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Everything posted by Wheetsin

  1. Wheetsin

    Red Lobster Warning -- ADULTS ONLY

    I don't think they're fake though. Not that I'm an expert, but usually with fake boobs you can tell (one of the many ways) because when they're "scrunched" (or moved in just about any other way) you get this "look" on the side, that looks kind of like a ziploc bag full of water. You know how if you set a ziploc full of water on the counter, it gets those fat wrinkles or folds of water on the sides? All the fake boobs I've seen do the same thing.
  2. Wheetsin

    100 calorie packs

    At work when I forget to have lunch, or the rare occasion that I'm not quite satisfied after, I'll grab a bag of the Oreo ones from the vending machines. They taste like chocolate graham crackers. Or a bag of the snack mix one. I don't care about tracking calories, I just think they taste decent and are fairly filling... and better than the Grandma's or Snickers.
  3. Wheetsin

    Best Airline for Larger People

    Ok TOM, correct me if I'm wrong (you mentioned riding backward on a plane, which brought an old memory up) -- but I could swear that once as a child, flying to Missouri from California - and probably on PSA, I sat facing my parents. False memory, or did domestic flights used to have such seating configurations?
  4. Wheetsin

    Another E-Mail Debunked

    On a more removed note, I wonder why they're releasing new dollar coins? The ones they have now are a total flop. The only ones I've ever even seen are the sacagawea dollars that the post office machines give me as change, and I've had stores refuse to take them because they're "Canadian money". I think they're a good idea - very handy. I just don't see them going over well.
  5. Heterosexual liberal atheist, 2/3 isn't bad. Alexandra, I *wish* I could do what's pictured, because that would mean my stomach was all gone! :faint:
  6. Wheetsin

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    I believe it's every 4th Thursday of the month at 6. That's why I always miss it - I get it in my head that it's the last Thursday.
  7. Wheetsin

    Red Lobster Warning -- ADULTS ONLY

    Pineapple makes protein go down better. Or at least taste a little better. Pineapple juice, specifically.
  8. Wheetsin

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I have long believed that one of the easiest ways to get rich quick is to start a religion. Perhaps the Atheistic Disciples of Christ. Has a nice ring...
  9. Wheetsin

    No Appetite!

    I lost my appetite a few days before surgery. I'm now over a year post-op and it has never returned. If I don't eat all day I *may* feel hungry, but even then food isn't appealing. I've had to set reminders on my calendar at work to go eat, or I will forget and work through the day. Not good for my metabolism or daily minimums. I know they've studied RNY patients in regards to ghrelin production pre and post op, but I'd be curious to learn (haven't seen anything yet) if anyone is doing the same for LB patients. Maybe just maybe that little pouch of ours and the things it does impacts ghrelin production somehow.
  10. Wheetsin

    Recipe Help Needed

    Google "flax seed muffins". I've made them, but can't google right now. They're not the best, but they fit the bill, and own fiber counts.
  11. Wheetsin

    Red Lobster Warning -- ADULTS ONLY

    DH and I, before he was DH, got "caught" once by his parents during an unannounced trip they made to his apartment. When his dad showed up unnanounced, he came right on in - had his own key. But knew I was there visiting, so - figure that one out. I'll skip the details about who was where and covered with what... point being his dad opened up the fridge to get a drink, fridge is empty except for two cans of whipped cream. DH eventually gets free and does downstairs to head him off, and his father asks about the whipped cream. The best he can come up with is, "We were going to make a cake." (Keep in mind fridge is empty, so a cake that needs whipped cream (their common frosting), but not eggs or butter or...anything.) Good one, DH. *Edited - eekgad, I put "they're" instead of "their". HAPPY MONDAY TO ME!
  12. DH was fairly slim when I met him. He's about 6'5 and wore a 36 pant. Then again -- I have no room to talk. When we first met he would have me put his pants on because he thought it was "cute" how saggy baggy they were on me. :tired DH gained, I GAINED. Now he's still gaining and I'm losing. I'm pretty sure we're about the same weight now. In fact, I may be under him again. WOW. That hasn't been the case for a LONG time. :clap2:
  13. Wheetsin


    Many people go to Mexico because the prices are cheaper (and for other reasons, but it seems like price is the main one), and there's a surgeon in CO people have mentioned here, who has a fairly low rate. Why were you denied? I was relatively healthy before my surgery, had never been on meds other than the occasional antibiotic, etc. -- had normal levels, good BP, no chronic illness or pain... and I was approved. What reason did they provide?
  14. Wheetsin

    Kids can be so mean!

    Yes! Around here I hear "I'm not racial!" after someone makes some kind of racial slur. They just don't get it. Question, since we're talking about referring to people by various "traits". Does being called "fat" offend you? IMO - I *am* fat, so of course I'm not offended if you call me that. I call myself that. Just the other day I was telling a work friend about a shirt DH surprised me with and thought I would love, that I would not wear because it's a halter and "while my shoulders are broad enough for it - eww - who wants to see my back fat or my fat, jiggly bat wings?" She didn't get offended, but couldn't believe I would refer to myself as fat. But why not? I am. It's like skinny people think that's something they only get to call us when we aren't around. :eek:
  15. Wheetsin

    Red Lobster Warning -- ADULTS ONLY

    You guys make me feel like I need to go take a shower. Ok, not really. But the first (well, I guess it just happens once) time I learned what a Dirty Sanchez was... now that made me want to go take a shower. I heard it on the radio, promptly got to work, Googled it, and was thankful it slipped by our web sense. So anyone who is curious, unless you're at home, don't Google it.
  16. Wheetsin

    Desert Island Discs

    Hmmm... Just need one. The audio book entitled, "How to Escape from a Deserted Island".
  17. Wheetsin

    I need to get this out of my system.....

    I have a 16 y/o pair of Doc's. :paranoid Not to mention 11 other pair. They last for freaking ever.
  18. The information my surgeon provides estimates that surgery costs, outside of his fee, run about $7k. That's the hospital fee, anesthesia, etc. Disclaimer - this info is about a year old, and fees vary greatly. Sorry I can't help more.
  19. Get my torn ligament sewn back together *sigh*
  20. Wheetsin

    Gave midterms today

    Must... not... get... distracted... (working on a midterm of my own, of sorts... a write up of a "non-instructional intervention")
  21. Wheetsin

    What Peeves you?

    Argh, yes! Even though I'm guilty of it myself. :guess Or tenses... The car pulled out in front of me so I broke and my tires squealed.
  22. Wheetsin

    Tell me if I'm wrong...

    Can I add a little story about my wedding that I just remembered? Well, not really my wedding. My reception. Since lots of family et. al. didn't have a chance to attend, we held our reception a month later, back home. I left the music selection up to my husband, the audiophile. Hubby, not being an American citizen, well... let's just say it's hit or miss on what movies he has seen, what "connections" he knows about, what cultural references will make sense to him, etc. So anyway. Reception goes, all is well. Music is playing in the background. Right is we go up to cut our cake, Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells starts playing, and everyone just kind of freezes. People are literally dropping their glasses, and food is literally falling out of their agape mouths. See, this song is one of my husband's favorites. It reminds him of spring, of fishing at his parents' mountain cabin, and of picking raspberries with his grandmother. He thinks it's one of the happiest and most upbeat songs he's ever heard. But this song is also known as the eerie "doodoo doo doo doodoo" theme in The Exorcist. Husband, having never seen the movie or heard any jokes referencing the "doodoo doo doodoodoo", had no idea what associations we had with that song. And of course 95% of my family are devout Catholics, and the other 5% pentacostal. A long explanation ensued, and most went back to normal, but there are still some in our family who have never looked at us quite the same. Ah well, that's my story. Carry on. I remembered this because he just played the song, and started laughing, and asked, "Do you remember this??"
  23. Wheetsin

    The Clockwork Orange Approach

    Ok, I thought this was going to be a reference to the mechanical jobber they used to prop his eyes open.
  24. Wheetsin

    Can't take it anymore!

    Are you completely unfilled now? Have you had an endoscopy?
  25. Wheetsin

    What About Those "Family Values", Newt?

    I can't believe he could find someone willing to have an affair with him.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
