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LAP-BAND Patients
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About peabody

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    Expert Member
  • Birthday 08/11/1967

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  1. Happy 46th Birthday peabody!

  2. Happy 45th Birthday peabody!

  3. peabody

    Givin' up the ice cream

    hey rsg, i too have been really bummed...major plateau, a partial unfill, and the cookie dough fairy...all conspired With me...i needed a refill....but i couldn't find satiety (no duh i had a partial unfill) but, even now...my head is hungry but my band is full....i still want to eat with my eyes....Some things i read that are helping me is about putting up some boundaries...you know like safety rails....one girl told me about only having Ice Cream at a speciality ice cream store....really fabulous ingredients...the best she could afford, and then only Once a week or Two...because she had that safety rail...of "in two more days i can go to cold stone or _____ and get my total fave Ice Cream, hold the guilt please" would this help you....so far it's helping me....i guess i feel less pressure now to get the ice cream because i know it's coming in____ days.... whatever works... blessings and patience be yours today! amanda ps i can't figure out how to get my darn ticker updates...the good news is that i am down 73 lbs!! 16 pounds till onderland!
  4. peabody

    9 Month Status

    hey guys, it's been a while since i've posted. i was on a major plateau...but i had an unfill due to esophageal erosions. now i'm back on track but the band is really touchy. i haven't had good restriction in so long that my slow to learn self is pb'ing....i don't think i'm too tight, because i can drink Water pretty rapidly....but gee i forgot how to handle portions and chew-not-gulp... the great news is that i am 16 pounds from onederland! i can't believe i started this at 289 and now am 216...it doesn't seem possible....i make so many mistakes with my band, and she just hangs in there with my stubborn slow to learn self! I have people ask me if the band is to be removed later....i find myself being more willing to give up a kidney than my patient and wonderful band! i am filled with gratitude after having come off this 2 1/2 month plateau...and finding that if i work with it, it still works with me.... to all of us on this journey...i wish peace...for me one day at a time is sometimes too much...right now it's one meal at a time..... this is thanksgiving for me!! amanda aka peabody
  5. peabody

    Such an awesome NSV!

    hey melanie, so great re your nsv. i haven't flown much since surgery, but last week i had to fly, and was so pleased to find that not only didthe lap tray let down all the way...but that there were about 2 inches between my body and the tray!! used to be that i couldn't get the tray to come down as it would hang on my tummy. oh and i still love flying without needing an extender seat belt. amanda
  6. peabody

    OMG! WTH! OUCH-sorry long

    hey brooksie. so sorry about your doc and center closing. i wonder if you're getting enough fill when you go...i am on my 3rd fill, and i haven't been a saint, but i continue to loose about 44 lbs down now... when i wasn't well adjusted i played with the same 2-4 lbs up and down for a month. son't be too hard on yourself...if you're band's not adjusted enough it's so verrrrrryyyyyyy hard to get anything done....i hope that you can find a new doc and maybe even get a more aggressive fill going good luck amanda/peabody
  7. dear ready i'm so sorry for the misfortunes that have befallen you! My old destructive side would want me to "comfort" myself with food! I hope you can keep your destructive side going to the gym, and doing all the other good and healthy things....you are so worth this we all are I believe in you and my wish is for you to have peace, and to have fullness (not of food) but of grace, peace, mercy,compasion,courage, and grim stubborn as a mule determination!! Hang in there Amanda/Peabody
  8. dear ezma, thanks so much for the bmi update....i'm so excited to not be morbidly obese!!!! i still have diabetes and sleep apnea to deal with, but they're getting slowly better. glad we're all progressing so well. here's looking forward to cooler weather amanda
  9. thanks for giving a reminder to set my goals...here is my NSV goal met for 6 MONTHS...i went into avenue yesterday to try on a few things because they were having an outrageous sale! i had gotten a size 20...my 6 month goal size to try on....IT FIT!!!!! i didn't believe it so i got a pair of jeans size 20 to check...they FIT TOO...now really brave try on a pair of size 18/20...oops can wear them if i don't plan on breathing or sitting...LOL..My bandiversary goal is met for my NSV...my bandiversary date is 8-6-8...my birthday is 8-11-8. i also had as a goal being out of morbid obesity range...i am 5'5" and 238 lbs...does anyone know what that would make my BMI? Loving my Band amanda
  10. peabody

    Yipee! The best NSV ever for me!

    any reduction in meds is a victory, and any reduction in glucose is HUGE...yes it may well be that until you hit around 50lbs down.....but the other thing is that fat and muscle ar so metabolically different in how they effect glucose regulation...try to build your lean muscle mass...aerobic plus weights or resistance bands etc...to try and change the ratio of muscle to fat in your body keep it up you are winning amanda
  11. peabody

    My Get-Up-And-Go has gone

    Free excercise....i hate going to a gym because i lose out on family time....we just joined our recc center in our county...250.00 for a family of four for 1 year!!! but before that i have enjoyed walking in my building at lunch. i take the stairs one flight up and then walk that floor, and then the next flight of stairs up andthen walk that floor and so on ....you can add intensity by climbing 2 flights between floors...it ends up being like interval training for me....i also have the resistance bands that i can use for a weight lifting replacement...i like it most times although it's really all i can do now that the dang weather is soooo hot amanda hope it sparks an idea
  12. hey that's me too. i also noticed that my band get's tighter when i retain Fluid....especially pms time...i had to go back to liquids and soft mushy stage...till my evening meal...my swelling is always better in the evening, and i can eat easier then. my pms has now passed and i was able to eat pork tenderloin last night..without getting sick. there will be some things each time that you won't tolerate or won't go well with pms but go well at other unswollen times.. good luck and be gentle with it amanda
  13. peabody

    I need...

    Just joining in the support Even our WORST day post band is sooooo much better than our BEST day pre band.. you have everything you need right now and in abundance. find what you are thankful for then sping forward....the same grace, tenacity, support ____________ fill in the blank...will see you forward wishing you serenity amanda
  14. hey great thread idea, thanks for the encouragement about excercise....i'm getting there..i hope gardening counts for something, because right now all our spare time is spent harvesting and freezing or excess veggies....i still have some time at work that i can spend on excercise.....so thanks for the reminder. i am so excited i am halfway to my goal..105 lbs total...with 51lbs gone already! At 6 months i want to be out of Morbid obesity range for my BMI. I also want to be wearing a size 20. I am so thankful for this forum and my band amanda
  15. hey jax and gibbyy and all you lovely losers!! i have been away for a long time ....no real good reason....i needed a fill but couldn't get in for 6 weeks...so i slowed for a bit and played with 2-6 lbs up and down on the scale...last week i got topped off...a 6.4cc total in my 10cc band i had no idea how much i missed restriction...i had been creeping back into my "normal" let's just call it usual habits...i am so greatful to my band for hanging in there with me and not letting me screw up to badly. so far i have lost 52 lbs. and i am half way to goal, and 37 lbs from Onederland. i am back on track, making better food choices, excercise is my next goal...and Water. i missed all of you and your inspirational prescence in my journey... "my worst band day is still better than my best pre band day" peabody---amanda

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