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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mumwithnobum

  1. mumwithnobum

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi All Thanks SLG I'm so jealous you get to be rebanded. Goodluck. I have my band removed tomorrow and then My battle will begin.Aslong as I follow bandster rules I'm sure I'll be fine. Just healthier. Everyone else have a great week.
  2. mumwithnobum

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    On wednesday 16th. I'm hoping I don't lose too much weight in the next few days. Hope yours goes well.
  3. mumwithnobum

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi All Well a decision has been made. i saw the Dr today and my band is coming out. After 3 mths of not be able to eat solid food and the past 2 weeks of only water, gaterade and broth I've had enough. I have lost 25lbs this month and look awful as I was already really at goal. Also the nightly throwing up of stomach acid has me in pain and I'm exchausted, I've been going to bed at about 6pm. I'm sorry to sound negative, because the band has been a wonderful tool to lose weight and I would not have lost 115lbs by myself, but I can't live like this anymore as I don't DO pain. Her in Canada I don't have to pay for the removal so that is something, I just hope it can be done laproscopically and it will cure all my reflux problems. I'm looking forward to being able to eat veg, fruit hey food. I'll let you know how I do. Love this thread.
  4. mumwithnobum

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi All I'm glad to say I'm doing better. I was able to eat a little yesterday some kippers and chunky soup (not together)and had a little discomfort ,but nothing bad. I have lost another 10lbs and now am at goal of 100lbs lost. Exercise has gone down the drain since feeling yucky from being too tight. If I manage a walk its a good day.I must try to increase this somehow. Stlouisgal Hope it works out it sounds the same as my story. Everyone else keep on plugging at it.
  5. mumwithnobum

    Suddenly too tight...again

    Hi I'm on my 2nd complete unfill and I'm still really tight. I'm on fluids for 3 weeks to hopefully allow the swelling to go down so that I can eat something.
  6. mumwithnobum

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Wow I wonder if there is a reason so many of us are having tightness problems. I'm still on liquids and hope everything works out so that I can eat veg and fruit. I feel so unhealthy. I must admit I am not drinking as many protein shakes as I should and feel crappy because of it. NEW MANTRA " I must have protein! I must have protein! School starts next week for my guys so I'm running around getting organized. Have a great week.
  7. mumwithnobum

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi Looking good Angie. I've never thought to look at my shadow. It gives you a great silhouette. I'm on day 6 of fluids and I'm not in pain when I take my Vitamins.YAAH!!! I'm allowed drinkable yoghurt tomorrow so I'll keep you posted. I've been meticulous in measuring my 1/2cup of liquid and hope this will help the pouch shrink down also. Have a great week.
  8. mumwithnobum

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi All Glad everyone is doing well. I wish I could say the same. I've just come out of hospital where I stayed for 3 days. My band is so tight even though I'm completely unfilled. The Dr at the hospital played around and got another.5cc out. I had a barium swallow and an endoscopy to make sure a piece of food wasn't stuck, but that came back clear. We are thinking because I've been trying to eat food ,but end up throwing up my stomach is so swollen so its back to the post op diet for 3 weeks and hope the swelling goes down. Sorry to moan.
  9. mumwithnobum

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi All Thanks Tap for asking about me. Well I've done liquids for the past week and feel tons better. I did actually eat some grilled veg last night and NO PAIN. So I'll try soft proteins and see how I go. I just don't have the funds to go get flouro right now as thats in Mexico. My local DR does everything blind so it wouldn't really help. I think My body is telling me 160lbs is where I should be as I can't lose anymore. I'm a size 10/8 so I',m vert happy with that. I want to concentrate on being healthy now; making sure I'm getting enough Protein, Vits etc. I can work on the Vitamin D again today as it s meant to be warm. Everyone enjoy your day.
  10. mumwithnobum

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi All I haven't posted as it has actually been sunny here and so I was making the most of getting some vitamin D. My house is a mess but the weather will change soon and I'll tidy up.LOL Band wise I think I may have slipped. You may know I had a complete unfill the 9th June because of being too tight for too long and causing my pouch to stretch. Although I did liquids and a Maalox diet I don't think my pouch has shrunk back. I can hardly eat anything and have pain when I do. I'm back on clear liquids for the week and hopefully it will help. I will make an appt but I', scared they'll want to take it out. I'm glad everyone is doing OK.
  11. mumwithnobum

    Need Feedback on Tijuana Surgeon

    Hi I have booked with Dr Campos for body lift , booblift and implants and fat put back in my bum.LOL I have had 2 friends use him and were very happy with the results. I was quoted a really good price which included a hotel and 3 visits from a nurse. Good luck.
  12. mumwithnobum

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi All Today is finally a sunny day in Calgary. So I've taken the dog for a walk been to a stampede breakfast where I ate nothing and I'm going out to dinner with my lapband support group tonight. Already looked at the menu online and know what I'm going to eat. Also trying to gather the funds for my deposit for my bodylift , boob lift and fat injections into my bum scheduled hopefully for this time next year. So No spending or holidaying here. Enjoy your day.
  13. mumwithnobum

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi Guys I hope you all had a good Independence Day.I know I had a good Canada Day. Its also Stampede and I know I'll be tempted by all the new fried food (deep fried jelly beans) so I'm only going to visit the grounds once and have 1 treat. I'm finding it hard being completely unfilled again and have gained 5lbs ,but that is better than last time when I gained 20 lbs back. I know my pouch is still stretched as I have pain when I eat solid protein so sliders become easy to pick (all bad). Maybe a week of liquids and Maalox will help my pouch and get me refocused. I sound like a moaning minnie, What I mean to say is I will exercise more. I will make better choices. Have a great day ladies.
  14. mumwithnobum

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi all Glad everyone is OK. I'm struggling with an unfilled band and have gained a couple of pounds. IT STOPS NOW!! We have a family wedding at the weekend and I bought a summer dress size Medium and it fits well but it won't if I gain a pound.LOL Exercise is coming back slowly as I'm gaining some energy. I went to curves twice last week and hope to increase to 5 days a week. I'll keep you posted. Its sunny here finally so I'm gonna enjoy the day.
  15. mumwithnobum

    Procedure costs.

    Hi I also would be going alone and plan to stay 10-14 days but even with this extra cost it would be way cheaper and I wouldn't have to worry about doing too much etc.
  16. mumwithnobum

    Procedure costs.

    Hi I was banded in Mexico and decided to get a quote for PS there also. For body lift, fat put back in my bum and breast implants was a total of $10,500. Much better than the $20,000 in Calgary. I still have to save though. So hopefully next year. Nicole
  17. mumwithnobum

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    HI VVs Well I'm just back from Tj from my Drs visit and yet again I've had to have a complete unfill. My pouch is a little stretched on one side so liquids for a week or so untill it goes down. Hopefully I won't gain any weight this time. I also saw a Plastic surgeon while I was down there and I will need a body lift, fat put back in the bum and implants to fill out the girls again. So I am starting to save from today. We had snow here today and my plants don't look too healthy. Hopefully I can rescue them. HAve a great day. Nicole
  18. mumwithnobum

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi All Not alot happening here and especially not any exercise. I had been going to curves 3/4 times a week but the last 6 weeks I haven't been at all. This was because my band was too tight I wasn't getting enough of anything and was exhausted by 4pm. I'm alot better now although I need another tiny unfill. Ezma I was sorry to hear about your hubbie passing.My thoughts are with you. I'm glad you have some good days. Angie Power to you girl. Shiny I've moved 8 times in 12 years, although I've been told NO MORE. i enjoy setting up the new place and keeps me out of the fridge. You look great in both piccies but I do like the shorter hair. Lori Love that you are you. Nicole
  19. mumwithnobum

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi I'm definately thinking TT and maybe booblift and my thighs look awful so we will see how many $$$$. As I have a dayhome I couldn't do it until next year as I have already given my time off for 2009. Possibly July. That will give me time to save up also. I would really like to be perfect before going to UK the following year for my sisters wedding. My Dad is my biggest weight critic. The last time I saw him I was 250lbs and a size 20 so I would love to show off the new me. Gotta run the kiddie winks are pulling up the flowers I just planted.AAAH Nicole
  20. mumwithnobum

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi I had to get up at 5am this morning to tidy my house and do laundry as I run a dayhome and I had let everything go this weekend. I've started to think about PS and I am going to have a consult when I go to Mexico for my DRs appt. I'll have to save up though, but it will be nice to know how much it would cost. My exercise has fallen by the wayside for the past month as I have had zero energy. I think that was due to being too tight and not getting enough nutrients etc. Maybe tomorrow I'll hit curves. Talk soon.
  21. mumwithnobum

    Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

    Hi I did a ton of gardening yesterday and today I went shopping for some summer shorts and a dress for a family wedding. Still really tight although I had an unfill 3 weeks ago.Alough it is TOM. I'm living on liquidized chicken breast ,veg and broth. Back to the Dr in 2 weeks so hopefully I will sort myself out. Its weird how I had 3cc for months without a problem and now at 1.4cc I can be tight. Have a good week. Back to the
  22. Hi Gals Last week I had to get a complete unfill after bad heartburn ,not being able to eat Protein and finally not being able to drink a Protein shake or tea. I'm not allowed to get a fill for 4 weeks and the Doc wants me to have under flouro as I had also stretched my pouch on one side. I am going to get my fill in 8 weeks so that is 9 weeks of bandster hell before I get to start all over again. I have already gained 5lbs and can't get back on the wagon I'm so frustrated as I only had 6lbs to loose. AARGH. Sorry just had to vent.
  23. mumwithnobum

    Cosmetic surgery anyone?

    Hi All I was just wondering has anyone considered CS now we are 1 year out from banding? I know i wouldn't mind giving the girls some attention and a TT although my stomach isn't as bad as I thought it might be. I will have to save for years to get it done though. Congrats to all 1 year bandsters. Hooray for VV's.
  24. mumwithnobum

    In one year I....

    Hi All Well its a year today. Did I think I would lose 90lbs in a year, not on your life, but due to the band I have.SORT OF. I actually have an empty band at the moment due to an emergency unfill in January.I have put on 10lbs in that time due to bad choices of food and knowing I could eat bread after 11mths. DO I feel I've failed No but I'm disappionted I'm not at my ultimate goal in the 1st year. Once I start getting fills again I know I can lose the last 15lbs. I have also discovered that 1, I can;t wear my wedding and engagement bands they're too big. 2, I actually have a boney bum and can get uncomfortable sitting in the tub.LOL 3, I've lost 6 dress sizes 22 down to an 8. YIPEE!!! 4, I've lost My son or daughter or my 2 little ones in weight When I pick them up its a nice reminder of what I carried around with me all the time. 5,Sex is so much easier and more fun! 6,My teenage daughter borrows MY clothes. 7, My husband was inspired to get lapband after seeing my results. 8,I feel GOOD!
  25. mumwithnobum

    What did YOU eat today?

    When I don't post it means I had a bad day. Not good as I have only posted a couple of times. Breakfast= turkey stick

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
