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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tess415

  1. WOW KelinTx! You are proof it can be done!!! Can you even describe how much better you must feel?!?!?!? You must have made quite the transformation!!!! Tess
  2. Tess415

    Calling All 12 hour shift people

    Does anyone that works the 12 hour shifts, have the energy to exercise on work days? Before or after work? Tess
  3. Way to go Lucy!!!! I noticed I've been paying closer attention too the last week. Let's keep it going!!!!! We will even have to celebrate that we will be hitting our first 50 pounds off soon too!!!!!! :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2:
  4. Tess415

    June Exercise Challenge

    Happy Father's Day! :biggrin2: Went to the park this morning before the rain comes today!!! Walked 2 miles in 40 min. I have to work Mon and Tues :cursing: Won't get more in until Wed. Tess
  5. Tess415

    June Exercise Challenge

    Back to the gym today... 10 min recumbent cross trainer and 35 min treadmill at 3 mph. Gym is closed tomorrow, I hope the weather is good to go to the park for my walk! Tess
  6. Congratulations Bobbil on reaching under 300!!!! That's fantastic!!! Lotzasun you absolutely could find yourself reaching under 300 soon, even with the pre-op!!!! Good Luck with your surgery!!!! Tess
  7. Tess415

    Calling All 12 hour shift people

    Hi everyone!!!! Thanks for some really great suggestions! I really appreciate it!!!! Ann, I am a critical care nurse. So I never get off of the floor for lunch! And I am pretty diligent on having breakfast around 9 or 10, lunch 1 or 2 and I don't usually get another break, but I could eat a small snack around 5. I keep something to drink with me all day except the hour after eating. I think it's just the environment of not for sure getting relieved for breaks, they get cut short, interrupted and sometimes its just too wild to eat while everyone else is busy and need help. It's the nature of the beast and I don't think it will ever change, so I just go with the flow for the most part. Tess
  8. Tess415

    Progress Pics, Anyone?

    Just wanted to pop in and thank everyone for your kind words and encouragement!!!!!! Let's see more progress pix from the Shrinking Shamrocks!!!!!!:rolleyes2: Tess
  9. Tess415

    Progress Pics, Anyone?

    Great Thread!! I think I lost a chin or two!! :thumbs_up: Down now from a size 30 to size 24-26!!!! You guys all look great!!!! Tess
  10. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I am having hair loss too. This isn't my first time either... a few years ago I lost about 70 pounds on WW and lost a huge amount of hair. I went to the doctor and had blood tests, and more blood tests. Hormones and thyroid were all ok. So I thought maybe it was from not enough protein, but now I know I am eating enough protein. My hair stylist suggested using Nioxin products and it helped before. I know Walmart salon sells their products, as do most beauty shops. It is formulated to "feed" your scalp what it needs for the hair follicle to grow healthy hair. Tess
  11. Tess415

    March Bandsters How Many Fills ?

    I have an AP standard band and I have had only one fill with 3.5ml in it.
  12. Congratulations on making it to "two-something"! Sounds like you are doing fantastic Bratz! Keep up the good work!!!!! Keep us posted!!! Tess
  13. Tess415

    Calling All 12 hour shift people

    Thanks for the input so far!:biggrin2: It is really a challenge somedays!! I wish I had the energy left at the end of the day to do a little exercise, but it just isn't there. I get up at 5:00 as it is and I'm not willing to get up any earlier than that. Wouldn't it be great to have a treadmill that went in the shower!!! I always take a lunch to work, I can't count on getting to the cafeteria on time, and this way I know I planned what I'm going to have and stick to it. Sometimes my DH waits for me to get home and hasn't fed the kids and they want to go out to eat. I can do pretty good with my dining out choices for the most part. But sometimes when I get home, I stare at my fridge and want too eat everything I'm soo hungry!!! I'm going to try the Protein snack on the way home and see if it curbs some of that hunger!!! Tess
  14. I weighed in at my support group on Monday night and I lost 8 pounds since last month!!!!! Now, only 16 pounds from the "Two-hundred-something" Milestone!!!! Gotta keep it going....... :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2: Tess
  15. Tess415

    June Exercise Challenge

    Took yesterday off... had to work my 12 hour shift. :smile: I just don't have the energy left at 8pm at night to exercise! Today went to the park and walked 2 miles. :tongue2: Beautiful and sunny out today!!! Have to work 12 hours Thur and Fri. Probably won't exercise til Saturday.:thumbup: Tess
  16. Tess415

    Disney World bound-what to eat there?

    We went to WDW last year and I was surprised at how far they have come with healthy choices. I would plan a few meals and make reservations ahead of time so you can enjoy a few good sit down meals. You can find menu's for most of these type of restaurants on Walt Disney World - Disney World Vacation Information Guide - INTERCOT - Walt Disney World Inside & Out Click on the link! Look under the info central tab on the left side about halfway down the home page. I did this when we went because I have picky eaters. I would avoid the temptation of the buffets, or you could over do it. Let me know if you need any other info on WDW... been there 7 times!!! I really love going there!!!!! Have a great trip!!! Tess:cool2:
  17. Tess415

    Uncomfortable at the gym - anyone else?

    I belong to a rehab center that is associated with the hospital that I work at, they see outpatient clients, and they have a fitness group that I'm in. We are all in the gym together even though the equipment is divided up. There is something to be said about being on the treadmill, watching others who have suffered strokes, knee injuries, back injuries and even a paraplegic in a wheel chair striving to get back some of their strength. I might be overweight, but am very fortunate for the most part to be able to use all of my body parts. It makes you very humble and want to keep going, because compared to some others I have it easy. Tess
  18. I just came from my support group and the guest speaker was a plastic surgeon. That question came up and his response was... Skin is like a balloon, once its been stretched out and you release the air, it isn't going to be as tight as it was before. If you loose a lot of weight, you're going to have a lot of skin. The next point he made was that each person is different, meaning physical age of the skin. As we get older the skin becomes thin and not as elastic, so if a person already has thinning skin for their age, it will not tighten up. No matter the amount of exercise or loosing it slowly... in the end it will all be the same amount hanging. ( I know that disappointed me to hear) Everyone is different, he said he's seen 40 year olds with skin of 60 year olds and vise-versa. The more elastic your skin for your age the better! Tess Hope this is helpful, his presentation of before and afters were unbelievable!!
  19. Tess415

    June Exercise Challenge

    Just got back from the gym!!! 10 min recumbent crosstrainer 40 min treadmill :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2: Feels good!!!! Tess
  20. Tess415

    My 3 month progress pictures

    Way to go! Keep it up! You're on your way!!!! Tess
  21. Tess415

    June Exercise Challenge

    Hi, hope you don't mind I jump in on this thread!!! I have made a month long commitment to myself to exercise at least 4 days a week. I was glad to find somewhere to check in. I walk the treadmill at the gym for 35 minutes at 3mph. There is a metropark with a walking trail that is 3 miles around. I never walked all that at one time, but I decided to give it a try. My DH went with me and I made it in 65 minutes!!!!! Didn't stop once!! I can't imagine what it will feel like to exercise and not have the extra weight of whole nother person on me!!!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::smile2::laugh: Tess
  22. Tess415


    Welcome to LBT!!!! Hope you are feeling well! This is a great place to get support! Tess:thumbup:
  23. Tess415

    Diet Soda, Post-Lap Band

    My lapband doctor said never have any carbonation. I was a diet pop fanatic and I was worried about going without I actually quit drinking any carbonation way before I had too. I really haven't missed it. They say besides the pain and discomfort you could stretch out your pouch. Don't know much else about it. Tess
  24. Tess415

    I think I'm addicted to this site!

    We noticed how similar Auntlucy and my stats and dates are!!! Isn't that cool!!!! What are the chances?!?!?! I like to sit with my laptop when I get a chance to check it out... keeps me focused!!!! Tess
  25. Tess415


    I have had my band now for 3 months, I had a regular size margarita the other night, of coarse I hadn't eaten for a few hours prior good thing I wasn't driving!!!!! I try to be good about not having liquids with meals so I thought I'd have my drink first!!!(LOL):incazzato: Well, guess you can call me a cheap drunk!!! :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2: Tess

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
