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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by AbbieRoad

  1. Getting sleeved at 8:20 tomorrow morning - I am FREAKED! Nervous! But excited... kinda, not really. I'm excited for like, 3 months from now, not excited for the next 5 weeks so much. I need a fast forward button!!! I'll be going in on Tues AM and coming home on Thurs!!! EEK!! Been on liquids for 2 weeks, lost roughly 22lbs, havent been on the scale in 3 days. All clear today, nothing after midnight! Then YIKES Sleeve time! Abbie 6' tall. 30 Years old. New Jersey. HW: 373 July: 363 Now: 338 Surgeons Goal: 220 My Goal: 195
  2. 2 week liquid diet - 3 shakes a Day 2 weeks 2 shakes, one small dinner 1 week liquids 3 days liquid 1 day liquid 24 hour fast Why are they all so different? I am on 15 day liquid diet, then one day fast. I get 3 shakes a day. I'm also weathering a frigging hurricane right now! Why are they all so different? It's the same surgery! I get that it may "shrink your liver" but if that mattered, then why do some docs not do it? It seems to me that the post op diets are pretty similar, but the pre-op diets are vastly different. The breakfast shakes are ok, the lunch ones I'm starving before, through, and after eating it. It's not taking the edge off at all. I want to have scrambled eggs or a boiled/grilled chicken breast, or fish for dinner. Why not do a liver cleanse? http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/liver-cleanse-foods/ I know I should be asking my doc, but, I'm annoyed, and, everything in NJ is closed right now due to the hurricane, so I'm venting while I still have electric!
  3. AbbieRoad

    Question Why? Two Weeks Of Liquid Diet

    This is doctors orders as far as I know, since I paid the doctors office for it, not the advisor. I'll bring it up to him after the surgery.
  4. AbbieRoad

    Question Why? Two Weeks Of Liquid Diet

    I did - i sent the bariatric advisor a link to where I could buy it online for $70 with free shipping, a reputable site too. I said I'd bring the liquid diet stuff back today, and have this expressed to me and save myself $150 at least. She said there no refunds, the liquid diet must be bought from them it is non negociable and that apparently I agreed to that, when I signed my credit card receipt because it said no refunds. I told her it is a huge scam, and it makes me feel like this surgery is a huge scam - and I've lost a lot of confidence in my doctor because of it.
  5. AbbieRoad

    Question Why? Two Weeks Of Liquid Diet

    I start my liquid diet tomorrow. I am so dang stressed out about it. I was on the lap band "wagon" for a long time and I was about to get it, but changed my mind and decided on teh sleeve. I had to switch docs since my doc was only doing lap bands. The lap band doc said no liquid diet, that the liver is not an issue (for everyone, not just me) and that the liquid diet makes you more weak, run down, and unhappy pre surgery - and he would rather have you at your strongest going into surgery. Then I switched docs going for the sleeve instead - and I have a 2 week liquid diet to shrink the liver. This doc is way more old school than the lap band doc, so I think that's why. My friend is going for a sleeve, her doc requires 2 week liquids but you can have a small dinner at night. I'm annoyed too because my doc made me pay $250 for my 2 week liquid diet. When I got home and googled what he gave me, (42 packets of shakes) I could have bought the same exact thing for about $70. Kinda makes me feel like this whole darn thing is a scam, I don't like it at all
  6. I'm sorry to hear about your loss as well. That was one of the hardest things I've ever been through, though, it gave me the courage to finally go on and get the surgery. Thought they didn't tell me it was my weight that caused it, that is my personal blame. Once you get the right fill, from what I know, you're set. My concern was if I got pregnant and I'm puking a ton, having the band slip, and even if it didn't - letting the band out for pregnancy adn then filling it back up after, I'm not big on all those needles! Dr. Wasser is the surgeon I came to after I decided against the band. I know he does bands too, I just hadn't found him before. The other doc I was going to only did bands, so I needed a new one for the sleeve. Dr. Wasser told me that in Europe they're taking out more bands then they're putting in. I just don't want a risk of something not working for me! And I want one surgery and then that's it But, I did do a lot of research on the band, it seems like a wonderful tool it's just not for me!
  7. I'm in Medford. Not too far! Though with the band I loved that I wasn't permanently altering my anatomy, I decided with the fills and all - and a possibility of it slipping, or something getting stuck, idk.... it seems like I'd have to be more attached to my doctor forever, and I wasn't keen on the idea of having that virtual "umbilical cord" to the doctor for the rest of my life. The sleeve seems more drastic for sure, but, it seems to be a one time decision and then you're done. Plus when I researched the sleeve forums (there's a sister forum for the sleeve to this one - verticalsleevetalk.com ) there is a whole board of band to sleeve revisions. That kinda scared me It's been a long road though, and there was other emotional factors for me to consider. I have recently lost a child to miscarriage and I desperately want another, but I decided I won't until I've gotten healthier. I don't want to take a chance that the band doesn't work for me, so I'm going straight to the sleeve. The band does seem great though, it's just a decision everyone has to make on their own!
  8. @Kittylove - Since I commented above, I have changed my mind and decided to get a sleeve, not a lap band - but my doc is Dr. Wasser too! I haven't been to any of the meetings though as they're on Mondays and I have orchestra practice each monday. Just wanted to say hi
  9. AbbieRoad

    Tall Sleevers? 6'?

    get your tall friend on this site! Or send her this link, I started a facebook group for tall sleevers yesterday so we can all keep up with her! It's a closed group so all posts can only be seen by other members of the group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/tallvgs/
  10. AbbieRoad

    Tall Sleevers? 6'?

    you're welcome here!
  11. AbbieRoad

    Tall Sleevers? 6'?

    Ok ladies (or gentlemen) I would LOVE to stay in touch & up to date with some fellow Tall sleevers! If you're interested, I made a group on facebook we could chat, exchange help, pics, whatever! It's a closed group so nobody will see what is posted unless they're a member of the group. I just named it "Tall Group" because I didn't want to put "VGS" or anything in the title incase someone is keeping their surgery a secret. (like me, I'm only telling immediate family) Here it is! https://www.facebook.com/groups/165852786884597/
  12. AbbieRoad

    Tall Sleevers? 6'?

    it's so wonderful to hear from other people that are in, or were in the same boat as me!
  13. AbbieRoad

    Tall Sleevers? 6'?

    that's good! I'm only 3 years older than you so hopefully I'll be the same way! you've lost a ton of weigh ton of weight in less than a year, great job! I hope I'm successful as all the ladies that have posted here!
  14. AbbieRoad

    Tall Sleevers? 6'?

    vamb, you're slimming down wonderfully - great job! I love to hear all these tall women stories - they're so inspiring! sassypants, sorry your pretty shoes don't fit that sucks! I have a pair of shoes in 10.5 that I wore for my wedding (which I just happened to be about 7 months pregnant at) and I haven't been able to fit in them since. I'd love to rock those babies again. Someday! I haven't donated them yet!!!
  15. AbbieRoad

    Tall Sleevers? 6'?

    I soooo hope my shoe size goes down. I used to be an 11-11.5 now I'm a 12. I'm not sure if it's my extra weight or just that my feet grew during pregnancy! I'm hoping it's just extra weight. Would love to take my shoe size down a little!
  16. AbbieRoad

    Tall Sleevers? 6'?

    I need to do that too. Good idea. I am very much apple shaped too, my legs are not all that big, I always have baggy legged jeans if I'm getting my waist to fit. All my weight is mostly on my stomach. I do have boob weight, they're about D's so I'm curious as to what those will be like after. I've nursed a baby though, so as long as I can get them to look good in a bra, I'm ok. Like somebody said above, the only person who will see me naked is my hubby and he will love me no matter what
  17. AbbieRoad

    Tall Sleevers? 6'?

    Great job Laura! We are very close in weights! What size are you wearing at 258? I know I need to stop worrying about the numbers, but it's hard! I remember being 185lbs and 6' my freshmen year, all my friends were shorter than me, and like 110, 130 tops. I felt like such a cow! Which only made me eat more! Ah its' a cycle. I just get so frustrated seeing people starting out at what my goal weight is! It's hard to relate to those people!
  18. AbbieRoad

    Tall Sleevers? 6'?

    Thank you for sharing your pics. Are you finding your weight loss to "show" slower since there's more body to lose from? I'm adding you all as friends because I want to keep up with tall people like me!
  19. AbbieRoad

    Tall Sleevers? 6'?

    that's awesome that you're a conductor - I play the cello! Do you conduct band or orchestra? I am hoping youth is on my side I've been seriously overweight for the last 6 years, mildly overweight for another 6 years before that. Plus I've had a baby so my belly got stretched! I just want to fast forward to a year from now! Just looking at your profile, your before pic looks a lot like my body shape. This gives me hope - thank you!
  20. AbbieRoad

    Tall Sleevers? 6'?

    thank you! It's so nice to see that I'm not alone. I was beginning to think that everyone 6' and over was a stick figure super model, or a man! So wow- a 10/12 is awesome. That would be unbelievable. I think I was that size when I was in 8th grade! If you don't mind me asking, how is your skin? I had my nut tell me that because I am taller and will lose from a broader area, the weight loss to my body will not seem so shocking, and I shouldn't have as much lose skin. I'm hoping she's right! But she's short, and never been overweight so who knows Abbie
  21. AbbieRoad

    New Jersey Anyone?

    add me on fb if you wanna! https://www.facebook.com/abbieroad
  22. AbbieRoad

    New Jersey Anyone?

    I've decided against lapband since I commented on here, I'm going to get the gastric sleeve instead so I've been all over the verticalsleevetalk.com website! (same as this one, but for the sleeve!) but since I saw your comment about South Jersey - I figured I'd reply! I'm living in South Jersey (Medford to be specific) it's wonderful. My doc is Dr. Wasser. He's got offices in Lumberton (which is where I go!) and Willingboro. He does all bariatric surgeries including lap band and he's great. I just got my approval on Thursday so I'm not sure when my surgery is, soon though! If you do see him, I'd suggest going to his Lumberton Location, Willingboro can get a little dicey heheh. I hear they're opening a big giant office in Mt. Laurel soon too so that's cool! They're all through Virtua which is a great hospital system! Feel free to message back if you have any questions!
  23. After a long journey of deciding between lap band, or sleeve, jumping through all Aetna's hoops, losing weight, getting pregnant, gaining weight, losing the baby - it's been an emotional journey. I've been accepted for the surgery. Now I'm half excited, half freaked out! My surgeon is scheduling for October. I have 2 major events in October that I really don't want to miss, one is a high school reunion of sorts, we do it every year, on the 28th. The other is a giant halloween festival that I am committed to, involved in running and planning on the 13th. They can schedule my surgury as early as the 9th of October. Do you think I'll be able to move, hustle, and run this festival on the 13th? I can avoid lifting things but I'll be on my feet for a good portion of the day. For the reunion - What will life be like 2.5 weeks after surgery? Will I be able to hide that I had the surgery from everyone or will it be blatantly obvious? I really don't want the world knowing about this, just my hubby & mom really. The girls at the reunion will be doing a lot of drinking, like we always do. I know I won't be able to do that! Half of me says just do it, and deal with the concequences. The other half says wait til November so I don't have to stress about all this! Input? Abbie
  24. Thanks all. I am so indecisive. If I could do it in September, I'd start my 2 week liquid diet tomorrow if I could! But October is such a busy month for me, and it's a fun month, with lots of activities and plans already that I don't want to miss out on. On the other hand? If I do it in early October, I'll be thinner for Thanksgiving & Christmas which is awesome. How soon after your surgeries did you go out and be "normal" with people? How did you (if you did) keep people from knowing?
  25. Thanks for your input! I really don't want it to be obvious that I'm not drinking/eating because I can't think of a good reason as to why I wouldn't be. I really don't want them to know about the surgery ya know? Word travels fast lol, the whole world would know. I just wanna get this done already! But on the other hand, I don't wanna be under a ton of stress while trying to heal and adjust. November would be easier, but do I want to wait that long? Ahh my mind is racing! I kinda thought I wouldn't even be approved yet since I only had an 18month weight history not a full 2 years!

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