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Posts posted by HeatherGurl

  1. DeLarla,

    Seems like I am following you everywhere!! Sorry!!!

    But, girl, we could be twins!!!!

    Your stats match mine EXACTLY!!! The big bone structure, I don't wear watches either and I wear a size 11 shoe!!!

    I agree with Marimaru that 190-200 will be great for us...

    (notice my goal says 180)

    I think I change my goal daily, but when I get to 199, I will be a very happy woman!!!

  2. It is AWFUL that she is depriving your children of seeing her. My hubby's dad is the same way (different circumstances) He will NEVER see our daughter but that is his choice.

    Maybe you could email her and tell her that it is fine if she can not forgive you and hubby but her grandkids need her and want to see her!!!

    Some people are SO hard headed!!!

  3. I am interested in your point DeLarla...

    My mom does Atkins and has lost and successfully maintained her weight. She has lost over 100pounds. She will have to eat that way for the rest of her life to maintain that... and I really think she will. She has maintained her loss for over 3 years. I wouldn't even call her overweight any more. She is skinny.

    It seems like I had found a comparison of the low carb and low calorie... and if you eat the right carbs... they really are low cal...

    I think I will do the low carb for one week, really strict and post what I eat.... Maybe someone can help me find Calories if I can not.


    I will start a new thread tomorrow!!!

  4. This thread is very interesting! My Dr. and I did not discuss a goal weight. I remember the last time I was under 200lbs was in the 5th grade when I was 175lbs.

    I don't know where my weight loss will take me, but I do know that I would love to buy normal clothes and not 3X and plus sized jeans. I do care what the scale says but then again, if I was a size 8 and the scale said 400 would I really care?

    I am 5'10" and I see some people posting their goal for that height is 150... I personally would look way too skinny at that weight. I want to be curvy and just want to feel good. We are all different and have different body types. I KNOW that at 200 pounds I will be a FOX!!! BUT, I will still be medically too fat!

    Who cares? ??? When that scale says 199, I am throwing the BIGGEST Party ever!!!

    (sorry for the long post)

  5. You have a GREAT point DeLarla... I needed this wake-up call from you!

    I am brainwashed by carbs and do not ever look at calories!!! I just looked up how many calories are in the Sausage biscuit I had for breakfast!!!! OWWWWWWWW!!!! 410!!!!

    It didn't list the calories for the French vanilla Capp, but I am SURE it was close to 1000!!!

    So, I guess I had better not eat for the rest of the day :)

    Someone please tell me what low calorie foods are??? I don't know. All I know is low carb!!!

    • Right click on picture you want to edit/post to LBT. Save the picture in your MyPictures folder on your computer under a name you will remember.
    • Do the same for the second picture that you will want to post side by side.
    • Right click on the picture that you want to be your “Before” picture and choose EDIT.
    • If your before picture is too big or not the right size you will need to right click on the picture in your folder and choose Open with Microsoft Photo Editor. There you can resize, rotate the pic.
    • OK, back to step 3 where you want to start with your before pic. Make a box around you and right click and Cut. Start a new file and paste your before pic.
    • Save the new file as what you want your before and after to be (Before and After)
    • Go to your After Pic and right click on it, choose edit. Do the same, make a box and cut you out. Open your Before and After File and paste the after pic. Move it over to where you want.

  6. DeLarla... It took me forever to figure it out!!!

    I will post a long explanation here in a minute.

    I have to do it step by step to remember what I am doing and I am SURE there is an easier way of doing it.

  7. My surgery is on Monday. I have parent teacher conferences on Thursday. Basically, I will be sitting and talking from 9am to 7 pm. Will this work? Do you think I can do this? It really all depends on you. There is no way I was up to doing something that simple... the anethesia did a number on me. I was out of it for 1 week.

    Also, is this too soon to go and will the others know? Again, this depends on you. As to others knowing... if anyone questions your eating, tell them you had to have your gall bladder removed or something and you are on a special diet for a few days.

    Are you starving the first six weeks? I have not been starving since I had my surgery 2 months ago. You will have head hunger and think you need to eat... but do not eat unless your body is telling you that you are hungry. Make sure to get in your Protein and you should be fine.

    I guess I mainly want to know how did you feel and when did you feel "normal" again? I felt normal again maybe at 3 weeks. After the swelling had gone down and I had somewhat learned how to eat properly.

    Do you think I can reach my goal? I KNOW you can reach your goal, and you will get there even faster if you stay away from junk and sugar. Drink tons of Water and just eat healthy period.

    Do you have to have fills for the rest of your life or does your band eventually receive the ultimate fill? Some Dr.'s give different fills. You will have to find your "sweet spot". My Dr. said that if you start getting hungry sooner and don't lose for 4 weeks, you might need a fill.

    Do I tell the 5 year old? I personally would not tell the 5 year old, unless you don't care that everyone knows. My sis is 7 and she overheard us talking and I really get nervous that she will slip up and tell my aunts and uncles or even anyone. That is completely up to you though. I just told my sister that I had surgery to help me get skinny!!! :confused:


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