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Everything posted by Wheetsin

  1. Wheetsin

    Who's on your "what if" list?

    Yup. I get that sense about Ami just from watching the show. And he's a huge hypocrite. And I'm sorry, but that temper? That's trouble waiting to happen. So he becomes the one-night stand, not the take home to meet dad.
  2. Body fat stores estrogen. The more fat you have, the more estrogen you have. This is why obese women are at higher risks for developing problems related to hormonal factors, including fibroid tumors, endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, amenorrhea, breast cancer - even things like blood clots. What specifically are you wanting to know more about?
  3. Wheetsin

    Highly offended by the ladies of "The View"

    My thoughts, plain and simple - I would love for someone to go through the agony of a PB and then try to tell me that's the easy way out. That's like saying natural childbirth is the easy way out, that tough guys get epiderals.
  4. That's sad. Let me ask - why be quiet about it? He's your dad but that doesn't excuse being an asshole. Would he still do it if he knew it hurt you?
  5. WOw, lots has happened since I last checked in! Can you believe we're over 50 pages now? MourningFuneral - lots could be going on. I started close to 400 lbs and I KNOW that if I had lost slowly I would have been befuddled. I've lost faster than I expected to - thankfully - but I also expected to lose fast (in the beginning) because of how much I needed to lose. One of my pre-op weaknesses was Little Debby Nutty Bars. Solid happiness! But I won't buy them now, because I know that if I buy them I will eat them. If you use good sense at the grocery store, you won't have to worry about whether or not you can resist them when they're on the counter. And a little tip - don't go grocery shopping when you're hungry. It really works. If you're going to eat something that's not completely healthy, then do it during the day. Late night eating is bad. And the food you eat before bed is what gets used up the least. Can you find a substitution for your cravings? I was having an affair with Reese's peanut butter cups. I won't let myself buy them now. But that doesn't mean the cravings aren't there! So instead of having one I'll make a choclate protein drink and mix peanut butter and about 1/5 of a package of Butterfinger cocoa mix into it. YUM! PEANUT BUTTERY! And about 7g carbs and 1g fat. And I'm getting 40g protein to boot. That being said - have you had yourself checked thoroughly, and I mean - labs? If not, please do. And do journal your food. It's amazing how little thigns can sneak their way in. When I was first banded people would tell me, "It's not going to hurt you, you're just eating a few bites of it". But when 10 bites is all I'm eating, and 6 of them are crap, it's much more significant than anyone would think. Teresita - I PROMISE I'm mailing you those shoes. I just need to find them first. Their on a box somewhere in one of my closets, and that's as much as I know. But your'e getting them just as soon as I can find them! Ibrahem - it really and truly is no sweat. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE needles. Hate them! In fact, one of the reasons I put off getting the band for so long was because I knew I'd need an IV for the surgery, and that thought just wasn't OK with me. I once had both bones set in my broken arm without any anesthesia, just because I would've rather gone through the pain than have a shot to numb me. Once I needed stiches in my leg, and the numbing wore off, and rather than tell them I just sat through the last 6 stitches being put in, feeling everything, because it was better than a needle injection. But I will tell you in absolute honesty that my fills don't bother me a bit. Here's my deal: The first fill hurt like hell. Because they numbed me first. That numbing shot was SO painful. I could feel it as he pushed down and down, and it went way beyond the "bee sting" it's normally compared to. I've had numbing shots before, in weird places that should hurt really bad (like the end of my nose!), but this one was the grand-daddy of them all. The fill itself didn't hurt because I was numb. But I started debating whether or not I'd get more fill, because the numbing was such a painful experience. So when I went back, I told the surgeon no numbing. He kind of looked at me like I was crazy. I told him it hurt too much, and that there was no way a plain old shot could hurt as much as the numbing shot did. So he gave me my fill without numbing. Know what? Didn't hurt a bit. I feel a tiny, tiny pich (maybe like pushing the end of a wire into your skin, not even like a poke/prick), and then just some pressure. That's it. I've had 3 other fills since, all requested without the numbing, and no pain at all. For me, the only thing about a fill that hurts is when I'm laying down and the surgeon is palpatating my abdomen to locate the port. When he finds the port that's a little sore... but that's it. And you know what? After I requested that, I told him "if the numbing is a 10, then the fill is like a 1" (in terms of rating the pain). Since I went without numbing, he's made that his standard procedure, unless someone specifically requests it. And from what I gather, not many have. Oh - and I don't look. I'm laying flat on my back, and my port is on the top of my abdomen, just below and to the side of the actual band, so even if I try to watch I can't really see what he's doing. I can never watch the actual insertion of a needle... even just getting blood drawn and stuff. Just look away.
  6. Wheetsin

    Who's on your "what if" list?

    Wait - Miami Vice or Miami Ink? Because I agree, there's a certain scary something about Don Johnson! Maybe it's the white suit/pink silk shirt combo. I mean - as if!
  7. I don't disagree. I just wanted to put it out there, I was curious as to what the different perspectives would be. I have not reported it, but I know it has been reported. At least twice. Unfortunately the county services are so overwhelmed and understaffed (they've been in intermittent hiring freezes for the last two years, and have yet to replace anyone who left in that time) that I doubt this instance would be very high in their priority list. I would suspect it's another instance of the caseworker knowing that what their beiong told isn't true, but not having the resources to do anything about it. I know my mother, who supervises income maintenance, is often in the same position.
  8. Now -- this probably won't help any, but when I read that, I was kind of like "What's the problem?" I don't see anything wrong with what he said. My parents have said that same thing, meaning that they would love to be in a position where a little bit of food filled them up, and they wouldn't overeat. No chance he meant it that way?
  9. Wheetsin

    Who's on your "what if" list?

    Chris Nunez bounces off and on my list. He's one of those -- so hot it hurts guys. And I could easily find myself attracted to Garver. But he's not cute. Weird how that works. Must be the dorkiness. And the artist. Artists are hot. Ami is cute, but that is one angry man.
  10. I did ask. And no answers are going to bother me, I wanted to know what people thought. Which is why I reserved my opinion. Here are the answers as best as I know (I don't live there, so I hear most of this word of mouth): What kind of life is she giving the baby? I believe she does well as a mother. Most material things he has are from the parents/grandparents. My grandmother or her parents watches him while she's at work/school, and I think she's pretty good about staying home with him when she's not. I'm assuming the apt she's living in is not the best if she's on some kind of assistance. Her apartment is pretty nice. That's part of why she's on the assistance. It's not huge, and not glamorous, nor is it a "slum". I'd say it's a little above average, just from knowing the neighborhood it's in. I've not seen it so I can't provide a lot of detail, but she was raised with a silver spoon, so I doubt much of anything would be substandard. E.g. she once said that her baby would never wear clothing that wasn't name brand, or that was second hand. And as far as I know, it holds true. Also, is she a being a responsible mom where the child's overall welfare is concerned As far as I know. or she she too busy partying in her spare time? Alot of unknowns her.....Well, you asked..... She's not a partier. If she's not at school or work, she's at the apt with the baby or at her parents' or some other member of the family's house. She haws friends over sometimes, but really doesn't go out. And I can say that her parents are extraordinarily strict. Like - to a serious degree. To a degree that you could debate abuse (verbal & mental, not physical). And I can say that seeing her grow-up in the environment she did, it doesn't surprise me that she's opposed to living with them. Especially now that she's tasted freedom. I'm not saying that to defend or excuse, just to try and represent her side a little bit. It's still an option, and not living with her parents is still a choice she's making, at the system's expense.
  11. Well - keep in mind you're hearing about fills with different band sizes. My surgeon uses the 4cc and 10cc bands. Most people with the 4cc get 1-2cc for their first fill, and a half a cc each fill until they hit restriction. Most people with a 10cc band get 4-5cc their first fill, with a full cc after that until 7 (I think he said), then a half cc after. (By most I mean most that my surgeon does - I've asked him about his fill patterns) My first fill was 1cc because I'd lost a lot of weight and he didn't want it coming off any faster. Second fill 3 weeks later was 1cc. Each subsequent fill has been .5 cc.
  12. Wheetsin

    Who's on your "what if" list?

    A lot of women I work with love Kurt Russell... I just don't see it. But that's ok, there are a lot I don't see. Like Mel Gibson, Richard Gere, Bruce Willis... and Fabio! Come on! Does anyone really believe it's not butter?!
  13. Here's a cousin's situation: Wealthy parents. Not rich, but wealthy. She got pregnant in highschool during her (I think) junior year. Still living at home during that time. Dropped out. Eventually got her GED. Got a job as a waitress and moved out into a small rental home with the father. Father was a high school dropout and worked labor at a factory. Had a hard time keeping a job. She started going to college part-time and continued working as a waitress because they were flexible with her school hours. She starts getting tired of the father's inability to get or hold a job, let alone a good job, so she breaks up with him. Parents encourage her to return home (she's 19 at this point), but she declines, opting to get a small apartment. Parents are paying her tuition, have paid for her car, are paying her insurance, she's on their gas card, etc. So pretty much her only expenses are utilities and rent. She even goes over to their house for most of her meals, and they buy formula & diapers. Current state is that she lives in an apartment, still works as a waitress, still goes to college part time, father is no longer in the picture. Her paycheck goes mostly toward her rent & utilities, clothes, and extras. Her parents still foot the bill for her car, food, etc. She is on public assistance receiving food stamps, medical, and a MO program that allows a mileage reimbursement plan for students. So she gets paid mileage for her drive from home to school and back. Her parents are encouraging her to move back in and save the money that would otherwise go to rent & utilities for downpayment on a small house. She doesn't want to live with them because they're "strict" and would make her "follow rules", so she continues to live in her apartment, which means that she has to get public assistance to pay for the groceries she gets. Parents are more than capable of carrying her load, financially, and are willing to because she's their daughter, but on the other side she's an adult and is declining their offers. Do you think she should be eligible to receive the assistance?
  14. Wheetsin

    After a fill do you??????????

    Sounds like acid reflux.
  15. Wheetsin

    Who's on your "what if" list?

    He has a funky bellybutton.
  16. Wheetsin

    Who's on your "what if" list?

    I wish that page had been just a little longer.
  17. Uh - yep. I hate that one. Once when I first started gaining weight, I was probably oh... 19 or 20... and was maybe 30 lbs overweight, a guy in one of my classes pulled me aside in the hallway and admitted he'd had a crush on me all year, that I was "beautiful and smart and perfect", and that he had been too nervous to ask me out, but he would love to go on a date with me, and "maybe take it to a really serious level -- if you'd lose a little weight." ROFLMAO
  18. Wheetsin

    Re-heated foods

    Well, before I start I'll add the caveat that I got another fill Monday and I'm still learning how to eat again. So far I'm discovering a new world of restriction, so I can't say "I do" anymore. So please consider everything I say "I did". I'm not a fan of leftovers, but I can eat microwaved foods. I'll microwave my leftover Chipotle, Beans, things like that - but I can't really stand the taste of reheated meat. However, try this, since you're looking for possible solutions. Whatever you microwave next, cover it with one or two wet papertowels before you do. Not soaking wet, but more than damp. This steams the food and makes it more moist. I used this pre-band, just because I don't like dry food, and it made all the difference. It will even work on bread... if you make some rolls or something in the morning, then want another an hour later and it's a little crunchy on the outside, nuke it wrapped loosely in a wet paper towel and it will be as soft was when it came out of the oven. BTW, the same thing works well for prepping to clean your microwave. If something exploded and managed to go unnoticed, and is now baked on, nuke some Water. It will steam the inside and loosen everything up, and it just wipes right off with a paper towel instead of having to scrub.
  19. I never really had to deal with a lot of comments or anything, but one thing I remember too well, because it was such a "low blow" and in such an unexpected way... I was on BCP and had to stop because I was getting superficial bloodclots in weird places. I had gained about half of my weight at this point, so I was about 100 lbs overweight. My doctor suggested I go to the hospital's well woman clinic for a consultation to find out what kind of BC might be my best option. So DH came with me. The nurse weighed me in, then showed is to the room and started taking my vitals. She asked what I was there for and I told her I needed a new kind of BC b/c I had to quit taking anything hormone-based. She looked over at DH and out of the blue says, "Well you're a lucky one. You found someone who loves you for who you are." At the time it seemed odd, but it didn't hit me until after we'd left. Boy, do I wish it'd hit me sooner.
  20. I'm trying to understand what type of music falls into the "emo" category. My young'en cousins were discussing this with me and I'm just not getting it. They told me it's emotional, boys liking girls, stuff like that. But lots of songs are like that, though not considered emo. So what makes emo different from anything else? What bands are emo bands? Or songs are emo songs? Would Snow Patrol's "Run" be emo?
  21. Wheetsin

    Mental Health

    If I were you I'd find a good therapist. You're dealing with a major life change - more than one of them - and getting help finding ways to cope with that change will do wonders for you. Perhaps prescriptions are the answer, but perhaps they're not. As for the weightloss - this to shall pass. I've been plateaued for about 3 months now. On past diet efforts I've plateaued for more than 6 months. Eventually it ends, but it's hard to stay motivated to lose weight when you're doing everything right and not losing any. When were you banded? Sounds like you might still be in a mourning phase.
  22. I'm a donor. And looks like I'll be donating my gallbladder to my surgeon's retirement fund in the near future.
  23. Carlene let me ask you - purely just curiosity here - is it "ok" in the Catholic faith to be an organ donor? My mother is Catholic and I thought at one point she told me that it's not condoned, something about the body being whole/intact (as much as possible). I thought it was the same reason she didn't want to be cremated. But this conversation took place years ago, and for all I know could have been about a different religion.
  24. I didn't answer because it was asked to someone else. *shrug* To answer it, would I accept the assistance... I don't know. I've been offered services before (not quite a declared emergency, but a really hairy situation) and at the time I denied. I can say I'd never eat a bug, but if I was truly starving, I'd probably be out looking for bugs. I'd never get in a truck with a creepy guy, but if it was that or get torn apart by the wolves chasing me... at some point your mammalian brain shuts down in favor of your reptilian brain. And FWIW, the organization I denied help from was one that I had contributed to. Whether we like it or not, federal money is used for these organizations. So religious or not, and for the concept or not, we've all paid in to them. Wouldn't that justify your use of their services, even if you disagreed with the concept? If you pay in, even if it's against your wishes, are you a hypocrite for taking something in return?

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