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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Startingover!

  • Rank
    Guru in Training
  • Birthday 05/31/1971

About Me

  • Interests
    Activities with my family
  • Occupation
    Document Control Clerk
  • City
    West Palm Beach
  • State

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  1. Happy 42nd Birthday Startingover!!

  2. Happy 41st Birthday Startingover!!

  3. Thank you macMadame, I'm glad you understand the reason!!
  4. Thanks for everyone's input. All info is very helpful. Suzanne, I know that insurance should not dictate what surgery one has...but in my case....my insurance will not cover the sleeve, which would be ideal for me. And self pay is not an option. Even though I am only 26lbs from goal (which is more like 36 since the band removal), I still need help to reach my goal and then help maintain for life. So that is why I will have the bypass.
  5. Hello, I recently had my band removed due to complications and am planning on having gastric bypass in July. I like to know EVERYTHING about a procedure before I have it done! So I was wondering if anyone would share their surgery day experience, hospital experience, recovery experience and experience beyond with me? I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks to all Amy
  6. Startingover!

    Band removed...need help deciding sleeve or bypass?

    This is soooo hard!!! Weight Watchers is a wonderful program, but it doesn't help curb your appetite!! I am so hungry and trying so hard to be good. If this continues I will without a doubt have the sleeve surgery. I can't battle this everyday for the rest of my life. I feel like I have very little control. I only hope I can keep off the weight I lost with the lap band until my next surgery. Wish me luck!!
  7. Startingover!

    Band removed...need help deciding sleeve or bypass?

    As the days pass and my appetite increases (it's only been 1 1/2 weeks since band removal), I'm really thinking that I will need another WLS surgery. I think it will probably be the sleeve. I'm trying so hard to control my appetite, but it's getting harder and harder. I really feel like I need a "tool" to help me with this life long battle that I know faces me!
  8. So I had to have to my band removed last week. The surgeon said that after my stomach had healed, in about two months, we would discuss my options for another WLS. First after such a bad experience with the lap band I'm a little scared to have another WLS. So I really need to make up my mind if I want to. I started Weight Watchers as soon as the band was removed to ensure that I didn't regain the 56lbs I had lost. But I don't know if I can do it forever. So I'm really leaning towards another surgery. The question is which one-the sleeve or bypass? With only 25lbs to lose to be at goal I'm thinking the sleeve maybe a better choice for me. I think the bypass might be overkill. I was just wondering if anyone who has had a band removal and then had either the sleeve or bypass could give me some insight as to their personal experience to help me decide. I would really appreciate it! Thanks to all! :welldoneclap:
  9. I was looking at your pics... along with everyone else's!

    When were you in Key West? We head there at least twice a year, sometimes 3 times a year.

  10. I am sorry to hear they had to take it out. You look wonderful and I hope you can maintain all your hard work.

  11. I had a hernia repair when they did my band. And some how managed to develop one with the band. I didn't really think it was possible but I guess it is.
  12. After much thought about my band having to be removed. And a couple of months before the possibility of having another type of WLS done (if the insurance will pay). I joined Weight Watchers this morning. I cannot give myself a minute of weakness. If I do I'm afraid I'll spiral out of control. Weight Watchers was the only diet that worked for me prior to surgery. I have to do something, I can't just hang around hoping not to eat too much and trying not to regain the weight. I absolutely love the new me and despise the old me. I cannot handle the thought of gaining any weight back. So I have to be 100% serious and dedicated to this. As soon as I'm better from the surgery, which should be in a few days, I'll begin walking or riding my bike for exercise. Thanks to everyone on here for your support. It means a lot.
  13. About 3 weeks ago I got my 5th fill and that's when I began vomiting 4x a day, couldn't keep any solids down, barely any liquids. When I would lay down at night to go to sleep I would wake up to Fluid coming out of my nose/mouth. Went back to the doctor they removed what they had just added to my band. It didn't work, so they removed all fluid from my band. By this point my chest was hurting pretty bad, but I attributed it to throwing up so much. Well the symptoms still didn't go away so they admitted me to the hospital and long story short I had what was a planned revision surgery which ended up with the removal of my band. But in retrospect I had been having a lot of shortness of breath, chest pains etc. A couple of months ago I was actually rushed to the hospital because of the shortness of breath etc. Now looking back I'm pretty confident those symptoms were due to the hernia. I actually posted on here asking if anyone experienced those symptoms with the feeling that their heart was beating out of their chest also. Have you mentioned your symptoms to your doctor? If not you really should. One thing this experience has taught me is that call your doctor if something doesn't feel right to you! Your instincts are usually correct!! Hope this info helped you some, sorry it got kind of lengthy! Amy
  14. Startingover!

    Husband not supportive anymore....any advice please?

    Thank you everyone for your input. I'm still upset with my husband's comment, but I haven't said anything to him about it yet. I will when the time is right. Other than his infamous comment he has been better with helping me since I came home from the hospital yesterday. I feel like I'm mourning the loss of my band! It's the strangest feeling. I am really upset about it and do not know how to handle it. I'm trying to keep the same mindset with eating that I had with the band. I figure I have developed new habits with the band and maybe if I keep them I'll be able to keep the weight off. As long as I don't gain any weight I'll be ok. If I start gaining it back will be bad!! I just didn't expect for the band to be taken out. Oh well. I have already started researching the gastric sleeve. It looks like it's a pretty good alternative provided that my insurance will pay for it. I'll just have to wait and see. Again, thank you for everyone's support. It means a lot. :crying:
  15. Thanks so much for your support. I researched the sleeve a bit last night and that looks like it will be my option. I just hope I can get my insurance to pay, again! I am just sooo scared about gaining weight back. I love the new me and don't ever want to go back to the old me!! Thanks again.

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