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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by minock

  1. I liked him. I went in with a whole page of questions and he answered them all to my satisfaction. He did tell me about the fellowship in California. He hasn't done all that many bands (in comparison) but I think he's definitely qualified. I found him through TLC Medical Edge. It's a few facility in Plano that several surgeons are using. I plan on doing a little more research on him over the next couple of days but so far I am pleased Have you seen him yet?
  2. minock

    Victorious Valentines Blinkies!

    hey Angie! Can you make me a blinkie for Cindy?
  3. minock

    Early NSV!!

    Yea for you! That's awesome... can't wait to experience the NSVs!
  4. This is my surgeon. Just met with him this week. I would appreciate any information you have.
  5. minock

    Poll for self-payers

    Ok, I LOVE the idea of putting it on a card that gets rewards and then paying the card off immediately. I only have one card and I'm not sure it's a reward card so I need to check on that. Also, I have to mention... I am paying in cash because I received a financial settlement recently. I never thought I would be litigious in all my life but I was done really wrong by a former employer and found the strength to stand up for myself and won. Long hard battle but it was worth it for so many reasons (hopefully my kids learned some good lessons from it!) This surgery is just a bonus and couldn't be more grateful for it.
  6. minock

    Long car ride?

    To be honest, that worries me a little bit. My surgeon said they had one person who died while my surgeon was doing his fellowship and that was because he drove 20 hours to go to his son's graduation. I am planning on driving 5 hours 5 days after my surgery so that is why we had the discussion. He told me that you can get a blood clot and it can travel to your lungs. Now, he said to make sure I stop on the hour and walk around so that I don't get a clot. I don't want to freak you out but please make sure your surgeon in on board with your decision to drive. I understand wanting to be with your family; just make sure you do it safely.
  7. minock

    The mystery of the band

    Alyssa, I'm in and out within a few hours. I almost wish I could stay in the hospital since I don't do well with anesthesia. Oh well, if I can make the 35 min drive home I will be ok. Oh, and I was thanking my stars that my TOM is right now so it won't be a bother.
  8. minock

    The mystery of the band

    Alyssa and Crystal! I'm have the same date as both of you guys. I have two full weeks of Opti-fast. I'm only on day 3... I'm not nervous yet, just excited about all of the positive changes coming! I lost 5.5 lbs in 2 days. I've spent the whole time in the bathroom! <sorry, tmi> I've finished all my dr appts and am now just waiting for the big day! Cindy
  9. Staci You are awesome. Here I am at the end of day 2 of the pre-op diet and my stomach is rumbling. No cheats yet. It sure makes me feel good to see that you did the whole pre-op diet w/o a crumb, sip or lick. You have inspired me. One day at a time! Cindy
  10. Hey... we're in the exact same place. I am on day 2 of opti-fast. I just found the greatest addition to the chocolate. I had bought some sugar free syrups some time back and added the vanilla and ice to the choc and put it in the magic bullet. It completely changed the taste and I actually love it.
  11. minock

    Traveling after surgery

    I just asked my surgeon this question today. I am being banded on the 25th and will be going on a 5 hour trip the following weekend. He just told me to stop every hour and walk around on the drive there. I plan on resting as much as possible while I'm there.
  12. minock

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    Hi Pat (Illion); I'd love to have it. I live in Rowlett. I'm having my surgery on the 25th and just started my Optifast yesterday. Cindy
  13. minock

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    I am self-pay as well. Fortunately I had the cash so no financing is necessary. I know there are several finance companies that they use. CapitalOne Health is supposed to be a good company. I'm not really sure about the followup if you are traveling from a distance. Call them, they will be happy to answer your questions. However, I believe this special rate they are offering is over soon. I made my first inquiry with them 3 weeks ago and now I have my surgery scheduled in 2 weeks so it can move fast if you want it to. Stacey, how are things going? How about you, Road King? Keep the updates coming. I'm sure there are several more of us learning from your experiences. Good luck Cowboy! YUM OPTIFAST!
  14. check out my last post. I have the info there. Good Luck!
  15. It's called TLC Edge. Call Mary Belle (she's the program director). 972-792-2736. I went to my first seminar two weeks ago and I'm having surgery in 2 weeks. It's a pretty fast process when you are self pay. It is a limited time for the discounted price but they say that their normal price is usually less than most other facilities.
  16. I am having my surgery on the 25th in the Dallas area. There is a new facility that is having a reduced rate to introduce their new facility. The cost is $9900. That includes 6 months of aftercare and fills. I had planned on going to Mexico as well until I saw the advertisement for this facility. I've heard lots of good things about them so far. I can honestly say that is makes me much more comfortable to stay "at home" for the surgery. However, I would have done what I needed to do which would have included Mexico if necessary. Good luck!
  17. minock

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    Angie, What happened? I have an appt with Dr Gonzalez on Wed. I am understanding that there is no other charges other than what I pay TLC. I did all my pre-op work with Dr Townsend in Richardson. There we no charges for that service. I did read that if you had "additional" tests, that you would be responsible for paying for those. Just like the psych exam. Please let me know what happened (if you can) so I can be prepared for Wednesday! Sorry that this happened to you. I know how excited you are to get this done. Hopefully, you can just choose another surgeon through TLC. Cindy
  18. minock

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    Has anyone's dr really explained why the weight stops coming off after surgery. After doing all my reading on this board, it seems very common. Doesn't matter how few calories you eat, weight loss stops for awhile. I know that it will start again once you get to the right restriction. Just wondering how you can not lose weight when you are eating so little.
  19. minock

    Double V's- Whose Next?

    Count me in! I'm scheduled for the 25th. I start the pre-op diet on Monday. Two long weeks of Opti-Fast. That should be challenging. My surgeon also wants me to do 2 more weeks of opti-fast after the surgery. I'm not necessarily nervous about the surgery itself; just hoping this works for me. I plan on being very patient since I understand that it takes a little while for you to actually start losing. I'm anxious to hear how the weigh loss goes for you guys that are ahead of me. Good luck for everyone with upcoming surgeries!
  20. Hi, I'm Cindy. Surgery date is the 25th. Starting the pre-op Optifast diet on Monday. I'm 43, married and have two kids. Currently staying at home. Will work again some day. Just waiting on the perfect opportunity!
  21. minock

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    Good Luck Cowboy! My surgery is scheduled for the 25th. Received my Optifast yesterday and starting it on Monday. Dropinthisyear, here is what I understand about what is included; 6 months of support which means all your fills for 6 months. There is a limited amt of fills you can get in that time since you shouldn't get your first until 6 mos post op. I haven't met with my surgeon yet so if there is more, I don't know yet. the seminar is good. Try to get one.
  22. minock

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    Angie, I did my psych eval today and passed as well! It took me about 3 hours to get through it. I know what you mean about being excited. I'm know the nervousness will come but we need to focus on the excited part!
  23. minock

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    Hi Cymbalom! I'm a week behind you! Starting the Optifast on the 11th. I have Dr Gonzalez. Anyone had him as a surgeon? I'm getting really excited, so please keep posting. It's really helpful to know the reality that in front of me. Cindy
  24. minock

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    Thanks for the reply Stacy. I think my biggest fear is the nausea from the anesthesia. I've had a few minor surgeries with a general and have thrown up almost every time. Even with the anti nausea medicine. Oh well, I guess if that's the worst thing that happens, then I can deal with that. Please keep up informed of your progress! As we all get close to our surgery dates, I'm sure we all get more nervous. Having someone right ahead of me sure makes it a little easier. Cindy
  25. minock

    TLC Edge Dr's...

    Today is my first day to post on this site. Have been considering going to Mexico because of the price then found TLC. I have my seminar this Saturday and I am so excited. I feel so much safer staying close to home. I plan on getting started right away. Can't wait to hear how Road King's surgery goes today! Look forward to all ya'lls advice as I start down this long road.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
