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Everything posted by Wheetsin

  1. Actually yeah, that really is science. Is the backbone of how science works. Science gets an idea and then tries to disprove it. It considers what it is unable to disprove. Theology, on the other hand, gets an idea and sets forth trying to implement it as a truth. There is a very large and very fundamental contrast in this difference. Do I understand correctly, that you would prefer that scientific theory not be taught in science class? Or is your perspective more aligned to something like, offer science but also offer creationism? Or perhaps neither. Are you opposed to kids learning about atoms and molecules and ions and cations and particles and all that good stuff, without mention of god? Is it only biology (and specifically, evolution) that might be challenged?
  2. Liberals aren't really trying to force everyone to recognize gay marriage, they would like to see the government recognize gay marriage. Big difference. The government recognizes god, but I am not forced to recognize god. The government could recognize gay marriages without forcing you (generic) to recognize gay marriage. Partial euphamism for accept. I can't think of a single liberal who would make, "John, Nancy, and Sally accept gay marriage" their goal. Liberals don't really care what John or Nancy or Sally think or accept because they aren't John, Nancy or Sally. It's much more about the institution, and the unequal distribution of social value. And lots of other things, too. Personally, pick a name out of the phone book and I couldn't care less what their personal beliefs are. And I'm not intolerant of them. If they tell my friends Randy and Steve that they cannot marry, then I care about the inequality and judgment - the factors -- the consequences not the antecedent.
  3. Oh, I missed this... Well, if you mean exercise walking, it's really bad. I've been neglecting my exercise, which is why I won't complain about not having lost any weight for a REALLY long time. If you mean general walking, great. I never had mobility issues. I just had energy issues. Now I'm much more "spry" as I'm told... but I' also told "You never walked like a fat person"... yeah, what does that mean? Sleeping is fine too. Never had apnea or anything. In fact, I didn't have a single comorbidity. Good BP, good blood levels (my bloodwork from January came back with high cholesterol... UP from the regular numbers I've always had before!), no meds, no diabetes, etc. Except it's different to lay in bed now. When I lay on my side I can feel where my hip bone is, instead of just feeling this fat pad. And when I lay on my back, my ribs & chest bones stick way out and look really creepy. I can feel my ribs now when I stand, too. Not feel them like boney, but I can feel the very bottom rib, and you can see it. Can see my shoulderblades and the top part of my vertebrae too. We're talking YEARS since that was last the case.
  4. I use Dove, and just today tried their new "Cashmere" kind and Love Love Love it! I was always a Secret kind of girl, until one day in college I got a free Dove trial, when it new. Tried it, loved the way it felt, hooked ever since. So if you like Dove, try the new cashmere kind they have out. :clap2: My boobs aren't big enough to need anything under them. I'm still a (somehow) perky C, so my boobs don't really touch my abdomen THANKFULLY. And there's bra between me and there anyway. I do deodorant under my stomach. I was getting some irritation there as my skin got droopier and droopier, and plus - well - it gets stinky there. The deodorant took care of it completely. DH calls this routine "putting on your lipstick", he says it looks funny (haha funny, not weird funny) because I just make a pass with my deodorant just like putting lipstick on a big giant (lower) lip. Because my belly hangs like a ")" flipped over. My thighs definitely touch. Hell, they touch halfway down to my knees. I have big thighs & hips. But I don't chafe (am I spelling that correctly?)... probably because I'm usually either wearing pants or capris. I don't do shorts. I do lots of skirts (last year & this, but never before) in the summer, and I've never noticed any problems... but it's also possible I just haven't been doing enough walking to get there. I used to have this ring of fat right at my waist. I don't know how else to describe it. Like it would "flab" out over my pants if I wore tight pants, would start on the sides and wrap all the way around to the back. At my fattest it would "meet" at the small of my back and make what I always called my "floatation device". That's gone now, just barely barely visible on the sides, but I'll be damned if my hips and thighs aren't just gigantic still. Ok, so what other "ways to make life easier when you're obese" tips can I share... I'll have to think. Right now I'm just waiting for the day I can sit down and not feel my stomach, or look down and not feel a double chin.
  5. Wheetsin

    Vomiting After a Fill...Is This Common?

    I've not heard of that... *thinking* I do get stomach pain fairly frequently when I eat. Have from the beginning. It just aches a lot of the time. And when something is stuck, I feel it in my stomach and not chest/esophagus area. I've *never* felt a golf ball. Never anything in my chest area, except for general restriction feelings. Everything associated with a stick or PB is in my stomach to start (around the area of my bellybutton, which is actually much lower than the stomach), then progresses to my hips, them to my back, and the last place I feel the "inevitbale symptoms" is in my throat. But I've not had to wretch or heave from the "real" stomach... Hmm... Ok, here's a wild guess. And I don't mean this in a "you don't know what you're feeling" way. And I'm not trying to tell you this is what it is. But I'll throw it out there as something to think about. Any chance it's coming from the esophagus, and just feels like the stomach? I know it does for me. Here's why I ask... When you vomit, the contents of the stomach are going to come up. Your stomach doesn't hold things separately...so if you're only bringing up the Water, or the soup, I don't think it would be coming from the stomach... because once it hits the stomach it's part of the "melting pot" of stomach contents, and would no longer be just soup or just water. So maybe you're feeling part go through, even enough to cause a temperature change, but then something is clamping down and not letting the rest through? I know when I PB I get the chilld, watery eyes... and I'm shaky afterward, and often get a runny nose and feel like I just need to go take a nap. Sometimes it's the *yak* -- ok, so what were we talking about? But not always. Depends (I think) on what has to make it's way up, and how stuck it is.
  6. I've not heard of any of those. But I think Harold & Maude is hilarious. Not that it's here...nor there...
  7. Wheetsin

    Advantages of bypass

    This has already been answered well. I know people who have had both. Keep in mind since this is a lap-band site, the best most of us can do is tell you anecdotally what the advantages are - not lots of personal experience. Advantages... four I can think of. 1. You're not held as accountable for what you eat. It's easy to get the lap-band, and not lose weight. It does take comittment and work with the band. It isn't a "hand out". 2. Faster weightloss. I will add the caveat that the bypass patients I know, while initially happy their weightloss was so fast, now state they wish they could go back and trade -- get a slower weightloss, and not have the complications they're now living with. 3. There are some foods you just absolutely cannot eat, and some that you absolutely cannot eat without major pain (dumping). With the band you can eat many, many more foods. If you're someone who does not bypass procedures have... you're forced to not eat many foods. (A good friend if mine is over 2 years post op and can eat pepperoni, Peanut Butter, sunflower seeds, cottage cheese, and real eggs over hard. She cannot tolerate any other foods). 4. Little follow-up. With the band you do have to go in for follow ups (fills) in order for it to work properly. Fills continue for as long as you need them. With the bypass it's more of a one-shot thing. So while you'd better REALLY hope it works b/c you're SOL if it doesn't, you don't have to go in X number of times trying to hit your sweet spot.
  8. Wheetsin

    Vomiting After a Fill...Is This Common?

    Are you truly vomitting or just "PBing" (bringing the food from your esophagus, but no stomach acids or anything). Because depending on which is happening, advice may be very different.
  9. Wheetsin

    SOTC thread...Why NOT to post when your angry

    Hey, we got spammed with our own site on a dead thread. How cool is that?
  10. You have to get the "falling off a cliff" effect for it to be just right. I want my twwoooooo doooooollllllaaarrrrrsss...... It's not a major part of the movie, but it does pop up several time. It's the paperboy. Every time he pops up, he's trying to collect... "I want my two dollars!" The off the cliff is at the end of the movie, when he has the skis on his bicycle, and flies off the (Was it K-12? K-9? The mountain Cusac is trying to make it down) And from another absolute favorite: He's not my father. He's my lover.
  11. Wheetsin

    big problems advice needed please

    Let me try and understand. Your wife, while banded, was experiencing acid (reflux, or just burning?) when she ate or drank... and got to the point that even liquids had to come back up. She went to a surgeon who ended up breaking her port. What do you mean by that, exactly? Is the port inside of her still? During this surgery, 4.5cc of Fluid was removed. How much did she have to begin with, and what's the size of her band? Now her surgery is over, but she is still experiencing a burning sensation in her back when she drinks fluids. Is that accurate? (BTW, what the medical staff told her about making herself sick, and needing time to settle down, is spot on. Getting sick irritates our little pouches, and it isn't unusual for that to cause swelling and increased problems - a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy.)
  12. Wheetsin

    Does anyone else have the restaurant card?

    Have the card but have never used it. I just order regular Entrees and get a few meals out of it. Or more specifically, DH eats it later in the day. I have ordered from the kids' menu on the rare occasion that they've had quality choices, and I've never had a problem. I just tell them I'm not that hungry, and ask if it would be OK.
  13. Wheetsin

    So what do you eat

    I had a liquid, clear, sugar free diet 2 days pre-op and (I think) 3 days post-op. From there it went to thick liquids like "cream of" Soups, yogurt, etc. From there soft mushies like refried Beans, wet tuna salad, cottage cheese. From there it was as tolerated. Now - I could be missing a phase or two in there. It's amazing how quickly I"ve forgotten the basics (that I really should be going back to)
  14. Wheetsin

    People Are Rude

    I ask for to-go boxes when I order. "I want xyz and a box, because I know I'll need it." WHen I do get the box after I've eaten, I most commonly see concern that the meal wasn't OK... "Oh, you hardly ate anything, was it all right? Do you want something else instead?" I wouldn't have to deal with being asked something 4 or 5 times because after time #2 it becomes a matter of - am I not answering the right question, or are you just not understanding my answer? You guys are much nicer than I am.
  15. Oh I should clarify - power and cream - do one at night, and the other in the morning. Not do both morning and night.
  16. My arms are not pretty. The picture is deceiving. They look ok from the side, as along as I keep them down. The undersides are lumpy and saggy. Brachioplasty is definitely in my future. :tired But - you're kind. As for the rash - if it's a full blown rash, it's probably from the friction and salt (sweat). I would suggest making sure you're dry and then dusting with some medicated powder like Mexsana, and applications of hydrocortisone cream. One at night and one in the morning. See how that does you after 4 - 7 days. And preventatively, I would recommend applying deodorant to ALL the places that get sweaty. It's not just for underarms, it's for stopping the sweat and sweat stink. And unfortunately we all know that all sweaty places stink. :rolleyes I still use deodorant under my pannus. I just feel better when I do. And it heeps me from getting any friction rashes.
  17. Just have to say - one of my all-time favorites. I refer to that quote often.
  18. Ooh, ooh! I know that one. Only because I'm a movie trivia buff, and because it's one of DH's favorite movies. The charater who says that, specifically, is one of his all-time favorites (DH is a wannabe scientist). And he says it to the lady. No names given b/c I don't want to ruin it for anyone else. Ok, favorite movie quotes. From one of my favorite 80s movies: "I think the students like it when I get down verbally." And from another movie: "...no one's gonna really be free until nerd persecution ends." And a great movie full of great quotes (hint - one of the actors is also an influential musician and shares their name with a food mentioned in the movie my first quote is from... yeah that helps, huh?): Who told you all this? My Daddy. Your Daddy's lying. None of this is going to happen. You know why? Because you're ugly. I'm sorry to say it, but you're an ugly little girl. Just ask anyone. My Daddy says that I'm pretty and when I grow up I'm going to be a beautiful lady. No. You're going to be an ugly lady. You'll probably be fat and work as a cashier and no one is going to want to marry you. You see, parents aren't allowed to tell the truth about certain things. Now don't cry. Don't be upset. I don't want to see you crying. You really want to be famous?
  19. I was born a poor black boy in Mississippi. (sitting back to see how many recognize)
  20. If you want to post but are concerned about some of the more graphic areas, you can email them to me and I will censor out the parts you're unsure about. We've seen many a blurred nipple and pooty around here.
  21. Wheetsin

    Does sea salt have sodium in it?

    The sea salt isn't any better if you're watching sodium. The main difference between the two is taste & texture (for which I personally prefer sea salt). If you want to season without the sodium, you might want to try something like Nu-Salt or Mrs. Dash sodium free choices.
  22. Wheetsin

    Another E-Mail Debunked

    Where my husband's from their curreny is in kronar (krona singular). They have one coin that isn't a full krona, and that's called "ore". 100 ore make a krona, and the coin is a 50 ore piece. All prices are rounded up to the nearest ore, so to make exact change you only ever need one ore with you. Other coins are available for 5 kronar, 10 kronor, and 20 kronar. Bills are available for 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1000 kronar. A US dollar is about 7 kronar. I would be a big fan of that. So much easier. And the prices on the shelf/tags have tax included, and are rounded up, so what you see is what you pay, exactly. THAT can be really handy sometimes. Factoid - if you're a hockey fan, "Tre Kronor" is kind of like calling the team "Three Dollars". I get endless amusement from that.
  23. Wheetsin

    Red Lobster Warning -- ADULTS ONLY

    I wonder how far, "No, it's not a double chin, it's my boob" will get me...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
