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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mumwithnobum

  1. mumwithnobum

    Done with surgery...WOW!

    Hi Dana-K I flew from Mexico last weds back to Calgary with one stop.It helped me to sip hot herbal tea on the plane. Also ask when you check in if the flight is full and try get an empty seat next to you.I asked on both flights back.It helped alot. Good Luck Nicolek
  2. mumwithnobum

    Height and weight before surgery??

    Hi I'm 5'8" and was 243 after 1 week of preop and 1 week of banding I'm 223.Only another 80 to go.If you don't feel good in your own body nobody saying "your fine" helps.You go girl .Nicole
  3. mumwithnobum

    Full Liquid Stage Recipies

    Hi Guys I'm 7 days post opand i'm a little confused. My Dr said soups and protien shakes until day 22 which is fine,but am I suppose to have them as meals ie Breakfast,lunch or dinner or drink them all day? I have only lost 5lbs post op should I be drinking tons of water in between?? Any suggestions? Nicole
  4. mumwithnobum

    Mexico for a Canadian

    Hi JAC I live in Calgary and was Banded by Dr Ortiz Feb 11th last week .How do I claim back from AB health?? Should I have asked for a reciept etc from the OCC?? Thanks Nicole
  5. mumwithnobum

    Dr. in Calgary

    Thanks for the info.I did find a Dr to do my fills Dr Mitchell at Peter Lougheed Hospital Calgary for $120 a fill. I just stayed on Slimfst for my preop which worked.I was banded Feb 11th and had a good experience. Nicole P.S. I didn't reply before as I'm not computer minded and couldn't find the thread.
  6. Hi I'm Nicole 37yrs next week, live in Calgary AB Canada with my hubbie +6 kids and became a bander on Feb 11th with Dr Ortiz in Mexico. My starting weight was 243 (5'8") and as of today I'm 223.Yeah!!!! I feel great apart from feeling like a horse kicked me in the chest.I think its just the stiches healing and with the six kids not enough rest! Started protein shakes today I never thought I would look forward to them LOL.
  7. mumwithnobum

    question for people from Alberta

    No you are looking at about $7000 with a local surgeon in Calgary! Nicole
  8. Hi I was feeling guilty because I licked a piece of garlic toast, but still losing weight. Nicole
  9. mumwithnobum

    Claming the band

    Hi My husbands an accountant and says you should be able to. Try and see what happens.
  10. mumwithnobum

    Dr. in Calgary

    hi I'm new to the site but saw you were all from Calgary.I'm of to get banded in Mexico in two weeks any idea what to drink instead of optifast as no where in calgary sells it. Help.

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