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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tess415

  1. Tess415

    How are you setting your Goal weight?

    Hi Lucy! Congratulations on your milestone!!!! I left you a post on our 300 pound thread!!! :redface: My doctor picked a goal for me of 180 pounds and I'm 5'9". I think all of my weightwatcher info had my height a range of 150-170, based on my frame. I too am setting smaller goals so it doesn't become too over- whelming. I actually will be beyond words if I ever make it (when I make it) below 200 pounds!!!!! I haven't been under 240 pounds since I was in high school many years ago, and I think if you have been that heavy for that long, you almost need to see where you feel comfortable at. Tess
  2. Lucy way to go!!!! I am so very happy for you! :redface::biggrin2::biggrin2::smile::biggrin2::smile: :biggrin2::smile::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2: :biggrin2::thumbup::biggrin2::thumbup::biggrin2: Now...you need to give yourself a nice reward!!!!! Tess
  3. Tess415

    lovenox shots

    Lovenox is a blood thinner that is injected into the stomach area. It is to prevent blood clots. Do you have any history of blood clots? Or anyone in your family ever have a blood clot? I don't think most lap band patients have to take lovenox shots. Other means to prevent blood clots are: early ambulation after surgery, ankle exercises (pump up and down like working a pedal) support hose and when in the hospital they have EPC cuffs which are applied to both of the calves and they intermittently squeeze your legs to move the blood around. So there is other options to prevent blood clots unless you are high risk or have a genetic predisposition to develop them. Hope that helps :biggrin2: Tess
  4. Tess415

    banded x2

    Queen - Glad to hear you're doing OK! That was really unbelievable!!!! Here's to getting on with your journey!!!!:confused_smile: Tess
  5. Tess415

    June Exercise Challenge

    No exercise yesterday. Walked 2 miles tonight. Tess
  6. I know I won't meet my goal but... I still am happy with what I have done so far!!! Name..............Current.....Goal.....Lost...Still to Lose by July 4th atallen06...........231........215.......0......16 Bea1129.............231........200.......9......22 BigBandFan..........296........270.......0......26 Cgailee ............219........200.......0......19 darr5380............170........165.......0.......5 Epm316..............218........200.......12.....18 erikadawn...........207........190.......0......17 faithmd.............297........300.......12.4...-3(by6/21) Hastings............248........228.......5......20 Jennypoo............174.5......170.......4.5....4.5 jrob281.............212........190.......0......22 KarenG..............168........160.......6......8 kathystrick.........315........288.......3......27 kellygirl0520.......236........220.......0......16 legster.............188........180.......9......8 Lenore1890..........263.4......247.......4.3....15.7 Leslie2Lose.........225........208.......8......17 LessNLess...........147........140.......4.......7 Lilmissband-aid.....242........239.......0.......3.4 losingjusme.........244........238.......6.......6(started 5/30) Luu2008.............215........185.......0......30 luvinke.............217........190.......4......23 Marissa's Mom.......388........358.......20.4...30 MollyMolly..........185........188.......19......-3 nancy52.............197........170.......0......27 Nettie..............193........170.......0......23 Newhope4me..........168.8......160.......8.2.... 8.8 njudono............ 298........277...... 5......21 NukeChik............227........222.......15......5 nurse7263...........244........150.......0......24 renewedhope.........180........180.......16......0 Sades...............194........185.......3.......9 Stacy73.............212........204.......0.......8 Sunshine2...........179........160.......4......15 (by6/29) Suzzzie. ...........273........260.......0......13 Tess415.............314........299.......13......15 TexasFire67.........170........145.......0......25 Wombat712...........128.2......120.......6......8.2 Bunkey1965................215.............205..........10..........10 Tess
  7. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Teri - Congratulations of your first 50 gone!!!!! I was so glad to finally hit that milestone too!!!! Amanda - I had read somewhere that a surgeon who had the lap band done on himself actually did take his patients out pre-op to a restaurant and coached them through what an actual meal should be to eat. I thought that was really a fantastic idea. There should be field trips!!!! Well, I went to a birthday party last night... I enjoyed myself, and ate a few things I shouldn't have, but all in all it was just a small portion compared to what I would've eaten before banding!! On the up side, I saw lots of people that hadn't seen me in awhile... and it felt good to get compliments on my weight loss!! Tess
  8. Thanks Lucy!!!! I was so happy!!! I actually had a doctor's appt with the lap band surgeon ( so it's on the official scale! :crying: LOL) and he was very happy with my progress. He wants me to see him in another 4 weeks, and he said we would talk about another fill if I need it, but he said the way the scale is moving he wouldn't do one right now. I'm OK with that since I'll be going on vacation, and I don't want to away from home with a new fill just in case it's too tight. Have you thought of a reward for our under 300 pounds accomplishment? I am thinking of a pedicure, or a massage. Only 14 more pounds to go till "two-ville"!!!!!:confused_smile: Hope your foot feels better soon!!!! Tess
  9. Bratz... One of the reasons I love this message board is because of the support, and how many others are in the same place with their weight loss journey, or that they were there at sometime!!! I would never think of posting my weight before, but I feel this is a place we can just put it out there and not be judged. You are certainly not alone being over 350 to start with. I am here cheering you on, and you should really add some exercise to your plan, I have been going 3-4 times a week since last August and I feel so much better and full of energy. Keep me posted on your "first 50 goal"! Tess
  10. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Fenton- Glad you're back on your horse! :smile2: Way to go on your 3 pounds off! Tess
  11. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Great Advise!!! I am going to a surprise birthday party tonight and it is in the theme of wine tasting! I am going to try to 3:1 Water / alcohol tonight!!!!! I am hoping I don't over do the food!!! Harley that cabin looks fantastic! My family is going to Gatlinburg in a few weeks and we rented a cabin in the Smoky's... I can't wait!!!! I just love being out in nature!! Tess
  12. Down 2 more pounds this week!!!!!! Name..............Current.....Goal.....Lost...Still to Lose by July 4th atallen06...........231........215.......0......16 Bea1129.............231........200.......6......25 BigBandFan..........296........270.......0......26 Cgailee ............219........200.......0......19 darr5380............170........165.......0.......5 Epm316..............218........200.......12.....18 erikadawn...........217........190.......0......27 faithmd.............297........300.......12.4...-3(by6/21) Hastings............248........228.......5......20 Jennypoo............174.5......170.......4.5....4.5 jrob281.............212........190.......0......22 KarenG..............170........160.......4......10 kathystrick.........315........288.......3......27 kellygirl0520.......236........220.......0......16 legster.............188........180.......9......8 Lenore1890..........263.4......247.......4.3....15.7 Leslie2Lose.........225........208.......8......17 LessNLess...........147........140.......4.......7 Lilmissband-aid.....242........239.......0.......3.4 losingjusme.........244........238.......6.......6(started 5/30) Luu2008.............215........185.......0......30 luvinke.............217........190.......4......23 Marissa's Mom.......388........358.......20.4...30 MollyMolly..........185........188.......19......-3 nancy52.............197........170.......0......27 Nettie..............193........170.......0......23 Newhope4me..........168.8......160.......8.2.... 8.8 njudono............ 298........277...... 5......21 NukeChik............227........222.......15......5 nurse7263...........244........150.......0......24 renewedhope.........183........180.......13......3 Sades...............194........185.......3.......9 Stacy73.............212........204.......0.......8 Sunshine2...........179........160.......4......15 (by6/29) Suzzzie. ...........273........260.......0......13 Tess415.............315........299.......12......16 TexasFire67.........170........145.......0......25 Wombat712...........130.6......120.......3.6....10. Bunkey1965................215.............205..........10..........10 Tess
  13. Tess415

    June Exercise Challenge

    I lucked out and didn't have to go into work today!!! So, I went to the gym and did 10 min cross trainer and 45 min on treadmill. Tess
  14. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Lynn - I am cheering you on too!:biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2: And you're right about the exercise tracker, I think its way too generous! But I just feel proud to be able to put something down that I did that day! Hope - I hope you have a quick recovery from your medical issue and I hope everything goes smoothly for you! Fenton - You won't regret doing the gym thing. I have been going since last August faithfully and soon it will be a year. I am afraid to admit it but... I think I actually like to exercise and SWEAT!! Actually, I do a lot of thinking and wondering as I walk, its kind of cathartic and relaxing! Tess
  15. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    A few people have suggested using "daily plate" for food journaling and exercise tracking and its free. Since I started tracking I can see why some weeks went by without a loss on the scale. It really helps me be focused! Yesterday was a very self indulgent kind of day, and I didn't lie I put every ugly thing down I ate and WOW :tongue: what an eye opener! I knew it was bad but geez!!! But today I've been a perfect angel:lol:! Tess
  16. 3 weeks worked for me... I was past the headaches and lethargy!!!! I went to the gym everyday on the 3rd week off, and I was up to speed to get back in the game!!!! Tess
  17. Tess415

    What do you eat in a Mexican Restaurant?

    The last time I ate at our favorite mexican place I got chicken fajitas and cut it up real good and ate it without the shells. It was delicious and I had a total of 4 meals out of it!!!!! I ate some of the refried Beans that came with it too. YUM! Tess
  18. I am a critical care nurse and work 12 hour shifts. Unfortunately our patients over the years have gotten larger and larger. Quite frequently these patients are full care and weigh over 300 pounds. I am sore sometimes when I go home not from all of the walking and standing, but lifting and turning, and lifting and turning. :tongue: We also have to accompany all of our patient off of the floor for testing which means pushing beds etc... There is a bariatric nursing home south of us and we have gotten so many respiratory failure patients that are morbidly obese, because their nearby hospital is not equipped to handle 400 pound plus patients. the pulmonary doctors accepts them at our place where we have the proper equipment. I have noticed even loosing what I have so far, I have way more energy!!!:biggrin2: Tess
  19. My surgeon has patients take 2 weeks off from work, no discussion about it. I can relate to the potty issues because liquids in.. liquids out! Had a couple of close calls myself immediate post op. That part gets better when you get to have thicker things to eat. I actually had 3 weeks of because my job is physical and I'm on my feet alot. I don't think I could've gone back as soon as you did. Is more time an option? Tess
  20. Take a deep breath! :ohmy:It's going to be OK! I remember wanting to gnaw on my kitchen counters because I was so sick of the liquid phase. On my liquid phase my doctor let me have protein pudding. Take a large box of sugar free instant pudding and add skim milk powder about 1 cup to the 3 cups of cold skim milk and mix well. It will be ready in an hour or so. I like the chocolate and put a dollup of sugar free cool whip on it. :biggrin2: You can do what ever flavor you like. This was a staple for me on my liquid phase. I also ate cream of wheat. Made my own Egg Drop Soup, found the recipe on LBT in the nutrition thread.
  21. Tess415

    June Exercise Challenge

    Got on-call today... so I went walking around the subdivision to make 2 miles. Tess
  22. Good luck tomorrow! Let us know how your doing post op. Tess
  23. I had a piece of suture out of my port incision, I trimmed it as close to the skin, and it disappeared over the next week. Don't pull on it. And as always call your doctor if you're not sure. Tess
  24. Tess415

    Im so confused

    I have been a WW person for many years, I would be successful for quite awhile then, fall off the wagon and put it all back on. I don't think as long as you stay on track with your fills, that unless you eat ice cream or shakes nonstop you could possibly gain that much back. Sure you might plateau, but hopefully you would regroup and move on. The thing about not having the band... by the time I would get it together to try again, I would have to lose the same 20 pounds I just had lost prior, get discouraged and give up! My doctor said he doesn't care if you do WW, Jenny Craig etc... just keep it under 1200 cal and walk walk walk!! So you could use your WW post op and do points if your more comfortable with that. I too am a bread freak, I find it harder and harder to eat it. I have switched to wasa bread. (Like a big cracker) to put things on. I really can't get too many carbs in when I eat the Protein that I'm supposed to. Hope this is helpful:biggrin2: Tess
  25. I work 12 hour shifts and find myself too tired to exercise on those days. Also I have a hard time making good choices on what to eat when I finally get home at 8pm. I am pretty hungry when I get home because it's been 5 hours since I had lunch. I don't always have time at work for a snack in the evening when it would be a normal dinner time. Anyone else have this challenging schedule or any suggestions on what to eat in the evening? Do you think I should be exercise on my work days? Tess

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