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Everything posted by MrsFlipFlops

  1. MrsFlipFlops

    Moved to a new ward

    I find making friends incredibly difficult. My husband and I moved recently and we have a new ward, although the stake is the same, and I'm just struggling to be outgoing! I do so much better when I'm forced to socialize. I am forcing myself to go to enrichment. I typically don't go. Normally I have callings in Primary and didn't know anyone in RS... so I actually don't think I've gone to enrichment in like, two years. I just wanted to share... I HATE change. I HATE making new friends. I just find it so difficult! You never know the culture of the new group, don't know the jokes or any of the people and I'm really bad at names and faces, so I feel so bad when I don't remember. Ug... new places. Grump.
  2. MrsFlipFlops

    New to blogging, banded last May

    Sometimes I notice if I don't chew things well enough, I start getting pain and soreness for several days. I work on chewing better and having things go down smoothly. If you're worried, go to a doc and get a flouro so they can look at your pouch to make sure nothing's wrong. Your weight loss is doing awesome!
  3. MrsFlipFlops

    How many calories??

    800-1000 seems way too little. Seems unhealthy. I was never told a number, but I keep mine around 1200-1500. Then again, I weigh more than most people.
  4. I wouldn't tell people about other gall bladder surgery or about kidney stone surgery, why would I share this? Actually, I was out with family and my aunt, who does know about the surgery, made a comment that made me feel obligated to share my surgery with my cousins. So I told them. One just walked away and didn't say anything. The other one said "That seems unhealthy to lose that much weight all at once." Then walked away. Interesting... reminds me why I don't tell people. I'm not ashamed, but I don't feel like I need to justify myself either. I'm proud of my weight loss and my journey... if other people aren't going to be proud then there's no reason to share it with them.
  5. MrsFlipFlops

    Countdown to your Bandiversary!

    My goal at surgery was to lose 100 pounds by the anniversary of the start of my preop diet, which was Feb. 1. I have just four weeks left and 8 pounds to go. I've been at the same weight for the past few weeks, so I'm really pushing myself. I have to do it. I've never hit a weight loss goal in my life, so I'm so excited to be so close to this one. We can do it!! We need to kick it in to high gear, but we can do it!
  6. MrsFlipFlops

    Under 300 pounds!

    Everyone is doing so awesome! Congrats!
  7. MrsFlipFlops

    Soda soda soda

    According to my husband's IRA, cocacola stock has gone down... are you causing this economy crisis? lol After a full year without soda, I don't miss it most the time, but occasionally, I want some. The Crystal Light lemonade is awfully tart for me, I started using Wyler brand fruit punch, raspberry flavor, etc... It's a little of a softer flavor. I Water it down a little. The Special K Protein mixers are a decent way to get protein in too.
  8. MrsFlipFlops

    Baby Food

    I have used baby food. Then again, I'm not too uptight about sugar and what not. I'm the kind of person that thinks aspartame is not healthy, so I'd rather have real sugar, but in moderation. I have pureed peaches in my cabinet for after fills. It's a good treat to myself. I stick to the organic types. You can also puree your own, but using either fresh or frozen veggies with a little sugar.
  9. MrsFlipFlops

    I'm new and scared

    Seems like I'm not the only one, but your story is just like mine! I determined to have the surgery so my husband and I could have a healthy pregnancy. My husband is so supportive. I've had the band for about a year and I can honestly say, this is the best decision I've ever made about my health! I started at 380, I'm 290 now and I feel terrific! It was so daunting to have to lose so much weight, but for the first time I feel like it can happen! You can do it! It IS scary, especially if you've never had surgery. But the complications are few. Good luck!
  10. MrsFlipFlops

    Moved to a new ward

    Oh of course I know no one will be ever to take her place. I think my issues are not that they aren't reaching out, but rather, I'm unwilling to care. I just feel sad about moving and sad about losing my friend that I'm feeling hopeless about getting close to someone again. I'm an incredibly shy person and naturally not very social. It makes church hard because sometimes I feel that in order to be a good mormon woman I'm required to change my personality.
  11. MrsFlipFlops

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    I was so bad today, but LOVED IT! :shades_smile: B- bacon S- cranberry juice, 1/4 blueberry muffin L- 2 chicken fingers Dinner (a conglomerate of the evening, as I went out with family) buttered popcorn, lime pie, tortilla soup! So unhealthy, but dang good, and good times with fam!
  12. MrsFlipFlops

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    Mmmmmm, whoever suggested hummus and cucumbers, you're brilliant!
  13. MrsFlipFlops

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    b- protein shake l- 1/2 cup salad with croutons s- 2 hard boiled eggs, 1/2 butterfinger bar d- meatloaf
  14. MrsFlipFlops

    Mormon Times.com

    No one quite understands situations like that except other bandsters! I've noticed, as I hovered around the same weight for the last few weeks, I needed a kick in the butt, so I'm trying to be better about coming to LBT and reading motivating posts.
  15. I tend to stick to things high in protein... like tuna and chicken. I drink protein shakes in the morning and when I'm thirsty throughout the day I have water, or crystal light. When I don't stick to that, I will drink too many calories and have too many sugar filled drinks and then my weight loss will stop.

  16. MrsFlipFlops

    Asparagus RollUps

    Totally band friendly and totally good. I just tried a new recipe and tweaked it to make it a little more proteinish, more healthy, and it was SO good, so I thought I would share. I took asparagus and cooked them for 6 minutes in a frying pan with a little bit of Water. Then I took one package of low fat cream cheese (philadelphia of course) :sad_smile: and cut up fresh chives (about 2 tablespoons for a whole package of cream cheese) mixed them together. I then had several slices up sandwich ham from the deli. I took one slice of ham and laid it down, put two dollops of cream cheese on top, put the asparagus (now cooked a little, but still crispy) and put it on top of the cream cheese) and then rolled them up. They looked cute and were very tasty! The original recipe calls for bread and parmesan cheese, but I'm opting for no bread and less cheese. I'm going to serve these at a Caroling party I'm having tomorrow. I hope they're a hit!
  17. MrsFlipFlops

    DFW Area Bandsters

    Hey Yankee and Sooner and anyone else in the N. DFW area! I work in Lewisville and live in Roanoke. I'm looking for a group as well... I went to a couple and it was awful, the "facilitator" just talked at us for an hour and a half! I'm going to one in Grapevine tomorrow at Baylor, but I'm not sure if it's just for Baylor patients or not... I'm serious about getting together if everyone in the area wants to meet! We could meet at Starbucks and chat (they have some of the best couches!)... what's everyone's thoughts? If we did it in Lewisville or maybe Southlake or Grapevine, who would be able to come?
  18. MrsFlipFlops

    I think I'm figuring this thing out

    you'll learn things you can't have in time. It's smart to try it again, I think. For me I can't really do any more than 2 or 3 small bites of bread or pasta. I can't eat carrots or steak, but other than that, everything is fair game! I used to have a 30 minute lunch too and found it difficult to eat during it. I would eat a tuna kit and I found that it went down just fine. Not only that, but it didn't take extra time to get from the fridge and heat up because I keep it in my desk and it's served cold. That way I had a FULL 30 minutes. Now I have a longer lunch, which is good, but I generally find I eat in about 30-40 minutes.
  19. MrsFlipFlops

    My day has come!!

    Welcome Unsure! This site is wonderful and has lots of tips and tricks. Take a look at PreOp threads and you'll find multiple suggestions for what to take to the hospital! :wink_smile: For me, wear something ultra loose, bring socks, and don't freak out. You're taking an awesome step and should be proud of yourself.
  20. MrsFlipFlops

    Just Got my Surgery DATE!!!!!

    Hey congratulations on getting your date! That's totally awesome and exciting! This board is very active and has a LOT of great people with great ideas! Good luck and welcome!
  21. MrsFlipFlops

    hey there

    Hey, welcome to the board! There is a TON of info and this site is very active! Congrats on the weight loss!
  22. MrsFlipFlops

    Moved to a new ward

    You know, it's true though that when you don't go for the relationships, I do tend to get more out of church. When I moved to a new area several years ago, I never had the time to get to know people due to my job... and although I felt left out, I noticed I learned SO much! Likely because I talked less and listened more! I have friends in the area and family too... most of my friends are members of the church. I think part of my anxiety comes from that I've kind of lost one of my best friends through life situations and distance and I'm feeling a gap in my life as if something's missing. When I meet people at church, in my head it's like I'm interviewing them to see if they can take her place. lol... oh... so sad. :-)
  23. MrsFlipFlops

    Asparagus RollUps

    The ham is cold. I get it sliced at the deli so it's a little thicker. Asparagus normally is on my no no list due to the stringy-ness, however, when you put it in a pan with a little Water and cook for 6 minutes, it still has it's crispness and seems to go down just fine for me. Just don't cook it too long. When it's really soft and mushy like it gets stringy.
  24. Wow, 30 pounds, that's amazing! Great job! I think everyone on the site would have tips and tricks they've learned... and you'll learn what's best for you too. I find it helps to stick to schedule and not let myself get too hungry. That way I don't grab the first thing (likely unhealthy) in sight! Good luck!

  25. MrsFlipFlops

    CONFESSION TIME..spill it

    :wink_smile: Then you'll appreciate this: Man Cold [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXLHWmjA5IE]YouTube - "Man Cold" from Man Stroke Woman[/ame] Somehow it's SO true.

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