be extra considerate of your server. Even though the total might be $19.99 instead of $39.99 -- they did serve TWO of you so don't base your tip on your total alone. You've still saved a bundle and have the added benefit of making yourself much healthier -- and possibly your spouse/partner/friend in the process -- so spread the joy :whoo: and overtip the guy or gal who's workin' for a living. Nana<----benevolent friend of waiters everywhere. :hungry:
  14. I think that's very wise of you. I've benefitted greatly from therapy in the past and look forward to that as an active part of my "recovery", as well. Thanks for sharing the article. It may help me think up some points to jot down to discuss with a counselor.
  15. NanaRenan

    facebook anyone??

    Okay -- I just did a search for 'losing jusme' and it says, "I've got nothing for you. Try another search." And then it invites me to enter your email address. But I'll be your friend. Try searching for Pamela Ford Hargrove. I just set this up hurriedly, because I've been having problems setting one up at MySpace! But I'd hoped to use NanaRenan and not my full name!
  16. LIVERWURST....Alex, you made my mouth water!! Okay -- I can do this. **hunkering down to ride out the rest of the liquids phase**
  17. I bought a Protein powder that is tasteless and puts some of that much needed nutrient in potato Soup and only makes it taste 'richer and creamier'. I'll probably add it to mashed potatoes for the whole family for the rest of our lives!!! Y'know....I'm having a flash back of my mother -- my grandparents used to get commodities...? Anyone remember that? Big blocks of cheese and stuff. They would give her the boxes of powdered milk that they didn't want. She added that stuff into everything she made, I think! And bought it the rest of her life, long after they stopped giving her the free stuff. Guess that's what she was doing...plumping up the protein factor. Pam<----learned something today!
  18. You're not alone. I just posted a similar sounding lament on a new thread, without realizing yours was here. I'm just trying to figure out ways to make it interesting. I'll die of boredom way befoe I die from malnutrition! I think I remember seeing a can of BEEF broth in the kitchen -- at least that's a new flavor. My tongue will be so happy!:hungry:
  19. Okay....today I'm examining myself in that really HUGE mirror in the bathroom. Looking at the bruising behind the Steri-strips, a little swelling behind one and already -- 5 days out -- searching for signs of change!! Then I turn to the side and remember what I keep forgetting to ask...... To those of you who've really dropped the inches and sizes, tell me this..... Was the LAST fat you put on the FIRST fat that came off?? Cause I've been big a LOT of years, but I only grew these DoubleD's right below my shoulder blades about a year ago and I WANT THEM GONE!!! NOW!!! :angry "sorry" I will try to regain my usual cherubic demeanor and await a sensible answer.:ranger:
  20. NanaRenan

    F.A. O. GayleTX

    Thanks for sharing that, Gayle!!! I don't want to sit back and expect a "wish" to get me where I need to be!
  21. Yes, I have had some vivid and epic dreams since surgery -- BUT, anytime I'm going through 'something big' in my life I get them. The bigger the 'something big', the more OUT THERE the dreams!! Do you ever wake up thinking, if "I could remember all of that and write a screenplay it would be a blockbuster!!!"?!
  22. NanaRenan

    August 28th is the Date!

    Congratulations to all three of you for making it this far. No small feat in and of itself!!! Keep us posted!!
  23. NanaRenan

    Today is the day

    Check in and let us know how you are!!
  24. NanaRenan

    I am the second for the 16th

    Keep doin' what they tell you and tell us more when you can.
  25. Ya'll are giving me wanderlust!!! I'd LOVE a trip to just sit and do nothing!!! But, we're gonna Celebrate every 25 lbs with a weekend getaway -- first stop on the itinerary is San Antonio. Very close, easy to do and although we've driven through it several times, neither of us has ever BEEN there. Enjoy your trip, Alex. Fill us in when you get back!

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