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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tess415

  1. Tess415

    I think I'm addicted to this site!

    Me too! At least if we are on here... we are not in the kitchen eating!! (LOL) I find this a good distraction, how ever my DH has been giving me the evil eye this weekend, :frown: he's been working his tail off installing some electrical plugs in the basement for the kids area for xbox and stuff!!!! And here I am on my laptop!!!!! Oh well!!! Tess :incazzato::driving::huggie::sad::tt2::frown:
  2. Name..............Current.....Goal.....Lost...Still to Lose by July 4th atallen06...........231........215.......0......16 Bea1129.............231........200......5.5.....25.5 BigBandFan..........296........270.......0......26 Cgailee ............219........200.......0......19 darr5380............170........165.......0.......5 Epm316..............220........200.......10.....20 erikadawn...........217........190.......0......27 faithmd.............302.1......300.......7.3....2.1(by6/21) Hastings............248........228.......5......20 Jennypoo............176........170.......3.......6 jrob281.............212........190.......0......22 KarenG..............170........160.......4......10 kathystrick.........318........288.......0......30 kellygirl0520.......236........220.......0......16 legster.............188........180.......9......8 Lenore1890..........263.4......247.......4.3....15.7 Leslie2Lose.........225........208.......8......17 LessNLess...........149........140.......2.......9 Lilmissband-aid.....236.5......225.......11.....11.5 losingjusme.........244........238.......6.......6(started 5/30) Luu2008.............215........185.......0......30 luvinke.............217........190.......4......23 Marissa's Mom.......388........358.......0......30 MollyMolly..........190........188.......14......2 nancy52.............197........170.......0......27 Nettie..............193........170.......0......23 Newhope4me..........168.8......160.......8.2.... 8.8 njudono............ 298........277...... 5......21 NukeChik............229........222.......13......7 nurse7263...........244........150.......0......24 renewedhope.........187........180.......9.......7 Sades...............194........185.......3.......9 Sunshine2...........179........160.......4......15 (by6/29) Suzzzie. ...........273........260.......0......13 Tess415.............327........299.......7......21 TexasFire67.........170........145.......0......25 Wombat712...........130.6......120.......3.6....10.6 Down another pound this week!!!! whoooohoooo! :incazzato::driving::huggie::sad: Tess
  3. Tess415

    Want to change the "focus"

    I too got tired of beating myself up and not liking myself because of my size and the things that I couldn't do. (My first weight watcher diet was with my grandma at age 12) But, I can tell you that you can change the way you view yourself. The first step is to admit that you don't like how you think of yourself... like you just did!! I have spent months pre-op battling the negative and replacing it with the positive!!! And it is working ... you can learn to be positive about yourself and lose weight ... not sabotage yourself! I have been seeing a life coach, and have found this to be truly an amazing awakening for me. They have had a few life coaches on Oprah! if you ever watch her show or check her website. I have been through so much crap with my DH that I don't think I even knew how badly I was treating myself, and using food as my drug to be content. It has been a lot of had work but I feel happy about the person I am and what I have to offer to others. I want to encourage you to be your own best friend, and you will be so happy that you did! Part of being my own best friend has led me to being successful so far on my journey. If your interested in seeing my life coaches web page PM me! Tess
  4. I am so glad to be in such good company!!! We can do it!!! I have wanted to get back below 300 now for the past few years!!!! Only 20 pounds away!!! Let's keep everyone updated as we keep losing!!!! Tess :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
  5. I have had a few NSV's too: 1. Wearing clothes that I haven't worn in the past 5 years!!!! 2. Fitting into the seats in the auditorium at my kids school!!! 3. My 16 year old son noticed my arms are getting smaller, he said " Hey, I guess that band really works!" 4. My co-workers call me "baggy pants"!!!
  6. Sounds great to me!!!! We are only a day apart on are fill dates too!! That's so cool to meet you! How do you feel? Do you have a good restriction? I've been feeling really good, a lot more energy! Have you noticed more energy? Glad to meet you! Tess
  7. Tess415

    Ready and willing!

    Thanks for the recipes... they look delicious! Can't wait to try some of them out! Photo shoot!!!! Good for you! That is fantastic!!!! When they get on the website you'll have to share them with us!:tongue2: Tess
  8. Tess415

    Newbie here!!

    Maybe a job at a hospital that offers lap band procedures. I know some nurses that work for a health system that offers it in their health coverage. I don't know what qualifications you have, but maybe something clerical or housekeeping etc. I think theirs were covered 90% after meeting deductible. Tess
  9. Tess415

    Help on Mushy stage!!!!

    Greg, I felt fine after my first (only) fill so far. I went shopping on the way home. It was done under fluoroscopy at the hospital. I had to do clears that day, then 2 days full liquid, 1 week pureed then back to soft. I felt restriction right away but, now I can eat more than I should. I really try to measure and pay attention to my portions! I know all doctors are different, mine and the nutritionist wants me to have 60-80 grams of Protein daily, and if I need to use shakes its ok, I use Water and ice, not milk to keep the calories down. I'm a nurse and sometimes I can't sit down for lunch and eat slow... so I keep the shake mix handy! If your feeling motivated, I wouldn't mess around and get your fill as soon as you can. Otherwise you might be tempted to eat things you shouldn't for the 4th of July. Plan ahead for yourself... Make something special and take it with you so you won't be tempted. Before you know it, you'll realize the company of your friends and family is much more enjoyable than the food everyone brings! Another food I thought about was Egg Drop Soup... that too was a staple when I was on mushies, there is a good chinese restaurant by me for carry out. It has egg whites and protein in that. Hope that helps Tess
  10. Tess415

    Help on Mushy stage!!!!

    On the mushie phase I ate instant mashed potatoes and used cream of chicken Soup as a gravy. You could even add your chicken baby food into the soup for more Protein. I really liked my Protein shakes so I still drank lots of those. Protein pudding is good too. ( 1 large box any flavor sugar free pudding, 3 cups skim milk and 1/2 to 1 cup skim milk powder... add to power to the milk then mix. You could make a couple of flavors that would last you a few days. I even added a little fat free sugar free cool whip for a topping) I also ate a lot of yogurt without fruit chunks and cream of wheat. (Maple and brown sugar... I hated plain)! Before you know it, you'll be on real food... You can do it!!!!!
  11. I too was having a hard time trying to get used to not drinking with the meal. My nutritionist suggested using yogurt or applesauce to help clear your food at the end of the meal... it works for me!:biggrin2: Tess
  12. Tess415

    Any ideas?

    I would try again to make an appointment with the surgeon. Any doctor that is who he is supposed to be always follows up with their patients. I also would look on your state's Medical License Board and see if he has any actions against his license... this will give you a good idea of who your dealing with.When you call for an appointment, don't mention your band... give them a generic reason for the appointment.... then let him have it!:eek: Is he the one who did your first lap band? If he no longer does them, where does he send his patients to now. If he won't do a follow up now, he should be the one to recommend another physician. Sounds to me he let his malpractice insurance lap on this particular procedure. ( A surgeon friend of mine told me that it's $20,000 a year just for malpractice to do these... so do the math, they need to be doing a lot of them to make it worth their while!) If he won't recommend someone, I would see if there is a doctor who will take over on your own. You need to be seen by someone! Good Luck!!! Tess
  13. I've been stuck and finally am starting to see the scale move! Another pound gone! Let's keep it going!!! Tess
  14. Tess415

    Aetna Insurance questions - help please

    I would find a contact person at Aetna to speak to. Your employer should have a number to the person who would handle their accounts. I had to contact them that way because Aetna is my secondary insurance and they would not approve me as a primary payor. But I wanted to make sure I met every single one of their requirements, so I had my husband talk to the human resource person and they gave me a contact person, and believe me its best to have an inside person to speak directly too, she has been most helpful... and I found out she had gastric bypass 3 years ago, so she was very sympathetic to my case! Good Luck! Tess
  15. Tess415

    Ready and willing!

    Thanks for the info! I'll look forward to you posting your recipes! Have a safe trip! Tess
  16. Tess415

    Not Going To Make It

    The first few days of the liquids are quite an adjustment. I too had the headaches and felt tired. I felt better if I drank some juice over crushed ice to chew on, I know that there is sugar in the juice, but I felt some of the symptoms was from a lower blood sugar, and it helped in between the Protein shakes. Jello or italian ice is another option to supplement and alternate with the Protein drinks. Hang in there, it will be worth it! Tess
  17. Tess415

    Any ideas?

    I don't understand the "too busy to follow up his patient". How can he not see you in the office, besides doing a barium swallow? Is he the only one in his practice? Or is there another doctor in the group that does lapbands? Do you have any fills? Do liquids go down? Are you loosing any weight? Tess
  18. Tess415

    Contemplating Gastric Banding

    Carrie, I am a nurse too and had alot of concern how I would handle the mental part. Food too is my drug. (was my drug). I actually hired a Life Coach and met with her weekly at first then as I became stronger now have gone to monthly meetings. I started seeing her 5 months before my band date, I made the changes as part of my pre-op commitment to myself. A life coach is a very positive experience. She helped me set goals and gave me tools for reducing stress, identifying triggers and ways to avoid or deal with it other than with food. It's not that difficult, its just finally realizing that until you make yourself a priority no one else will. Especially with children and a spouse out of work, it would be much easier to just work all kinds of hours for the money, and eat what ever you want because you took care of everyone else... and reward yourself with food. (I am assuming that reward yourself with food... because as a nurse and caregiver for many years I rewarded myself that way up to 366 lbs.) Not anymore! I've found other enjoyment in life besides food. I'm not perfect by any means, but I am not on auto pilot with food anymore... I am in control!!! You can do this!!! You won't regret it. It could be the best thing mentally you could ever do for yourself. Here is a link to my life coach so you can see what they have to offer in case you decide it's something for you to consider. I actually found mine through the facility I work at, she was associated through our outpatient rehab center. If you are interested in seeing my life coach's web page, just pm me! Best of luck to you! Tess
  19. Tess415

    Ready and willing!

    Salsa Your "tough love" letter is wonderful. You are truly an inspiration! :thumbup: I have been "playing with the same 2 pounds for the past 3 weeks, and have had my share of "brownies". Yesterday, I got it together... ate right and walked 3 miles. I spent so much time and effort to get thru the surgery, I want to be successful. I would love to be down a total of 100 lbs by my bandiversery. Do you use a food journal or any other tools to keep on track? I also was wondering what you would eat on a typical day, I think sometimes my portions are larger than what they should be... I've only had 1 fill so far. Thanks for offering to mentor! Tess
  20. Tess415

    Vena Cava Filter?

    I too am a nurse, and would like to had that there are some hereditary clotting disorders that run in families. I would want to know if the family members who have had problems with blood clots have been tested for these disorders. If they have a genetic disorder, you should also be checked besides just having them put a filter in. Sounds like it would be worth a closer look. These patients also may need to be treated with blood thinners along with a filter for the best protection for the development of blood clots, especially around operative procedures where you may not be active and moving around. blueriley is right on, not too much to having the filter, but ... I would look into the "big picture". Tess
  21. Tess415

    Second thoughts

    Jen, I too was re-thinking just before my surgery date. I haven't regretted it one bit. It's been all very worth it. There are cars out there that you can purchase for more money than this surgery will cost and cars lose their value as soon as you drive it off of the lot. Your health is a very wise investment for the money. Below is a link to the page with before and after pix from members of LBT, I find this very encouraging to look at. Hope it helps you keep positive in your journey. Best of Luck and Good Health to you! Tess http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/before-after-lap-band-surgery-pix-only-4642/[/color]
  22. Tess415

    Aetna Insurance questions - help please

    I have Aetna and did the three month multidisciplinary approach too. I was fortunate that my lapband doctor offers at a fee of $25 a month, monitored my plan and documented my 3 months of successful program. I joined a gym at my local hospital for a medical approach exercise program, they do an initial eval and set up your routine. I have a card I clock my visits in on and can easily request a print out of my visits to proof my activity requirement. This membership cost me $26 a month and I still go 3-4 times a week. I work at a hospital and I know a few nutritionist ... they kindly did a free professional eval, and set me up on a weight loss diet and typed up a letter for my doctor and insurance. I had been seeing a psychologist for the past couple years and she did my psych eval and sent it to my doctor. There are tremendous hoops to hop through, but keep a folder, write everything down, go on aetna's website and get your requirements. The surgeons office should give you a form letter for your family doctor and requirements. I got alot of info at the free seminar. Also check out the official lapband site from the manufacturer. Good luck and stay strong!! It was worth it!!!!!! Tess
  23. ON MY WAY! Banded 2 months ago....Down a total of 42 pounds! (24 since the band was placed) I have a lot more energy!
  24. I went to the seminar August 2007 and I got my band March 2008. My insurance required a 3 month pre-op doctor supervised weight and exercise program. I went to see my surgeon and he actually seen me once a month as the supervising doctor for 3 months and then he added that to all of the other documentation they needed to send to my insurance company. They sent it into my insurance and it took 6 weeks to get approval which was in January. The next month was spent doing pre-op studies and tests that were required... for me it was venous scan of legs, EKG and upper GI. I've only had 1 adjustment and the first one is always done under fluoroscopy at the hospital, I went through outpatient surgery for that and it didn't take too long at all. The rest of the fills when needed will be done in the office unless there is a problem. Hope this is helpful. Tess
  25. I felt ok week 2, but I felt much better during the 3rd week post-op. We traveled to the Smoky Mountains about 6 hours by car from where I live. We rented a cabin with an fantastic kitchen so I was able to stick to my post-op diet. It was a home away from home! You should be feeling good enough to walk around by the 3rd week, but I would probably avoid any of the action rides, and stick to the easier rides where you won't get tossed around. Good Luck with your surgery, hope you hear about a date soon. Tess

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
