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LAP-BAND Patients
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About butterfly08

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/05/1974
  1. Happy 38th Birthday butterfly08!

  2. butterfly08

    Home Excercise Options

    Anybody tried Barry's bootcamp?
  3. butterfly08

    Pre- Op Appt

    Congrats I have a pre-op appt. on March 5. I can't wait to post a surgery date.
  4. I have final meeting with surgeon 3-5-09 and I hope to have a surgery date after that hopefully in the same month. I'm going to start low carb diet before going to meet doctor. Hope to lose 10 lbs. :rose:
  5. butterfly08

    Atkins pre-op

    Thanks for all the great advice. I'll do whatever my doctor prescribes. :cursing:
  6. Hi everyone, Has anyone done the atkins plan for preop weight loss. Thanks
  7. butterfly08

    How much time off work?

    I'll be having my procedure done soon and I also work in a hospital. I plan on taking at least 3wks off.
  8. Well I finally got my approval for band surgery. It's been a long road but I'm on my way.
  9. Hello, everyone i'm so glad i found this site it gave the courage to start the lap band process. I hope to have my band soon. Until then I will continue to use this site for motivation and support.

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