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LAP-BAND Patients
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About rrogalla

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  • Birthday June 8

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  1. It’s a special day here at BariatricPal, according to your profile..it’s your birthday. Happy Birthday, rrogalla!

  2. Happy -- Birthday rrogalla!

  3. Happy -- Birthday rrogalla!

  4. 6 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 6th Anniversary rrogalla!

  5. rrogalla

    Please keep my little girl in your prayers...

    My heart goes out to you. I have a 5 year old little girl and cannot imagine what you must be going through. I will keep you and your family in my prayers! May you find comfort in the LBT banders support. We are here for you! God bless!!
  6. rrogalla

    Anyone wear a medical id bracelet?

    I found the cheapest ones at www.Americanmedical-id.com They also seem to have the most room for engraving information. Mine said my name, adj gastric banding, no tubing without scope, my doc's office name and phone number, plus allergy to penicillin. Most of the others couldn't fit all the info I wanted. I got two stainless steel bracelets for $48.90 and that was on a rush order. <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
  7. rrogalla

    Minnesota Folks

    Schel, What is you email address? I'll send messages to that instead of through the thread. Mine is banded_renata@yahoo.com (banded_renata) It didn't show the underline above. My post-op went good today. The doctor was pleased with my weight loss. I seen Dr. Braunstein (sp?) today even though Dr. Chute did the surgery. Dr. B is a very nice doctor. Very easy to talk to and seemed to have all the time in the world for me to ask questions. Which is very unusual for a doctor. He kept saying to call if I had any other questions and don't feel like I am putting anyone out. Even if it's just to ease my mind on something. Very great doctor!! I go back Christmas week to see Ryan, the surgeon's assistant. He is the one that would do a fill. Ryan will decide if I get the fill that week. I'm excited for that one!! I am on regular food now! Whoo Hoo!! I ate real food on Thanksgiving. Not much, but boy did it taste good!! I wasn't quite sure if I was suppose to be on regular food yet or not, but the doctor and dietician was fine with it. As long as I haven't vomited or had any ill effects. So I'm good to go. I think I've been doing ok on the amount of food I've been eating too. Especially in comparison to pre-band. However, the dietician stressed that I should only be eating 3/4 of a cup per meal. So I have to really work on not drinking ANY Water with my meals. I told her I'd drink a little bit on occassion. She suggested eating a liquid type food - yogurt, applesauce, gravy, etc. If I need some liquid while eating. I also have to make sure to measure absolutely everything and take 30 minutes to eat too. Haven't been the best at either of them yet either. But, I'll get there. I would love your recipe for the soup! I like to cook and am always looking for new recipes. Thanks! Talk to you soon,
  8. rrogalla

    Minnesota Folks

    Schel, Ok, so I didn't read your signature line about your doctor. Duh!!! Sorry! Renata
  9. rrogalla

    Minnesota Folks

    Schel, The video on here is about an hour long, so when you are able to watch it, plan on the time. Good for you that you are able to take off 6 weeks. If you've got the time, definately use it!!! I had surgery on Tuesday and was back to work the following Monday. (I didn't have much time.) It was ok, but I was definately more tired that week. It takes a lot out of you. I have a desk job so that helped. But I wish I could have taken longer. Don't worry about anyone else giving you a bad time, especially since your doctor agrees with you. That is all that matters! The amount of food you are eating seems to be about what I could eat then too. It doesn't seem like much, but sure does fill you up, huh? I never dreamed I'd feel so full on so little!! Your appetite will increase as you recover. I go for my post-op tomorrow and am anxious to ask them about food quantities. I feel like I may be eating too much, but I've lost 20 lbs since my surgery on the 1st, so I can't complain. But I can eat about a cup and a half of food at a meal. I would think that is too much. What do you think? I had my surgery at Abbott Northwestern. My doctor was Dr. Chute. How about you? Renata
  10. rrogalla

    Minnesota Folks

    Schel, Glad to hear everything went well!! Welcome to the the banded side!! Your port site being the most sore in normal. Mine is just getting back to normal and it'll be 4 weeks post-op on Tuesday. After watching the video of a surgery I can see why that is the most sore. :sick Well, take it easy. Rest and sip lots of Water. Recovey will be faster than you think. Take care!
  11. rrogalla

    Looking for November 2005 Banders!

    I was banded on November 1, 2005. Feeling great - currently 3 weeks out. Happy to be on this side of the surgery date. For those of you still waiting, best of luck to you all! It won't be long now, November banders!!
  12. rrogalla

    Looking for November 2005 Banders!

    Brooke - I'm sorry to hear your band is going to be delayed, but for what a wonderful reason!!! Congratulations on your pregnancy! Don't worry the band and everyone here will be here for support through your next 9 months AND when you are ready for the band again!!!
  13. rrogalla

    Minnesota Folks

    Schel, I'm sorry I didn't get a message off to you before your surgery!! Congrats on getting the band. I'm glad you seen my message about crossing off the "bypass option". My doctor, Dr. Chute, was fine with that. I was scared to death of that thought myself. I would have chosen a different hospital before agreeing to have the bypass if they could not place the band. I was wanting to have it done at Abbott, so I'm glad they were ok with me crossing that off. Again, best of luck to you and congrats!! If you'd like to email me personally, my address is banded_renata@yahoo.com Let me know how you are doing! Take care. Talk to you soon.
  14. rrogalla

    I have a Date set!!!!

    Schel, Yes, I had my surgery at Abbott. Dr. Chute was my doctor. It was a very good experience, I'm glad I did it and I would do it again in a heartbeat!! I just had my surgery on November 1st, so I'm may not be the best person to ask about post-op diet. There may be some more experienced banders out there who could help you with that. I'm on my soft food diet right now and it is going well. I basically eat yogurt, cottage cheese, applesauce, egg salad, chicken salad with saltines, Soups. And of course, my Protein drinks!!! I've been keeping it simple so I don't have to worry about eating something I shouldn't and vomiting. So far, so good, I haven't vomited from anything yet! Sorry I didn't get you a reply before you went in for surgery. I've heard good things about Dr. Schwartz and I'm sure you will do just great!! I hope you are feeling well when you get home and read this. Take it slow the first week. Sip lots of Water, even if that is all you can do!! Let me know how you are doing. I'll be happy to answer any other questions you may have. Best of luck!! And congrats on your band!!
  15. rrogalla

    Time for Baby???

    I had both of my kids pre-band. Both were born by C-Section. I weighed 285 when I became pregnant with my daughter and 320 when I had her (I was 32). We had some fertility issues before her. I have PCOS and it took almost two years to conceive her. Then 19 months after my daughter was born, I gave birth to my son. I weighed around 280 again when he was conceived and weighed 270 after he was born (can't remember what I got up to during pregnancy, but it was under 300). I lost weight during his pregnancy because I got gestational diabetes and following the diabetic diet made me gain very little during the pregnancy so I actually weighed less after he was born. We tried to conceive for a third, but it never did happen. I think it was because of my weight and the PCOS. We've since decided we are happy with the 2 and are no longer trying for #3. Plus our ages, I am now 37 and my DH is 43. So now I was banded on Nov 1st because I'm wanting to make sure I'm going to be around to walk them both down the isle. I think it is a very personal choice, which only you can make. I just wanted you to know I had 2 healthy pregnancies and 2 healthy children, even being heavy. And to add to the advise from others. Take Prenatal Vitamins BEFORE you become pregnant and eat healthy during your pregnancies. Best of luck to you!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
