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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by luckycharm830

  1. Hi everyone. I ve been crusing this website since i got banded which was july 30 07 but i never registerd everyonbe seems to be very helpful to one another so i thought id give it a try. Well like i said i got banded in july and everything had been going well , to date i have lost about 80 lbs. Well a couple of days ago i started having some chest pressure and some stomach pains also had been constipated for 3 days so i just wasnt feeling good. I went to see my doc and he told me i was probably overeating and basically gave me some laxatives and told me i needed to "flush" myself out. Went home did that. Suddenly the chest pressure got pretty evident and its right in the middle of my chest above my breasts im assuming esophagus, I have been just doing liquids and mushies. Im not vomiting im able to keep things down i just have this really uncomfortable pressure. Any thoughts on what it could be ? Im terrified that my bands slipped or something worse. My doctor seemed pretty passive to the whole thing. He told me if after i am flushed out and still feel pain to go in and he will do the xrays and such. Thing of it is its the weekend cant go in till next week..so for now im just looking for some input from anyone on what they think it is. From what ive gathered on this site could be dilated esophagus or hiatal hernia, but i dont know like i said im able to keep things down. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks everyone!
  2. Hi everyone! Got banded july 30 of 07 and everything had been going great. Lost about 80 lbs to date. Not until recently that i started having some problems. Earlier in the week and i had some pretty evident chest pressure in the middle of my chest right above my breasts and sometimes in between im assuming esophagus. And on top of that ive been really constipated and im usually not. Went to the doc said i needed to be "flushed" out so he gave me some laxatives. Did that felt a little better but chest pressure remained. But the constipation didnt go away and i had to take a suppository laxative but this time not really anything was happening and i had some rectal bleeding. So I am a little worried. The odd thing is that ive been feeling like i have to go to the bathroom all the time. My stomach is gurgling and im cramping like i need to go but nothing ever happens. Its like something is blocking something else and i dont have any movement. So meanwhile till i see the doc i have this chest pressure and extreme constipation..Wondering if anyone else out there has dealt with this. I dont know if its band related but most likely i think it is. Just looking for any input..Thanks everyone!
  3. luckycharm830

    Hi! New here looking for some advice

    Hi everyone. Well i went to see my family doc and she decided to give me a stool softner that i take everyday with juice and since i started taking it ive been pretty good. She seems to think that my all the sudden constipation came from my sudden decrease in activity. Which is partly true i was getting pretty good about working out and then i stopped due to some family things. Some days i dont have a bm but most days I do, so i think im ok. I did have my first fill yesterday and after I had it done did my doctor tell me i would have to revert back to my begining diet..liquids,puree,mushies for about 3 weeks. The third week I could start again on solids. Oh man i was bummed. I hated doing this (who would like it?) Did any of you have to revert back for that long after your fills? I dont think he gave me that big of a fill ..i heard him tell the nurse to give me a 3 not a 5 since it was my first one..no idea what the means though. I guess only bonus is that i will lose weight faster and thats nice but still totally interferes with social life. Well thanks everyone!
  4. luckycharm830

    Hi! New here looking for some advice

    Finally got my results on Friday and I was told all was well with my band. Its in the position its suppose to be and so forth, so relieved! Yet my restriction feels like nothing so I scheduled a fill. Still very constipated so Im going to see my family doctor to check and see if i have a bowel obstruction or if she can prescribe me a powder that I can drink everyday because I have been taking every form of fiber everyday and its just not working. The only way I get relief is when I drink this tea called 'get regular' go figure! But im pretty sure you cant drink it everyday so I only do it once in a while. So i need something. Just wanted to thank everyone for there input.
  5. luckycharm830

    Hi! New here looking for some advice

    Hi Everyone just wanted to give an update. Had my barium swallow done last Tuesday it was terrible eww. The last time I remember doing it I didnt have to swallow that junk so many times. Anyway I was able to see my band up on the screen and it looked ok and the nurse or who ever did it had also said that it looked "ok" but i dont know yet caues my freakin doctor has not gotten back to me since then about the results. So I really dont know exactly if there is a problem or not. Ive been calling to get my results but I have yet to hear a response. Meanwhile though my chest pressure has not really been relavant lately so thats been great. As far as constipation I was doing just fine for a couple of days I think had alot to do with the MiraLax and as soon as I stopped cause I read you couldnt drink it everyday my constipation returned within in a few days. Also my stools were no longer black I think that also had to do with the MiraLax. They went back to normal after stopping the Lax. So now ive been taking benefiber and its barely helping, trying to drink more water. Another thing though is that I barely have any restriction and its freaking me out. I use to feel full alot more quickly than I do now so I have to remind myself to stop eating. Im assuming ready for my first fill. So until I hear from my doctor on my Xrays im just getting by. I will update when I know results. Thanks everyone!
  6. luckycharm830

    Hi! New here looking for some advice

    Well i finally got my xrays scheduled for next tuesday..so ill find out hopefully what is going on. Ive been taking mira lax for a week now and it seems to be helping. I mean it gives me the gurgly feeling and gas and kinda feels like diahrea. Almost feel like just liquid is coming out. These past days my stools have also been black..sorry if this TMI. The chest pain has been less but when i start eating something it comes up right between my breasts. So I dont know im just frustrated. Im scared something is wrong and that I caused it and that it may result in me going under the knife again. Well ill know tuesday and ill let you guys know. Thanks everyone
  7. luckycharm830

    Hi! New here looking for some advice

    thanks everyone for your input. I am planning to see my surgeon this week. Im guessing its time for some xrays to see whats going on. Im scared i did something wrong like over eat. I was self-pay and there really is no excuse. I did have a little bit of relief it was very little but it was something ill take it. I started taking miralax but i read it takes a couple of days to start working. Meanwhile chest pressure still remains it comes and goes and im just dealing with it. Not eating anything heavy just really doing mushy and liquids. Its the gurgly bloating feeling that remains constant and thats what sucks. I will keep everyone posted on what happens when i see the doctor. In the meantime thanks..

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