About 3 weeks ago I got my 5th fill and that's when I began vomiting 4x a day, couldn't keep any solids down, barely any liquids. When I would lay down at night to go to sleep I would wake up to Fluid coming out of my nose/mouth. Went back to the doctor they removed what they had just added to my band. It didn't work, so they removed all fluid from my band. By this point my chest was hurting pretty bad, but I attributed it to throwing up so much. Well the symptoms still didn't go away so they admitted me to the hospital and long story short I had what was a planned revision surgery which ended up with the removal of my band. But in retrospect I had been having a lot of shortness of breath, chest pains etc. A couple of months ago I was actually rushed to the hospital because of the shortness of breath etc. Now looking back I'm pretty confident those symptoms were due to the hernia. I actually posted on here asking if anyone experienced those symptoms with the feeling that their heart was beating out of their chest also.
Have you mentioned your symptoms to your doctor? If not you really should. One thing this experience has taught me is that call your doctor if something doesn't feel right to you! Your instincts are usually correct!!
Hope this info helped you some, sorry it got kind of lengthy!