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Posts posted by judyprude

  1. Sorry you're feeling down; it IS a huge change, huh! I've tried twice in my life to wean off antidepressants, only to slowly sink into the bottom of a big black hole. So I've decided that quitting antidepressants when you need them is a stupid as taking the cast off your broken leg before it's healed! If my brain chemistry requires prozac to function properly, then Prozac it is! I look back at the lives of 2 of my aunts and feel so sad to know that if they'd just had access to antidepressants they would have lived MUCH happier lives! Thank God for modern medicine! ;o}

  2. I am scheduled for surgery on 2/4/08. Am starting liquid diet on 1/28 and am concerned about Constipation with the Protein drinks. Should I be concerned or is this not an issue?

    I used the sugar-free Carnation Instant Breakfast with Fiber, and had no problem. However, I must admit that for the 10 days pre-op that I was on it, I cheated and ate a plain green salad with low-cal dressing every DAY because I thought I would die without eating! Probably added about 100 calories/day, but I did OK!

  3. See here is my problem...you all have a job and an income, I am on SSI (trust me I get less then $10 a month but keep it for the insurance) anyway by the time we pay the rent, we can barely pay the utility bills. Let alone spend $50 for a drink mix just for me. I will have to find out if the VA can supply this while I need it. If not the cost will be a major issue for me...which is why I am concerned that I will not be approved on that fact alone. :rolleyes2:

    My doctor & RD had me buy the sugar-free Carnation Instant Breakfast and mix it with skim milk. It's about $4 for a box of 8 pks and I was allowed 6/day. Now I'm 4 days post-op and I just started drinking it again; I see no reason at all to go buy hugely expensive stuff from a health food store!

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