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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wheetsin

  1. You can remove anything from your diet and lose weight. Carbs. Fat. Calories. Whatever. All will result in weightloss. The best weightloss is when everything is in moderation.
  2. Wheetsin

    Throwing up 2 days out

    I'm going to ask for a little clarification. Are you actually throwing up, as in stomach acid and undigested food is coming out... or are you bringing up saliva and maybe some food? Do you have the vomit taste in your mouth afterwards, or not really any taste at all? There's a big difference in what's happening between these two situations, so it's important for us to understand what's really going on before we can offer advice or information.
  3. Wheetsin

    MBTI and weight loss

    Sorry for being so verbose, I "get into" this stuff.
  4. Wheetsin

    MBTI and weight loss

    I'll use myself as a guinea pig. Here's an extremely accurate description of an INTJ. I've highlighted some of the specific areas that can (and do) impact weightloss/weight gain, focus on appearance, and all those other factors that play into it. You could do the same for any MBTI. So anyone who ever wanted a day in the life of Wheetsin, here you go. Now consider the highlighted areas not just in terms of being directly related to weightloss efforts, but also contributing factors to weight issues, especially those around interactiosn with other people/relationships, reluctance to "trust" a diet or weightloss program, etc.
  5. Wheetsin

    MBTI and weight loss

    I don't know about specific correlations to weightloss off hand (in terms of actual studies), but there are correlations to behaviors, and behaviors will eventually determine your success. (THAT'S why the best answer to "is this right for me?" is that it depends on what behaviors you will or will not be able to change.) For example, most "Type A" or "Red" or "Driver" (whatever you want to call it - pick your model) personalities will also possess INTX characteristics. This group is going to be the more results-oriented group which is why if they aren't scientists, doctors, engineers, etc. they're going to do best in some type of leadership position (I believe INTJ is most likely to be a high level officer, as in corporate officer, not police officer). This type does, or doesn't. They're reticient to engage in something they might not be able to succeed at. They don't like to fail and won't set themselves up for it. This is why when they diet, they're usually successful at losing the weight, even if they don't keep it off... and why they won't try to diet unless everything is lined up perfectly. (I made some absolute statements, even though I'm speaking in general terms)
  6. Wheetsin

    Lesbians more likely to be obese

    I know a lot of what I believe is "out there" for a lot of you, and most of you probably know that I do not believe in free will. Because of this, I believe that anyone can get anyone to love them (and by "get" I don't just mean as a function of coersion or manipulation) if they know what the other person needs most. I also believe this doesn't see boundaries across gender. Meaning I believe that most women who would say, "I would NEVER!" actually would, if the situation and conditions were right. BUT, I also believe that people are born gay. Not all gays, but I don't believe it's a free choice. For one because that would negate what I said earlier, and for two because people don't make choices like that when they're 2 years old - but many homosexuals can trace their behaviors back to that age or around about. And because while I believe some people would choose to be homosexual for attention, in which case you have to weigh their homosexuality with a grain of salt (and to be even more accurate, I would say choose to ACT homosexual - e.g. bisexuality being "trendy"), I cannot fathom anyone just randomly decided to "be" among any minority. Even as an atheist, which does not come into conversations as much as a relationship or partner (but which IS probably more so assumed about -- people nowadays assume you're religious, and assume you're straight, but probably assume you're religious more frequently than assume you're straight), my atheism certainly does not make life any easier. People don't understand the concept that, by and large, people want to get along... and that "choosing" to be something that goes against the grain of society, and I mean really BE, not just "be for attention" or "be for a while", but truly embrace it and live it, isn't something people are jkust going to sign up for.
  7. Didn't hurt me at all. I asked for ice chips so didn't really swallow any water. Then they made me drink a dose of painkiller. Didn't feel a thing.
  8. Wheetsin

    kansas city fill Dr?

    I've heard that Dr. Malley will take MX patients. I do not know if he uses fluoro.
  9. Wheetsin

    Adding images to post

    If you want to add an image to a post, click the "Go Advanced" button below the text entry area where you type your message. Scroll down and you will see "Additional Options." Within this area you will see "Attach Files." Within this there is a "Manage Attachments" button. Clicking that button will give you the option to upload pictures from either a local computer or the Internet. Instructions for this have been posted before, you might be able to find them if you try the search function (it's a bit wonky at times, but I've found that if you're good about the terms you use, you can get some great results). Glitter Maker generates the code you need to link, but they have several types of link options. Which are you trying to use?
  10. Wheetsin

    Lesbians more likely to be obese

    I have known women who "became gay" after an abusive relationship. I don't think this means they were gay all along and just sort of realized one day she was hoosexual. I also don't think it means that, out of the blue, they suddenly found themselves attracted to women. I think that, through a series of events that changed behaviors and "what we're looking for", they found what they needed most in another woman. There are things that can happen in one's life that condition them to seek relationships with the same sex. This is neither something to fear or be ashamed of. It's a matter of finding someone who gives you what you need most at a particular point in time.
  11. For me a sip is less than a mouthful, it's about the equivalent to what you take in when you're "slupring" a hot drink.
  12. Sunta, your three pound gain wasn't fat. I'm filled well now, I just wish my restriction was a little more consistent (it's pretty mcuha given that I will have a hard time eating before evening). But I went underfilled, intentionally, for a long time. I was still losing weight, and it was nice to eat without pain. Plus my willpower was still with me, so sticking to bandster portions, even without the fullness that comes from restriction, wasn't a problem. If I were you, I would get a tiny fill. My last fill was 0.25 cc and it made a big difference. Here's why I recommend this. I have a tiny bit of regret that I wasn't tighter during my first 6 - 8 months of being banded. I lost a lot then. I've now lost about 5 lbs since January. My weightloss has essentially stopped dead in its tracks. This makes me wish I'd taken a little more advantage of it up front.
  13. Wheetsin

    Weddings & showers

    Here's a scenario a peer shared with me today. For various reasons, calling the future bride/groom for clarification is not an option. How would you handle the gift issue? Groom is a family member you don't really know - haven't seen in 10+ years, and only knew on holidays before that. Bride is someone you've never met, nor even seen. Complete stranger. The first time you encoutnered her name was on the invitation. On Monday you receive an invitation to their wedding, indicating where they are registered for gifts. On Wednesday, you receive an invitation to a couple's shower (that Friday). No mention of where they are registered for gifts. Shower is being held at a "pizza Shoppe", so presumably would be a casual event. Would you buy two gifts from the registry: one for the shower and one for the wedding? Part B to the question above - let's say the cheapest gift on the registry is $80, and you don't have anyone you could split a gift with. Would you still buy two? Would you buy the family member a shower gift for him, and avoid a couple gift as the bride is a stranger? (This question stems from bridal showers, where you might not go if you don't know the bride, and tend to get her gifts for her, versus gifts for them). Would you buy a couples gift, aside from what's on the wedding regsitry? If so, what would typw of gift would you buy, and what would be an appropriate amount to spend? Or smtg completey different?
  14. Wheetsin

    Weddings & showers

    *I* wasn't invited to the given scenario, it was a co-worker's shower. I jsut posted for add'l opinions. I did have a shower Saturday though, but no doubts about what to buy. Though apparently what I brought - and my family in general - offended the future spouse's family. The whole thing was weird. I guess they were offended that our side of the family dressed nice, and theirs did not. They made several comments about us being uppity, rich snobs, etc. Funny thing - we weren't dressed up (e.g. I had on jeans, heeled pant boots, and a cami with a corduroy blazer over it... the same thing I'd wear to work on any given day, or out for a casual dinner. DH had on jeans and a cotton shirt). Anyway, I overbought, which - yeah, that's just me, but I wanted to help them out. They have nothing. One is fresh out of the dorms (my relative) and the other just moved out of mom and dad's. With their current career paths they aren't going to be big money makers, and will probably have a ahrd time financially for a few years. Apparently this offended the other family too. I was told by one of them "It's white trash of you to spend more on a gift than we make in a week." (I spent just over $105 WITH giftwrapping, which was at least $15 of it, I just got a lot for my money) They kept referring to us in a passive aggressive way as the "white collars." And when the food was brought out, someone made a comment about "They aren't going to eat of these forks, you'll have to bring out the silver." The new family is off to a good start, eh?
  15. Wheetsin

    Can't Live Without It...

    How did I forget this? WIRELESS NETWORKING!
  16. Wheetsin

    How Will I Know....

    Also keep in mind there are only what, three? companies that make the band, and one of them (AFAIK) isn't even FDA approved. It's not like you can just buy the generic. The FDA keeps tight regulations on things like this. And I got a patient packet from Inamed, which I assume only comes with the purchase of a band. I doubt they hand out packages that contain "information about your new band".
  17. Wheetsin

    How Will I Know....

    I never had (still don't) reason to doubt that my surgeon would use something other than indicated. As for hearing they were sold on ebay, maybe they were - maybe they weren't. Either way, don't assume it was a surgeon who bought them. Hell, if I saw one the same size as mine, I'd probably buy it. It would make it so much easier to try and explain to people how it works, and before when I've had the opportunity to "play" with a band (e.g. inject my fill level into it and see the difference in diameter) it has been fascinating. I wasn't offered a box, I'm sure it's not standard. I also wasn't offered my IV tubing, or any other packaging for anything used during my surgery. I also didn't ask.
  18. Wheetsin

    HELP !!! I gained 3lbs.

    Water retention, normal daily & weekly fluctuation. For the first few weeks you're losing weight, you have to expect some of it is water weight. Especially with the kinds of post-op diets we have. It's hard to NOT be in ketosis. You shed a lot of water weight fast when you enter ketosis. And when you break ketosis, it comes right back. You mentioned you've started eating normal - it's a strong possibility that this happened to you. Or just generic water retention. It's getting warm out, you're near TOM, you ate something high in sodium, who knows.
  19. Yeah. It's not good.
  20. Wheetsin

    Large Penis Posts

    When I was in highschool, during the summers I volunteered full time at the local hospital. I would also pick up some additional night hours if they needed help. The ER was one of my favorite places to work, but WOW. I had heard the urban legends, but people really so some outrageous things. There was one lady brought in for vaginal bleeding. She was BLEEDING. Ends up her boyfriend had talked her into shoving a hot lightbulb into her vagina. He had heard, and convinced her it was true, that the hot lightbulb would burn her lightly and that, in turn, would increase sexual pleasure - the burn "not causing lots of damage, but making your skin super sensitive." If I remember correctly, he started to push the lightbulb in, she told him to stop because it was burning too much, so he decided he would just to faster, she tensed up and *shatter*, broken lightbulb in the vagina.
  21. I like shark. When I lived in San Diego we used to get fresh shark at the fish market. I had alligator for the first time, just the other day at a cajun restaurant. It was a very wet meat - beyond moist. At least how they prepared it. I haven't eaten that much weird stuff. No balut here, thank you. I've had moose, rattlesnake... once as a kid my parents tricked me into eating tongue. I spent a chunk of time in Belize... half of it on the cayes, and existed largely on conch that was caught as you ordered. Needless to say it sometimes took a while to get your food (why did we bother with a $3.50 lobster buffet?) I once ate a bite of fried brain sandwich. My grandfather had ordered it, set it down next to my tenderloin sandwich, and I picked up the wrong one.
  22. I had it once, in July (that's when the family visits). But I have no limitations on the meats I can handle, I've just opted out of red meats (except for the very rare, and that is meant both ways, occasion). So I don't know if it would be any more band friendly than steak or not.
  23. Wheetsin

    How often do you get your food stuck?

    The band is very random. Yesterday I ate 1 bite of food because the one time I tried to eat, I ended up sliming over it. Of course, I also drank 1 drink of Protein shake because later in the day when I tried to drink one, I slimed over it too. Today I had some lobster bisque, white chicken meat with buffalo sauce, and chicken salad pan fried (faux melt) with a bit of cheddar on top, and pepperoni chips with cottage cheese. Oh, and 8 out of 10 days I have first bite syndrome until 6 or 7 at night, and then I'm wide open.
  24. Request lidocaine. (It's seroma, btw). THat's a long time post-op to develop one. Was it there before and just never treated, or had it just shown up?
  25. Buffalo is good. If you like buffalo, have you ever tasted ostrich? It's like the most lean, tender steak you can imagine. We have family that owns an ostrich farm and every year when they visit they bring some steaks up.

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