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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wheetsin

  1. Most bandsters are in an ongoing state of ketosis, brought about (long story short) by lack of carbohydrates in the diet. The onset of ketosis is accompanied with a significant, often overnight drop in weight -- not fat, but Fluid -- anywhere from a pound to 8 or 9 lbs. The retention of fluid when the state of ketosis is broken is just as quick. Had I just read the title of your post, and not your actual message, I would have replied, "I'm guessing what you ate was a high carbohydrate food." The same amount that is initially lost can be gained, once again overnight, by introducing enough carbohydrates. Once ketosis is resumed, the Water weight should once again drop quickly.
  2. Wheetsin

    Ability to report bad posts

    Answered on your other posting of this question.
  3. Wheetsin

    To the MODS

    AFAIK authors do not see the icon on their own post. I would imagine this is because if someone managed to write something they found offensive or inappropriate, they could just edit it. I may be wrong, and will wait for someone more familiar with the board function to chime in.
  4. Wheetsin

    Question about Moderators

    I'm not oblivious at all. I know what you claimed happened. That doesn't mean I believe it. That doesn't mean I disbelieve it. It means I would need a whole lot more information to reach my own conclusion. If I acted, in any capacity, based on one side of the story -- I wouldn't be me.
  5. Wheetsin

    What's *good* about being fat?

    We're harder to kidnap. next?
  6. Wheetsin

    Question about Moderators

    If you guys are that interested in the "inner workings" of how message boards operate, then truly - I would suggest joining a messageboard or user community for the particular board platform you're interested in. If you're curious about this board, look up VB. If you're curious in general, check out PHPBB or one of the other terribly common ones. That will help you understand how things work, what can or can't be done, etc. more throoughly, and a lot more expeditiously, than anyone here can.
  7. Wheetsin

    Question about Moderators

    I don't know about VB, but in BB we can track by IP, email, POC, etc. Ways to found out are limitless, and relatively easy. It all points back to the privacy stuff that comes up now and then, and least as far as the means are concerned. If someone is determined enough, there's not a lot they CAN'T find out about you.
  8. Wheetsin

    Question about Moderators

    Mods are users, so just like users, I would guess they could have multiple names. Just like users do.
  9. Wheetsin

    Question about Moderators

    If you're looking to make a point, save everyone time and just make it. If there's something you're wanting to say, just say it. Other mods may feel differently, but personally - I really don't have time or inclination for (literally and figuratively) a game of 20 questions.
  10. Wheetsin

    Why didn't you tell me about this?!?!

    I joined the local freecycle with the intention of avoiding a garage sale -- lots of nice stuff to get rid of, but garage sales aren't my thing, so it was either find a home for it, or trash it. I became so disgusted with the site that I quit after about 4 days. Hopefully other regions have better membership than we did. I posted a 3 year old Toshiba Satellite laptop that still worked as good as the day I bought it. I just didn't need it since I got a new one and DH had a better one. Every single response was like, "Can you post the specs so I know if it's good enough? I already have a computer but I'll take it for free!" or, "Would you upgrade XYZ for me before I take it?", or "What else comes with it? Do you have a desk or bag or anything? Software?" That kind of behavior sickened me. It's like -- come on, it's free, what do you want?? DH posted 3 suits, all of which originally cost over $600. One cost over $1k. He's outgrown them *ahem*, and has purchaed new ones in a a larger size, so he figured there might be someone out there needing them for a job interview, or just to have on hand in case of emergency. He was asked, "Will you pay to have them tailored to fit me? I want them but not if I have to pay to make them fit."
  11. Wheetsin

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    It's all good. It's too bad my feminine wiles won't get me anywhere, I like to think of myself as a sexual rhetorician. :heh: But I'm sure my husband will be pleased. Come be accountable with us. So what did I eat this weekend... Saturday I hate 2 bites of a Breakfast I made for DH, consisting of eggs, cream cheese, cheddar, bacon, and sauteed mushrooms. Wasn't hungry. lunch was going to be Wasa with Peanut Butter (I'm a peanut butter whore), but I had to PB the peanut butter back up so that killed my appetite. I had a PB PB, sure eanough. I'm pretty sure I was eating it too quickly. Talk about an experience. Later at night I skipped the PB and had an OJ Protein drink. Sunday... I already don't remember. I know I had a Protein Drink, and a few bites of chicken chili I made (chicken, northern Beans, jalapenos, etc.). I also had some Melba toasettes with butter & hummus on them - 6 I think. That was for lunch, and I skipped dinner b/c I wasn't hungry. Today - so far haven't eaten anything. I'll have some lunch soon though, leftover Chipotle, and going to Cheeseburger in Paradise for dinner w/ a co-worker, where I'm sure I will have the "Son of a Son of a Sailor" salad + pulled chicken. And a Euphoria margarita. MAN those things are good.
  12. Wheetsin

    PB'g at Work

    I've PBed at work twice. Fortunately I'm in a position where it doesn't matter if I'm at my desk - I can come and go as I please, pretty much, so if I feel a PB coming on I just go hang out in the bathroom for a while. I know people who have much more structured work routines, and try to sympathize with them - it must be difficult. I'm not sure what you're schedule looks like, but chances are that some point in time you will need to PB during the work day. My best advice is to keep that in mind, and schedule/compose your meals accordingly. Case in point, I was in Illinois for a business meeting, with limo scheduled to pick me up at 1:30. At 1 I started eating lunch. Not a good idea. Lunch got stuck, and I ended up having to ask the limo driver to pull off the shoulder of the interstate, so I could run down into the grass off the shoulder and PB in rush hour traffic. Niiiice. I could have been a lot smarter about when or what I ate, but I wasn't even thinking about it. Bet your butt I do now!
  13. Wheetsin

    Question about Moderators

    BTW, of all the messageboards I use, and there are a lot, I know of one that monitors PMs. This is done because of the nature of the board. In the messageboard community it is a practice that is frowned upon, even if you warn your users up front that it may happen. So the odds of anyone associated with the board having access to your PMs is already... insignificant. In fact, the odds of a hacker getting to your PMs and reading them are greater than that of an admin or mod doing it, just based on the sheer number of messageboard hackers vs. nosey admins.
  14. Wheetsin

    Question about Moderators

    Correct. BB boards have plugins available to read PMs, if the admin so wishes to take the time to install them. I cannot speak for VB boards because I'm not familiar with the admin side of them. If you're concerned about your PMs being read, anywhere, a good rule of theumb is to always consider the messageboard "someone else's house". You can risk conversation in someone's house, but you have to always remain aware of the possibility that someone else in the house might overhear. PMs, like the board itself, are a resource that the admin pays for, for you to use. Treat the privelege accordingly, and use your best discretion when deciding what you do or do not want to run a risk, no matter how slight, of someone else being able to read your message. It's just a good general practice.
  15. Wheetsin

    Question about Moderators

    Again, I can only offer my perspective. I agreed to help moderate here because I saw it as something I could to do help build and grow a resource that I've come to rely on pretty heavily for support with my band... and as a way to stay in touch with local bandsters outside of our scheduled meetings. I've never been a fan of using a resource but not being willing to "pitch in". Some people "pitch in" with their knowledge and experience. Some places ask you to "pitch in" through donations or membership fees. Some people "pitch in" by providing support to other users. For me, moderating was a way for me to "pitch in". So "for what" -- probably for many of the same reasons anyone volunteers for anything. And probably for some very different reasons, too. But it's going to vary person by person, so unfortunately there is no "this is why a moderator does it " blanket type answer. Yep, me. I would imagine you'll get more responses as time goes by. Need to keep in mind that moderators, just like anyone else, get busy during the day, go on vacation, have appointments, have sick children, lose internet access, etc. Sometimes posts are missed, and sometimes you see a post but don't have the time you want to dedicate to it at that particular point in time.
  16. Wheetsin

    Question about Moderators

    No, we do not.
  17. Wheetsin

    Question about Moderators

    I can only speak for me... and consider my answers to be addressing anyone who is wondering, not any one particular user. Hence "you" is meant in the most general sense possible. Do moderators get paid? No, not one cent. It's completely voluntary. I've never even heard of a messageboard that pays its moderators. Most boards don't profit, and hence there's nothing to pay out of. Even the boards that do profit (more like break even), that I know of, do not pay their moderators. Boards do, however, cost - typically the money comes out of the admin's pockets. So in that sense moderators aren't paid, but someone else is buying you a resource. Do they have rules? There are rules for moderating, but not separate rules for moderators. What if they abuse their rights? I would imagine the same thing if any user abused their rights. Moderators are users, first and foremost (IMO). They just happen to have volutneered to have some responsibilities tacked on to their time here. Can they walk away any time or are they forced to be here against their will physically or contractually? I'd hope you can figure out the answer to the first part of the question, so I'll skip. As for the seconed part, there are no contracts involved. Is everyone privy to the rules of moderator? Privvy to read? Privvy to content? Privvy to...? Do moderators get a second chance if they break the rules? I don't know, I've never broken the rules so I can't answer this. Do they get a warning? See previous answer. If a moderator breaks the rules and gets banned, do the words BANNED appear under their picture? Never been banned, so I don't know. For the love of LBT, can we get answers? You can have mine, for what they're worth. I've posted this before, but now might be a good time for a reminder for all. I do admin a few boards, and you can't disregard the role the admin plays. You're "allowed" access to the messageboard, you aren't "owed". Alex foots the bill (and I can tell you most boards, especially VB boards, aren't exactly cheap) for this place, and sets the rules accordingly. Messageboards are sort of their own beast because they're a matter of private property, that many people consider to be public - but someone owns this place. Personally I always assume mebership on a "sandbox" basis. I'm here to play in someone else's sandbox. Hope this helps answer your questions.
  18. Wheetsin

    Thread Killers

    That's nothing. Let me tell you how the oncologist gave my grandfather his bladder treatments...
  19. Wheetsin

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    I hit the 270s yesterday. On Atkins I never got out of the 290s. So the last time I saw the 270s was on my way up & past them, about 7 years ago... :faint:
  20. Wheetsin

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    Hi 503-250, have we met you? I've you've attended any of the SMMC SG, please let us know who you are so we can introduce ourselves next time.
  21. Wheetsin

    Help me on my first evaluation to the surgeon!

    If you already know what your insurance company requires for coverage, which it seems you do, then just make a list of it and circle the things that pertain to you, and bring the list to your appointment. I'm not sure what you're wanting suggestions about...? That's about all you can do...
  22. Wheetsin

    Whats for Dinner?

    Eeekgad, olives... I'm Greek and I can't stand the f***ers. But here is something I make that doesn't require olives: Boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut in half width-wise. Open 'em up and stuff them with delicacies of your choice. I use: Butter shavings Garlic Asiago cheese Salt Oregano Spinach Then sew them up, wrap in foil with another small butter pat & some seasoned salt, and grill. Solid happiness, baby.
  23. Wheetsin


    My suggestion would be that we quit posting about all the posts. Things never go away if you keep them going.
  24. Wheetsin

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    Ok just a few more thoughts. My concern, turned thankfulness, for my lack of appetite has begun a third shift into appreciation. The more I think about it, and you know that's all I do... think think think... the more I realize that it's quite liberating. I use to hear "eat to live, not live to eat" and think - ok, whatever, you stupid slogan thrower. But now it's kind of true. I don't really get enjoyment from food anymore. Never being hungry has helped with that, but my perceptions have also changed. I used to look forward to going somewhere because of how much food, or what kind of food, they would have. I'd go somewhere because they had the best salad dressing, or dessert. That's completely gone now. DH and I poked around at resort vacations this morning, and I KNOW that a year ago (if I'd even been thinking about going to a resort, which I probably wouldn't have because that would mean short or bathing suit...) my first thought would have been, "Buffet!" Now that was far from my first thought, and when the thought finally did come, it was more like, "Uh... buffet... I hope they have a little snack stand or something so I don't have to eat there." Like, wow, man. I had DH take some more pics lastnight. Maybe I'll post some. I bought a really cute dress at the start of summer, and it was really skin tight. It made me look like a sock full of quarters. I bought it like that on purpose, it was a motivation purchase. I put it on last night and it fits pretty perfectly. I don't think I'll ever wear it tho, it's that stretchy/clingy fabric, but it shore is perty nice to have the option to wear it if I want.
  25. Wheetsin

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    Hi girls, meet my collar bones. They've decided to be regulars here.

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