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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tess415

  1. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Home made ice cream...Yummm! Glad I haven't had to face that, I have a hard enough time with regular ice cream calling for me!!!! I have been doing the skinny cow things and they are good, but sometimes I just get that calling for a real big sundae or cone!!!! I am reading lots of NSV by everyone, I am so happy for all of you! It feels so good to be able to share these things with each other, I don't think our normal sized friends and family members could understand what huge steps these are in our journey to "One-derland"! This morning I wore a shirt to church that has been hanging in my closet for the past 3 years because I couldn't fit it on my body, well today I put that sucker on and its loose!!!!! I wore that proudly, my DH even noticed it and said that I looked really nice. I said "You could tell me I look skinny" LOL! He then said "You do look thinner again this morning, and yes, you look skinny"LOL!:biggrin::scared2::w00t::tt2:
  2. Tess415

    Weight Loss to Date

    6 month Bandiversary NAME.........................surgery date.....todays date....Lbs lost 1. SpecialK ...................3/17/08.........9/7/08............53.9 lbs 2. scrappy_friend ..........3/17/08.........9/4/08............54.0 lbs 3. aJoneen....................3/04/08.........9/4/08............31.0 lbs 4. WestCoastMom..........3/27/08.........9/4/08.............60.0 lbs 5. julietj1970.................3/3/08...........9/4/08.............40 lbs 6. SugarBean.................3/24/08.........9/4/08.............88 lbs (30 before surgery) 7. Tess415.....................3/10/08.........9/4/08.............60 lbs (23 before surgery) 8. jegtlf..........................3/24/08.........9/5/08..............56lbs 9. lglenn3000...................3/17/08.........9/5/08.............28 lbs Looking good Shamrocks!!!
  3. Lisa - you are doing great!!! Don't get discouraged!!! I too am hanging right above 300, it will happen very soon!!!!
  4. Tess415

    Weight Loss to Date

    NAME.........................surgery date.....todays date....Lbs lost 1. SpecialK ...................3/17/08.........9/7/08............53.9 lbs 2. scrappy_friend ..........3/17/08.........9/4/08............54.0 lbs 3. aJoneen....................3/04/08.........9/4/08............31.0 lbs 4. WestCoastMom..........3/27/08.........9/4/08.............60.0 lbs 5. julietj1970.................3/3/08...........9/4/08.............40 lbs 6. SugarBean.................3/24/08.........9/4/08.............88 lbs (30 before surgery) 7. Tess415.....................3/10/08.........9/4/08.............60 lbs (23 before surgery) Wow, just add up the few people that we've started with!!!!! It is going to be an awesome total at the end of the month!!!!!! Way to go shamrocks!!!!! :tt2::thumbs_up::smile2::thumbs_up::thumbup::thumbs_up:
  5. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I had a really good day. I stuck to my food plan and worked out at the gym. Most of the things I listed that are in my way will be over with in 2 weeks. I just need to let it go!! I have my Breakfast and lunch packed for work tomorrow, I always do better when I plan. Also, today was a meeting with my life coach, we talked about many of the things I had on my list. Actually she was impressed that I made a list, and looked at it that way. She was really a good pair of ears to listen and reflect on what my goals really are. The one thing she stressed is that no one is perfect, and I can't drag the bad choices along with me. They are done and over, otherwise it just feeds a vicious cycle of guilt and shame and self defeating. You are right Penny, I don't want to go back to all of the pain!!! Only moving forward, even if it takes a little longer than I would like it to!! I would love for us shamrocks to all be in a really good place emotionally and physically for our 6 month bandiversary. Is there a way we could all add up how much our group has lost so far??? I think that would be an awesome way to sum up 6 months!!!!
  6. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I was trying to reflect what is different now than a few months ago other than the time that has passed... I was doing so good. My old habits are back and out of control. What is in my way now I feel is: ****:cursing:Husband layed off and home way to much!!! He has no weight problem and eats anything and everything!! ****:cursing:Money is tight right now ****:cursing:Out of my routine of exercise and food planning ****:cursing:Spread myself too thin with working full time, training someone all summer (only have 1 more week), extra committees and meetings and special projects, redecorating and cleaning the house (Spring cleaning that I didn't do because of having the lapband and wanting to concentrate on a routine for myself. :rolleyes2:So now that I've made a list, I guess I need to adjust the things I do have control over.... I need to put myself back on the top of the list!!!! Effective immediately!!!!! I can't fix money or the layoff, but I can take back the time I need to take care of myself like I should!!!
  7. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Amanda, I know what you are saying about missing your mojo!!! I've had a less than acceptable past week. I am trying to pick a very short term goal to get back on track. Hit the gym 3 more times this week, and stick to the rules for the next 7 days. Fat pictures might help get a perspective. You are not alone!!
  8. Mamanmidwife Congratulations!!!! How fantastic for you!!
  9. Tess415

    Letter from cigna

    When I was working on my insurance approval... the surgeons office knew what my plan needed for requirements. I too was able to access this from my insurance companies website, it is usually spelled out pretty clearly what is needed. In my case it was a letter from my primary care MD, 5 year weight record and weightloss attempts from the same records from my MD. An eval from a psychologist. They want documentation of weightloss attemps and such. It sounds to me the word "clinicals" means your medical records. I would try contacting Cigna and speak to someone specifically to find out. Another helpful thing is to talk to your human resources department and find out who the Cigna representative is for their insurance concerns, it is very helpful to have someone directly helping on the other end. Always get a name and extension number for future issues. Good Luck, it takes time and work but its been worth it!! I went to my first seminar in August of 2007 and got approved at the end of January 2008!
  10. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I think that's great that you have someone to bounce things off of. That's impressive to be with the same therapist for 12 years!! I believe emotional support is important, and not everyone has a friend or family member that understands!!!!:smile:
  11. Congratulations on your upcoming band!!! I too am a nurse, I work 12 hour shifts in critical care. I was given 2 weeks off by my surgeon, and took a vacation week, so I had a total of 3 weeks off. You will feel weak and tired the first few days due to the liquid diet, (carb withdrawl). It was actually the 3rd week that I felt energy and hit the gym hard and I felt great when I went back to work. Everyone is different, but 12 hours is long!!! Make sure you eat (drink) frequently when on liquids if you go back that soon or you will feel it and not have much energy. The first week I had a headache almost daily...not terrible just an annoyance!! I can tell you having 60 pounds off now I feel fantastic!!! I breeze thru 12 hours!!! Good luck to you, if you have time off take it and concentrate on a routine of exercise and your diet. Lots of LBT helps too. Take Care!!
  12. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    There was a flyer at my gym offering all sorts of things... yoga, meditation and life coaching. I called her up and made an appt not sure if it would be helpful, as it turns out probably one of the best things I could've done!!! They have had them on Oprah. I have embraced a few of the things already on my journey: Visualization (I actually picture myself skinny and healthy while I work out), Relaxation (Deep breathing, diversional activities, going for a walk), and Affirmations (Positive statements repeated out loud several times a day). The mind is a very powerful thing!!!!
  13. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Just catching up on the posts this morning before I go and get ready to go to a funeral this morning... my husband's aunt passed away this week after a brave battle with uterine cancer for the past 2 years. Seems like quite a few of us have had to deal with seriously ill family members this summer, my mother-in-law is taking the death better than I thought she would. She has been in terrible health the past few years herself (dialysis, stroke, MS, spinal stenosis, depression just to name a few things). I was afraid what this would do to her, but she is hanging in there, considering she just got out of the hospital this week herself for heart problems now too. Having said that, I haven't been a very good lapbander this week. I have been off course to say the least. I even got something stuck that I never had happen before my last fill. Ouch! Completely my fault!!! I don't know if I posted this before but... I wanted to share that I too was very concerned about myself emotionally before the band, it is obvious to me that I medicate myself with food. I've faced this head on even pre-op. I still see a life coach which I found more helpful than a psychologist in this area. While seeing a psychologist for 2 years on and off, it helped to sort things out, and go thru some painful baggage. But, the next step for me was to move forward and take care of myself for once instead of putting everyone else ahead of me. I found better action plans and goals thru my coach, ones that work!!! I am not perfect ( as in this week ) but I now can identify where I get off of track and can make an action plan to get back on track and take control again!!!! While I understand what some of you are saying about what is under some of us as we lose weight, I wonder if it is more that some of us have used our weight as a buffer between us and life??? I myself make the best use of everything in life, including my fat!! And that buffer is shrinking slowly away!!! The people that I have embraced in my life don't care about my fat, and the fat kept others out or at least at a distance, and those people I didn't concern myself with. Fat, as a protective barrier so to speak. I think this may be the next area for me to discuss with my coach!! I do seem more vulnerable as the pounds disappear, I am not sure about that dynamic, but I am sure it is worth exploring. Wow, thanks for the therapy!!!! I didn't mean to go on and on and on!! It felt good to share with you all. Have a fantastic weekend! Take Care !!!! Thanks for listening!!!! PS. Fenton- I too am concerned about you!!! Have a safe trip to Paris, and let's get back to business after your trip!!! You are suffering from "Bandis-Interruptis"
  14. Tess415

    Hallow-Lean Challenge...

    I'll join in the fun!!!! Name ........ Start ....... Goal ...... Lbs Lost ....... Current Tess ......... 304 ...... 280 ............ 0 ....... 304
  15. Hey Rosy... found this at the Lapband manufacturer's website, print in and take it with you if you want to your appointment!!!!! Hope it helps!!!!!! http://www.lapbandcentral.com/local/files/documentlibrary/AP%20ART%20OF%20ADJUSTMENT%20Guide.pdf
  16. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Wow Diva... I am glad you are ok. I don't know if I could have gone all weekend like that myself! I just had a fill last week and thank god its been good, today is first day on regular food, I had a small salad from Bob Evans and it went down slowly but no PB'ing!!!
  17. Fran- Congratulations, Way to go!!!! :crying::w00t::wink2::w00t::wub::w00t::tt1::w00t:
  18. Rosy good luck on Friday. Let us know how it goes, at the very least he should do one under xray and check placement and restriction that way!!!
  19. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hi All - worked all weekend, seen things were pretty slow on here. Planning on re-doing my half bath and painting a bedroom this week on vacation. Some times you just need that instant gratification of seeing a project done short term. (Unlike our long term lap band journeys). Amanda, I feel your pain. While I am not making noise yet with my extra stuff, I too have lost enough start to make me wonder what I will really be dealing with. But no matter what, it will be better than Diabetes, Coronary Artery Disease, High blood Pressure, Stroke or worse!!!!! Don't let those pics discourage you, I bet some good under-garment for exercising will give you the support you need. I find you to be an inspiration in the exercise department...Keep it going!!!
  20. Rosy - I got my band done in Maumee, Ohio at St. Luke's Hospital by Dr. Duckett. I don't think the lapband has been around 30 years... so I think that is a bit of an exaggeration on his part. If he doesn't pull the Fluid out how can he know the integrity of the band? He may be completely missing the port and it would be no wonder you have no restriction and no weight loss to show for it. I don't know how assertive you wish to be, but I would consider even contacting your lapband manufacturer to see if they have a clinical educator that works in your area to touch base with your doctor. I have a band from Allergan, the more concrete information from the company, you will be able to advocate for yourself. These doctors have to be certified and have a certain amount of hours of training to be able to be a lapband provider. Another thought is... what about a fill center? Is there one near you? I see advertiser on LBT, you could check it out too. Feel free to PM me if you want more information or support.
  21. My doctor and nurse specialist want us to eat. If you are too tight in the morning you could have a protein drink, but other wise you should be eating and making sure you get your protein in but keeping it 1000-1200 cal/day and 6-8 glasses of water a day.
  22. I was wondering what does he do to access the port? My doctor looks with an ultasound first. Next he has me lay on the table and lift both legs off of the table... this makes my port "pop up" and very palpable, then he numbs the skin around that area. Again I lift my legs slightly off of the table and after cleansing the area with skin prep he is able to put the needle into it. Next he pulled all of the Fluid out which except for maybe .5cc it was all there, then while I drank Water he put it in until the fluid would trickle down. Then, after finishing a whole 16oz glass of water could leave the office. Is this similar to how he is doing your fills??
  23. Tess415

    March Bandsters How Many Fills ?

    Congrats SugarBean!!! Isn't it great to have a boost from an adjustment?!?!!? No stoppin us now!!!
  24. Tess415

    March Bandsters How Many Fills ?

    Got my adjustment this week for a total of 6 cc's in my band!
  25. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I understand the bra issue!!! I too have been trying to deal with the girls!!!! As soon as I am small enough to fit into some victoria secret sizes I am going for a fitting, all of my friends swear by their bras and assistance in getting fitted appropriately!!! I can't wait for that day!!!! Well, I almost can't believe it, the scale is finally moving again after my fill this week. I am feeling more confident than I have in the past month. I went to the gym and weighed myself and I am down 7 pounds (YEA!) and I just can't say enough about what an emotional boost it is after this last adjustment. DID YOU HEAR ME FENTON?!?!?! I love this band!!!!!

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