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LAP-BAND Patients
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About andyisbanned

  • Rank
    Andy - Banded 2-14-2008
  • Birthday 12/29/1965

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About Me

  • Biography
    I am single man living in Alabama. I have two wonderful children. I've had a Trach for 5 yrs b/c of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. I was banded on 2/14/08. We hope I can remove my Trach when I am less than 200lbs.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Computers, Electronics, Target shooting, College Football - Roll Tide, Nascar - Go Jeff Gordon,
  • Occupation
    Tool Inventory Manager
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  1. Hey!!! Things are going GREAT!!!! I got a fill on Nov 20, and have lost 19 pounds since then... I started out so fast after surgery, then hit a big plateau for awhile.......i needed a fill big time!!!! I have now lost 85 pounds total and i am stoked!!! I'm half way there now and i really feel like i can do it!! I was banded in June.. That's awesome your wife has a band now too!!!! Hope ya'll are doing well!!! Talk to you soon!!

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