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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tess415

  1. Thanks:wink2: for your replies everyone... I have an appt on Tuesday and I am going to ask. Maybe its only 3 covered with the band operation and the rest is a nominal charge. I don't think I want another fill now anyway, things occasionally hang up, haven't PB'ed, but don't want too either. My surgeon insists on seeing me once a month for the first year to follow my progress. I feel it helps keep me honest and accountable...he bills the insurance but its not covered and they tell me no charge when I check out. (I think everyone has an angle sometimes!)
  2. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Good idea! I'll post on the main board. I go to the surgeon on Tuesday... hope I am down a little more by then, kind of been at a little stand still (my own doing). I have been experiencing some port area discomfort this week, fairly uncomfortable. The only thing I did different this week was lifted weights a few days at the gym, I wonder if I pulled something. I can't even lay on my left side to sleep at night...ouch
  3. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Congrats on the first 50!!!! I remember what a milestone it is!!!!!! :tongue_smilie::thumbsup::tt1::thumbsup::thumbsup::cool2:
  4. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hi Everyone! I have seen quite a few of you guys getting fills. My surgeon said I can only have 3 the first year. Has anyone else heard of this? It seems that so many have had several 4,5,6, or more the first year. He is aggressive with them, he puts in so that you're completely occluded, then pulls out very slowly just enough so that the water goes down very slowly. It seems that some just get a certain amount despite the effect on the restriction. What do you guys think??
  5. Tess415

    B-12 shots anyone?

    Glad to hear you were checked out really good before your surgery. I am the type to always error on the side of caution... I have been a cardiac nurse for 22 years and fatigue is the number one symptom overlooked by women and their doctors for an indicator of heart disease. Sorry, it just a gut reaction when I hear it. Glad you feel better, I looked on the MayoClinic website, it doesn't look like there have been any official trials done on B12 for energy boosting specifically, just with different types of anemias. If its safe and helps that's great!
  6. Tess415

    Hiccups and the Lap Band?

    My nurse specialist tell us if you're getting the hiccups you're eating/drinking too fast and need to slow it down, I find it to be true for myself.
  7. Tess415

    Just curious I need to know!!!

    I gave soda pop up this past February... I did try a sip here and there only to find it disgusting and now I don't even think about it anymore.
  8. Tess415

    B-12 shots anyone?

    They use B12 shots once a month for pernicious anemia. I hope he did a blood test and checked your B12 level before giving you a shot to see if you were truly low. I have never heard of them giving them for energy. I would wonder what the real underlying cause of your fatigue and check everything out from anemia to heart disease.
  9. Tess415

    3 fills, no restriction

    There's another way to look at this. First of all, congratulations on your progress so far. I have discovered that I cannot wait for the band to tell me I am full, and eat until its tight. That isn't how it works for me. I have discovered that I have to be in control and pay attention to portions of Protein and healthy filling foods. Then eat slowly and wait 30 minutes to decide if I am hungry and want more. Unless I eat "slider foods" I am satisfied, however it is not meant to make you feel full like after eating a huge meal. I cannot rely on the band to stop me, I have to be proactive and portion control and let the band help me feel satisfied and stop the hunger. I think sometimes people want the lapband to be a brake, and stop you from eating, but I don't think it works that way for many people. Try to use it for satiety only and see if that makes a difference for you. You must be doing a really good job with your food choices to have lost that much weight so far. Hopefully looking at it in a different light might help.
  10. Tess415

    Please help I have questions

    C ongratulations on your 70 pound loss, that is fantastic!!! I see that you said you are on the road all day:car:, the best answer is to plan, plan, plan and then plan some more. Pack your Breakfast and lunch and Snacks in a cooler and keep it with you. Invest in a Thermos brand container to keep something hot if that is what you pack like a Soup or scrambled eggs. Don't become a victim of not staying in charge!!! You are in control!!!!! Some choices from fast food would be: Subway salad with turkey or chicken and lots of veggies Wendy's Chicken (no bun) with a side salad Applebee's pick from their Weight Watcher menu I use Calorie Counter, Diet Tracking, Food Journal, Nutrition Facts at The Daily Plate to look up restaurant information before I go so I can plan ahead. Hope this helps...Good luck to you!! Keep up the good work!!
  11. Tess415

    Progress Pics, Anyone?

    :boink:Anyone have some new updated pics they want to share??? Its been awhile, maybe it will motivate some of us!!!!!!
  12. Tess415

    Good Crockpot recipes?

    You guys have some really good ideas!!! I saw a recipe for boneless chicken breasts and cover with salsa and cook 4 hours on high. Nice and easy... its on my list to try.
  13. So sorry to hear about your misfortune. I am glad you are here to write this post. I will pray for you to continue to heal, and find peace after this ordeal. Take Care
  14. Tess415

    Hair loss!!

    I too am a victim of loosing hair. It has gotten better the last month or two. I use Nioxin products I get from my hairstylist. I think they help me. It will take a couple of hair cycles to catch back up and it is now beginning to look better. I have baby fine hair to begin with. Hang in there, it will get better.
  15. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Whew!!! I avoided another donut tale, DH brought some more home... I am beginning to see a pattern!!!! Harley - I ordered free samples from Everyday Minerals and am using it today for the first time... I think I like it. I work 12 hour shifts, does it last the day for you? I am not a "primper" I get ready in the am and that's it. Don't have time for touch ups.
  16. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I have a donut tale to tell: Last weekend after an awful week of stress!!! My DH came home in the morning from working the night shift and announced that he brought home some donuts from a nearby bakery (THE REALLY GOOD ONE'S!). I was already up and getting ready, so by the time I was going to go downstairs DH was in bed ready to sleep... well, I gave him the evil eye:angry: and told him we have discussed this already before, I don't care if he eats donuts, just buy what he wants and eat them. Do not buy a dozen, we don't need a dozen!!! So now I have to go down in the kitchen and deal with the donuts!!! Calling my name, looking and watching me!!! So he says... Just leave 'em alone. I didn't buy them for you. I bought them for the kids and me! What a Jacka$$!!:w00t: I head off and of course, I find myself in the donut box, got my paws on a double chocolate cake donut with chocolate frosting YUM! I get 3 bites in and it stuck!!! UGHHH!!!:thumbup: I know... serves me right!!! The only thing left to do is yell up stairs and wake up DH and tell him I went for the chocolate one and now its stuck after a few bites!!!! He didn't give a hoot... but at least I got to bother him wihile he was trying to sleep!!!!:smile2:
  17. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Ronda - I am having a hard time finding a good bra too. I even went to one of those "fitting" days and wasn't satisfied with what they have to offer. I always use 18 Hour by Playtex and the cheapest I can find is usually Just My Size website when they have free shipping. WCM - I hope you find peace with your band. If you can keep up the good healthy choices without it being filled, I say more power to you!!!! I don't know if I'll ever feel that confident about myself even when I get to goal. Time will tell. Christine - I am currently in my last size of things in my closet, I too am going to go to some thrift shops and see what I can find. I also hit the clearance racks pretty hard. I never pay regular price for anything. Mom - I just don't understand why some men have issues with short hair!! I bet you look absolutely fantastic with your weightloss and new hairstyle. Glad to hear you're turning heads!!!
  18. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Thanks everyone for the all support, it really means a lot to me!!!!:eek:
  19. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Thanks for celebrating with me!!! I noticed how loose my watches are getting to be, I'll have to ask DH to take out a link or two for me soon. I posted this on the powder room thread, but since Jonathan hasn't been on lately maybe he'll miss this (LOL)!.... I had my yearly mammogram on Monday and the tech was looking at my films from last year and the ones she took, she said "Have you lost some weight?" :tt1: I am like OMG!! Who would have thought it would be that obvious on my films... yes I have lost a cup or two!!!!!! Turns out, her DH is in the process of getting approval for the Lap Band and we had a really nice conversation!!!!!
  20. Tess415

    Weight Loss to Date

    NAME..............................surgery date.....todays date....Lbs lost 1. SpecialK .............................3/17/08........9/7/08............53.9 lbs 2. scrappy_friend .....................3/17/08........9/4/08............54.0 lbs 3. aJoneen.............................. 3/04/08........9/4/08............31.0 lbs 4. WestCoastMom..................... 3/27/08........9/4/08............60.0 lbs 5. julietj1970............................ 3/03/08........9/4/08............40 lbs 6. SugarBean........................... 3/24/08........9/4/08............88 lbs (30 before surgery) 7. Tess415................................3/10/08........9/4/08............60 lbs (23 before surgery) update 10/8/08 65 pounds lost 8. jegtlf.....................................3/24/08........9/5/08............56lbs 9. emmersglue ..........................3/18/08........9/5/08............48lbs 10. lglenn3000............................3/17/08........9/5/08............28 lbs update 10/4/08...-32 lbs 11. Busy....................................3/17/08........9/6/08............41 lbs. 12. tp78.....................................3/13/08........9/8/08............36 lbs. update 9/25/08....-44lbs 13.potatie..................................3/27/08........9/11/08...........56lbs Update 10/5/08 66lbs :tt1: 14. TKT2FLY...............................3/17/08........9/14/08...........63lbs 15. MSBoss08.............................3/06/08........9/17/08..........64lbs 16. Hazel-Eyes............................3/14/08........9/17/08...........31 lbs 17. hungry4help..........................3/3/08...........9/18/08........65lbs (10 before surgery) 18. sisterc..................................3/17/08..........9/18/08........28 lbs 19. Anniedub...............................3/6/08............9/26/08........55 lbs 20. wishin4.................................3/26/08..........9/26/08........48 lbs 21. AuntLucy...............................3/10/08.........9/26/08........64 lbs 22. nycm00.................................3/24/08.........9/25/08........60lbs. 23.Desdemona............................3/19/08........10/03/08........58lbs.
  21. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    "I did it, I did it, I really, really did it"!!!! I am finally below 300 pounds!!!!!!!!! I am so happy!!!!! Congratulations to all of you that hit onderand!!!! Hope to be there someday!!! :wub::Dancing_wub::wub::Dancing_wub:
  22. Tess415

    Hallow-Lean Challenge...

    ******NAME**********START WGHT****CURRENT WGHT*******GOAL********LBS. LOST *****:tt2:************************:tt2:************:wub:*********:tt2:* 1dayatime..........263............261............243............2 2BHealthE!.........194............179............194............0 ahsem2bme..........244............244............225............0 aJoneen............223............218............213............5 Aphrodite1984......208............208............190............0 Ariel..............199............196.4..........180..........2.6 ArmyWife4life......209.5..........209.5..........190............0 Barb12590..........228............218............213...........10 Bea1128............210.5..........205.5..........188............5 blueriley..........206............206............190............0 Brandymom1234......227............151.9..........135..........4.1 Caramia71..........208............202............195............6 cQQlgirl...........194............192............180............2 Crzytchr...........281............272............265............9 DebinFl............181............181............168............0 georgiagirl........245............229............220...........16 HarleyGirl.........188............187............175............1 HeatherA...........210.5..........203.9..........200..........6.6 HeatherO...........155............145............140...........10 Ivyrose325.........212............212............199............0 Jazzyywan..........255............255............190............0 Jodi_620...........196............181............177...........15 KikiVal315.........237.5..........229............220..........8.5 Lana24.............208............195............185............0 laurigee...........180............176............160............4 Leslie2Lose........220............214............205............6 lindar172 .........274.2..........266.2..........256............8 LisaB..............205.5..........196............180.........10.5 livn4thm...........235............233............210............2 Long2bthin.........248............235............230...........13 Luu2008............203............199.5..........183..........3.5 Mamanmidwife.......299............286............280...........13 mamato3............186............186............170............0 MarinaBleu.........226.5..........226.5..........216............0 memom..............210............210............170............0 Minxz..............299............286............280............9 mominlv13..........299.8..........286.4..........280.........13.4 Momof5.............192.5..........187.5..........175..........5.0 nip50..............175............170............160............5 NukeChik...........218............218............208............0 NurseNiki..........258............246............239...........12 odamay.............242............242............225............0 paige65............252............247............232............5 Peaches11..........205............205............194............0 pj_txlady..........220............220............200............0 Redtulips3.........180............171............167............9 Renee74............214............213............199............7 Renewedhope........171............169............150............2 reif78.............294............195............185............0 savimama...........216............216............200............0 shaversd...........230.5..........225............210..........5.5 SpecialK...........294............286............280............8 Sunshine2..........177............171............167............6 Tess...............304............299...........280............5 thatDEgirl.........211............202.6..........195..........8.4 tp78...............201............192............180............9 Turler.............225............218............210............7 wendyw.............192............188............172............4 wowox7.............195............183............170...........12 WyominGirl.........327............321............312............6 Finally below 300!!!!:wub:
  23. It's finally my turn!!!!!! I am at 299!!!! I am so glad to say good-bye to the 300's!!!!!!!:wub:
  24. Hi, I see a few things to comment on that may give you some insight... I don't see you mention that you exercise, I see where you are trying to count you daily activity as your exercise. However, I was told this activity is what your body is used to doing and it doesn't count as exercise. I am a nurse on my feet 12 hour shifts and I don't count that as exercise, obviously I have gained weight despite being on my feet for 12 hours over the years. Next, what are you eating?? instead of chicken nuggets... my choices are Wendy's grilled chicken sandwich off of the bun with a side salad and fat free dressing, Subway salad with any chicken or turkey on top is also filling. Applebee's weightwatcher menu works good too for best choices. I use the Calorie Counter, Diet Tracking, food Journal, Nutrition Facts at The Daily Plate to journal all food and exercise and use it to look up restaurants and look at what the protein and calories are before I go so I have a plan. You can do this, change your attitude to a more positive by saying " I can do this and I am doing this"!!! Get yourself on an exercise program and stick to it. Make better food choices... and you'll be back on your way!!!!!
  25. Tess415

    Ladies with large chests...

    Hi Everyone! I have something that fits on this thread.... I went for my mammogram last night and the tech was checking my films with last years and asked me if I have lost some weight???? :redface: I was shocked, now I have proof that they are shrinking. I told the girls at work, after all these years of being DDD what if I find out I am only a B and would need implants!!!!!! Other part of the story... I told the tech that I got a lapband, and it turns out that her DH is having trouble getting approved for one. She had lots of questions and since she was already seeing the boobs I showed her how little the scars are. She was pretty impressed with my weightloss, and I wished her DH well wishes for getting approved!!!!! Small world!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
