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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wheetsin

  1. Wheetsin

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    Sent, LMK if you get it.
  2. Wheetsin

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    Hmm that's weird, I've been added (from someone on this thread before). I'm trying to add everyone now, but apparently there's a limit of 5 new friend requests per 10 minutes. Grr... I'm definitely Wheetsin there... let me see if I can add you.
  3. Wheetsin

    Pissed Off And Frustrated

    A large percentage of the initial weightloss is just fluid. After that initial loss, you just don't have the same excess fluids, so things slow down. Your body can't think, it's just on survival autopilot. To your body, you didn't have WLS, you're starving -- and bet you bum your body is going to pull out every trick it knows to try and not starve to death. It can take a few weeks, but you will reach an equilibrium where things start moving again. And don't just rely on the scale. Often during stalls people continue to lose inches.
  4. Unfortunately no. Not that I've ever heard of, anyway. But GMTA!
  5. Wheetsin

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    Here is a consolidated listing of everyone who has shared their login so far, so that it's easy to add w/o having to scan through all pages of responses. VST name/MFP name MzPecanBrown/MzPecanBrown jenn298/jfull0828 isntsheclever/isntsheclever LeLe/lelebug79 fell4falls/fell4falls ToddG/Koolaid677 aaeactive_gm/aeactive_gm NancyJerry/njerry kayte819/Kayte819 wishes/wish3s lessofme2010/soon2change jeepgirlchase/Jeepgirlchase Wonderwoman/kll72 AngieGO410/Bkmom77 spadesmcloven/Krystenmlee FatGirlSlim/FatGirlSlim33 RMS/rsmotivated Stacey Nicole/staceynicole82 Missmarbe/MissMarbe newtonya2012/newtonya2012 Ramses/AhronR rodswife/Rodswife12 Netgallegos/netgallegos PrncsDebbie/DebbieB825 Bubbaloo10/Bubbaloo10 mrsflyboybs/mrsflyboybs Dud2Stud/primo007 kcage/kcage1 Wheetsin/Wheetsin DDFinn/ddfinn Doreykn/Doreykn hellonurse/ChargersForever Saint_Sammie/saintsammie LMJ/Imjlite dnicewife/dnicewifeval MomScholar/mygastricsleevelife
  6. Wheetsin

    Zumba, Good Idea Or No?

    I bought this yesterday but haven't opened it up yet. Worth keeping? I also ordered one called Active Life Explorer. I've had this dang Wii for like 4 years, and except for maybe 3 times, we've only ever used it as a Netflix receiver. It's pretty bad that I need to be in front of the TV to work out.
  7. Do they list those things specifically? Generally those are considered what's called "mechanical failure" of the band, and a leak would definitely be a mechanical failure. My BCBS is CA/Anthem, but overall BCBS seems rather WLS friendly. Hopefully you will receive good news. Unless you really want to, don't wait a week. Between calls I waited about 3 days max, when it included a weekend.
  8. Wheetsin

    5% of 1%?

    A friend posted this to my facebook today. I thought some here might enjoy.
  9. Wheetsin


    It's very normal. I'm over 6 weeks out and have pooped 4 times. The last time, I hadn't gone in over 2 weeks (I didn't mean to wait that long, I just wasn't paying attention) so I got in a Miralax + Benefiber regimine until I could go. That was umm... 5 days ago, so looks like I need to bring back the Benefiber for good. Per my plan, I should be pooping every 3 days at least. Well hell, I didn't poop every 3 days before surgery, so I'm probably not going to get more frequent when I'm eating 400 cals a day. But 2.5 weeks... that's just not right.
  10. Wheetsin

    Need Protein Help

    Straight up? I wasn't. In fact I think this week is the first time I actually made the protein goal (70 gm per my plan). I was 6 weeks yesterday. Around 2wks post-op I think I was maxing out between 20 & 40gm per day of protein, and about 40 oz of Fluid (including protein drinks). At 2 weeks I still had about 1 or 2 tbl capacity. I still do, but mostly in the evening. I can eat more in the mornings. All I really wanted was ice Water, I made myself do everything else. What worked the best - hummus, refried Beans, black beans pureed with hot sauce and sour cream, fish chowder I made & boiled the fish until it almost disintegrated... tuna (I like it with white beans, mayo, red onion which I omitted, vinegar, and rosemary which I also omitted). I ate a lot of Lebaneh which I thinned with lowfat Greek yogurt cut with FF milk. Tried to eat Greek yogurt but it was (and still is) just too darn thick, fills me up way too fast. Soy bean hummus, cottage cheese... but really no more than 2 tbl of any of that at a time, and the 2 tbl could've taken 30 - 45 mins. Honestly, I just didn't worry about it that soon post-op. I could only do what I could do. I was having to make choices like, "Hmm, protein or Vitamin? Because either one will fill me up for 2 hours." So I focused on doing my best with hydration #1, protein #2.
  11. Wheetsin

    Coffee Sadness

    Never was a coffee drinker, but I enjoyed the smell. Now the smell really bothers me. I actually gagged on the once wonderful smell of a roasterie not far from where I work two weeks ago. I used to love tea. Now all I want is ice Water. Even in lieu of foods, and I'm not dehydrated. I actually crave water. I guess I shouldn't complain, but sheesh...
  12. Wheetsin


    I love to cook, but like you find that I have time constraints. And what I cook for my family is now (I'm still in the food stages) not what I cook for me, and I'm not eating enough to justify cooking a second dinner. Mainly I've been making batches of things for me, and letting them thaw/heat up/whatever while I cook dinner for the family. I'm on soft foods for another week or two so I can't yet eat very much of what I cook for them. Except for Soups - I've been focusing on the higher Protein soups (e.g. fish chowder) and avoiding the ones that don't have much nutrition (e.g. cheddar ale soup). I will buy a lb of maguro and make up a big batch of poke, which is currently a fave and lets me skip a Protein Drink. I use my food vacuum thing and divide it out into 4 oz portions, which go in the freezer. I do the same thing with plain sashimi. Then I can just grab one, thaw, and have a good nutritious meal (I'll eat it any tine of day, doesn't bother me). I'll modify family favorites. DH loves homemade pizza. Well technically store bought pizza that I "augment." But I've gone back to a low carb mock pizza crust and making sure to use only soft food friendly toppings on part. DH still gets his pizza fix, and I can eat too. We've started eating a lot more fish because it just goes down well and it's practically unbeatable nutrition-wise. DH also likes sashimi, but DD is 3 and we aren't there yet. I bought a cooktop smoker and do a half salmon, 3 - 4 trout fillets, swordfish and prawns. Only takes about 20 mins to smoke everything. I don't really like the taste of smoked things, so while all that's smoking I'll bake some trout or tilapia for me. I don't really do leftovers, so DH has several lunches/dinners. DH likes to smoke ribs on the weekend - I'll throw on a chicken thigh for me, then make a quick chx salad out of it. So - yeah, for the most part I cook the family's meal, then sit down with them with my little condiment cup of whatever dinner is. If we go out I stick to soups or a safe side dish like refried Beans. It's not worth cooking just for me, but it's important to me that they continue to have their meals the same as always.
  13. My insurance paid for my revision, minus my copays. I do not have deductibles or coinsurance with my plan. My inpatient copay was $250. That has covered all surgeon's office visits. Psychologist visits each have a copay of $20 ($40 total so far). The nutrition/information class also had a copay of $35 IIRC. Most of the time (I've seen one exception) BMI requirements are waived if you are a revision. Pre-op diets usually are as well. If a Center of Excellence, I believe psychologist rec is still required (was for mine). My band issue was a "profound" slip. I was not considered a candidate for repositioning or rebanding, which was fine with me. Here's what my insurance ordeal looked like: Banded with UHC in 2006. Changed from UHC to Cigna in 2009. Slip diagnosed in June 2011 while under Cigna. Cigna covered band removal September 2011 and requisute pre-removal testing. Cigna denied sleeve (though covered) November 2011. I appealed denial December 2011. Cigna overturned denial & approved sleeve December 2011. (By then I knew our provider was changing again 1/1/12 so with that deadine there wasn't time to schedule surgery). Changed from Cigna to BCBS January 2012. Submitted my "appeal package" paperwork to BCBS January 2012. Before BCBS would approve/deny, I had to complete the nutrition class and get psychologist approval. Nutrition/psychologist both completed January 2012. Paperwork re-submitted to BCBS early February. Pre-approval received about 3 days later. I THOUGHT Cigna would approve on the first submission, and I would have my sleeve in November 2011. I also thought my surgeon's office would submit for the removal and revision at the same time. Having so many months between the two is really what caused so much delay. But then again, he requires at least 2 mos between procedures, and most pre-approvals are only good for 60 days. But regardless - they had a disappointing delay on their end that really did stretch it out. Your SPD will detail whether or not revisions are required, revisions from what to what, and what the criteria are. I like to look all this up for myself, but your surgeon's coordinators can also tell you (they usually have it faxed from your provider).
  14. Wheetsin

    No Weight Record

    The surgeon's office does the submission, but what they'll want to submit will be your PCP records. Usually if it's an unusual condition like this you will have to do the legwork. Surgeons' offices are really good at faxing. I ended up doing most everything else, in my case. But I also knew a lot more about insurance than their coordinators did. (I wrote my appeal, did all the research, pulled all the statistics, timelined it all out, etc. -- then handed it over for them to fax).
  15. Wheetsin

    Insurance Snafu

    I assumed you've retired recently, and just found this out? What happened that it didn't go through? (do you have medical coverage as part of your retirement benefits, or did you switch to a private plan and something happened, or...?) Let us know if we can help.
  16. Wheetsin

    No Weight Record

    Oh, aside from the actual records, it might be worth asking your PCP (or other healthcare provider) if your weight (as a general condition, not a number/pounds) was mentioned in their dictation. Often doctors will note things like "patient is visibly morbidly obese" in dictation, even if you aren't weighed. I once got a copy of all my PCP's dictations and was surprised how much information was recorded. Things I'd said that I didn't even remember saying. Notes on how much weight I had lost/gained since the last visit. Etc. It wouldn't surprise me at all if your PCP has noted something in dictation (which you'll be able to match up to a date) about your weight, even if he/she hasn't weighed you.
  17. Wheetsin

    No Weight Record

    Definitely call them, but expect elusive answers. I remember calling them and asking, specifically, "How can I prove compliance to a diet that doesn't exist? What will you accept as proof of that? Tell me and I will get it, but I need to know what will meet your criteria." I was basically told it was up to me, get what I could, submit it, and then they'd let me know if it was enough (in the form of another denial, or a reversed initial denial). If you don't get a good answer when you call, hang up and call again. I think about 90% of it is who you happen to get on the phone.
  18. Wheetsin

    No Weight Record

    Hmm... ER visits? Anything? My first submission for the sleeve was denied and one of the reasons was because I didn't prove that I had been compliant with the prescribed diet of the lapband. Well, the lapband doesn't have a prescribed diet, so how do you prove you've been compliant with it? I pulled up every study I could find that showed %EWL at 12, 24 and 36 month marks, and then added a line of my own numbers, showing that even after my slip I exceeded the mean numbers (including numbers from FDA trials that were used as the basis for the band being approved) by no less than 30%. In order to do that I had to get REALLY creative. I had some weights, but not consistently for the 6 years I was banded. And I had a lot of numbers that could easily look like failure unless I could adequately explain (e.g. "weight gain" that was actually a pregnancy). I also took the dates I could find (PCP, OB, ER, joining a gym, for my job I had to go through an extensive medical review and they had my weight recorded from our phone conversation, weights from surgeries, etc.) Then I built a "timeline," plotted out the verifiable weights, and then added event points to show fluctuations (e.g. pregnancy, delivery, slip diagnosed, etc.) I figured if my weightloss of almost 200 lbs wasn't enough to show compliance, what would be? So I grabbed a copy of my PCP's paperwork showing where I had them indicate I had an NSAID allergy (which I don't, but we wanted to make sure no one mistakenly prescribed any b/c they were a no-no). It's not technically diet, but it is compliance. Maybe you can do something similar (timeline) using your pictures, and write an explanation that you declined office visit weights due to your discomfort, desire to avoid embarrassment, etc. Dated pictures if you have them. Do you post pics on social media sites? E.g. facebook has the timeline feature you could use as a guide, if so. I'd also request a letter from your PCP stating that weights were not recorded, but you have an X year history of obesity... that way there's at least official confirmation that your weight wasn't recorded vs. just your word. The best lesson I learned - you have to be creative and a little loose with interpretations, and as much as I hate to say it, you have to find ways to "think outside the box". Clothing receipts that would show sizes purchased and corresponding dates? Home videos? Etc. Anything, regardless of medium, that could chronicle your weight.
  19. Wheetsin

    March Roll Call!

    You know, I really was hoping for consistent restriction after so many years of random restriction, but I'm not complaining. I couldn't even drink water in the morning for like 6 years. Did the egg/ham/cheese breakfast. Lunch I ate out and ordered a brothy soup. I avoided all pieces and just stuck with the broth, and could barely finish 1/4 of the small bowl. Snack was a cheese stick with a bit of minced meat salad. It took me 45 mins to finish. Dinner - about 2 tbls of 7 layer dip w/ canned chicken, 2 hours ago and I'm still feeling it each time my stomach contracts. Go figure. I've never liked breakfast much, ever. So of course it would be my primary meal now.... I'm not quite to 1/2C food, I don't think, but the egg combo is quite a bit more than I've managed before. 4oz seems to be my upper limit.
  20. Wheetsin

    No Weight Record

    Have you looked at your medical records from your PCP's office? What criteria are you trying to prove with the records? Are you just needing to show a history of obesity, or are you trying to prove supervised weightloss attempts, or what? (the wording determines what exactly is needed) Have you seen any specialists that would have weighed you? If you just need something to show you've been overweight for a period, it doesn't have to be nearly as formal. OB visits, etc? What about a gym membership - they will have weighed you during an orientation. Etc. Good luck & let us know if you need any help.
  21. Wheetsin

    5% of 1%?

    I also don't understand the anger, animosity, and would it be accurate to say personal insult - that I have seen from Christians. And I so say Christians specifically. I know a lot of people from a lot of religious paths and Christian faiths are (so far) the only ones I personally see these reactions from. I can't imagine being so venomous toward someone just because they happened to believe something different than me. I mean, who doesn't? On a lighter note, a friend of mine (also an atheist) is an ER physician. We had a good chuckle over this a few weeks ago, but it's so true.
  22. Hot cereal I could have as soon as I got home from the hospital (it's considered a full liquid in my plan). Crunchy cereal is 8 weeks.
  23. Your surgeon should have information. If that's not an option, there is a Research & Statistics forum here. Really good information here: http://www.bariatric-surgery-source.com/gastric-sleeve-surgery.html More: http://www.springerl...401256w/?MUD=MP http://www.ncbi.nlm....pt=AbstractPlus http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/16469218 http://www.ingentaco...000008/00000208 http://www.sciencedi...550728909005309 http://cat.inist.fr/...cpsidt=20977362 http://www.springerl...l2408572187442/ http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/20622654 http://www.asmbs.org http://scholar.google.com , search for vertical sleeve gastrectomy.
  24. Be careful, prematurely introducing foods through the pyloric sphincter (as can happen when you eat & drink at the same time) can cause some pretty bad dumping. I'm not a "drink police" by any means, and don't care personally -- but -- just know it's a potential consequence so you aren't surprised some day if it happens & you can't figure out what's going on. Yeouch!
  25. Wheetsin


    I dated the son of an anesthesiologist for several years. Unfortunately it does happen. It never happened to him but I remember a very somber evening when it did happen at the hospital he worked out of. But it doesn't happen frequently. It is not something that most anesthesiologists experience during their careers. I think the risk of it is quite literally around 1 in a million.

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