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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wheetsin

  1. Wheetsin

    Eating at disney while banded

    When we went to Disney, and other theme parks, I had grilled chicken/pork, beans, vegetables, chicken fajitas, pickles, grilled fish, lots and lots of water, etc. If you've not been to Disney before, they have regular restaurants, not just food carts.
  2. Wheetsin

    All you people do is complain...

    Cloucster, there's a Chi (and others but I know Chi has one) straightening treatment, it's like a 6 hour thing ("thermal reconditioning"), but even ringlet-curly hair comes out beautiful and shiny and straight, and stays that way, even when you let it air dry. You have to get curly roots touched up, maybe twice a year. It's not cheap, but if I wanted straight hair I'd do it in a heartbeat, the results are so awesome.
  3. Wheetsin

    Corn on the Cob?

    I can eat it if I want but there's no way it's worth the sugar to me. I know many people who find it's one of the things they don't tolerate. You're in for trial by error, I guess.
  4. Wheetsin

    All you people do is complain...

    Dummies, you don't need to worry about hairloss. Just go buy $50/bottle shampoo and slather it on because we all know that when your hair falls out, putting stuff on it helps... then take a bunch of vitmains and supplements you're probably not even deficient on (but you might want to hope taking all the supplements when you don't need them doesn't put you into a dangerous state of excess). Once you do that, eat more protein. Crimeny, only 180gm/day? Don't you realize that's going to make your hair fall out? You need at least 300. And the less of it you burn, the better, or you'll just lose more hair, so you better lay on the couch and watch TV. Then in 3 months when your hair cycle shifts and you notice all these 1/4" hairs popping out of nowhere, you can come post so the rest of the hair LOOSERS go buy your $50/bottle shampoo, and swear to the next generation of bandsters that all of the above REALLY DID HELP! Oldie noobs. I'm so outtie.
  5. Wheetsin

    How did you decide on a goal weight?

    See these threads for more answers: Help setting goal Total Loss Goals - how did you decide? There are more out there.
  6. Wheetsin

    Has anyone tried journaling?

    I started off blogging. I thought it would be a good catharsis. In the end, I was just lazy about it and didn't want to take the time. I managed an extraordinaly detailed account of every minutia around my surgery (glad I have that one), and recovery during the first few days, and that was about it. Once I could really get out and move again, blog went byebye. I don't commit to things like that very well.
  7. Wheetsin

    Massive re-Gain, it happened...

    As long as your band is in you, there's still hope for "me with the lap band", no? You'll just need to either find a way to manage your weight until you can get a fill (not working), or get a fill, because we all know it can't do much for us when it's empty. Do you have the means to get a fill now? It would probably run around $100. Perhaps you could get a price break from a surgeon if you were willing to ask for it, I don't know. Would you be wiling to "diet" on a temporary basis until you could get a fill? Your question is hard to answer because so much of it depends on you, what you can do mentally, financially, etc.
  8. Wheetsin

    Where does it go?

    You're getting some absolute answers that aren't absolute. The surgeons remove what they can, but there's bound to be some left over. This doesn't cause everyone a problem (me, for example - two lap surgeries and no gas issues at all). So any "you will have to..." statements - ignore them, or salt them heavily at best. You will find that with everything band, there are very, very few absolutes or things that can be said as "for sure". As for original question - yeah, absorption, dissipation to expulsion, etc.
  9. Wheetsin

    1 in 2000 Mortality Rate?

    The mortality rates I found were specific to obese+ people under anesthesia, they had nothing to do with the band. And that number is higher than I remember seeing, but I was doing my research years ago. I don't believe there's any documentation of someone dying as a result of the band itself.
  10. Places I've been and what I get... Chipotle - chicken or carnitas bol Subway - minisub in tuna or club McD's (like twice - it's just not good) - fruit n' yogurt parfait Sonic - popcorn chicken or cheddar peppers Wendy's - baked potato Schlotsky's - Soup or Thai chicken pizza Taco Bell - pintos & cheese, or the meat out of a spicy chicken taco. Taco Bueno - pintos & cheese, love theirs. Panera - soup & half sandwish combo, usually the Chipotle chicken sandwich and either baked potato soup or clam chowder. I'm normally done half way into the soup and maybe one bite into the sandwich, so it's either a few meals or DH gets the rest. Chinese fast food - hot & sour soup, extra hot & sour. Can't think of any others I've eaten at since banding. Chipotle, Subway, Taco Bell/Bueno, and Panera are the only ones I've been to more than once or twice.
  11. Wheetsin

    I have a complaint!

    Seeing as how we have something like 30 posts on this same topic here, I'm guessing you aren't. We do have members who aren't native English speakers, some who don't know any different, and a few who do it on purpose. All types. The beauty is - I can only respond to posts that make sense to me, eh? :thumbs_up:
  12. I don't advocate lying because I've yet to see it be successful. What normally happens is people, over time, forget what they lied about or lose the abiltiy to distinguish between lie and reality. This causes them to get tripped up in their own "harmless" lies, and make even bigger fools of themselves, and potentially betray even more trust than the lie itself would have. If you want to lie, that's really your decision. Personally I would not let fear of someone's judgment compromise my personal morals. Don't get me wrong, I have told lies, but not out of shame or because I'm afraid of what others will think. I have some very against-the-norm beliefs, and why have them if I'm ashamed of them, is kind of my take. I'm not sure any of us can tell you whether or not it's possible. IME, it is not, especially not with the band (Id id not lie about my band, I was very open - but I've seen others trying to to do it and not succeeding). However, this doesn't mean it's impossible.
  13. That's what I'm trying to say. Black is irrelevant. "Competent" is 99% of what matters to me right now. The remaining 1% isn't race, either. If "competent" happens to be black, then I will be voting for a black president. If "competent" happens to be white, then I will be voting for a white president.
  14. Wheetsin

    Public viewing of blog

    I don't use the blog feature, so perhaps someone else can reply with some different information, but to have the blog show in your profile I believe you just paste in the link and provide whatever title you want -- I don't think it's an automated thing for it to be in your signature. Not sure on the entry count...
  15. I don't know of any -- maybe try something sponsored by FAA? I don't know if you're just looking for "I'm obese" support or diet support or self-acceptance support or what, but that might be a goo dplace to start (though they may not have anything on dieting - but maybe they do... I dunno).
  16. Wheetsin

    All you people do is complain...

    Made some stuffed shrimp this weekend using an artichoke/spinach dip for the base. Mix in some crushed Ritz, some parmesan, little bit of cream cheese... mmMMmmMM.
  17. Wheetsin

    Just. Not. Fair.

    I can say that at 175 (she and I are about the same height) I was not that porky. So I guess it goes to show how much you need to factor in overall frame, how weight is carried etc. That being said, if I looked like that at 175 on the way back down, I'd.... no, I can't even say I'd be happy then, because her height & that weight should put her in the "normal" BMI, and she looks more than a little overweight to me. MariMaru, I see your point. I'm mad because I know that at 175 this time ont he way down, I'm going to look much worse than 175 on the way up. >:ohmy:
  18. Maybe someone else can reiterate my point for me? I'm not sure I can put it in any other words.
  19. No, I'm talking about America being ready for a BLACK president as opposed to the RIGHT president, for them. Being black doesn't make someone a good candidate any more than being white does, MINUS the exceptions of ignorant or bigotted voters. Don't believe I mentioned Hillary or McCain...
  20. To anyone who has posted an opinion on whether we're ready for a BLACK (versus QUALIFIED, COMPETENT, etc.) candidate: A black candidate with whom you're 20% aligned with is running against a white candidate with you're 95% aligned with. Which candidate gets your vote? Which candidate would you vote for? Sure, there are some blacks who will vote for Obama becuse he's black. That's just as bassackwards as whites who will vote for someone else to keep a black man from getting their vote.
  21. Wheetsin

    "Difficult" foods

    I have no food intolerances. The only foods I can think of that have given me trouble more than once are Peanut Butter and potato chips. This is because I tend to swallow too much at once. I can eat rice and tortillas. eggs, even though scrambled sometimes hurt (they go down). I eat asparagus at least 2x week, it's my favorite. Had it last night in fact. Worst case scenario - I get a particularly tough piece and spit it out. Duh, if you can't chew it, you don't swallow it. pineapple is the same way because it's so fibrous. Sometimes I can chew it enough, sometimes I can't, in which case I just spit it out. I do not eat red meat, a personal choice based mainly on the effort it took to chew it well enough. I eat chicken, turkey and fish mainly, soy Proteins, crustacean, etc. Lamb when I can find it (my family is Greek so it's a staple for gatherings). I don't eat steak, but I can. For me, I can eat whatever I want, as long as I'm smart about it) if a drink of Water is hanging around, I'm not going to try to down some turkey), take my time, pay attention, and don't push things. HTH
  22. #1 Do you get acid reflux? No. #2 I've heard about throwing up. True? Depends on what you've heard. Bandsters should avoid throwing up. If you've heard that it's true. When we get food stuck it may need to come up, inaccurately referred to as "throwing up". If that's what you've heard, it's true too. *shrug* Don't really know what you're referring to. #3 What kind of food do you have to avoid? None so far at 2+ years out. #4 GAS??? What about it? I have gas now, just like I did pre-op. It's no worse. #5 Any other side effects or rumours that I can put to rest? Not off the top pf my head, but if you can ask specific questions I'm much better at answering them than guessing what you want to know.
  23. Wheetsin

    is this right for all?

    You could always use a liquid vitamin.
  24. It depends on the type of exclusion. One has been appealed successfully, the other really cannot be. Trying to make this simple, there are exlusions that your insurance company has, "no we won't offer this", and then there are exclusions that your employer has, "yes insurance offers this but we aren't paying for it". Which type do you have? Is there any terminology in your denial around plan exlcusion, employer-enforced exlcusion, etc.? If not, and you don't know, call your insurance company and ask them if it's excluded by them or by the employer.
  25. Wheetsin

    All you people do is complain...

    Yeah that sounds right. I think the taste is the same, but the Bisquick ones seems denser to me. Not as fluffy.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
