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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MrsFlipFlops

  1. MrsFlipFlops

    Been STUCK for over an hour now... WTF?

    Be patient! :biggrin: I was stuck during the "night of tortilla" as I refer to it, for 2.5-3 hours. Rocking back and forth helped me... but maybe that was more emotional. Good luck and I'm SO sorry!
  2. IMO, you shouldn't be blaming the band, you should be blaming yourself. Go to the doctor, find support. The possibilities are in YOUR hands. Did the band slip? No. Then you're to blame here. Don't go skydiving and blame the ground for your pain. You should've come prepared with a parachute (i.e. doctors, support people, good attitude, and the will to stay away from junk)
  3. MrsFlipFlops

    I've Lost An Irish Setter And A Chihuahua

    I've lost a small bale of hay and an average human size brain... ah, that's where it went!
  4. MrsFlipFlops

    Dairy Goodness

    I don't know why I found this so hilarious, but my husband and I were eating some french onion dip, when we noticed the container said "Packed with dairy goodness" I mean, really, who came up with that line?? The first is the up close and the second is a goofy pic (how dh and I imagined a commercial might look).
  5. Your welcome! Some days are hard, some days aren't. :) But I finally have felt... I guess the best word for it is HOPE! Good luck and let me know how things are going.

  6. ha, I like your methaphor. I think the high gas prices are inflated due to Wall Street, but I guess that's cause I work in the financial industry. According to OPEC's own stats, a barrell of crude oil should be worth $77, not the $130 that speculators on Wall Street have inflated it to. I don't think either candidate is going to bring gas prices down. Gas has been relatively low for us for many years, way lower than most modern countries.
  7. MrsFlipFlops

    Moonshine is a liar

    I have them send out written confirmation of everything they say. UHC did that for me when they said it was covered. Any company that will not give you written confirmation, is not a good company.
  8. MrsFlipFlops

    Advice answering questions/coming to decision!

    First things first, don't feel like a failure. Crying is okay too. Working through the emotions of this takes time and you'll likely cry again. :drool: Go to a seminar, talk to people similar to you. The band, in my opinion, is a great tool. There are ways around it, just as you described, but for me, it is forced portion control. I have completely changed how much I eat... but more importantly, I've changed what I eat. I haven't had a burger or soda in months! My life is so different. The motivation to lose is different having had surgery.
  9. MrsFlipFlops

    Really? Carrots?

    agreatknead- I'll try that next time. I have noticed it doesn't seem to help it much. :drool: Brandy- cook carrots are fine for me... mine didn't have any skin on them. As others have said though, it might be worth a try WITH something... just soften the edges I guess. lol. I don't know... now I'm scared!
  10. MrsFlipFlops

    Really? Carrots?

    I brought a bag of carrots to munch on at work. I took a few bites, and OW! I didn't realize they would hurt so bad! This is the first time for eating carrots (raw) since banding... I chewed prettty well, but they still hurt. There goes carrots. I just tossed the bag into the trash because I'm not willing to try again. It's still slowly going down and I'm drinking Water to try to push it quicker. OW! In my minid I'm a little shocked, I mean, carrots? COME ON!
  11. MrsFlipFlops

    Did I lie?

    All these comments help. When I first got into the ward, this woman approached me about a weight loss juice she said a bishop from Utah sold her. I was in shock that she would just approach any old fat person to talk to them about this. I didn't even know who she was, and all she knew about me was that I was fat. She made a bad comment about WLS and I guess since then I've been scared to tell people I'm not really close with. I did tell one person, and I feel comfortable enough to tell another, but just random people in church... I'm just not there yet. After the encounter with her, I spent the next two hours crying my eyes out to my sisters on the phone in the parking lot. I should use that line though.... Them: "Wow, you've lost a LOT of weight, what's your secret?" Me: "Oh, just walking with the Lord" Then we'll have have a giggle cause it's a funny response and we'll move on.
  12. MrsFlipFlops

    Need a break from LBT

    MacMadame- I agree, I think I spent a lot of time reading and lurking, before posting questions. In fact, even now I search for an answer before posting. You never know if there's a 10 page post exactly like the question you have. I've found lots of helpful advice this way!
  13. MrsFlipFlops

    Should I be a witch, or no?

    I like Judge Joe Brown, he actually will laugh at them! This woman last week (I just happened to off and couldn't keep from watching) said she had an heirloom microwave. He laughed so hard he started to cry! So funny.
  14. MrsFlipFlops

    Really? Carrots?

    Seems like softer fruits/veggies with no thick skin are the way to go.
  15. MrsFlipFlops

    Should I be a witch, or no?

    ha ha ha, I love the thought about sucking your thumb. :biggrin: I'm SOOO SORRY! You're not being a baby... but for your piece of mind, just have her come get it and be done with it. Tell her if she doesn't show on that day, it's going to the curb with a "free or trash" sign!
  16. Saw you were banded 4/28! How does it feel? :) You're lost 23 pounds! CONGRATS! I'm sure getting to the 200's will be a JOY! I know I CANNOT wait until I see 299 on my scale! :)

  17. MrsFlipFlops

    You know you are a bandster when....

    When a slim fast shake really does keep you full for 4 hours as advertised!
  18. MrsFlipFlops


    Isn't it funny that we recognize we're being moody and insecure, yet we can't change it. I've really tried to work on this... when I am mad, I think "Okay, am I being upset legitimately?" When the answer is no, it's like I have too much pride to change. Sometimes I do apologize, but since I've already hurt him, I think he has a hard time just changing moods back to being happy.
  19. MrsFlipFlops

    Wondering how long you waited...

    juno- that's good to know. Once I get close to goal, I'm going to go talk to the doc about Metformin. For now I'm just deciding not to worry too much... I do get frustrated though... I mean... I was ready for a baby a year ago. :biggrin: Of course, that's why I got surgery to begin with so I guess I'm just glad I had it sooner rather than later. Thanks for the support!
  20. MrsFlipFlops


    Luckily my dh is supportive of the banding, but he can be pretty insensitive sometimes. He doesn't understand my relationship with food and the emotional aspect of it.
  21. MrsFlipFlops

    What is the best tracking site??

    I used thedailyplate for awhile, but was excited to use myfitnesspal. For one, it seems to be easier to make adjustments to serving sizes for me. And, it does my ticker automatically, I just track my weight in there and it will autmatically update over here. I like that. I liked sparkpeople for awhile... but it became more difficult to navigate. I'd say my fave two are thedailyplate (which has a LOT of foods) and myfitnesspal.
  22. MrsFlipFlops


    Telecia- My husband will try to talk to me while on the computer and say "I'm talking to you!" yeah, okay. :biggrin: Thanks for the support Froggi- I did lose 3 more pounds and fit into my size 24 pants. I was psyched! Of course, on my way up when I was a size 24 I thought I was SOOO fat... on my way down I have a new perspective and actually thought I looked hot. Funny how things change.
  23. When you add the ticker to your signature, it is automatically included in your profile. To add it to your signature, go to User CP and then the edit signature. From there, copy and paste the code of your ticker (which you can make on myfitnesspal.com or tickertracker.com or whereever you prefer). Let me know if you need help! :)

  24. MrsFlipFlops

    who supports right to choose

    Oh, I know. I just didn't want to assign why I think no one else replied either, so I was just using why I didn't. Sorry for the confusion.

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