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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by anavrin

  1. anavrin


    I also sent a friend request Mendy, I don't have any friends either. I usually come in daily and read other people's comments, and occassionally make one myself. But guess I'm more of a reader. I was banded on May 20th, I get my 1st fill on June 23rd, and dread it, I watched a video of a fill on here, and wish I hadn't, I'll definately be looking up at the ceiling. The wt loss has been minimal, although I can tell I've lost inches. I am only 4'11", and while I have about 60-70 lbs total to lose, it may as well be a million. I am a label readin' fool, and where I used to look at fat, now, carbs content is all I look at. I swear I think air has carbs in it, my doc said ppl were carb addicts, well no wonder, everything but meat and dairy has carbs.
  2. My pre op labs showed anemia, for which I was told to take Iron daily. When I had the surg on may 20, the dr came out and told my husband I had a hernia, that he had to repair, along with pics. I have had acid reflux for years, but since the surg, I haven't had one episode of heartburn, and I sleep alot better, without being awakened from a sound sleep, to standing straight up, coughing up what looks like lung material, I had an issue with aspiration into my lungs. It does seem that alot of people that get the lapband, unknowingly have an ulcer.
  3. anavrin

    Jacksonville, Florida

    I was approved on April 28, and was banded on May 20th by Dr Baptista. I am going for my first fill on June 23. I have a Realize band.
  4. It could be a side effect of the anesthesia, or carb withdrawal. They actually used carbon dioxide to inflate your abdomen. Check your B/P. I also had a headache before and after surgery, but it was due to carb withdrawal, your blood glucose level also drops, and can cause a headache.
  5. The neck pain may also be caused by the CO2 they fill you full of, it usually migrates to the left shoulder, chest and neck. I also had a hernia repair, that I didn't know I had prior to surgery, the neck and shoulder pain was worse than the surg. sites on my abdomen. I used a heating pad, had my husband massage it, and walked on the treadmill cause they said if I walked, my body would absorb it. I hurt for a week after surg, which btw was, may 20. I used the gas x strips and that helped, but when I would have what I call an internal burp, the gas seemed to travel across my chest to my right chest and I would just yell out. Luckily, it has subsided, just have to suffer thru until it goes away. I will be getting my first fill on the 23rd of June. I have a realize band.
  6. anavrin

    My first fill went great!

    OMG!!! that looks sooooo wicked, I'm not sure now if I EVER want a fill!
  7. Does anyone think that Obama fears being assassinated in this day and age if he becomes president?
  8. anavrin

    I feel so awful....

    I also had an upper GI, way back in October, before I even considered the lap band, I also had H-Pylori, it is a bacteria on the lining of the stomach that causes ulcers, and I also had to take the Prev pack. It is not real common to have it, I have never known anyone that had it other than myself, and now you. I was banded on May 20th, and also a hernia repair, I didn't know I had a hernia prior to the surgery. But what I have had was horrible acid reflux for the past several yrs, sometimes I thought I was having a heart attack it was so bad. Since the repair, I haven't had one episode of reflux. One thing I have noticed is it seems more than not, that lapband pts wake up to find that they had a hernia. My MD actually took pics and brought them out to show my husband. I guess they have to for insurance purposes, if they fix it, they have to be able to prove it existed to begin with.
  9. I'm a nurse, and enjoyed watching this video, I had no idea that I could have found the actual surg. online, but alas, I should have! Oh man, it was so cool, and totally amazing...wow! I've seen other surgeries in person, but none hits home like seeing something that I have actually gone thru. I have no regrets, and if I had seen this prior to my surgery, I would have been even more comfortable than I was. My doctor is very skilled, and I have all the confidence in the world in him. Thanks so much for sharing!!
  10. I had no fears, just great anticipation, I just figured if I died, I wouldn't be any worse off than living like this, so miserable. I was banded on May 20th, '08, and my only gripe now is having to wait until June 23rd to get the first fill. I can hardly wait! As for pain, 3 C sections, and my gall bladder removed the old way was far worse than this, I went back to work 7 days later, my boss went back after 4 days!
  11. My Dr told me the other reason for a pre op liq diet, besides shrinking your liver, was to flatten your bowels to decrease the chance of perforation when he inserts the trocantor.
  12. anavrin

    I live in SEXY South Florida

    I'm from N Fla,, I was banded May 20th. I just started eating "real' food this past Thurs. I could eat the way I did before the band if I wanted to, they say that pre 1st fill is more about healing than losing weight. Although I know that, I am still mindful of how much I eat, also, the no drinking during meals is really hard for me, I take small sips just to moisten what I'm eating, I just have to, then after the meal, which has to be over in 10-15 mins, I don't drink then for 30 mins. I am already practicing eating for 10-15 mins, and chewing very well, as if I already had a fill. The Dr said, eat slow, for 10-15 mins, but no longer. No snacking, just 3 meals a day, I can skip a meal, but then must wait til the next mealtime. I am also short, only 4'11", and I started out at 200, currently bouncing between 183-187. I get the 1st fill on June 23rd. Also, I will be 49 in Sept. I'm hoping to get a goal of 115, what about you?
  13. I am so sick and tired of everything I eat being questioned by everyone that knows I have the band, are you supposed to be eating that? Did they expect that I would stop eating entirely? I was told from the start, the "no" foods, pasta, bread, potatoes, rice. But then I see people on here that are eating those things. My husband said, this is nothing more than the atkins diet. He thought the whole point of the band was to decrease portions, no matter what you ate, thus, weight loss. I have tried to explain to him that in light of portions size being small, I have to choose proteins to keep my hair from falling out, and my organs and muscles from suffering, but I still don't think he gets it. If I were single for awhile, this might be easier.

  14. I was banded May 20th. I only just started eating "real" food last Thursday. I don't have my 1st fill until June 23rd. I was told to eat protein first, then vegs, then carbs. I was also told to chew slowly, and to eat for 10-15 mins, then get up and throw what's left away. I'm supposed to be practicing this before I get the fill. I have been faithful to the "no bread, potatoes, pasta" rule, but have eaten perhaps a 3rd cup of rice. Trust me, I could eat more, but the guilt gets me, and I stop. I was told that the time before the fill is for healing more than losing. But I get on the scale everyday. Some people say don't, but my theory is, better to catch a lb up, than to wait and find you're 5 lbs up. I've been as low as 183, and as high as 187 since surgery. I want to get to around 115, since I'm only 4'11". But I'm old too, well, my body is, my mind's 25. Anyway, I don't know about PB'ing and sliming yet, doesn't sound too appealing, hope I never exp either.
  15. Glad someone said it, that's been my thinking all along, just because you can, should you be. I saw onepost that said she could eat pasta without any problems and wondered if anyone else could. I replied, why would you? or even want to when it's one of the very things that brought you here. I was told, no pasta, rice, potatoes, or bread, no to alot of other things, weren't everyone told the same thing? My husband said this mornng that what I'm eating is nothing more than the Atkins diet, he said he thought with the band, I could eat anything, just alot less.
  16. anavrin

    so depressed need help~

    I'm glad I found this blog , as I was sitting here, crying. I have been banded since May 20th, 9 days out, and on my 2nd day of a soft diet for 7 days. I got on that darn scale, and have gained 2 lbs since I started "eating". I'm going to my post op appt today. I usually don't eat breakfast, or have an atkins shake. Yesterday I didn't have anything, and then a lite lunch, at dinner, I felt bloated, so just drank sf fluids. I wonder if maybe I'm not eating enough, and my body is hanging onto every little calorie. I don't quite feel up to getting on the treadmill yet, I'm still pretty sore in the incision sites. Also, I'm afraid that if I eat, the weight of the food will weigh heavy in my lower stomach, causing dislocation of the band or tear the suture. I'm not hungry, no pangs. Reading that other ppl are also going thru this is helpful.
  17. anavrin

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    I began full liqs today, and must stay on that for 5 days, then graduate to soft foods. I too, am not hungry, I wasn't on clear liqs for 5 days. 2 days pre op, day of, and 2 days after. I also had an unexpected hernia repair, so I have added pain. But I am going back to work one week to the day after surgery. And of course, they have a full day lined up for me. I am so excited but that I have the band, and I have a chance to extend my life, and maybe get off B/P meds someday. I weighed 200 on my 1st appt with the Doc, and want to get to 115, that's my goal. I am only 4' 11" tall, so although I may not have as much to lose as others that started heavier, that additional weight on my short frame has made me miserable for years.
  18. I was banded on 5/20/08. I arrived at 7 30 am, had the surgery at 9 30, that included an unexpected hernia repair. I was released to go home that afternoon at 4 30. The abdominal pain is bearable, but ohhhhhhh, the left neck, chest, shoulder pain from the carbon dioxide is horrendous. Gas X has done nothing for me. Someone told me to try a heating pad on my back to get the gas moving. I also heard that it tends to linger for awhile, my post op visit is on the 29th, but I have to go back to work one week to the day from surgery. Good luck to all who've just gone thru it, it will all be worth it, when we make it to goal!
  19. anavrin

    Fluid Stage...help!

    my post op regimen was clear liqs day of surg, plus 2 more, 4 days of full liqs, 7 days of soft foods, and then on the 16 day post op, i get to try real food. I have not been hungry on the clear liq diet, and started the full liq today, but I will stick to the 3 protein shakes a day, plus other fluids, I don't ever want to eat again! I read someone say in the chat room, how they can eat pasta, and wondering if anyone else could. My thought to that was.."ok, so you can eat pasta, but why in the hell would you?? It and other carbs is the very thing that got you into this mess in the first place." I don't ever plan to eat bread, pasta potatos, rice, starches again. I have dieted my whole life, and now went thru major surgery, including an unexpected hernia repair, for which causes additional pain, and I'll be darned if I have sufferered all of this for it to fail.
  20. anavrin


    My husband is convinced I will "trade him in" on a younger model, puhleeezzzz, who has time to train a younger model? or the energy? we don't have sex a great deal now, and he swears that when I lost 50 lbs 4 yrs ago, we did, dang, I must have been asleep. I went to the thrift store a few wks ago, and bought a size 6 paisley mini skirt, brought it home and showed it to my husband, and told him my goal was to fit into it, He said, I'll have already killed myself longgg before you get that small! well, he might, but it won't be with me, if he doesn't want me now, he can't have me then.
  21. anavrin

    Jacksonville, Florida

    hi, i went to the store and bought fruit 2 o, sf jello and popcicles, i make tea with splenda, and rachel ray chicken broth. the first day of the clear liqs, i had a horrible headache, but that went away, i wasn't really hungry, but have to say they did seem like longgg days. the day of the surgery, and today is day 2 of clear liqs. i had to wear ted hose from before surg, they put them on you in the hosp, until tonight, also you will get a shot of heparin in the abd. i have real bad veins, and they use an 18 gauge IV needle, I'm a nurse and that's a pretty good sized bore, a 23 gauge is small, but luckily, they gave me a sm shot of lidocaine in the area, and I never felt it go in, they also put intermittent compression devices on your legs before going into surgery. Dr Baptista is very kind. he said i was the most informed pt he'd ever had. I asked specifically for the realize band, it has a smaller buckle, you exp less vomiting, and the port is attached in such a way to reduce it flipping over, also, it has had less erosion, go to realizeband.com and see what you think. i lost 14 lbs pre op. they gave me lortab elixir, and phenergan for nausea, but i haven't had any problems with that. also, I had a hernia, that he had to repair, he brought pix to show my husband, also pix of my liver, nice, flat purplish shiny, he gave me the pix of the hernia before and after repair, and the lapband stitched into place. I had my surg at 9 30, don't remember when I was in recovery, but i went home at 4pm, another thing, my throat was quite sore when i woke up, but they gave me cold water, and then hot tea sweetened with splenda. i wasn't in much pain when i came home, and found a pillow under my left side where the port is, was helpful. i did however exp more pain this am, as all of the anesthesia had worn off, i had/have a pulling burning sensation in the middle of my abdomen when i cough, or try to get up or down. also, with the hernia repair, i am exp gas pain in my left upper chest below my collar bone, and in the back by my shoulder blade, i bought gas x strips, but they really don't help, as for regular gas pain, i have had none, but i've been walking quite abit. I hope all goes well for you. when i woke up, if you'd have asked me then was it worth it, i'd have said no, but today, i say i'd do it again. i weighed 186.5 before surgery yesterday. I am 4'10 1/2" tall, so i have about 71 lbs to lose to get to where i want to be. GOOD LUCK! and congrats, you won't regret it!
  22. anavrin

    Jacksonville, Florida

    anyways, i'm hoping the addtional surgery of the hernia doesn't slow my healing as i have to go back to work next tues, but oh yes, the pain in my shoulder is definately the most painful, i've taken gas x strips but it doesn't help, and the lortab doesn't really help either, i haven't napped today, but maybe i'll sleep good tonite, as my husband left this am for a fishing trip until saturday, and i'm glad, because he would only get on my nerves.
  23. anavrin

    Jacksonville, Florida

    hooorayyy!!!!! guess i figured it out!
  24. anavrin

    Jacksonville, Florida

    which sig place do i put it in?
  25. anavrin

    Jacksonville, Florida

    why can't I get the ticker in my blogs???

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
