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Everything posted by theantichick

  1. theantichick

    How have your taste buds changed?

    I'm finding a lot of sweet things aren't as yummy as they used to be, which is good. The oddest thing has been a shift in my condiments. I used to be all about the ketchup and sweet sweet BBQ sauce. Now they make me a bit nauseated by themselves. I am now preferring mustard type condiments mixed in.
  2. I weaned off caffeine about 3 weeks before surgery. My doc is fine with moderate amounts as long as we're getting plenty of Water. I have had coffee twice since surgery. I really thought I would be back on the coffee the absolute second I was allowed, but I just haven't craved it. There are days I'd cheerfully murder someone for a diet D.P. but it's because I'm just so darned tired of water (with or without flavorings) not for the caffeine. I've about decided I'll have coffee if I really want it, but don't really want to start needing it daily or suffer headaches.
  3. theantichick

    Metabolism after VSG

    Just curious, but what did your surgeon set as your protein goal? Everyone seems to have a different number... My surgeon wants me to get at least 80 g of protein in a day. My trainer wants 120 g LOL. I'm usually getting in 80-90. I'm trying to up it, but with the restriction I can't eat very much protein from meat/cheese/eggs in a sitting and I don't like to over-do the Protein shakes.
  4. theantichick

    Semi Low carb

    I guess I'm doing "semi low carb". I eat 1 or 2 servings of fruit most days, and try to choose the whole-grain/complex carbs when I have carbs. I have been keeping my carb load around 80g a day. I've lost 41 lbs and am at 7 weeks post op. Loss is starting to slow, but is still going. My surgeon is good with this plan, she doesn't like to cut out any food groups, just said to stay away from sugar and refined carbs.
  5. theantichick

    Short hair or Long Hair?

    My incredible stylist gave me a chin-length swing before the surgery, and said if I do have hair loss it'll look more full short. 7 weeks, and I don't think I'm losing any more hair than normal but most people say it starts a little later.
  6. theantichick

    I KNOW I can eat more than I should

    I'm almost 7 weeks out. I can eat a little over 5oz of pudding consistency food (the greek yogurt I get is 5.3 oz and I can finish it if I've eaten slowly enough). But for solid food, I can get about 3oz in before my sleeve tells me we're DONE. If I try just that one more bite, I'll feel awful for 15-20 min.
  7. There's a lot of us here with auto-immune. I have psoriatic arthritis. Nothing as dramatic as your situation, but it caused me to have to shift career trajectories and consider that while getting the weight off won't cure my PsA it should help with overall inflammation and hopefully help the drugs work better. Best of luck to you, and congrats on getting through this! I'm a former ICU and ER nurse, and this sounds ridiculously frightening. Most kidney failure patients, it comes on slowly. I'd freak if mine just stopped working one day. Shudder. Anyway, welcome!!
  8. Waking up with a migraine sucks. Meds help, but then there's the "migraine hangover". So I didn't make it to the pool this morning, but I'm going to try to go after work.

    1. ShelterDog64


      Oh, I'm sorry. I used to have terrible migraines and I know the 'hangover' well. I hope the rest of your day is better :)


  9. theantichick

    What is an NUT?

    Oh, how I wish that was the case. I got referred to a NUT who was a complete nut CASE.
  10. Weekends should be a minimum of 3 days. Just sayin'. Have my RA/PsA in a flare from the workouts last week. :( Chiro appt tonight, going to try for the pool tomorrow.

    1. Christinamo7


      I love my chiro and swim time! (all these companies "talk" about work - life balance, but no one wants to give a longer weekend.........)

  11. No but it can reduce inflammation sent from mobile device
  12. theantichick

    Ketosis and diabetic ketoacidoses

    They are on the same spectrum, but are not the same thing. Generally speaking, if your pancreas still makes insulin you don't have to worry about DKA. There can always be exceptions, so talk to your doc if you're worried about it.
  13. Until the stomach is healed, oral steroids or NSAIDs can irritate the healing tissue. At any time, NSAIDs or steroids regardless of how they're taken (pills or shots) can increase the risk of ulcers because of how they affect something called prostaglandins. All of my specialists including my WLS surgeon agreed that because of my auto-immune arthritis I will need to occasionally take NSAIDs and steroids, and we try to protect my stomach with a PPI (omeprazole). The risk isn't completely eliminated, so I will have to keep an eye out for symptoms of ulcers.
  14. theantichick

    Being a trainer doesn't make you an expert on...

    I'm happy to report the guy who is my trainer is awesome. He's worked with WLS patients before. And while he hasn't had anyone with auto-immune, he understands the need to progress very slowly. I'm glad I didn't cancel tonight, I actually started feeling a little better after getting myself moving and am glad I met up with him.
  15. I'm happy to report the guy who is my trainer is awesome. He's worked with WLS patients before. And while he hasn't had anyone with auto-immune, he understands the need to progress very slowly. I'm glad I didn't cancel tonight, I actually started feeling a little better after getting myself moving and am glad I met up with him.

    1. finding_onederland


      I need to find a trainer like this.

    2. finding_onederland


      And I am glad that you did!

    3. Christinamo7


      ah! that's a great update.

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  16. Ugh. Hurting worse today. This is what I was afraid of with strength training - if I overdo just a bit, it starts inflammation up which causes arthritis flare. Have another trainer session tonight, I'll go ahead and go because we're going to have to work together to keep forward momentum without overdoing it. Not taking any Advil because also have rheumy appointment today and they'll draw blood, don't want the factors to show low because of NSAIDs. :(

    1. Valentina


      If you can find a salt water pool, any money you may have to pay extra is well worth it. I did all of my PT and exercising in such a pool. It was wonderfully free feeling and effective.


    2. theantichick


      Valentina, I'm lucky to find an indoor pool within 15 miles, period. :)

    3. Valentina


      Living in the Catskills, I know what you're talk'n about. I have to drive 80 miles to reach the salt water PT pool, but I do it because I feel I can do more and feel better when I do. With my Fibro, OA, RA, and DJD, I consider my pool time as my treat to myself. Good luck with your exercise program. Be kind to yourself as well as "work'n it". :)

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  17. theantichick

    Being a trainer doesn't make you an expert on...

    The guy I actually worked out with was great, and wasn't overbearing or an idiot. It was the VP who was annoying me. I'll meet the trainer I'll actually be working with tomorrow evening. I don't have a problem standing up for myself. I admit I'm not knowledgeable about how to design an exercise program, so will use people with more training and experience than I have. But I'll stand up for myself there too. I overdid it yesterday. Muscles aren't too sore though my abdominal muscles are NOT HAPPY. But with the auto-immune, I have to watch my overall energy/fatigue as well. I have to increase my intensity/length of workouts very slowly or I'll get an auto-immune flare that can really cause a problem with ongoing activity. we'll see if my regular trainer has experience with clients who have similar issues, and if not, he's in for some education.
  18. theantichick

    Can we please talk about Starvation Mode for a minute?

    So what is your explanation for someone eating 600 calories a day and working out and not losing for between 1 and 3 weeks? I would tend to agree that there's an upper limit (or lower limit depending on your perspective) for how far AT can modify metabolism. I have lots of reasons I think having someone 6 weeks out from surgery eating under 800 cal a day and asking them to work out is nuts that don't have to do with AT. However, I am in contact with several people who are saying they are eating 600 cal a day and working out 3x or more a week and haven't lost in 1-2 weeks. It doesn't seem medically possible I agree. However, short of assuming their reporting is inaccurate, I don't have an explanation. However, the literature related to anorexics indicates that the body adjusts to these very low levels of intake and weight loss slows significantly, prompting the patient to further restrict because they feel they will start gaining weight if they don't.
  19. theantichick

    Being a trainer doesn't make you an expert on...

    OMG, that's awful. I'm at L.A. Fitness, since it's the closest gym with an indoor pool (with my arthritis I have to start with Water walking and work my way up to more serious cardio and workouts). While they obviously have some issues around the nutrition/WLS thing, I was very impressed with the trainer for the workout piece. They're all certified "master" trainers, and really seem to know what they're doing with demonstrating exercises and modifying for physical limitations.
  20. theantichick

    Being a trainer doesn't make you an expert on...

    We think mine started as a texture aversion. However, my father took it as an affront to his authority and started force-feeding them to me. One of several reasons I started seeing a therapist when I started down the path to WLS. We've been treating it as PTSD, though I hate applying that label to something that seems so minor in the scope of things. I'm starting to branch out and try new foods, but between the aversion and the sleeve haven't worked up to veggies yet.
  21. theantichick

    Being a trainer doesn't make you an expert on...

    Exactly. And with my food issues, I don't know if most people are able to just make themselves eat stuff they find gross, but I know body builders just shrug and down it. So they don't know what it's like to literally not be able to force oneself to eat something. "Just do it" doesn't work like that for me.
  22. theantichick

    Do you count carbs?

    I count them (myFitnessPal), but I don't have a set carb limit or goal. My doc said if I get all of my Protein in at this point (6 weeks out) you pretty much can't overdo the other macronutrients. She wants me to focus on choosing nutrient dense foods (healthy foods) high in protein and says the rest will sort it self. I'm ending up with 60-90g of carbs a day.
  23. worked out with trainer for the first time yesterday. This morning my "good" knee is twinging and my abdominal muscles are saying "WTF, lady?" LOL

    1. LipstickLady


      Do you wear a stabilizer? My girls and I have to when we practice martial arts and do our kickboxing class. It's a huge help.

    2. theantichick


      I haven't been, but I probably should until I get the stabilizer muscles built back up.

    3. theantichick


      I haven't been, but I probably should until I get the stabilizer muscles built back up.

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  24. Oddest thing... was eating chicken last night and was doing OK with speed, but got super nauseated after dipping some in BBQ sauce. Closest I've come to throwing up since this all started. What gives?

    1. theantichick


      This was full-on "I'm going to puke" complete with chills/clammy feeling. I ran for the bathroom, I was so convinced it was coming. I was able to stand and deep breathe and move past it without puking (I despise throwing up and will do anything to avoid it) but it was about 15 min of is-it-gonna-happen and another 15 before I felt OK again. Weird thing is, since I have to get carbs in, I've eaten stuff with a LOT more sugar content than the tiny bit in the tiny bit of sauce I put on the chicken. I've also had pork and chicken crock potted in that same BBQ sauce since surgery with no problem. This was just the first time I had it straight out of the fridge on food. BBQ sauce is already cooked, so I wouldn't think cooking it more would change any of the components, but maybe it makes it blend with the meat somehow that doesn't happen as a dipping sauce? Now I'm leery of ketchup or anything else along those lines. ;)

    2. heidikat72


      that's exactly how felt after having something with monkfruit. I didn't realize that was the cause initially, until it happened again the next day. When I need a "dip" for meat and don't feel like my usual greek yogurt/herb concoction (or if I don't have any), I use mustard. Super low cal/low carb as condiments go, still provides some moistness to help the meat go down and strong flavor. I find some days I just need something with a strong flavor to it

    3. LipstickLady


      I dump randomly. Almost always if it's something rich like a cream based soup or ice cream. Hot sweat/cold chills/stuff coming out of both ends at the same time. Sometimes (usually) it's immediate, sometimes it is 20 minutes later.


      I have to get it out because I am dizzy, weak, and hyperventilate until it passes. It's horrible.

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  25. theantichick

    Medical alert bracelet/ necklace

    No, the only tubes they will typically put in before the hospital are breathing tubes and IV's. The gastric tube is something the ER places. Usually without any kind of scope, because with "normal" anatomy it's no big deal. If you had a lap band or bypass, I'd put it on something they would see immediately like a bracelet or necklace, because lots of times we haven't had a chance to dig in the wallet when we'd be dropping that tube. For VSG, a card in the wallet would likely be plenty. I could see a gastric tube being a little more difficult with a VSG just because the anatomy is tighter, but it's not being put in with enough force to cause a problem. You can always check with your surgeon. Also, if your surgeon has restricted you from NSAIDs and steroids (or any other meds), that would be something to include on the card but wouldn't be necessary on a bracelet or such.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
