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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wheetsin

  1. Wheetsin

    Drinking During Meals

    I used to drink lightly with meals. I dont' so much anymore, I'm just not thirsty when I eat now. For me, it never impacted how much I ate, or how long I felt satisfied. However, there were times when I would take a sip and knew isntantly it was a bad idea, usually after eating something "gummy" like bread or crackers.
  2. Wheetsin

    pbing or puking happening daily

    Let me ask - if you, every day, cannot get food down -- why do you not believe you are too tight? In other words, what's happning that makes you think your level of restriction is either good, or low? For example, can you clearly relate it back to poor behaviors on your behalf?
  3. My friends hate it when I say this (except one who agrees), but sometimes people just need to have an affair. I personally am not one of those people, but for some it really is the best thing.
  4. Wheetsin

    Pepperoni with the band..

    Turkey pepperoni is IMO one of the perfect bandster foods. It's definitely one of my staples and has been since I could eat solids. I either eat it raw (not preferred, but will do in a pinch), or I will microwave it on paper towels or a paper plate for 2 - 3 minutes - just enough that the fat cooks out and the pepperonis get crispy, but they don't burn. Blot them dry as soon as they come out and they're not greasy or even oily, they're very dry. I will scoop cottage chees with them, or garden vegetable cream cheese, like chips and dip. Sometimes I use them as scoops for refried Beans or <meat>salad. Often I will just eat them plain. They aren't as "sharp" cooked as they are raw (they do have a strong flavor). They're also one of my travel foods since they're quick and I can just toss them into a ziploc for on the go. They're only like 4gm fat per serving, and I'm guesstimating that at least 80% of that cooks out when you microwave/blot them. In terms of a solid Protein that you can prepare without an oven, they're one of the better ratio foods out there.
  5. Wheetsin

    Should I have to

    I say no and I'm a moderator so there. :heh: On another thread, I posted "naked" pictures of myself. I'm naked in them, but you only see from the small of my back on up. Nothing lower, nothing from the front, not even anything from the side (other than the backs of my side boobs). I posted them to show how much more visible progress is when you're naked and can see the folds, bumps, etc. -- than when you're wearing clothes and really only see a change in how the clothes hang. One of the pics was pre-op, one was just the oher night. I got a few messages over that one... how inappropriate it was, how no one wants to see that, how this is a site with children, etc. It makes me think people saw "naked pictures" but didn't actually look at what I had posted. I dunno.
  6. Wheetsin

    % protein,carbs and fat

    It looks technical but it's not, it's just basic percentages. Fitday is hard for me to use because I have to add everythind I eat, nothing ever seems to be in the DB. I can just do the math in less than a min. Much faster for me. :mad:
  7. I work with a lady who refuses to pronounce long Us. She says then short, as in "umm." She knows better, she just doesn't do it. She wants to borrow my cal-cuh-later Or she looks through binocuhlerrs I have a hard time getting "ingo" right, but only with some words. With these, it comes out kind of like there's no g, and a nasal n. I can say "bingo" just fine, but if we're talking about the Beatles, it's kind of like "Rinho."
  8. Yeah my husband has packed on about 30 lbs since my banding. He must have his own meal. So instead of sharing a meal with me, I have to order my own. And he eats my leftovers, which is basically two meals. When I told my mom I was getting the band, one of her comments was, "I wil be so jealous if you lose a bunch of weight." Yeah, she's jealous. Really jealous. Happy for me, but jealous. It definitely shows. The other day she said something to the effect of, "I am happy to take the title of fattest one in the family from you." And I believe it. I think she is happy (she always blamed herself for my weight), and I think it crushes her at the same time.
  9. Oooh, a bandgina. That sounds promising. I get this mental picture of all the bandsters' hubbies and boyfriends scrambling to get their girl's name on the fill wait list. You already have 8 fills this week! I don't care! Do you think there could be such as thing as a bandgina that was too tight?
  10. Wheetsin

    Britney, Britney, Britney

    I couldn't even tell you what's up with her. She has two babies now? Last I knew she just had the one, and did something that was causing some controversy. Dangle it from a balcony? I dunno. *shrug* I'm not really one to follow celebrity lives.
  11. And just so that no one thinks I'm infallible... (major tongue in cheek) DH and I, before the days when he was DH, used to have to do a lot of our communication online. One time he thought it would be "fun" for me to IM with his father. I had met his father at this point, but we... well, just kind of were, if you know what I mean. So I'm trying to tell him about what I had done that day. I had spent some time with my cousins, and one had spit her gum into the other's hair. It caused quite an ordeal, including the scissor removal of said hair clump. So I very matter of factly told my would-be-father-in-law: One of my cousins spit cum into the other's hair and we had to cut it out with scissors. See, the "g" and "c" keys are just a little to close to each other. And let's not forget the THOUSANDS of times I've pecked out: abou tit
  12. Wheetsin

    Pixie Corpse

    Wheetsin = Betrayal Maiden name = Betrayal Married name = Poison Fartgas
  13. Wheetsin

    Newbie in Boise

    Actually I'm not much of a sports fan at all, especially collegiate sports. And having never been to the campus, I never got wrapped up "in the spirit." I'm in Kansas City, MO. I don't follow the Chiefs or Royals either. I was banded March of last year. So far I have lost about 165 lbs, and have about 50 - 70 left to lose.
  14. Wheetsin

    Help - ???

    I can eat whatever I want, and pretty much in whatever quantity, as long as I wait until evening. Before then, I'm lucky if a cup of Soup can get down in under an hour. It took me a long time to understand that that's just how my restriction is going to work. Any more fill and I'm way too tight. Any less and the daytime restriction goes away. I always assumed that "sweet spot" meant that I was perfectly restricted all the time. I wish I were, but I'm just not.
  15. Wheetsin

    Opinions Please

    Well, what are the specifics of your pre-op diet? Could you meet somewhere in the middle, and maybe make your own healthier chinese food while still adhering to your pre-op diet guidelines? (BTW, no problems with rice here. I choose not to eat it, but I can, and I think most people I've talked to are the same way... as long as they're careful...)
  16. Wheetsin

    can PBing be a sign of being too full?

    PB can be a sign of LOTS of things. If my PBs could talk, here are some of the things they would tell me: I'm too tight (when I had been PBing for about 9 hours) You tried to swallow too much at once You tried to swallow without chewing well enough Your period will be starting within the next 4 days You just got off a plane It's before 6pm You tried to drink too soon after eating I'm just feeling bitchy today, and I'm taking it out on you I really didn't like that today, try again tomorrow, I might like it then I just wanted to make sure you still knew who's boss You should have stopped 1 bite ago
  17. Ummm... sequitur, but I'm not about to edit out paragraph breaks just to make that tiny little change.
  18. Workshipe is a good one because that's one I pointed out. It wasn't an argument so there was no petty motive. (Umm, that doesn't mean there is petty motive if it is an argument, just that -- ackplblblbl, you know what I mean!) I just saw it so many times that I started to think - hey, maybe this person really doesn't know... and call it the educator in me, I don't know, but I just figured i would throw it out there just in case the person didn't know. I guess you have to keep in mind that I work in the adult learning field, and tend to think of things in terms of learning opportunities... and being INTJ, don't tend to think of things in terms of the embarassment they might cause... It's all personality, baby! (and mine is a bit non-sequitir) And if the person already knows, it isn't meant to insult intelligence. Not at all. It's an "FYI". If I wanted to break or humiliate someone, I'd go straight for the jugular. I'm way too direct to bother with little jabs here and there. Being pecked to death by ducks is too slow for my style. (BTW, file "FYI" under annoying cliches, right next to people who make trendy quotation marks with their fingers while they're talking)
  19. Wheetsin

    sense of smell off

    You can't install the band on the inside. The band has to be around something. Like a belt needs to be around something, or it will just fall down.
  20. Wheetsin

    sense of smell off

    Sinus infection would've been my guess too. I have very different symptoms each time I have one. In fact, the only consistent symptoms are dizziness when I turn my head and pain/pressure behind my eyeballs and in my teeth. "Congestion" definitely has a smell all its own. And it's not exactly pleasant. Just as anyone who has had a "productive sneeze" (and is willing to admit it) - mucus has a not pleasant taste. Some medications can also interfere with your senses, including taste. Especially if they're inhalants/aerosal.
  21. Wheetsin

    Weight Watchers Documentation

    Definitely check with BCBS on this because I've never heard of an insurance company being willing to accept something like Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig as supervised weightloss. What they're usually requiring is medically supervised weightloss documentation, meaning you have been going to your doctor or other qualified medical professional specifically for treatment of obesity. In other words, having gone to your doctor for whatever, and having your weight in your records isn't enough. They're looking for a diagnosis or code that's specific to weightloss/obesity. This doesn't mean it's impossible, but I personally have never heard of a carrier willing to take participation in a non-medical facility program as proof of the supervised attempt.
  22. Wheetsin

    Cancun Mexico Wedding

    I've done this a few times and had success... but it could be hit or miss. Call the hotel and ask them what shops/boutiques they have around the hotel, then look at the store's website and pick something out. Call the store and order it, but tell them that instead of delivery, you want it wrapped & taken to the hotel. Then let the hotel know a gift for XXX will be coming, and you want it on their bed when they check-in. Sounds like a hassle, I know - but it hasn't been, and has always gone smoothly. Alternately, if it's a nice hotel, you could just buy a spa package or smtg. Or bfast in bed that you mentioned is always good too, esp for newlyweds.
  23. Wheetsin

    Gallbladder problems

    My mother has a failing gallbladder. For her, attacks are severe - she has a hard time breathing through them. And last about 45 mins. For me, mine hurt but I could function through them. They would wake me up at say midnight, and I would be up with it until late morning. Meds did nothing. I could get some relief by bending forward, for about a minute - then the pain would come back.
  24. Wheetsin

    Gallbladder problems

    I had my gallbladder removed at the end of August. My symptoms never included nausea/vomitting, I would just have a persistent, dull pain for about 15 hours. Very rarely - a handful of times a year, if that. I think my medical staff was more aggressive. My regular doctor scheduled an ultrasound and told me it would take a few days to see the results. (We didn't know what the problem was per my atypical symptoms - this was the first test, if it hadn't shown anything I would have had to do a barium & then an gastro endoscope). She called me that same afternoon, said that I had gallstones, and was going to refer me to a surgeon right then. My band surgeon does general lap procedures. At my last fill I had mentioned the pain to him and he was like, "That's your GB, it needs to come out." They gave me standing orders for an ultrasound and HIDA follow-up. So the delay is new to me. On my end, as soon as it was suspected, they were crying "take it out!" It's one of those things that can go downhill fast. I assumed - symptoms are few & far between, I'll be ok... but that sentiment wasn't shared.

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