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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mumwithnobum

  1. Hi I know I'm pretty early to ask ,but is there anyone getting sleeved in November? I'm traveling 7th Nov having surgery at the OOC with Dr Ortiz and then traveling back the 14th as he wants you to stay until the drain is out. Hoping there are some others out there.
  2. mumwithnobum

    Any Novembers yet?

    Hi Guys , Well I'm packed and ready to start this very exciting journey. Wish me luck
  3. mumwithnobum

    Any Novembers yet?

    Hi great to know someone else will be doing this at the same time. Which hotel will you be at? Preop sucks but I've nearly lost the 5%. Hope to see you there.
  4. mumwithnobum

    Any Novembers yet?

    Hi great to know someone else will be doing this at the same time. Which hotel will you be at? Preop sucks but I've nearly lost the 5%. Hope to see you there.
  5. mumwithnobum

    Any Novembers yet?

    Hi I'm starting my preop today that gives me a whole month to lose the weight I have gained since booking the surgery plus the 5%. I'm doing 2 protein shakes and a lean cuisine with up to 3 lbs GREEN veg per day. Religiously gonna take my vitamins now and start using my incentive siprometer. I WILL be ready for Nov 8th.
  6. mumwithnobum

    when do you start to feel better

    Hi I'm sorry you're still not feeling well. Are you getting enough fluids? I know when I had my lapband surgery I felt dizzy when I hadn't drank enough. Could you have a few sips of something before you get out of bed and see if that helps. Hope you feel better soon.
  7. mumwithnobum

    Musings from 3 months out.......

    wow 48lbs!!!!! Don't beat yourself up just make decisions that work for you.
  8. mumwithnobum

    Half Way Point 105 Pounds Down

    Me too, That is why I had Lapband and now I'm getting the sleeve. Funny how TV can be a good thing.
  9. mumwithnobum

    ?US or abroad and what doctor?

    I had a consul after losing all my weight with lapband and I was quoted $8500 for body lift, boob lift and implants by Dr campos -leon Tj mexico. I have had numerous friends use him. Great care.
  10. mumwithnobum


  11. mumwithnobum

    Camping 2010

    From the album: befores

  12. mumwithnobum

    IS there a weight restriction????

    From the album: befores

  13. mumwithnobum

    OMG I thought I looked OK.

    From the album: befores

  14. mumwithnobum

    NSV: new clothes!

    Ditto.lol . Its all in the name of science.
  15. Good for you. what an inspiration.
  16. hi after my banding I told everyone even strangers.lol I was so proud of myself and how the band had helped me. After having my band removed I gained every lb back and feel like a failure. I had the band for a reason in the first place right. So I'm having the sleeve in Nov and apart from 1 or 2 people I'm keeping this to myself. I'll just tell people I'm following my lapband lifestyle with great disapline and As I found out before nobody's really interested in how much i eat.
  17. I loved to meet up as I'm in Okotoks.

    Where are you having your surgery. 'm going to Dr Ortiz in TJ mexico . Surgery is Nov 8th.

    I would love to pick your brain after your upcoming surgery.



  18. mumwithnobum

    I'm on the Road to Onederland!! Who's with me?

    Hello there fellow victorious valentine. Nicolek here and i'm with you girl after I lost my band I gained all my weight back and I am have the sleeve 8th Nov. Can't wait to finally get my life on track again. Good to see a familiar face.
  19. mumwithnobum

    New here

    Hi I new to this sight, but not to weight loss surgery. I had a lapband which worked great until it didn't. I lost all my weight and more but had to have the band removed due to a slip. I gained the majority of my weight back. There was a reason I had the band right? I'm booked for a sleeve in Nov in Mexico as my last chance at being healthy and painfree. Looking forward to reading your posts and gaining knowledge.
  20. I'm sorry to hear you are not doing well. I'm in okotoks and I'm having th esleeve done in Nov by Dr Ortiz. May I ask who did your procedure and which Dr are you seeing here? Please feel better soon.
  21. mumwithnobum

    Mexico for a Canadian

    Yes ABhealth refunded about $1200 back and we used the rest as a medical expense. Myself and my husband used Dr Ortiz and I have recommended him to a few people who have had a good experience. Good luck
  22. mumwithnobum

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi guys, I've just spent hours trying to catch up with all the news. WOW. I've been MIA for 3 mths after having my band removed. Unfortunately I've gained 50lbs back 35lbs more than I wanted to. All the carbs that I was now able to eat got their revenge. I'm hoping coming on here will help me get back on track. I know without my band its going to be hard, and if I had $$$ I would get another one in a heartbeat, but thats life. Nicole
  23. mumwithnobum

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi Guys I'm doing good apart from food .I want it!! I've put 12lbs back on which is good ,but all i seem to be eating is bad carbs. I knew there was a reason I had the band. Going to the lake and Not taking any food with me.
  24. mumwithnobum

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi Guys I am bandless! I came home yesterday and a little sore I have 6 new holes as they didn't use the same sites. I forgot about the gas pain ,but have been able to walk through it. After 18mths I"m hungry and can eat food. I don't have to do liquids. That was a little scary ,but I've tried to make good choices so far .I hope I can keep it up. I hope I can stil be a VV.

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