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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wheetsin

  1. Wheetsin

    My husband wanted me to ask this.

    Why not have your husband clean the house, so that you can spend time researching your soon to be new lifestyle? My husband loves to see when I'm on here, and is always curious about what I'm saying or reading, because he figures it's all making me that much more informed, and will help me avoid problems, and/or be a little educated about what's going on when problems arise. You average 2.5 posts per day. How can he say that's too much time?
  2. I could handle a quick lidocaine pinch - no problem. What got me was that it wasn't quick & then gone, it kept going, and I could feel it getting deeper and deeper. I'd say the "quick sting" lasted probably -- 12 - 15 seconds. And I don't think it was the pain from the medicine going in that really became uncomfortable, so much as feeling it going deeper in. Blech!
  3. Wheetsin

    tolerating bread?

    The only breads I tried pre-fill were hard breads like croutons or pretzels. After my first fill I tried a tiny bit of DH's grilled burger bun and it did fine. I've also had pastry bread - filo dough - as it was the crust in a piece of quiche I ordered and it did fine too. I have not tried regular white bread - never did care for it much. Some day I will get brave and try pita.
  4. Wheetsin

    Does anyone here use Arbonne?

    Ok, the friend who bought it from her friend brought me a trial today, so I will use it tonight. "Trial" is a little misleading -- it's the full-size products, you're just kind of supposed to give them back. It's the anti-aging line in the orange containers. I plan to use tonight, tomorrow & Sun. I hope I like it (meaning - I hope it works!)
  5. Wheetsin

    Gardening Questions and Pictures

    Oooh, we're having a landscape designer come this weekend, so maybe I can add some pics soon. I plan to start my planting this weekend. So far all I have is some potato vine (love it in hanging baskets) and two white mandevilla to go in this fountain/2 trellis combo thing I have. Some nursery shopping is in order! Last year I had thunbergia alata (clockwork vine, Spanish eyes, etc.) planted in the same trellis areas. It was one of the most vividly colored flowers I've ever seen. Every spring makes me really miss living in California, where we had wisteria and jasmine so large they completely covered the slats covering our deck and made a beautiful, wonderfully scented roof. *sigh*
  6. Wheetsin

    My husband wanted me to ask this.

    See -- now in my opinion, sitting on the computer all day is what brings in half of our income. Just because people don't have a computer to be in front of doesn't mean they're going to be out exercising. There's a book, TV, game units, knitting/crocheting, painting -- lots of other things people might opt to do in their spare time that wouldn't really burn that many more calories than being on a computer. DH and I own/admin four message boards, though DH does most of that work. Let's see... I have an office-type job, so 40+ hours is spent mostly on the computer. DH and I also do some online translation work for his father's company, that's another 5ish hours per week. I own a web design/development company in my "spare" time, right now I'm actually turning away jobs, but when I have the time to take them that's 10ish hours per week. Outside of work I spend at least 15 hours a week on the computer just doing my schoolwork - my master's program has online components. I wouldn't attribute any of this to my obesity, at all. If I were doing it to be lazy, I could just as easily sit and watch tv.
  7. You can also use [ img ] tags or the (Insert Image) icon to post pictures already available online.
  8. Wow, I'm in no way qualified to read those images, but you look really tight. Really tight. Here, this might help:
  9. I haven't really been hungry since February 26 when I started my pre-op diet. I never had the hunger from hell that I hear so many talking about. I'm just now, just this week, to the point where I can eat more than just a few oz without feeling stuffed. I'm still not eating anywhere near "pre-band", but am also starting to eat more than I believe I would if I had good restriction.
  10. I should add - my first fill was done with lidocaine and the lidocaine hurt pretty bad, considering. The pain from it isn't that bad, it was more the pushing/going deeper that hurt. I felt it all the way. Tolerable, but unpleasant. I have another fill next week & am tempted to tell him no numbing (since a lot have said that hurts less than the numbing shot). I want to see what the majority rules is on this one.
  11. Oops! Sorry, I meant to post the poll quicker but someone stopped by my office to chat.
  12. Well, I had my first fill April 7th and am going back next week for a 2nd... so 3 weeks between fills. When I had my first fill he gave me less than he might normally (1cc in 4cc band, which he called a "tiny" fill), because I was still not eating a lot and he didn't want to cut that back even more. He told me to call the RN and talk to her if I think I'd ready for another. I talked to her today, and explained that esp. in the last week or so the small portions is a matter of will power, not band intervention. She said it was time for another fill & scheduled me. I'd been told from other patients with my surgeon that he's pretty agressive with his fills, as in not taking months & months to get you to the point of restriction (not as in giving you a ton of fill all at once). I asked how much she thought he would give me and she said she would draw 2ccs, but how much I actually got depended on the resistance he felt when pushing the fill in, so we'll see how much he adds to the 1cc I have now.
  13. Stopped by the surgeon's today. scale showed total 33 lbs. down since consultation (late Jan) and 45 down since day of surgery (March 1). That's really strange because my PCP's scale shows about 44 lbs. down since consultation and 55 lbs. down since surgery. I didn't use my home scale on consultation, but home scale shows a loss of almost 60 lbs since day of surgery. *shrug* I give up. No more scale. Sizes only from here on out. I also have a fill appt. for next Friday. This will be my second fill. Right now I'm at 1 cc and able to eat more than I should... it's 100% willpower right now (which scares me)
  14. Wheetsin

    Overdue FUN THREAD!!!

    Umm... lime green high briefs, good old cotton, from Avenue (I love their last style of underwear, but the new "waistbandless" ones suck monkey butts!) Lane Bryant Cacique bra, the padded & formed one with removeable air pocket "chicken cutlets" (I don't wear the chicken cutlets on a daily basis, but wearing one and leaving the other out is a great way to even out a little lopsidedness) :Banane56:
  15. Wheetsin

    Drivers License Photos

    I can't wait to actually be the weight recorded on my driver's license. :Banane56:
  16. Wheetsin


    If you're easily disturbed/scared, don't go to this site, or at the very least, don't click on the audio clips. I would recommend following what the site suggests and read the story before listening to the clips. (I've shown this site to alot of people and I've sat and watched as the hairs on their arm stand up... this really gets some people's goats) :Banane56: Woman allegedly being possessed by a man and a child.
  17. Wheetsin

    What's your slogan??

    Real name: Angela - It Does a Body Good. Handle: The Incredible, Edible Wheetsin.
  18. In the last... I'm going to guess 5 weeks my scale has moved 5 lbs, and then by 2 lbs, but the 2 lbs comes and goes. Sometimes the 5 lbs comes and goes. *sigh* The 5lbs came all at once, and not a peep since. I'm going to drive to my surgeon's today and see what their scale says. I'm also going to see if I can schedule another fill. I'm glad to have lost what I did up front, but it is getting harder & harder to not see a whole lot of anything happening.
  19. Wheetsin


    I enjoy reading about the paranormal, watching Ghost Hunters, etc. but do not believe in ghosts. To each their own. But my dad shared a story with me I figured I'd pass on. My father is not one to lie. Do I believe this really happened? No, but I believe that he believes it, and that's all that matters. I will tell this "matter of factly" only because it's how it was told to me. My dad is the youngest of three, he has a brother and a sister. Growing up they were pretty poor and would have to entertain themselves. One of them found a ouija board, but they didn't have a pointer for it so they used a shot glass. They went in their basement, lit some candles, and started playing with the ouija board. After a few minutes the shot glass started moving to answer questions they were asking. They'd established communication with a male - I can't remember the name. They'd ask questions and "he" would answer. Convinced that one or the other was making the shot glass move, they took turns being blindfolded, two at a time, so that only one person would ever be able to see what was being selected. Even though the others were blindfolded, their questions continued to be answered accurately, and not just yes/no questions... but also ones that had to be spelled out. Anyway, apparently this went on for about an hour. Then were asking generic questions, but then my uncle tried to ask a question about his sister, something about how old she would be when she died, and the shot glass moved to "no" so quickly that they couldn't keep their fingers on it. After that the "person" they had contacted seemed to get agitated. The shot glass would keep going to "Good Bye" but they'd ask if they could have one more question, and it would go to "Yes" so they'd ask. It would get answered, and then they'd ask for one more question... apparently this happened about 6 times and the last time they asked for one more question, the shot glass flew out of their hands, went over to "No", sat there for a few seconds, then flew up into the air, across the room, and smashed into the wall. My father never owned a oiuja board after that, and wouldn't allow one in our house (when I was younger they were "cool" again and I wanted one to play with friends when we had slumber parties). He refuses to watch "ghost movies" or anything that focuses on the supernatural. He will watch a movie that has a ghost in it (e.g. "Ghost"), but will not watch something specifically about a ghost, like the "A Haunting in..." series. Like I said, he has high integrity and is not someone to tell a lie. I was younger when he first told me the story and I didn't believe him so he told me to call my aunt and ask her what happened "the night with the ouija board". I never did, but he was confident she'd be able to tell the exact same story.
  20. Wheetsin

    Newbie from Tampa Saying "Hi"

    I don't live in Flroida but I'm kind of an honorary, since my employer has a sister company there and I visit frequently. Can you switch before Jan, or is that when they have their open enrollment?
  21. Wheetsin

    Anyone know how to "photo shop" ?

    I can help if you want to send me a picture. Alternately, you can download a freebie or trial version application and work on it. Paintshop PRO is a good one (I have much more $$$ applications, Photoshop, Fireworks, Illustrator... and PSP is still the first one I open every time! Best $75 around!)
  22. Wheetsin

    is someone deleteing large threads?

    There is the option to edit your post out. I haven't seen that mentioned so I just thought I'd bring it up. Boards that don't allow their users to delete their posts have this as an option. If it were to be used here, the threads could stay intact and anyone who wanted to make their words non-permanent can. Just edit your comment out with a space or a period, a <deleted> note -- whatever.
  23. Wheetsin

    HELP! Dinner???

    Quickest & easiest dinner idea I can think of is a frozen dinner. Doesn't get much quicker or easier than that. Quick & easy Snacks -- nuts, pepperoni, other hard Protein.
  24. Wheetsin

    Real Age Test

    Actual age 30.2, difference -2.3, RealAge 27.9. I wish!
  25. Wheetsin

    My eyes are OPEN

    You've tapped my curiosity -- why would you think it not an option for you?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
