I have worked as an ER nurse for 15 years and we send people to surgery all day and all night, all shapes and sizes, and NEVER do we or the anesthesia staff ask about sleep apnea, I can't recall anyone patient suddenly being dead post surgery due to "anesthesia" related issues it is typically related to cardiovascular, pneumonia, infections, or a clot. If a patient is going to develop an anesthesia related problem that is life threatening it is almost always during surgery and you are on a vent. so it is breathing for you anyways and if that does occur I assure you will be sent to ICU on the vent not the cpap machine. Some of self pay Dr. Schmitt/Miles patients who were self pay have told me all they were required to do was get the lab work, unless they had a history of a related health issue. I have my first appt. to see Dr. Schmitt this Friday, but I really am thinking of shopping around if I must have a test and possible re-test for sleep apnea which I do not have. I can't afford the machine either and I have federal bc/bs. I know sleep apnea is the hot new thing in medicine for the last 10 years but I think I am going to have to really shop around some more if all Insurance carrying people are required to have a sleep apnea test even those without a history of related issues.
Just venting,