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LAP-BAND Patients
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  • Birthday 09/01/1972

About Me

  • Biography
    just married want to get healthy so I can start a family
  • Interests
    fishing,shopping, reading
  • Occupation
    ER nurse
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  1. Happy 40th Birthday KEYSKATE!

  2. I have signed up for the mandatory info session on 2/19 then i can make the appt with the DR. then the nutrition class & the psychological consultation as well as the pre-op tests so hopefully i'll be banded in march I have already checked with my insurance co & it's covered 100% I can't wait to get healthy!

    taking the 1st step

    well i have made an appt for the information session which is the 1st step to the lap- band! I am excited & nervous at the same time .I am such a worry wart when it comes to post-op complications ( to many years of nursing :huh2:) But being a nurse i know that my health is not good & will only get worse . I am ready to make the lifestyle changes & get healthy so I can start a family!:redface:

    taking the 1st step

    well i have made an appt for the information session which is the 1st step to the lap- band! I am excited & nervous at the same time .I am such a worry wart when it comes to post-op complications ( to many years of nursing ) But being a nurse i know that my health is not good & will only get worse . I am ready to make the lifestyle changes & get healthy so I can start a family!

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