Hello, my name is Karen. I'm a 31 year old, happily married, mother of 2. I am scheduled to be banded on 7/30/08. I am so excited but starting to get nervous as it draws closer.
It's funny, I'm doing this because I'm a mother and need to take care of my health to be around for my children. Yet I fear that I may be that statistic and die, leaving my children...oh the irony!!!
I am very clear on the numbers but can't help but think in the back of my mind, "Imagine I didn't wake up?" After all the reassuring I've done; reassuring myself and my family who think there is a better way. Honestly, I've been overweight for 23 years now...if I could do it on my own, I would have! But then again, have I? I don't even know anymore!
Any words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! :thumbs_up: