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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mumwithnobum

  1. mumwithnobum

    What did YOU eat today?

    Hi I've been really struggling especially in the evening as I have an empty band. Yesterday Am =Protein shake snk =mushrooms lunch =cheese string 2 slices ham and salad pm = protien shake ( running all night with kids) Today so far am =Protein Shake Lunch = 4 fish sticks 1/4 cup baked Beans
  2. mumwithnobum

    What did YOU eat today?

    Breakfast = hard boiled egg lunch = cup of prawns snack already = 2 chocolates AARGH!!! I NEED MY FILL BACK!!!
  3. mumwithnobum

    nearly at goal and complete unfill.

    Hi Girlies Thanks for the support and advise. The Dr said throwing up caused my pouch to pull on one side any worse and they would have called it a slip. I'm trying to stick to 1200 cals and increase my protein. I know I reverted to eating junk when I was so tight as it would stay in. I have recommitted to the band and will up the exercise aswell. Curves here I come. I also have No clothes above a size 8 so there is noway I'm gaining weight. Thanks to all.
  4. mumwithnobum

    Should I feel guilty

    Hi I love the smartones turkey and mash with gravy.I just add some veg. I could eat this one every day. OH I did on my pre-op.LOL
  5. mumwithnobum

    Happy New Year

    Hi All Can you believe we have had these bands for 10mths .What are people gonna do to celebrate one year band anniversary? I may go back to Mexico to get the band checked out. happy New Year to all.
  6. mumwithnobum

    Wanted to share some pics

    Wow ! Fantastic!
  7. mumwithnobum

    When will my hair stop falling out!!!!

    Hi I'm losing hair also I did add Biotin to my daily intake of vitamins as I was told it would help. I may have to go the Nioxin route also. Nicole
  8. Hi All Anniversary June 11th I have lost 55lbs 3cc in 4cc band. Nicolek
  9. mumwithnobum


    Hi All I just added a couple of piccies in Albums to keep me motivated!! Nicole
  10. mumwithnobum

    before and half way!

  11. mumwithnobum

    Wow glad I read.

    Hi guys I haven't posted or browsed the forum for a while and I'm sure glad I did. I was wondering why my band wasn't working and frustrated that I had gained 2lbs. Now after reading other posts I see its not only me and that I had started slipping back into old eating patterns namely grazing. I have had a 3rd fill ( total 3cc in 4cc band) and now I back on the wagon. I'm so proud of the weight losses of the FEBsters. Nicolek
  12. mumwithnobum

    All Inclusive

    Hi all I was banded 10th Feb and after 21 days of liquids I could eat solid food. Unfortunately it was also the 1st day of my all inclusive holiday in Cancun! Ist meal= small portion of fish and veg 2nd day= 1/2 omelette (:sneaky: fish/veg (L) Small steak /veg(D) 7th day = anything I can put into my mouth. Oh How I love the band. After two pain filled moments with bread/toast. Back on track and I only put on 2lbs. Usually it would have been 10-12lbs. Ist fill is in 2 weeks.Hooray! Nicolek
  13. mumwithnobum

    I've lost my ever loving mind!

    Go Gal I to have been dabbling with the idea of playing netball When I lose the weight,maybe I'll look into it now. Let us know how it goes. Nicole
  14. mumwithnobum

    First Fill!

    Hi I just had my first fill also 6 weeks post op. It didn't hurt although I freaked at the size of the needle. My Doc did it under flouro so it was cool to see my port etc. I only received 1.6cc in my 4cc band. I was on 2 days of liquids and now I'm back to normal food. I have eaten and I actually feel less restriction than I did with only air in the band. Hopefully this will change over the next day or so. Nicole
  15. mumwithnobum

    List your lapband confessions here.

    Hi All My easter weekend menu chocolate CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE!!! I couldn't eat my turkey dinner because I was so full from chocolate, however found room for pie and cream and then had a little snack of Chocolate later that night. I hope my children eat all of the gorgeous velvety brown stuff while I'm away getting my first fill. PS its my daughters 18th birthday today. I don't think she'd appreciate a slimfast instead of a cake. Nicole
  16. mumwithnobum

    First Fill!!!

    Hi I can't wait for my first fill which is 26/3, six weeks after banding. I felt as though I didn't have the banding done until yesterday when I ate some chicken with skin(my bad). INTENSE pain,Sliming and PBing. Never doing that again I hope. Trying to make healthy choices,but not really happening. Nicole
  17. mumwithnobum

    Is this heartburn???

    Hi I've been eating solid food for a week , however about 3hrs after eating my stomache gets really gurgly.I burp alot and have pain in my chest.Is this heartburn??? I have never suffered before. Also if I eat more than I should I'm fine. This doesn't bode well for portion control. Nicolek
  18. mumwithnobum

    Is this heartburn???

    Hi all today I went back to soups and shakes.It helped alot .I assume I must have irritated my band somehow. I'll do liquids for a few days and then slowly go back to food again. 12 days until my fill. Nicole
  19. mumwithnobum

    Mexico for a Canadian

    Hi Julie I Tried The Calgary Lapbanders On Yahoo Groups.couldn't Find It.does It Have A Different Title? Nicole
  20. mumwithnobum

    Mexico for a Canadian

    Thanks Andrew,Jac I'd appreciate that. Nicole
  21. mumwithnobum

    First Fill Dates!

    Becca------------------March 6th Enchantedruby----------March 7th Jaxbanster--------------March 11th CynthiaMcc-------------March 12th Sadie-------------------March 13th Marathinner-------------March 13th Viridesence-------------March 18th Nicolek-----------------March 26th
  22. mumwithnobum

    Where am I going wrong?

    Hi Fellow february Bandsters I love reading everyones posts, however I'm confused about what I'm doing wrong. I have only lost 5lbs post op (10 days) I know its all about the healing but after explaining this to well meaning people who ask every day "how much now?" I'm regretting telling anyone. I have not had any BMs since pre-op. Hubbie thinks I need more Water. I'm going to float away!! SORRY I needed to vent. Any suggestions grateful. On a positive note I can get in a pair of jeans that I bought in May and never been able to wear.HOORAY! I also bought a new swimsuit for my trip to Cancun next week. 2x not 3x.I may even take the coverup off so people can see it! Happy days Nicole
  23. mumwithnobum

    Where am I going wrong?

    Hi Guys Thanks for the replys.I'm on full liquids so I have yop,gardenay soups and protein drinks thats it until the 3rd March when I go to solid food. Good idea! I to am not going to weigh myself.I'll have to get my husband take the scales to work or something though! I'm also going to up my walking to an hour and see if that helps. Thanks Nicole

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