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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wheetsin

  1. Wheetsin

    Teeth Whiteners

    I bought a couple packs of these and tried them for 3 days. I was swallowing too much of the gel and it made my stomach hurt. :eek: I bought (for my mother, she wanted it but didn't want to lose the $ if it sucked) the whitener where you put the little blue led light in your mouth. I dount the blue LED has anything to do with it, but it actually made a difference. Of course, word to the wise -- don't do this within about 6 hours of having to go out. The peroxide or whatever it is makes your gums white, and it takes several hours to go away (kind of like if you dab perozide on your skin, it will "bleach" the skin temporarily... I was folling around with perozide as a kid once and REALLY freaked out my parents this way!)
  2. Speaking as an owner/admin of other boards, and not as a moderator of this one. All of the below is purely IMO/IME... Banning is a sticky situation. There are ways to make it more solid than specific IPs, but you have to weigh your pros and cons carefully -- what do you get from banning a given person, versus what do you lose from potentially blocking others with the same origination. Most of the boards I run are specific to geographic locations, so this is more paramount, considering that maybe 30% of our users might have the same origination vs. 5% or fewer, or maybe more. It could be argued that banning by username does not help, it could be argued that it does not hurt. At the very least it's "an action", and sometimes "an action" is better than "no action". At the most it's a way to block access, and it is relatively effective. I say relatively because some people know how to get around an IP or other type of ban, but IME for every one who does there are at least 8 - 10 who do not. At the least it's an effort at getting a message across, whether to the banned individual or to the membership. In that case, whether the message is heard or regarded is up to the individual.
  3. Wheetsin

    Strawberry seeds ???

    The guidelines I received said the same thing, but what they give us is designed for RNY patients. When I followed-up and asked about strawberries specifically, she told me they should be fine as long as I chewed very well and only swallowed small amounts at a time. I added them (I think) in late mushy stage, to help flavor up my Protein drinks, an blending with natural yogurt to get a healthier version of the strawberry yogurt you can buy off the shelf. Once I progressed to solids I added strawberries. For some reason I do feel them more than other foods (goes for most fruits), but I've never had a problem with them... and I was strawberry crazy during the season this summer.
  4. Wheetsin


    I make it "Thai" style. Buy the extra firm and slice. Marinade slices in a mixture I make out of orange juice, soy sauce, peanut sauce, seasme oil, brown sugar, and chili paste. Then fry or grill on foil. Serve atop chicken slices cooked in the same marinade. I also season it lightly, pan fry, and eat on melba slices.
  5. Wheetsin

    Thread Killers

    That is so wrong, on so many levels... :eek:
  6. Wheetsin

    Eating Solids Too Soon?

    Well, I ate solids too early. Way too early. But it was a complete accident. It certainly didn't ruin my band, but having a major PB 3 days post-op was no fun. BTW, eating solids isn't going to ruin the band, the band is on the outside. The food stages are for your insides, to let them heal up, and also to acclimate to the new role of the pouch. The best advice you'll get re: eating solids too soon is, "Follow whatever advice your surgeon gave you." Or your wife, in this case.
  7. Wheetsin

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    I am making a very focused effort to eat more, which means eating when I'm not hungry... but I think in this case it's allowable. I ate about 20 pepperoni chips around 9:45 this morning. DH and I are eating out around 3:45, so I won't eat until then, but I will try to get at least a Protein Drink in this evening. Major stickage on an M&M. I had already done my little PB ritual, because I *knew* I was going to have to PB it up... then *burp* *hic hic hic* *gurgle* all gone. My thoughts on that - it was a peanut M&M. I chewed it well, but I've also had problems lately with chunky Peanut Butter (which was my last PB). Creamy is OK. I can tell you that peanut butter PBs have a distinct, unique charm!! So peanuts may be a no-no food for me. I haven't tried just a plain peanut, not lately anyway... last I had them, peanut butter wasn't causing any problems either, but lately unless it's blended up I can't do it without major stickage. I musta missed an earlier thread, are we doing dinner again?
  8. Oh, my bad. 28 lbs was the first week. First month was something like 37 lbs.
  9. Wheetsin

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    I got back in town Friday, saw my doctor this morning. She's not completely sure what it is, but thinks it might be an allergic reaction. I don't have allergies in the traditional sense (grasses, animals...) but I'm allergic to some adhesives, and ended up being allergic to the leather on the $$$$ leather furniture I bought a few years ago. The remaining question is - what am I allergic to? Nothing special/different would have touched it on the outside, so process of elimination would say that I'm allergic to something inside, and the allergy is "manifesting" on the outside, but she didn't think that was the case... tho she couldn't say absolutely not. She gave me some pills & a cream, and we'll see how it does. Between when it first started happening, and this morning before I went in, it already looks a little better. What was reddish brown is now a weird light brown/gray/green. :welldoneclap:
  10. Wheetsin

    Side effects of protein shakes

    I've done high Protein and not lost hair, I am losing hair now. Any body trauma can cause hair loss, including surgery. My mother experienced hair loss about 6 mos out from her hysterectomy, and my father had it about 4 mos out from a knee operation. Personally, I attribute it more to the trauma itself, than diet. In my case anyway, because I know what I'm eating.
  11. Wheetsin

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    Let's see if I can remember. Saturday: 1/2 over hard egg 2 strips really crunchy bacon 2 bites hashbrowns 1 protein drink w/ peanut butter & skim milk 1 chicken strip, 2 tatertots, 1 onion ring Sunday: 1 m&m (got stuck, no PB). 1 bite of a Chiotle chicken bol (got stuck, no PB) Pretty much gave up on eating for the day after that, so: 2 protein drinks, one with half sugar OJ, the other with just milk. Monday: Sunday's Chipotle bol About 30 pepperoni chips w/ lowfat garden herb & veggie cream cheese as dip 1 "habanero & jack" sausage, peeled 4 baked french fries 1 protein drink w/ 2% milk
  12. Before I was banded, but after I'd set my date, I bought one shirt from a normal-sized store that I LOVED, and said I would use it as my "inspiration item". It was super cute, and marked down to like $20, so I figured - what the heck. If I can get there great, and if not - well - I'll know it wasn't for lack of inspiration! During the last 2 months my "inspiration item" has become an "inspiration wardrobe". I can't help it. I see all these cute clothes I've wanted to wear for so long, and I can finally think "Someday!" instead of, "Yeah right!" and I just can't help but buy everything up. I don't even know if I'll ever get down to the sizes I'm buying! (I hope so, because they're still larger sizes, but still so far away). Today my co-worker wanted to exchange some stuff she'd bought at Old Navy so I went along, and walked out with three bags of my own. I couldn't help it. Losing weight has definitely kicked me back into my old "clothes whore" habits.
  13. Today marks my 6 month band anniversary. I can honestly say that the last 6 months have gone by quicker than any other 6 month chunk I can think of. Here's a brief list of losses & gains: Lost 103 lbs Lost 5 sizes, from 34 to 24 Lost 15.2 points off my BMI Lost more than four feet off my measurements Lost over 60 percent of my excess body fat Lost most of my interest in food, and 95% of my appetite Lost my "rubber ducky" profile Lost my "bowling ball belly", and replaced it with my "gentle ski slope" belly Lost my belly button. No kidding. That sucker is nowhere to be found. I can see the start of the pit, but this pit is bottomless Gained a LOT of closet space Regained a lot of my self image, self esteem, self <INSERT noun> Gained 12 lbs muscle Gained the first real beginnings of belief that I will make it this time Gained control of my eating - a true sense of "eating to live" Gained appreciation for empty bathrooms that have stalls large enough to pace in :phanvan Gained the ability to run up 4 flights of stairs without having to stop on the way Gained a few new friends & acquaintances through my SG Sweet.
  14. Wheetsin

    Gone for Good Club - August 2006

    Thread locked at originator's request.
  15. Wheetsin

    Define online Stalking please...

    Thread being locked at poster's request.
  16. Wheetsin

    I eat a lot

    A question of my own, and then I will get to yours. You say "I feel the food flies through the pouch and rest in the lower stomach right away, which make me eat a lot." I would challenge that a bit - and ask how food going through the pouch makes you eat a lot? What does it do that forces you to eat more? A lot of the things we say to ourselves justify actions, even ones we know we shouldn't be taking. Just be careful, and when you think something to yourself, think twice -- and hear what it is you're really saying. That alone may help you quite a bit. Q1: I think that by definition "good restriction" pretty much means food doesn't move quickly through the pouch. Assuming we're talking "food" and not "water". Q2: Probably varies greatly person by person. Sometimes I don't feel the food at all, sometimes I feel the tiniest bites for several minutes. When I feel food, I don't eat more until I feel it clear. What's it's clearing exactly I can't tell you. Maybe it's just settling into the pouch, or maybe it's passing through the stoma... I don't know. The food will not stay in the pouch until it starts to digest, your pouch doesn't contain the right "ingredients" to digest food. The food will have to pass into your stomach before it can be digested. And forgive any misspells... I'm showing a pattern of typing "puch" instead of "pouch" today.
  17. Wheetsin

    Hair Loss

    I read somewhere that people were using Nioxin. I'm thinking it was on this thread but I'm not sure. Regardless - just wanted to pass on the info that three of the Beauty Brand stores I have been to in the last few weeks (looking for an OPI color) have had a LOT of their Nioxin products 60% off. Nioxis is pricey, comparatively, and if any of you are using it, it might be worth your while to see if your local store has the same sale.
  18. Wheetsin


    I can't remember where I picked these up, but here goes: * The human heart can pump blood with enough pressure to squirt it 30 feet. * It's impossible to committ suicide by holding your breath. * Right handed people live, on average, 9 years longer than left. * It's impossible to lick your elbow. * The average person learns 7000 things every day. * 25% of Americans have been on TV. * Yu are born with 300 bones, but as an adult have 206.
  19. Wheetsin

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Cate, good luck in your job search! I know it's not ideal, but if you just need money, aren't places like grocery stores, mega marts, etc. always hiring? Have you tried monster.com? It's a great job search site.
  20. Wheetsin

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Today is my 6 month bandiversary! BTW, I'm on my way back to town today, not next Friday. Had to fly out to Chicago Tuesday. No problems eating this week. Maybe it's the combination of flying + TOM... who knows.
  21. Wheetsin

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    Oh and today I've eaten: 25 pepperoni chips 3 Ritz crackers 1 - 2 oz tuna w/ light mayo And as always, lots of decaf tea & water
  22. Wheetsin

    SMMC chicas accountability log

    When I finally had restriction, I definitely felt it. I took a drnk of protein drink and YUP! I felt it sitting there. It wasn't uncomfortable, nothing at all like when someone is stuck, I could just feel the "pressure" of something there. I could probably stand to be more restricted in terms of quantity, because I'm still the one stopping myself from eating more than a bandster portion, not my band, but with as tight as I get when I travel, and already figthing to get the amount of calories I do, I'm just not going to push it right now. BTW, I'm 2.5 in a 4cc.
  23. Wheetsin

    HEY FROM Kraggie Hope TN

    Enough. And that goes out to everyone. Any more infected posts and this thread is locked.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
