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Everything posted by nayray13

  1. nayray13

    OK... it's October now, what's happening?

    i really didn't try very hard today...i increased my ounces and ate faster...have to get back in control:scared2:...i am not really that hungry yet, i think it's all in my head, it's just so hard for me to imagine that i don't want more than 4 oz. YET.... oh and thanks for the comment on the banner...i figured this way i could still be a samurai but acknowledge my october surgery... :smile: i have been lifting a dumbell and walking aroud the house, but tomorow, it's time to get on the treadmill...i dunno if it's too soon, but i am just gonna take it slow and do what i can do... i have not taken any of my meds since the surgery...my sugar is decent, and my blood pressure is actually scary low, like 79/60...and i have been on BP meds for years...but the one pill i have to get back in me is my wellbutrin, startin to get really moody.... question.:pray2:..have any of yall experienced shortness of breath when trying to lie down...i get really SOB and have to prop up at times... question:confused:...do any of yall have these, what i call esophageal spasms? i don't have to be eating or drinking but i get these spasms upper chest...it's not so bad i can't stand it, but not pleasant either.... ok, i will hush for a while...:grouphug: yall hang in there...i am trying to catch up...:laugh:
  2. nayray13

    OK... it's October now, what's happening?

    hey guys, i lost all my weight on the liquid diet, so they told me i probably would not lose much after surgery for a while, and i have not lost the 1st pound since surgery.... i am struggling with eating slow enough...they want me to eat every ounce over 15 minutes, and i am struggling with that...did everyone else have to do 1 oz over 15 minutes?
  3. hey look me up when you get back on, i need someone going at the same rate as me to ask a million questions...i am like a man without his country, i was scheduled fro sept for so long i bonded with the samurai's, but i had the surgery in october so i am a pumkin as well...thought about making my own flag called the smashing samurai...what do you think????????

  4. how was the surgery? i haven't seen any posts since the day before surgery, so i just wanted to check on you....hope you are feeling better...nay

  5. nayray13

    Ok - I am just going to say it - Constipation

    ok, when is it normal to go? i had surgery thursday...i am on liquids, and i have been drinking the benfibre water, but nothing yet...is that normal since i am still on liquids?
  6. did any of you come home after surgery alone with nobody to help you? and if so was it that bad? i amy have to be by myself and just wanted to be sure i could do it...thanks...nay
  7. nayray13

    home alone after surgery???

    thanks for the input guys...i have actually been ok, but my husband decided to stay home with me instead of going out of town...surgery was 10/16...i checked my blood pressure and it was really low yesterday and today...very odd for me, feel like i could sleep standing up...did this happen to any of you...bp=80/60, and i usaully take bp meds but have not since surgery...??
  8. hey everybody...came home yesterday...i am doing fine...really sore after i sit or lay down , but as long as i am siting up straight or walking i feel fine...the gas has been flowing freely so my pains are easing up...:tt1: i had a less than great hospital experience (comical)...my swallow test was scheduled at 4 and they were going to let me go home at 8 the 16th...well i was still too asleep to do it so the doc said i could stay all night. well he had marked off my dilauded pca and just had me on the liquid lortab...i kept asking why i was the only pt that couldn't have the good stuff, and they kept saying it was because i was supposed to go home...i kept saying but i am not going home...didn't sink in...i had a travel nurse that was in her 2nd day of orientation and a cna that didn't know how to weight me...my DH had to show her how to work the bed...he just read the directions on the side...more comical than upsetting... so i really had a lot of pain the 1st day/night, but i am feeling good today. trying to walk every hour for 5-10 minutes while awake.... sipping on carnation instant breakfast no sugar added, apple juice, water, and pistachio pudding with the nuts strained out.... can yall tell me if that sounds ok, or do i need to change something on the walking or liquids? knowing that yall were here to help me thru this made it so much easier on me mentally...i really appreciate you all so much... yay!!! i am finally really a september samurai.......banded....:tongue_smilie:
  9. nayray13

    NayRay... thinking of you today

    thanks for the kind words, support, and prayers...it means so much
  10. you guys are the most awesome group of people...it is time for me to hop in the shower and get ready...thank you for all the kind words, prayers, and support...i am finally getting to join the banded...as soon as i am able, i will let you all now how i am doing...love to each one of you, nay
  11. nayray13

    I'll be away

    i am sorry for what yall are having to go thru...will be praying for you and your family...
  12. thanks slim...i couldn't sleep all night where i have been working the last few nights, and i finally just gave up and got up this morning and i got on the scales...and for the first time ever...and that has been 9 years...i weigh less than my husband!!!...i have not changed my ticker because i know it will fluctuate, but weighed 230lbs and he was 232lbs...that plus reading your post helped to not worry about being embarrassed about my chicken broth...:regular_smile:
  13. my wellbutrin is time released and i take it twice a day...surgery this thursday the 16th...when i called my pharmacy about interchanging my pills, that are all time released, with something crushable, he said none of mine were crushable... my primary doc said he called the pharmacy and they said i could crush them all... my surgeon says we can't take any pills for at least 2 months... but as for the taste...i have so many pills to crush, that i was wondering about mixing it in something like v8 juice that has a strong flavor...and space my shots of juice and meds out like 15 min apart...or even buttermilk, cause it is thick and strong flavor...i know most people hate buttermilk...but i would love to hear successful attempts before i try at mine thursday...
  14. i know it's because i have pms, but my feeling got hurt at work last night...and i am so sorry this is so long...will try not to make so long in future... a lady i work with was making me feel very self conscious about my jug of chicken broth i have been taking to work...i think it was the pms, cause i don't think she was doing it to be mean...but i don't heat it up every time...and someone on the boards had said to squeeze lemon and lime in it and try it that way...that's how i like it, and it's not bad @ room temp, (to me.)but she just kept saying how gross it was with all the fat sticking to the sides...and i told her i spoon any fat off the top, i don't drink it...but she just kept on and on about how gross it was not drinking it hot or why not just drink the powdered kind...(i do drink powdered kind but on way to work easier to pour cans in a jug and go)...she said if she had to drink that stuff she would just stay fat the rest of her life, there was no way she would drink what i'm drinking...i had never thought about it before she said anything, just knew the more broth i drank the less food i would want...so then i got paranoid about everyone else thinking i am gross too...she was making fun of me because i said that i was sick of SF Jello,and she was saying you would rather drink that nasty stuff than eat jello? and i told her that the SF jello didn't make me feel satisfied but the broth did....did anyone say stuff to yall about your preop diet...better yet, am i being gross? i hate pms...and being emotional, cause on a good day i just like to laugh stuff off and not let anything bother me, but i am slap crazy right now...
  15. hey yall!! it is technically the day before my surgery...even though it is just a little after midnight... Dal how are you since the fill? tamara when you said you gulped down your chix salad, did you feel yourself do it or was it just, you did it before you realized you did it? i ask because i have bought baby food spoons, but i still eat way too fast, and kept thinking "yeah, but when i have the band, it won't let me eat too fast"...was i pretty much fooling myself and it has to be a very conscious effort to sip or chew and take time??? deb have you made appt to get fill yet? slim how r u? thanx for sharing with me about krystals...i will be by for my share of kicks and hugs... niecey how's it going? yall my hormones are crazy, PMS'n so bad...my DH can't open his mouth w/o making me mad or making me cry...nerves about surgery, pms, and the anniversary of my little brother's death is the 21st...but i have the greatest DH in the world...he just gives me big old hugs...and let's me cry or fuss, whichever comes out. i start my preop clears and clearing out in morning...feels sorta surreal...
  16. yall are the best:tt1:...i kinda feel like the man without a country,:crying: since i started off a september samurai for so long and then with my sugery rescheduled to october, but yall are just stuck with me. this is where i feel at home...:wub:thanks for being so supportive. i switched to night shift afer 4 years of days for a little stress relief on the job...so i have learned if i sleep all day i won't cheat on my diet or when i go to work cause everyone is watching me...i am sure that's going to turn into a pain the butt soon,:eek: but if it can get me to the surgery dae, yay! well i work tonight and tomorrow night and then i am off for 20 days:w00t:...surgery is thursday @ 11:00 a.m. they want me there at 08:00 a.m...so i will be updating yall. i know this part is long gone for you...so if there is any last minute advice...now is the time...i have been watching gg's vlog...later, nay
  17. glad to hear how everyone is doing... hey deb, happy late birthday.:thumbup:..glad all is well for you... niecy, glad you made it thru your lunch meeting...i am still waiting for october 16th for my rescheduled banding...and i think what you said is what i am dreading the most...the part about the head hunger...getting that under control is going to be difficult, but not impossible...i also wish i hadn't told the people that i work with about surgery, but i work at hospital and it would have leaked out eventually...now i am dreading the " how much have you lost" q and a session everyday...should make the weight loss process go by so much faster having everyone asking everytime they see you...cause most people can't realize the difference in the band and gastric bypass, they think you should be dropping weight left and right:tounge_smile: i did really good on my 1st round of liquid diet, but i have to admit i am not doing as well the 2nd time around guys, my head and heart was so in it the 1st time, ...i am so mad at myself for doing so good the last time and blowing it this time...but i am still working on it...no time for excuses:blushing: just have to do it
  18. nayray13

    ?ctober ?dyssey 2008

    hey everyone, i am late coming to the october thread because i was scheduled for september 11. and after my 10 day liquid diet, on sept. 10, found out i was pregnant (after years of trying, one loss, and fertility treatments) so we cancelled surgery, then i miscarried...so i am starting over...new surgery date is october 16th... as i posted on other thread, i did so good the 1st time around on the liquid diet, struggling this time...but i have decided to get my head out of my behind and get my head back into this...so looking forward to meeting yall and going thru the process with each of you... hoping that from now until the 16th that i have time to shrink my liver again...what do ya think? will it shrink if i am good from this point on?
  19. nayray13

    liquid diet support group ?? Anyone

    hey...i wish i would have found this thread earlier today...i feel so guilty and stupid because i ate bad from 3pm to midnight... this is my 2nd round of liquid diets:eek:. i was scheduled for surgery september 11, and i did my 10 day liquid diet and i was so pumped up for the diet, the surgery, all of it...i did really well the 1st time around...:thumbup:on september 10th my last day of the liquid diet, i found out i was pregnant after a miscarriage in 2001, and fertility drugs...super shocked, but very happy... so cancelled surgery...then we miscarried...:confused: rescheduled surgery for october 16th...it's been hard to get my head back in the game...but i keep thinking that this is a change of lifestyle and there will be bad things happen for the rest of my life, that doen't mean i can turn to food for comfort. so i thought i would be starting the diet on the 6th...well got a letter from doc saying to start on the 7th, i did...think i drank a gallon of chicken broth and swelled up like a tick...and then cheated today so bad. i am disgusted with myself, but my heart is not in it like it was the 1st time...but i know i have to be perfect the rest of the time, or my liver is gonna be huge...trying to get my heart back in the right mode... do you think that my liver will shrink from right now until the 16th @ 11:00 a.m. ? i am so nervous that it won't????? i know you all must think if i can't do a 10 day liquid diet then i couldn't possibly be ready for this surgery...but i saw the thread title and it gave me some hope...
  20. cool...do any of you go to the support group meetings at the med center...? they are on the 7th floor every 3rd thursday night...it would be nice to meet everyone
  21. thanks slim...seeing you are from chattanooga...i live in kingsport, work in johnson city...i have some friends that live in chattanooga, only have actually stopped to visit once, but i drive thru there when i go down to mississippi to see my family....waiting for the leaves to turn, love this time of year...
  22. nayray13

    I am getting bummed out!!

    yall are doing great...:thumbup:the 1st 6 weeks is just a healing stage for your belly...lost weight is a good thing but it's a slow process...we all would like to wake up and see pounds shed every morning, but it's just not like that...my doctor says it is a marathon not a 100 yard dash...1 to 2 pounds a week is the expected weight loss. that sounds like so little, i know, but if you look at it in long term numbers there are 52 weeks in a year, so you are going to lose anywhere from 50 to 100 pounds, give or take, in a year...just remember it's baby steps, and i am going to expect someone to give me this pep talk, when i am bummed out about my slow weight loss:tongue2: hang in there...you are doing awesome:w00t:
  23. hey everybody...been trying to stay caught up with you all...everyone is doing so well...i am so excited for yall. i am doing better and appreciate all the kind words....means alot... also means alot to stay a september samurai even though they changed my date...thanks for saying that... for those that don't know my situation, i will be brief...i had 6 months to prepare mentally for the surgery and did the 10 day liquid diet only to be told the day before surgery that i was pregnant (after 1 previous miscarriage in '02, and fertility treatments) shocked is an understatement... so they had to cancel surgery, then i miscarried...so i am rescheduled for october 16th.. start my liquid diet over on the 6th...i am having a hard time preparing mentally this time...but hopin' that it will come together... i am so glad you brought this up about port pain, because that is one of my worries...i keep reading about the really bad burning pain from the port...how long is it supposed to hurt? does it just hurt when you move a certain way or what? will be talking to you soon...hang in there guys, yall are doing great !!!
  24. i understand about the free time...i am a nurse...
  25. they have rescheduled my surgery from september 11th to october 16th

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