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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tess415

  1. Tess415

    What were your out of pocket expenses?

    I have so far paid around $1400 so far. I have insurance coverage that pays 90% after a $300 deductible. With a max of $2000 per year I will have to pay out of pocket. However, there are things not covered for expample nutrition consults, copays for office visits, etc...
  2. I got a fill today!!! Hopefully I will be celebrating being below 300 very soon!!!!!:thumbup:
  3. Yes, what insurance covers comes from the contract that the company purchases from the insurance provider. Unfortunately, the way the economy is most employers are not going to pay for additional coverage if they can avoid it! I work for a healthcare system that doesn't cover any WLS, but the competitor healthcare system does. If I hadn't been covered by my DH's insurance, I was seriously considering a lateral move into the other healthcare system just for the surgery. Fortunately, my DH's insurance paid 90% after the deductible was met.
  4. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Well... I did it!!! I got a fill today, and boy am I glad I did it. I feel like I am going to be in alot better control!!! I hope this lasts for awhile!!!!! Sounds like a few of us are in the process of starting anew!!! Lets keep it going shamrocks!!!! Amanda aside from the food, how was your cruise. Was the weather good? Did you do any excursions? I have always wanted to go on a cruise!
  5. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Scrappy I was seriously thinking 12 inch... and cookies...and chips...etc!!! But I did resist!!!
  6. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Planning on a fill tomorrow.... I have been stuck at 54 pounds, and I need some adjusting, I ate a whole 6 in subway sub (Bread included) and felt no restriction. Hope it works!!!
  7. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Betty-Welcome aboard!! You are doing very well!!! Congratulations on your halfway mark!
  8. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    SpecialK- my prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. Rest when you can, it is going to be such a busy week for all of you. Pace yourself and take care.
  9. Russ-Remember we are only supposed to lose 1-2 pounds a week, so that makes you right on target!!!!!! That is a wonderful weightloss!!!! Sounds to me you're doing great!!!!
  10. Fantastic for you mama!!! That is wonderful!!!!
  11. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Steph- I posted this before here, maybe it will help. Maybe this will satisfy your hunger and if you get back to the gym it will give you a jump start!!!! Hang in there. I have been hungry lately and am to have a fill on Wed. I hope it helps me, I can eat way too much and I want it to be better!!!! I have noticed that certain foods do hang out longer in my pouch and give me that fuller feeling... for some reason tuna salad, it is far from being my favorite but it works!!! How to break a plateau: Do this for 10 days to break a plateau Drink 2 Quarts of Water per day You must have 45 grams of Protein supplements and take all of your vitamins/mineral supplements each day. You can consume up to 3oz of the following high protein foods 5 times a day: Beef, Pork, chicken, Turkey, Lamb, Fish, eggs, Low-fat cheese, Cottage cheese, plain yogurt/artificially sweentened, Peanut Butter, Beans/Legumes. You may also have: Sugar free popsicles Tea or coffee Sugar free Jello Broths/bouillions Crystal light drinks If its not on the list, don't eat it. Keep a food diary and try to get up to 30 minutes of exercise a day.
  12. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Gabby-Welcome!!! There is always room for more!!!!! Hope- I too am an emotional eater, I have been working for months with this and even hired a life coach to help me in this area. The way she explained it to me that has made the best sense is this... Our subconscious has been programmed over the years to eat when stressed, to the point it is not really even a conscious decision. It has become hardwired into our brains!!! Now, to undo that, we need to identify that and stop and ask ourself if I am really hungry or am I just reaching for comfort. If it is not true hunger, replace it with something... a quick walk, pick up the phone call a friend, get online with LBT, or something else!!! She said everytime we can do that it is like peeling of a tiny thread off of a very thick communication cable... eventually that cable will weaken and healthy alternatives will be more of a pattern instead. I am still a work in progress, but looking at it in this way has helped me to feel in control!!!!
  13. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Glad to hear from you Annie... Sounds like you've been very busy and still staying on track, very impressive!!!! Congratulations on you being an over 50 pound loser!!! Fantastic!!!
  14. Fantastic Bratz!!!! I am so glad to see you post!!! I too have been struggling, with the same last 10 pounds to get below 300!!!!! I am to get another fill next week!! Glad to hear the scale is moving for you!!!! :crying::thumbup::thumbup::rofl::thumbup::rofl: Keep up the good work!!!!
  15. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Christine - WOW, you do have so much on your plate right now! As a critical care nurse I completely understand what your husband and family are going through, that is a large number of sibs to get to agree on how to proceed. Also that has to be hard for the two of you not to be there together... but yes you sound like you are "holding the fort down" while he is dealing with that whole process. Make sure to take a little time just for you. Hope you have someone to help with the kids. Even if its a bubble bath, or read a book for 30 min, or relax for a while listening to music etc... I am planning on a fill next week too, I have really plateaued this last month, and I do have a good reason other than myself!! Glad to hear you're interested in the Couch to 5K!!!!! Good Luck and enjoy!!!! Take Care!!
  16. Tess415

    March Bandsters How Many Fills ?

    Sugar - when I was pre-op my MD said they decide once they are in there which size to use on you, so I didn't know until after my surgery which one I had. My friend has an older band that only holds 6 ml. put in by the same surgeons.
  17. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I had my support group meeting tonight, and I have to tell you fellow shamrockers that "you guys ROCK"!!! I get so much more from here than in person with this other group. Fenton- OOOOOH-LAAAA-LAAAA I think you are wise not to mess with the band and leave the country. I always wanted to go to Paris and try out a little of my "Parlez-vous Francais". Special K - Good luck on your upcoming exam. Job related tests are always so stressful!!!
  18. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Sugar Bean - I am doing pretty good with the intervals. I decided to keep with the 1st week again, and see how it goes, I am on vacation this week and will be spending everyday at the gym hopefully. It really is a good sweat!!!! Glad to hear your surgeries are done, don't be too hard on yourself, that is fantastic that you've stuck that close to the schedule despite your EVLT. I don't know that I could stay away from the scale until Labor Day, but good luck with that one!!!!:wink2:
  19. Tess415

    March Bandsters How Many Fills ?

    Hi-I've only had one fill, 3.5ml in a 10 ml band. I seem to be in a minority on this thread. I have been struggling a bit and was thinking I may need a fill, I can eat more than I know should be, but I have a lot of hunger sometimes especially in the evenings. I have an appt in 2 weeks so I guess time will tell.
  20. Tess415

    Drinking while eating

    I follow the rule very closely!! After I eat, I try to get up and do something so I am not tempted to drink or eat something more. My dietician suggested at the end of a meal, take a couple bites of applesauce, yogurt to wash down food without it being liquids. On occasion if we are out to eat, my husband will save me a couple of ice cubes to chew on. It's not that bad... thought it was going to be harder, but it's OK.
  21. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Scrappy Fantastic work!!! You are an inspiration!!
  22. When I first started dating my husband 20 years ago... after meeting his family at a few different gatherings, they told him that I took good care of myself for being big.."She always has her hair and makeup nice and she is so clean!" Of course there wasn't a heavy person in the bunch until now!!!! LOL Even now my husband will quip... "But, you're so clean!"
  23. Tess415

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Wow Amanda...How frightening!!! Thank goodness your dog got your attention!!!! Glad all turned out well!!!
  24. Good Job Aunt Lucy!!!!!! I knew you would do it!!!!!!
  25. :unsure:What does your husband say? I think I would have a hard time spending money when my spouse lost his job. Times are tough... is it realistic to think he can get another comparable job income wise? The decision to put a Lapband in your body is yours... but the financing has to be a joint decision. Maybe postpone until the dust settles... if you get banded and are stressed out from money woes you are almost certainly setting yourself up for failure. Take a step back and have a heart to heart with your husband.

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