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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wheetsin

  1. Wheetsin

    lump at bottom of throat

    I get a similar sensation, but in my case (TMI) it's because I have very active sinuses, and their "product" can collect at the base of my throat and collect, almost like a ball that I can feel, esp. when I swallow. Any chance you're draining? Have allergies that could cause this? It's getting to be that time of year again.
  2. Wheetsin

    Unsupportive family members!!

    I think they need to get over it already. It was what, 6 - 7 months ago? THey can really hold a grudge! It might be different if you'd lied about something directlyimpacting their lives, or your husband's... but that was your choice. It seems like they're greatly generalizing & exaggerating. I think your've done enough, even met at their beckoning call, and it's up to them to find what they need to move on. I don't know that the situation sounds like jealousy to me b/c why would your FIL be jealous... but I don't know. If this happens again, and they throw out accusations, the best thing you can do is ask them to provide concrete examples, e.g. what specifically have your kids been doing that make them think you're "decitful nature" is rubbing off on them? If they can't give you those examples, shame on them. If they can, you will have an opportunity to explain what's happening. Ok, that's nice me talking. Real me - you don't owe them an explanation. You can tell whomever as much or little as you choose, and should never have to justify that action. They know the truth now, and can accept it and get over their issues or can keep beating a dead horse. I mean - nothing, and then 6 months later bringing it all up again? Whatever!
  3. Wheetsin

    A question for after surgery

    I have to second the slip-on shoes. I wore these butt ugly but totally comfortable shoes called Crocs everywhere I went for the first week. Heck, I have them on today with my jeans. I don't even know where my tennis shoes are. (And thanks, Morsaille - I'm down 39# as of this a.m. but I don't know how I know that, because I'm certainly not weighing myself compulsively )
  4. Wheetsin

    A question for after surgery

    Oh as for bras, wearing a real one today w/ no problems, but I didn't even bother before today. I just went with a sports bra. My highest incision is below my bra line so no problems there, I was just going for the comfort. Editing to add: Well crap every time I think I answered your questions, I see one I missed. I was banded on Wednesday and pretty much stayed in the recliner, minus walks for circulation, until Friday. Thursday was my first shower, I couldn't really stand in place long enough for a shower on Wed... too much pulling on my staples. Friday I went out to GNC to get some Protein powder & to the mega mart basically just for a place to walk around. That Saturday we went to my parents' (about an hour and a half away) and I did fine in the car, though bumps were sore, and the seatbelt hit in all the wrong places, but I did fine. I'd say within a week I could resume normal activity levels. I'm still more sedintary than pre-op, mainly because I don't want to overdo it, but expect that won't be the case in a few more days.
  5. Wheetsin

    A question for after surgery

    At home I wore a knit dress. I don't know what you call the style, but it's one piece, with a cord on either side of the wasit that ties in back. They had them at Target during the summer, cheap - like $20 - $25 each, so I bought a bunch of them b/c they're great for wearing to go out with the dog, move the sprinkler, etc. when you just don't want to wear clothes. I looked for a pic and couldn't find them exactly, but this is pretty darn close: Link My first couple days at work I ignored our dress code and went with sweats that have a really wide & loose waistband with a t-shirt or sweatshirt. I also have a few tracksuits made of t-shirt material and those were great! I've been banded for nearly 2 weeks now and today is my first day in jeans, but *shhh* I have them unbuttoned & unzipped a little at my desk because the waistband hits on my lowest incision.
  6. Wheetsin

    1st week Banded

    That sounds like the same diet I had the first week post-op. My nutritionist specified that Water in the Protein mix counts against water, so maybe that helps. You could put a scoop (~25gm protein) in 16.9 oz bottle of water, that way just by getting your protein in you've also gotten in 40 - 45 oz of water. What makes it hard for you to get your water in? As for the hunger - water. It will satiate you for a while, even when you're hungry. I can't give you any better advice b/c we're having opposite reactions. I was banded March 1 and have yet to feel hungry. I'm maxing out around 3 oz food per day. Then again, I'm constantly sipping water, too.
  7. Wheetsin

    1st week Banded

    What foods can you eat per your doctor/nutritionist's post-op diet?
  8. This struck a chord with me! I didn't have pain from the gas they use - no nausea, nothing. The only sign they had puffed me up came from my incisions, actually. They were stapled, and then covered with clear plastic adhesive, almost like a strip of thick tape. My first day post-op when I went to look at them and make sure all was well, the tape right over the incisions was "inflated" about 1/2" from my skin. WTF?!? Took me a few seconds to realize what it was, but gave me a nice scare until then.
  9. Wheetsin

    how did you eat BEFORE the band vs after

    I don't know what Golden Corral is so I can't give info there. As for Taco Bell, I'm only 12 days out, and haven't actually eaten at Taco Bell yet, but I know pre-op I'd get 5 soft tacos and nachos bel grande, or I'd get a quesadilla and nachos. Judging from my hunger lately I'd get an order of pintos and cheese and it would last me all day. RNY has its built in behavioral modification points, like dumping, as does banding, with PBs. Dumping (IMO) is basically "I can eat this without it being metabolized", which also IMO was a little too close to purging behavior. I know you don't truly purge it, but you're still eating something you know you shouldn't, and willing to face whatever the consequences will be to keep it from being metabolized. I know people with RNY who plan this -- "I really want this donut, but when I eat it I'm going to dump, but that's ok - I'll take the pain if it means I won't really absorb the badness." I don't know any banded people who say, "I know I shoudn't eat this, but I'll just PB it back up so I'm going to go ahead and eat it anyway". But that's just the people I know, and isn't necessarily representative of anything.
  10. I have a large incision but mine does not feel the way you've described. Most of the time I don't notice it, but it is the first to hurt. In my case, is feels like a pulling. I can definitely tell something's bugging the muscles in there, too. The skin itself is sensitive to touch, if I rub my finger on it - now for sheets or a shirt to touch it, no problem... but nothing like razor sharp pain.
  11. Wheetsin


    I'm newly banded but on previous diet attempts I've gone from a 12W to a 10 regular.
  12. Wheetsin

    Need Suggestions please OT

    So someone left a message on his mother's phone, claiming to be you? Or was it harrassing you? I'm not following... Whomever the owner of the cell phone is can, like Paula said, get call records through their carrier. Her phone, if she has caller ID, should also have logged the originator's number - in which case you can try a reverse directory search (this is on the internet, not through the cell phone company) and find out the name of who placed the call.
  13. Wheetsin

    Sleeping position

    I slept in a recliner for 2 nights. I slept on my back in bed the 3rd night. The 4th night I tried laying on my sides, which I could do if I used a small pillow under my tummy, to support it and keep my staples from pulling. By night 5 or 6 I could sleep on my side w/o the pillow, but was a little sore when I would flip from one side to another. Around night 8 I could sleep like normal. I'm not a stomach sleeper so I can't give you specifics on it. I probably wouldn't be able to do it now but my port is in the middle of my abdomen, not off to a side.
  14. Wheetsin

    Need post-op PROTEIN help please

    Ugh... I'll be 2 weeks out this Wednesday, and Protein is my biggest problem. I started off with the Ispopure Dutch chocolate and had to give them up last week, they were OK in the beginning but now the smell makes me queasy. This weekend I picked up some pre-mixed "AdvantEdge Carb Control" protein shakes. So far they're decent. I got strawberry & french vanilla and IMO the vanilla is by far the better of the two. They're higher in carbs that the Isopure (1g impact per serving, which is 15g protein). I think these will hold me over for a while, but I still need a way to make the Isopure more palatable b/c they're so good on the protein/cal/fat/carb ratios. I also picked up some sugar free DaVinci syrups, like for flavoring coffee, thinking that might help, and some low-carb Peanut Butter. Maybe tonight I'll revisit the Isopure with a touch of peanut butter, or some syrup. *shrug*
  15. Holy crap! My processed claim for my surgery just posted to my online insurance account. Check this out: So am I reading this right? If I had been self-pay, I would have been charged about $30,000. But my insurance company has such a significant discount that they only pay $1674?
  16. Wheetsin

    Why Size and Not Pounds??

    I posted this in another thread, it may help you understand why the scale is not reliable: Also, if you're working out, you are gaining muscle mass which is denser (heavier) than fat, so you could lose a lot of fat, and actually weigh more than you did before. Thini of the big muscle builder guys... single-digit body fat, but they can easily weigh 300#. Muscle also requires more calories, so the more muscular you are, the more you can eat w/o gaining fat. Simply put - "weight" is a really bad measurement in general. "Fat percentage" is much more reliable when it comes to knowing how much fat you're ridding your body of.
  17. Wheetsin

    Anyone Gain Weight Before Surgery?

    I had about 6 weeks between consultation & surgery, and gained about 10 lbs. I really paid no attention to what I ate during that time. No one told me not to, and I was never weighed on the day of surgery.
  18. I would bet most of what I own that she is losing fat, even if she's not losing weight. The scale represents all of the mass your body has, your skin, and everything inside of it, as well as a few things outside of it. It does not give an accurate account of the fat stored in your body. This is why, even when you're following a good diet and exercising, etc. - the scale can mame it look like you're gaining weight... when in fact you're retaining Water, building muscle, haven't pooed in a while, etc. Hmm... everyr wonder why so many dieters get frustrated and give up just a few weeks in? If she isn't already, encourage your wife to keep track of her measurements. I'd bet her sizes go down even if the scale doesn't. If you have access to one, forget the scale COMPLETELY and use a body fat analyzer. The fat is really what we care about losing, not the Fluid in our cells... but a scale will never show you a true loss of fat.
  19. Wheetsin

    I see the Endo tomorrow-- send love!

    Best wishes on your findings.
  20. So far I've had similar stats to your wife's. I know a big part of my initial loss was dehydration. As she has started getting in more and more hydration, her weight is going to go up until the body feels it can release some of its reserves (the more water coming in, the quicker/more likely it will release), it's nothing more than a fact of life - but it sucks on the scale!
  21. First - I am not worried or anxious about erosion. At all. This is just me thinking out loud. I've been wondering if band model contributes to erosion/slipping. Pre-op when I was looking at pictures of the VG band inflated I thought, "Wow, those pillows provide a lot more surface contact than the little skinny ring those other bands have, I wonder if that helps avoid problems with erosion." My reasoning for this -- any thin surface is more likely to "cut" than a wide surface... for example, if you rub your finger on a piece of string you're more likely to get injured than if you rub your finger on a piece of ribbon. Just throwing it out there for conversation - what do you think?
  22. Wheetsin

    9 days post op

    10 days out and I still have no appetite. I'm eating 2 - 4oz food max for the entire day. But here's a weird little something I've noticed. It now feels almost like I have two stomachs. I can't think of any better way to describe it. I'll be sitting here and my "bottom" stomach is growling, but I don't feel hungry at all, and my "top" stomach feels full. I haven't eaten yet today because I've yet to feel hungry, I'm just drinking Water (that's all I'm craving). My "bottom" stomach is growling so loud my co-worker heard it, she's about 6 or 8 feet from me. But I don't feel hungry at all. Wow, talk about multiple personalities...
  23. Wheetsin

    Surgery scheduled for 2/23/06 - HELP!!!!

    So your surgery has already happened, or not??? You probably won't find someone banded that long in the US. We have Autralian users, but I can't think of their names off-hand. If you do a search for "Australia" or "Oz" or something like that, you should find several people.
  24. Wheetsin

    question about Fills

    My first fill appointment is for 5 weeks from the date I was banded. Once my staples came out (1 week post-op) he told me to come back in 4 weeks.
  25. I'm a redhead and a few people I met with for my pre-op appointments told me, in reference to coming out of the anesthesia and common post-op maladies, "You have red hair, it will be a piece of cake for you!" The coordinator was telling me about what general anesthesia would feel like, and she said, "I always have poblems, but my son is a redhead and it's always a breeze for him, you shouldn't have any problems either." I figured - whatever. In actuality they were right. I spent less than an hour in recovery. I never had gas pain, never had nausea, etc. Today the hospital called to check up and make sure I felt ok, and I told the nurse I was fine and she said, "I figured you would be, I remember you had red hair." WTF? Is there actually some real validity to this, or is it a bunch of medical practitioners buying into hooey?

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