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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wheetsin

  1. I could but not at 13 weeks. It will come. One morning I woke up and ran my hands over my stomach and - woah - what's that hard thing on my abdomen? You may have to poke pretty hard to feel it when you're still in your first trimester. The first time my OB felt for mine, it was pretty uncomfortable.
  2. Wheetsin

    any word from Wheetsin?

    Yes, I was indeed in labor, even though I wasn't sure (and neither were the nurses & docs for a while). I had really weird labor. I kept calling and they kept telling me "stay home until you're 5 mins apart". I finally went in for "monitoring" late Wed, assuming we'd be back home in a few hours, and ended up delivering early Thu morning. That's the extremely short version of the story. :w00t: We have a ton of pics but none uploaded yet. Will post some soon.
  3. I hope I can produce milk to last the first year. I will need to have the baby on a bottle by month 3, but in my ideal world can get her to take both, and will BF at home and hopefully can make it to the daycare at least once a day during breaks. I'm sure I will BF in public and plan to use a cover, more for me than someone else. I'm not terribly worried if the sight of my baby's head in front of my boob offends someone. Heck, if they're that easily offended, that would truly make me the least of their worries. The cover is more for me. I'm uncomfortable wearing tops with low cut backs, haven't felt comfortable in a tank top since I got fat, etc. -- let alone feeling as though I have to worry about whether or not my shirt has pulled up in back, or if my flabby sides are uncovered.
  4. Wheetsin

    Rant about Biggest Loser

    Never watched enough of it to know who you're talking about. I saw maybe two episodes and the show disgusted me so much I couldn't stomach another. Taking obese people allegedly desperate to lose the weight and get healthy, and turning it into a ratings game by trying to sabotage their weightloss efforts in front of the viewing audience. Dramatizing the struggles an obese person has to try and make the next episode a cliffhanger (the one I saw & remember, showed an obese woman in a kitchen sobbing and bawling, saying "But... I'm... just... so... hungry..." My integrity is still worth something to me.
  5. Wheetsin

    baby gender

    BTW, here are some pics of what you see with a girl. Might be kinda hard to make out. The first one - she looked like a gummy bear. Imagine you're looking at the bottom of a gummy bear, almost as though you're under a glass floor looking up at it. The two little "stumps" shooting out on the right are her legs. The two bright white dots were her hips IIRC. Then there's three little things that look kinda like teeth or tic-tacs. Those are apparently her girl parts. Second picture - a little more clear now. Similar bottom-up viewing angle, only she has actual legs & not just stumps. It's a little more clear that the three tic-tacs are girl parts. Third picture was from my 4D ultrasound, a little over a month ago. Fully formed. Very puffy, which I've since learned happens with newborns.
  6. Wheetsin

    baby gender

    Yeah I was much the same. I was finding out, no doubt. Being surprised never even crossed my mind. DH didn't want to know. I told him "Ok, I won't tell you, but don't you think you'll get cues from the stuff I'm buying?" Then the morning of my first US he couldn't wait to find out, he was more eager than I was. So then the mission to find non-pink began... At the US I could tell right away that we were looking at baby's genitals, and for a second I thought we were having a boy because there were three distinct little "tic tacs" on the screen... I figured one twig, two berries = 3. Then the sonographer says "Oh, see those three bumps? That's what we see with girls." So we went from "Oh it's a boy" to "Oh it's a girl" in the span of about 5 seconds. I too, before the US, had already bought boy bedding and girl bedding. I kept the boy bedding (actually it's kinda neutral - earty green, khaki, cream...) because I really like it and you never know when it will come in handy. Took the original girl one back, didn't like it as much as I thought I would (ordered it online). Found one in a store that I loved, and that was about $800 - eek. Then found it for around $400. Then found a tiny boutique that advertised it as "discontinued" on their website, sale $210, but they didn't take phone or internet orders. Then I found a local store that price matches online retailers. They normally sell it for about $580 in their store, but gave me the $210 price. Score! I *really* wanted a girl when I first found out I was pregnant, and before when we were TTC. Then I started thinking about it and would have been fine either way. Then they told me I wouldn't make it past my first trimester, and I didn't care, as long as it lasted. So I was deeply tickled to learn it was a girl, but there was a tiny portion of me that had adjusted to the thought of a boy. BTW - I might be in really early labor. I can't tell. It's so different from what we were told to expect, but also so different from anything I've felt previously. Hmmm... (I love that "X" and "Y" and "Z" are signs that labor is imminent. I mean, really - isn't pregnancy a sign that labor is imminent??!!)
  7. Don't tell me that, I guess. I always wear underwear with mine. Wouldn't think of going without.
  8. I plan to feed breastmilk for at least 6 months, hopefully a year if it will last, but I will not breastfeed that entire time. I will need to have a bottle introduced fairly quickly. The health, developmental, etc. benefits are linked to the breast milk, not the breast feeding. Of course, breastfeedung brings its own benefits, I'm sure.
  9. Spanx are awesome, I'm particularly fond of the "Higher Power" panties. Full rise panties with support into the mid thigh. I ended up needing smaller than the size chart said I did. I buy mine at three different places and all three let me try them on first, so don't be shy about taking them to the fitting room with you. IME sSpanx do best when they're a little tough to get on. You don't want them to pull right up, you want to have to work a bit to get them on. That's when you'll get the best "support" and results (or I will, anyway). Lane Bryant carries Spanx (that's one of the places I buy them) but they also have their own line of shapers, which I also use. Remember the lycra/spandex "biker shorts" that were all the rage in the 80s? They're kind of like that, only much thicker, and they have grippy in the thighs to keep them in place... kind of like what they use in thigh-hi pantyhose. I will use the "biker shorts" for every day wear since they're so much easier to get on, and the Spanx mostly for wear with dresses, gowns, or pants that don't have the right rise (keeps the pants seams from going in your butt, one of my pet peeves and something too few women check for... buys you an emergency wear or two before you can get them altered).
  10. Mine isn't on the list, Six Star Advanced Whey Protein.
  11. TheWatcher, I'm confused, and I'm not sure what you hope to gain with this thread. You post under guise of wanting people's opinions, which implies that you're curious about what others think and want them to share their thoughts. But then when they're shared, you throw out accusations of ignorance and insinuations of lies, which means you're not after understanding. That's a bit perplexing. If you don't want to know what people think, don't ask. If you do want to know what people think, then you need to have an open mind and ears to what they're saying or you won't hear the message. If you're looking for someone who disagrees with you to debate, then The Lounge is not where this thread belongs. "What color do you think the sky is?" "Blue." "Ha you haven't seen the light it's really red, but keep being ignorant." Ok, then why did you ask? You obviously didn't really care what color I thought the sky was...
  12. Wheetsin

    Don't you hate it when you.....

    ...don't forget the "recent post police" who like to chastize people for being unable to get over it, already, when you respond thinking you're responding to something recent, when in actuality you're unknowingly responding to something that's been going on a while. General message board phenomenon, not LBT specific.
  13. Wheetsin

    Not Acid Reflux

    Yes, I've had this. At least the description. And I've had acid reflux, so I know that the two are very different. The "liquids coming up" normally happens to me if I try to lay down while I'm "stuck" OR if I dize off before something has completely cleared. I put "stuck" in quotes because there's stuck stuck, as in I have to bring something up... and then there's "stuck" where I'm not bringing anything up, but there's unrelieved/prolonged pressure. If I feel that pressure, and lay down, I will bring up what's in my esophagus (normally slimy, and tasting faintly of whatever I last ate, but not acidy at all). As a matter of fact this happened about a week ago. I was having the pressure, feeling generally crappy, and sat on the couch to watch some tv. I dozed off, mostly upright but leaning slightly, and proceeded to be awoken maybe 5 different times by non-acid liquids backing up into my throat. It would wake me up, I'd swallow, and then fall right back asleep (which I absolutely can't do when it's reflux). My guess - and I'm no doctor - it has to do with the onset of sleep, the relaxing of our muscles/organs, and the nature of the esophagus to clear itself. So, when you go to sleep and then get the liquid backing up, how do you feel before you're asleep? Are you feeling "just fine" or are you having some signs of pressure (not necessarily "being stuck" so much as "hmm, something's there") in your esophageal area?
  14. Jacqui - I've never really understood why having WLS makes Protein such a significant thing. I mean, if I ate 20gm/day before surgery, why am I suddenly at some kind of risk if I only eat 20g after? I *do* get it from a filler perspective. And I *do* get it from nutrition and weightloss perpsectives (as in, why it's important -- not as in why it's such a sudden focus after WLS). Many studies have backed up the idea that Proteins keep you full longer. But I've had entire days/weeks where I get little to no protein, I'm not dead, and I still have muscles. Maybe I'm just far enough out to be disillusioned, but there are a LOT of things doctors and surgeons are telling us that register as total rubbish to me. Two people very close to me just got banded and I have to laugh at some of the things they've been told. It's preposterous.
  15. I'm a food snob. IMO having a coupon for something isn't a reason to eat it. I really try to avoid deli meats. Too many fillers, preservatives, gristle, and general unknowns. If I do buy any, it's Boar's Head brand, since theirs is actually natural meat, or was last time I bought it. E.g. their roast beef is a roast that they slice, not some greyish looking tube o' meat with marbled fat & connective tissue covered with an oil slick rainbow. Deli meats are one of those convenience things that just aren't worth it to me. If I want some turkey, I'm going to buy some turkey and cook it. Having said that... how I've seen lunch meats used that might be considered band-friendly: As toppings for a chef salad Rolled up with cheese and mayo In omlettes Eaten as-is Probably more but that's all I can think of right now.
  16. Wheetsin

    I'm Eating LARGER Portions BUT....

    I've read your post a few times and I don't see a question (aside from the you tube request), just some random thoughts. What specifically are you asking us? (n/m think I found it, I was looking for a "?") If you are losing without a fill, and have the willpower to compensate in the continued absence of a fill, and have restriction (or don't & feel you don't need it) then you probably don't need a fill. If you are worried about your ability to maintain control during the holidays, thenc onsider the fill as surrogate willpower.
  17. Wheetsin

    Husband has problem with tattoos

    For me it would depend on the reason. If it was just "not a fan" then that wouldn't have as much impact as "concerned about XYZ". My husband knows I'm a perfectionist, and knows that part of why I don't have tats is my fear that the artist would mess up and I'd be stuck wearing the consequences. If he said he didn't want me to get one, I know it would be out of concern for my satisfaction. On the other hand, if it was something I was truly passionate about (in which case I wouldn't be asking strangers on a messageboard for their opinions), he would support me. That's how we work. My husband has been talking tat for a while, and I would never tell him no, but I do think he would regret it. I think he wants it for the wrong reasons, and I think that once the novelty wore off it would become an eyesore to him. If he asked my opnion, I would tell him this, and make sure he understood that the final decision was his. To some degree I will (can't figure out how to say this) make changes in my appearance based on my husband's preferences. I consider it a "courtesy" that goes along with our marriage. He once wanted a moustache, and I think they're the creepiest/ugliest things around. Totally disgusting. Out of respect for me, he opted not to grow one. Then he wanted a beard, which is #2 disgusting. He now wears a gotee, which I'm fine with. I wouldn't divorce him if he showed up with a moustache, but I would be disappointed and I think it would be hard for me to look at him, but I know he wouldn't do that out of courtesy for me. I have my eye on a short haircut, but my husband loves longer hair and finds short hair on women unattractive. Out of respect for him, I've found a happy medium. Yes, it's my life and my body, but he still has to look at me every day. :smile2:
  18. Firefox, IE and "other not listed" depending on what compuer I'm using and what I'm planning to do while online.
  19. Wheetsin

    Am I not eating enough?

    Focus on getting your base nutrients. The quantity of food you eat at this point doesn't matter.
  20. Wheetsin

    losin weight without a fill?

    Very common, even without any fill being given at surgery. People have reached goal without fills. For some, the band itself gives restriction. For others, swelling from surgery acts like a fill. For others, the knowledge that the band is there is enough to keep them on track, even without a fill. And the possibilities go on...
  21. I'm not sure I understand what you're saying/asking. Tell me if I'm anywhere close. You have a 5cc fill in your band (which doesn't tell us much). You drink fresh juice all day, yogurt when you get home, and meats at night, and want to know if your diet is healthy for you becaue you're losing weight. Is that anywhere near what you're asking? If you're drinking juice all day, you might want to pay attention to your carb intake. A single serving of juice has a lot of sugar, let alone drinking it all day. Yes, yogurt, chicken and fish are healthy. As is losing weight. Does that answer your question(s) at all?
  22. Wheetsin

    some queries about pregnancy

    Answers below in blue. i got banded on 28th june and have lost 34 pounds and i am now at 188 pounds ... is this a good weight to try having a baby ... i am going in for a pregnancy because of the other complications which i have If you were banded in June, then your current weight is really obsolete. You should wait 12 months minimum before conceiving, unless your surgeon has indicated otherwise (most require at least 12 months, some 24 - 36). Your BMI is 33.3. Mine was ~31 when I got pregnant. Though I'm about 5'11 so I was obviously not your weight or I'd have been at goal. I would have liked to have lost more first, but I had the age thing competing with the scale. I did talk with my physician before making the decision to TTC and made sure I understand potential complications and most importantly to me, had her "consent". I don't understand what "i am going in for a pregnancy because of the other complications which i have" means. I get that you have some kind of complication, but I have no idea what you're saying with the first part of that statement. Can you clarify? how many of you went and had a baby at my current weight and how many of u delivered safely without complications Have not delivered yet. There's not too much I can think of with the delivery process that would be a direct result of weight, other than things like stamina, availability/placement of IV and pain relief options, etc. I think the weight will me more of an issue with pregnancy complications such as diabetes, hypertension, edema, etc. what happens to band during pregnancy and has anyone resumed their weight loss journey after the band .. The band stays, pregnancy is not a contraindication to being banded. I would imagine that every bandster out there has resumed their journey as soon as weightloss became an advisable endeavor. what if one has to have a cs Assuming you mean cesarean section, then one has it. Again, the band is not a contraindication. cant a lot of morning sickness give rise to a slipped band Vomiting has the possibility to lead to a prolapse. I would imagine most surgeons would advise being unfilled if morning sickness is an issue. Not everyone has morning sickness. anyone had any complication with band during pregnancy which led to some surgery Nope. can one have whey Proteins during pregnancy Sure, if they're tolerated. Whey Protein isn't a new thing. As long as pregnant mothers have been drinking milk, they've been eating whey protein. PLEASE HELP HTH
  23. Wheetsin

    baby gender

    Girl here. Being surprised isn't an option for me. For one, I hate surprises. For two, I wouldn't have been able to not prepare.
  24. Hmm.... disposable for diapering, but cloth diapers are great for burp pads, changing pads, etc. So... both?
  25. On the Protein Shakes, add things to make them treats. I enjoyed chocolate powder with a tbl of Peanut Butter whizzed up in it. Or chocolate powder, SF Kahlua syrup and ice - nicely close to a mudslide. Or vanilla powder made with half OJ, half milk, and a packet of sweetner of choice. Or matcha powder and SF frozen yogurt. Or vanilla poweder with fresh berries (all whizzed up, of course). Much more satisfying than the standard Protein Drink, and something I often looked forward to. Take your eggs and make egg salad. Mmm. Ask if you can have refried Beans. Usually around the time you can have eggs, you can also have beans. A nice bowl of beans with sour cream, cheese, salsa verde -- yum. I eat tofu a few times a week. One of my fav ways to have it is Thai style. Marinate it at least 24 hours in a combo of OJ, brown sugar, sesame oil, spicy peanut sauce, honey, chili paste and ginger. Then just cook on a hot non-stick gridle or pan. Carmelize the remaining marinade & serve over the tofu. A tip for tofu - this throws everyone (who is new to tofu) off. Do not buy "silken" tofu, even if it says "silken firm". It's soft, designed to be more of a dairy substitute than an eat-alone item. If you want to cook it like a piece of meat, buy extra firm and press it on paper towels (using weights if you have time) to get as much of the water out, but make sure you're working with a kind that doesn't say "silken". If you hcan have tuna, then tuna, mayo, white/northern beans, white vinegar, red onion and a pinch of rosemary is the perfect lunch. Or make regular tuna (the cheapo can kind has more protein than the premium white albacore in a pouch, usually) salad, put it on a nonstick pan and "fry" it up, then top with cheddar & let melt. Like a breadless tuna melt. If you're on the go, the smaller size of tuna pouches, a few packs of condiment mayo, and a plastic fork is all you need. One of my fav travel/on the go meals -- buy turkey pepperoni. Microwave it on paper towels until it stops sizzling, but isn't burning... about 3 min in my microwave. As soon as it comes out, blot it dry with more paper towels and let them cool. The fat will cook out (they're low fat to begin with, high protein) and you'll be left with a very crunchy pepperoni "chip". Very tasty with some garden veggie cream cheese, or cottage cheese. Hope this helps.

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