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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tess415

  1. I had a removal of my lap band and revision to a sleeve all done at one time. I had a barium swallow done the next day and started on liquids. I am following the same diet protocol as a new sleeve patient without lap band removal. I am sorry to hear that you are unable to drink anything for 2 weeks. Kudos for listening to your surgeon and finding the strength to follow his directions. Hang in there.... sending good thought your way!!!!
  2. Tess415

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Wow!!! Those are some great numbers you guys are pulling!!! I've lost 5 since surgery and 7 the week before... I will be happy with that!!! Has anyone started walking or anything for exercise?? I wanted to today, but this morning I had an episode of weakness and felt kind of faint. It passed, but I took it as a sign to not push it today.
  3. Tess415

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Sorry to hear that doneganregime1!! Have you called the surgeon? What do they say? Are you in pain because you can't keep your pain medicine down either?
  4. Tess415

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Been feeling pretty good, drinking protein shakes and sipping fluids fine. Had a terrible time with heartburn. Called the doctor's office and got started on prilosec... seems better at the moment!! One day at a time!!
  5. Tess415

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Hope everyone is doing well!!! I came home today. Passed UGI and taking liquids. small amount of pain and no nausea! YAY! Overall had a really great hospital experience! Grateful for the support of my family and friends!!
  6. Tess415

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    I've been a "good girl", liquids and fresh veggies and fat free dressing... nectar Protein shakes and I made some sf Jello and sf pudding with protein in it. Had egg drop Soup last night.... I miss my crackers in my soup!!! lol All set for Monday! Hopped the last hoop and have medical clearance in my hand!!! I have had several nurses where I work have the sleeve done and they all look great and feel better!!!! Now its my turn to join them!!!!
  7. Tess415

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Sorry to hear of delays for a few people... that's disappointing for sure I went for my pre-op visit with the surgeon... consent is signed. I have appt with PCP for medical clearance... all labs and my EKG looked good, so hoping for no issues with that. liquid diet it going ok, found a few palatable flavors thank goodness!!!! Only a few more days to go!!!
  8. Tess415

    Jan 13, 2014 Sleeved Friends

    Hi All.... I am a band (2008) to sleeve scheduled for the 13th at 7:30am! Pre band weight 366 lowest weight with band 255 1st visit for revision 331 current 325 Looking forward to having a permanent tool. I work so hard with the band, only to have issues after 2 years and had an infill and backslid something horrible. All that is behind me, I am going to work just as hard this time too and stick with making healthy choices from here on out!!! I start my pre-op liquid diet tomorrow!!!! Good luck to us!!!
  9. Tess415

    Scared To Fail Again...

    Ditto here!!! I am scheduled for band removal and revision to sleeve on January 13th also! I am very nervous and excited at the same time! We will have each other to get thru this!! I hope it can all be done at the same time…. however, I am aware of others on here who woke up with only the band out… hoping this is not the case!!
  10. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Robin…. I never got below 245# with the band…. far from bones and ribs sticking out. But, I definitely would throw up daily with the band being so tight…. it scared me how comfortable I got with that happening. Then, the complete obstruction lasted 3 days of not being able to even get a sip of Water down. I was so weak when I got to the doctor, I should not have let it go on for that long…. I didn't want the Fluid out and thought I could work through it. Now, I find myself on another journey… I gained so much weight back, and I don't want to go back to throwing up everyday I found out today that I have been approved for band removal and a revision to a gastric sleeve!!!
  11. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Its been a long time since I've posted on here… I did well the first 2 years with the band, lost 105 pounds. Still had about 60 more to go.. then I became obstructed and had to have fluid taken out. As a result, I have gained back quite a bit of the weight, but not the entire amount. I have struggled with my decisions of where to go from here. I found a new surgeon, had fluid added, but still not enough to get the weight loss going again. In all honesty… most of the weight I lost was due to such a tight restriction and difficulty eating, as opposed to the proper way the band was to work. I felt like I was becoming a bulimic…. I do not want to go back to feeling like that. So, I have been pursuing a revision to a sleeve. I am currently waiting on insurance approval. Anyone else in the same boat?
  12. Our monthly support group has been cancelled indefinitely, and I would like to find our group to meet online and support each other. Please post if you're from the Toledo area bandsters!!!! Would like to introduce myself!!!!!
  13. Hi, my name is Tess and I am a corb-oholic. OMG!!!!! I am so off of track I can't stand it, I am so disappointed in my behavior. :eek: I am not eating like I should and I need to kick my own ass!!!!! I need to get it together and stick to the program!!!!!
  14. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Howdy Everyone!! Long time no post.... I am so impressed with everyone's numbers!!! I have so much I have missed not being on here. I am doing well physically, I walk 6 miles 3 times a week, 2 hours straight without stopping. Before surgery I was walking on the treadmill 15 min at 2.7 mph. What a huge difference. Lots more energy! I am back in school, online for my BSN completion, working full-time, 2 boys in high school... life has gotten so busy!!! I miss having the time to post here. I want to try to get on here more often, I would like to be further along and can't wait till I get over the 100# loss mark. I think its fantastic that some of you are following your journey and having plastic surgery, I know its not an answer for everyone, but I am keeping my mind open for it when I get closer to goal!!! Miss you all!!
  15. Kelly, I haven't posted here in a while... please feel free share what's troubling you, so that we can help.:seeya:
  16. Hi Marge! I am very happy with the results so far. Next month is my one year bandiversary and I have a total of 80 lbs off so far. No regrets!!! The only thing I wish is that they had provided a way for all of us people interested in the support group a way to keep in contact... I was just starting to meet a few regulars and then it just ended:( You will be so glad you did it!!!! Congratulations on having a date!!! I wish you good luck and happy losing!!!! Its nice to meet you!!! Tess
  17. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hi everyone! I just talked to a coworkers wife... she got a lapband yesterday:) She is pretty sore, but did well...:wub:ahhh brought back some memories!!!!! Way back to the beginning of the whole process. Well guys, its almost our one year bandiversary, and I am challenging all of you to a last chance workout before we each hit our one year mark!!!!! Let's step it up and put a few more impressive pounds behind us for our first year totals!!!!!!! Just like the show Biggest Loser!! They do those last chance workouts... we still have a few more weeks!!!!! Lets hop to it!!!!!! :thumbup: Or Jonathan can release THE CLAW out on us!!!!!!
  18. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hi All! long time no post... Fenton - CONGRATULATIONTS!!!! I am so happy for you to hit your century mark!!!! Harley - 70% to goal... I am so envious:) I have been reading, trying to keep up with all of the postings... lots to Celebrate NSV's all over the place. Kudos to all!!!! I have had some life changes going on the past few weeks...back to school part time while working full time has been quite an adjustment itself!!!! Then, just to complicate things... my MIL had another health crisis she went unresponsive while on dialysis, ended up low HR and low BP and deteriorated enough to need the assistance of a ventilator and transferred to a large heart center. Ended up with a pacemaker and fortunately was able to be weaned off of the vent. This left her weaker than ever and is currently in an acute rehab unit at my hospital. Nothing brings out the FUN in family dysFUNction... like a crisis. I was so not eating right the last week and not going to the gym... just couldn't find enough time. But, this is a new week and I am determined to get on track...went to the gym last night and I need get back into the groove and make better choices. I haven't gained anything this week, but also haven't lost. I have had a few PB episodes from not chewing well and eating too fast, so I need to get that under control too. Thanks for listening!!!
  19. Tess415

    Shamrocks Friday Weight In.

    Thanks guys!!! I am sure some of it is water weight too!! I am eating, but I no longer can "work the band"... DH and I went to our favorite mexican restaurant and I can usually eat a good amount of salsa and chips prior to my meal and take half home. This time I ate only 8-10 chips and took 2/3 of my meal home and was full... I ate refried beans, few bites of spanish rice and chicken fajitas (no shell). Went down great, I chewed well, took my time. So far so good. We will see. I check in with the doctor in a couple of weeks:)
  20. Tess415

    Shamrocks Friday Weight In.

    Friday, January 23, 2009 aJoneen.........0 evelas5000......0 Desdemona.......0 Fenton.........-5 HarleyGirl......+.5 Hopeinapril.....0 Lynn1215........0 NurseNiki.......0 Nycm00.........+1 Potatie.........-1 100 POUNDS LOST scrappy_friend.-2 SpecialK........0 Sugarbean......-2 100 POUNDS LOST Sharona.............-1 Tess415........-8 Thin2bme........0 WestCoastMom....0 Wishin4.........0 Big difference in my band with this last fill!!! Hopefully this will do me for awhile!!!!:thumbdown:
  21. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I got my third fill last Tuesday, and holy smoke is it tight!!!! I have never had this much restriction before... I hope it isn't too tight. I am still trying to figure it out. Had my first PB episode ever...not fun... very painful and anxiety causing. I don't think anything got stuck, I think I misjudged the amount of intake at lunch and had a frozen yogurt which is a liquid technically, I think that put me over the top. Never had a problem before... back to the basic rules and today has gone well with soft foods. I am down 6 more pounds:) The scale is finally moving after a huge stall for last 2 1/2 months!!!!!!
  22. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Amanda- prayers and hugs for you and your family at this stressful time.:scared2: K-Pod- Quitting smoking is a fantastic step in your health, but its time to face the truth of why you smoke and make bad food choices. I struggle everyday with wanting to eat to feed the stress monster, the emotional monster, and any other monster you want to name!!!! The first step is identifying the problem, next is the plan... which it sounds like you've got an idea of where to turn for help. Next, would be to execute your plan. Hang in there. Just like Oprah, you've said it, got it out in the open... you (and no one else) is perfect!!! One foot in front of the other and you will get back on track!!! 16 pounds isn't terrible, its a sign you need to change something and you are going to do it!!!!!!
  23. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Lisa- fantastic list of things that you have accomplished, and many NSV's!!!! It made me reflect on the things that I am grateful for too. Thanks for sharing:) Wifey- I have noticed for myself, as I go thru this life's journey... When I began to pay more attention to my needs, instead of running around and taking care of everyone else... unfortunately this can sometimes lead us into unexpected places. My DH and I have had some very serious issues in the past, that divorce has been discussed. Thank goodness, we have come to an understanding, and have decided to stay together and raise our children together. The problem will always be there, but so far we both have put each other and our children first... and we are both very content with our lives the way it is. However, no guarantees in life, it could change at anytime... but I know I put forth the best I had to offer. I wish you peace and happiness with wherever this leads you:)
  24. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Pardon my french... but this past year the weather has sucked!!!! I have never had this many issues with the weather "getting in my way"!! AHHHHH! Got my fill:) I am down 2 pounds from the week before Thanksgiving!!!! Who would've thought?!?!?!? He put 2cc's in I think now I have a total of 8cc in the band. Now, I am ready to kick ass on the scale!!!!
  25. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Lynn, so sorry to hear about the loss of your pet... it is rough to go thru. I know what you mean about the sags... I can't imagine how had it must be to start a new relationship, but I don't think anyone of us would judge a potential life partner based on looks and if their skin is tight. Give them a chance to see the "real you". So many of us have spent our lives being judged, and we know what it feels like. I would wonder though, since your weightloss do you feel more vulnerable??? Meaning, if it doesn't work out, he doesn't like you? Where before you could blame the weight was the put off??? I myself am feeling more and more vulnerable and feel like I am losing some of my protective layers. I am always efficient at using everything to its maximum benefit, and my fat is something I have gotten used to using!!!!! I am sure the real you is very worth knowing:) Just roll with it, and see how it goes!!!

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