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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tess415

  1. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Robin-congratulations... you are doing fantastic!!! Way to get to onderland!!!!! I am on the verge of menopause... it keeps on looking more and more scary:) I just have to tell you guys that tomorrow is my fill day and as if it hasn't snowed enough...we are supposed to get up to 3 inches and blizzard like conditions due to high winds! UGHHHH!!!! I don't care if I need to hijack a dogsled... I need to get there!!!! I have been waiting weeks!!!!!!! :cryin::cursing::cryin::cryin::cool2::cryin::tt2::cryin:
  2. You didn't mention how much fill you have in your band. Maybe it would be beneficial to remove a little to allow you to eat more solid proteins that are healthier and more satisfying. Looks like you have done a really good job and you are not to far from goal!!!:thumbup:
  3. Tess415

    I am such a loser!!!

    Stop beating yourself up! You couldn't have gotten this far because you are a loser!!! Now that the holidays are over, many of us are where you are trying to get back on track. Go back to the basics, and what worked before. You can do this... one day at a time!!!!!! :cool::welldoneclap::regular_smile::welldoneclap::cursing:
  4. Tess415

    EKG Problems??

    They may request you see a cardiologist for surgical clearance just to be on the safe side. You have to remember that you will be having a general anesthetic and there are reasons to make sure everything is ok. Even something as an undiagnosed thyroid problem can cause tachycardia. Sometimes health things get picked up in unplanned ways... so be sure to follow it through, and it will work out :cool: Take Care!
  5. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I am hoping with an adjustment, and following the 5 day pouch program will really kick some pounds for me this week coming up. Still snowing.... got 6 inches so far and another 4-6 predicted by sundown. It is beautiful, but definitely homebound for the weekend:)
  6. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Well... I again stayed the same, holding on for Tuesday when I get my desperately needed fill!!!!! Glad to see so many of my shamrock friends on track!!! You guys rock!!!!! Other news... had to cancel a big 90th get together for my grandma this weekend due to the forecast of up to 10 inches of snow by tomorrow evening. Holy Cow... we have seen a lot of snow this year!!! So far the first wave brought about 2 inches this evening, just planning on staying inside and warm this weekend:)
  7. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Potatie- fantastic job!!!! Can't wait until I get to post a century mark!!!! I am not having any reflux issues... can't really offer any advise, hope you guys feel better. I think that it is fantastic that a few of you have been able to put away the cpap machines!!!!! How wonderful for you!!! What a NSV!!!! On another note... My DH asked me today how much weight I gained since Thanksgiving, as of today my answer is NONE. However, when he got on the scale he has gained 8 pounds!!!!:thumbup::thumbup::lol::cool2::tt2: I know... pretty childish, but I have never had this happen before, and he was a little upset!!!!!
  8. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hi guys... I was out of town jumped on the scale today... no loss, no gain. I am with Harley, I ate so much this past month, and I don't know why...could it be STRESS!!!!! I am so glad I have a fill Jan 13th!!!! I am committed to get to my goal of 100 pounds by my bandiversary. 'BACK ON THE WAGON AGIAN..."
  9. I have been taking this holiday to reflect on how far I have come over the past year... I was trying to think of something that I am going to do that I haven't done because my weight always held me back. January 12th I am starting back to college to finish my BSN online!!! I have put this off for so long, and now with some new found confidence, I am going to take a deep breath and jump in!!!! I am looking forward to when the amusement park opens up this spring... I will fit into a seat on a roller coaster and I am going to have some fun!!!!! Anyone else have new things on their list for the New Year????
  10. Tess415

    Help, need more calories

    Congratulations on your band!!! What a nice christmas present to yourself!!! May I suggest.. adding a banana or a serving of applesauce. I some times eat that with my Breakfast. Its healthy and will add some calories. You could even treat yourself to a frozen heathy choice meal... they run from 250-300 cal for a dinner, they should have something to pick from in the soft food category. Best of luck to you!!!
  11. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Happy New Year Everyone!!!! I wish you all good health and happiness for the new year!!! Can't wait to see what the next year of our journey brings!!! I am so glad to be online with such great support and awesome people!!!!! :laugh::party::party::mad::party::tt1::party:
  12. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hmmmmm.... set myself right of for that one!!!!:frown: LOL! Went to the gym and weighed myself... officially up a total of 2 pounds. I can't beat myself up too much. Before the band by now I would have gained 10 or 15 over the holidays easily!
  13. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Jonathan- sorry things didn't go the way you had hoped... I certainly understand how heartbreaking that had to be for you.:tongue2: I am sure that things must seem more difficult to do without that one person in your life you feel like is missing... however, sometimes I wish I didn't have to be pulled in 1,000 different directions and could work on just me for awhile. You have so many things and accomplishments under your belt and that is fantastic!! You are truly a "work in progress" right now, and just maybe that certain person hasn't happened yet until you get to where you need and deserve to be!!! So many things change emotionally as we continue to lose weight, relationships have many bumps along the way as a result of this process too. Love yourself, focus on you and I sincerely think things will fall into place when they are meant to be for you!! :huh2::huggie::huggie::huggie::huggie::huggie::huggie::huggie:
  14. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Well, I am planning on hitting the gym today hard!!!! I have to work Tues and Wed and then the gym is closed the rest of the week. So, its today and then not til next week. We are getting away for the New Year to Frankenmuth Michigan... there is a lodge we stay at and really enjoy getting out of town. The kids really like going there too, and with teenagers... if they like it, you need to go with it. (LOL) I am patiently awaiting my next scheduled adjustment Jan 13th!!! Then it will be down to some serious business... I want to hit the 100 pound loss marker on the anniversary date of my band!!! I think I can do it!!!!!! Just need to get back to the basics!!!
  15. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    NAME *******START WEIGHT *******CURRENT WEIGHT *******GOAL *******LBS. Lost aJoneen............212............212............XXX............0 Fenton.............XXX............XXX............XXX............0 HarleyGirl.........XXX............XXX............XXX............0 Hopeinapril .......236............241............XXX............0 Hungry4help........XXX............XXX............XXX............0 Lynn1215...........174.5..........174.5..........XXX............0 NurseNiki..........229.8..........229.8..........190............0 Nycm00.............220............219............XXX...........-1 Potatie............229............229..................... scrappy_friend.....170............172............150...........+2 SpecialK...........274............274............165............0 Sugarbean..........200............199............150...........-1 Tess415............294............295............289............+1 WestCoastMom.......155............153.5..........140..........1.5 Thin2bme..................191.2 . . . . . . . . XXX . . . . . . . . . 160 . . . . . . Up a pound this week..not too bad I guess.
  16. Tess415

    Protein shake mix ins

    I have a friend that swears by some of the recipes on the website for the sugar free syrups she adds to her Protein drinks!!!! Here's a link: Check it out!!!! DaVinci Gourmet Sugar Free Flavored Syrups
  17. Tess415

    Diverticulitis anyone?

    As far as a diet goes... you are probably on mushy or liquids and for an acute episode of diverticulitis you would want a low residue diet... which your liquids would cover that. You are right to call your doctor about the pain you are having, I had fever and chills with mine. I couldn't stand the LLQ pain, hurt to have a BM. Went to the ER and had a CT Scan and they diagnosed it and was treated with antibiotics and had a follow up colonoscopy which confirmed that I do have diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon and had a polyp removed. Now, I try to keep up Fiber intake... avoid hard nuts, popcorn and seeds and keep regular in the BM department. Hope this helps and you feel better soon. If it is diverticulitis, I doubt the band is related to it.
  18. Tess415

    Diverticulitis anyone?

    Did you have diverticulitis before??? I had an episode once before but not related to the band. How far post op are you?
  19. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Merry Christmas To Everyone!!!! I'm off for the next couple of days, and looking forward to spending them with my family!!!! Christmas is at my house this year. Then before we know it.... we will be ringing in the new year!!!!! All of us have so much to look ahead to on our journey to a healthier life!!!!
  20. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Just a thought... may be you need your gall bladder checked out. The very act of eating could trigger an attack each time you eat. Sorry to hear your miserable. It sounds like more than just a tight band.
  21. Tess415

    Lettuce and Cabbage

    I do absolutely fine eating salads, as a matter of fact, I love getting salads from subway!!! Cabbage however... gives me too much gas and pain!!! I avoid it!!!
  22. Tess415

    Carb-oholics Anonymous....

    I am such an emotional eater... and it is fed by carbs...bad carbs!!!!! This past week has been very stressful, and I am using bad habits...I need to stop it!!!!!!
  23. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    NAME *******START WEIGHT *******CURRENT WEIGHT *******GOAL *******LBS. Lost aJoneen............XXX............XXX............XXX............0 Fenton.............XXX............XXX............XXX............0 HarleyGirl.........XXX............XXX............XXX............0 Hopeinapril .......XXX............XXX............XXX............0 Hungry4help........XXX............XXX............XXX............0 Lynn1215...........174.5..........174.5..........XXX............0 NurseNiki..........229.8..........229.8..........XXX............0 Nycm00.............220............219............XXX...........-1 SpecialK...........274............274............165............0 Sugarbean..........200............200............XXX............0 Tess415............294............294............289............0 WestCoastMom.......155............153.5..........140..........1.5 OK, I faced the scale!!! I am the same (don't know how?!?!?!). FENTON- NO FREE PASSES FOR BEING OUT OF THE COUNTRY!!!:biggrin:
  24. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    My brother is in town from Tennessee, and staying with us. He brought up some backwoods authentic moonshine in a mason jar!!! I officially had my first ever taste of it...WOW...it will warm you up quick. Didn't have too much, I felt my liver jump a little after I tried it! LOL!!! :shades_smile:
  25. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Sugar- thanks for the utube info on the neti pot. OMG! I don't think I could do that... My son had sinus surgery a few years ago and I had to make a saline solution and irrigate his nostrils with a water pick... I guess this would've been more gentle!!!!

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