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Everything posted by Wheetsin

  1. Wheetsin

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    That's because you're a looser.
  2. Wheetsin

    I don't understand (goal weight rant)

    There are 4 types, A - D. Most popular personality matrices are built on an archetypal 4 structure. By and large (IMO) they're just reincarnations of each other, or focus on slightly different things. E.g. MBTI is built on expressed preferences, but something like the GTI is built on operational preferences. PeopleStyles is built on social preferences. Etc. Any real differences between them? Not IMO. It's kind of like having green, celadon, and sage... you're still talking about green, but now 3 different people can claim to own different colors.
  3. Wheetsin

    I don't understand (goal weight rant)

    The perfectionism comes from the drive to "win" and the extremes between winning and losing. You don't win if you do something halfway, you fail. And since you won't do something you will fail at, you're going to win, and through winning, you're also going to try and make sure it's done the best it has ever been done. To an A, perfectionism isn't perfectionism, it's doing it right, doing it in a way that reflects them personally, etc. If you think back to our MBTI conversation, INTJs will be As. And if anything is true about them, it's that they know what they know, and they also know what they don't know. Take debate. An A will debate something they know until they're blue in the face, because they know it. They will not pipe up on a topic they know little about, they will just stay out of it - be a passive observer at most. For one, they're not about to be called out for not knowing what they're talking about, and for two, if they don't already know it, it's probably not that significant to them.
  4. Wheetsin

    Halloween Rant

    We rarely pass out candy, but I've seen the same thing. Teenagers without costumes, or with just a wig on or something, walking around with pillowcases who just walk up to the door and stick their bags out without even saying anything. That's why you keep a bowl of good candy, and a bowl of the $1 store stale crap.
  5. Wheetsin

    Can someone tell me (thin = bad rant)

    First of all - being the same height and weight as someone doesn't mean you necessarily look anything like them. I have no idea what you look like. Doesn't matter to me. If I think you're skinny, it doesn't make your life any different. If I think you're fat, it doesn't matter. If I think you're too short/tall/pale/tan... you get the idea. I think the Olsen twins look unhealthy. "Fat" and "skinny" are only insults if that's how they're meant to be. When I say that I am fat, I am not insulting myself, I am describing one of my physical characteristics, just as if I said "tall" or "redhead." Same with "skinny." They're just adjectives.
  6. Wheetsin

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    You All Are Stoopide U Need To By My Prudct Called Wheetsinplex!!!111 It Make You Loose Wait And Get Skiny Like Me!!!!!!!!1111 Just Go To Websiight And By And If Yo Do Yuo Get Dixcounte!!!!! I Know Millins Who Had This Surdery And They Buy Wheetsinplex And Al Skinnyt Like Me!!!
  7. Wheetsin

    Can someone tell me (thin = bad rant)

    Extremes in either direction are unattractive to the majority of society. Being extremely skinny makes people think you are sick, and being extremely fat makes people think you are slothy. I find them equally unattractive.
  8. Wheetsin

    I don't understand (goal weight rant)

    Yay Green! A LOT of MO people are type A - and that A-in't no coincidence (I made a kinda funny). Things you might expect to see in a Type A: Obesity Messy/cluttered house or workspace Nicely decorated house, but not well maintained Nicely landscaped yard, but not well groomed Nice clothing, but possibly messy or careless personal appearance (e.g. nice suit, wet hair thrown up in a knot). As like the appearance of their success, but will disregard the areas where they don't feel they can win. In other words, they're very all or nothing. Their successes are often pre-empted with the knowledge that they can succeed, and if they doubt this, they're reticent to try it. And if they know they can't win, they will disregard it.
  9. Wheetsin

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I'm sitting here trying to think if I do that or not before I respond. Part of it is that (especially on long threads) people tend to read the last post, maybe 2 or 3, but won't usually start at the top and work their way down... so they're addressing the most recent poster (MRP?) but not OP. It's the same thing when someone starts a thread on... what... whether mustard or ketchup is better, and 9 posts into it you get "i want this surgery so bad i have no insurance can you please help thanks!"
  10. Wheetsin

    Few Questions

    1. hair Loss, I know we are all different but wat can she take for it? There's really nothing to take. It's a part of hair's lifecycle to fall out. Some people have claimed good results with Biotin or Nioxin - but if your bosy wants your hair out, it's going to come out. 2. Pain where the cord is, my mom lost a lot of weight so the cord is now surfaced and at first it was really hurting her, she went back to the Dr and he said that he can staple or stich the cord to a musle in near the stomach wall. Anyone else had this problem? I'm not sure what you mean by cord. Do you mean a part of the band (e.g. the tubing), or your belly button, or...? 3. Im very super scared of not waking up after the surgery!!! anyone else have this fear? just thinking about it makes me cry!!! Lots of people have this fear.
  11. Wheetsin

    United Healthcare

    There are different plans offered by UHC and the requirements can vary by plan. (As an analogy, Dodge makes several different models of cars, just as UHC has several different models of coverage). You will find different requirements among different plans. Why not just call them back and ask what the requirements are? That's the only way to be sure.
  12. I wouldn't necessarily think people know. I see nothing in what you're describing to indicate that. People may look at you and not say something because... Maybe you look different, but not thinner, and they can't peg what has changed. (For a long time I was told I was "glowing", nonspecific) Maybe you look thinner, but they're afraid that it may not be intentional (this is like the "When are you due?" scenarios... you say "You've lost a lot of weight, you look great!" and they say "No I haven't actually, are you saying I'm fat?!") Maybe you look thinner and they're jealous. In which case they will say to themselves, "She probably had that easy-way-out WLS". Maybe they're just not the type of people to comment. Maybe they're really not seeing anything when they look at you, or not looking at you in the way they think you are, but since you're being secretive, you're also being paranoid. Etc....
  13. I need this. My upper arms look like big, saggy, wrinkly... well... scrotum. I've talked to a PS about this procedure because it will probably be one of the first I pursue (if I ever lose more weight). I'm not comfortable in tank tops now, and that's one of the things I REALLY miss from my thin days. I was told there's a second method that doesn't have as much scarring issue because they make the incisions in your armpit area, versus down the arm. Have you gone deep enough to know which procedure you're looking at?
  14. Well, from that perspective, if god is in control then we shouldn't even have hospitals or insurance. I mean - if no one is taken before their time, who are we to treat them and make them last even longer? (Again, an unknown, unseen, unproven entity that can do anything and everything, like all superheroes wrapped up in one mega package, is hard to have a logical debate about... kind of like Peter Pan.)
  15. Wheetsin

    unwanted sexual advances by boss

    My personal path was a bit extreme but the regular channels weren't working, and it was causing a much larger problem. I just deleted my long paragraph of examples because that's not the point, but let's just say it was extremely obscene, inappropriate, and malicious (one of the more tame events being this VP saying he'd love to watch me and his daughter go at each other.) But you really have to do, or do not. Companies expect you to stand up for yourself and follow the channels you have available. If you sit there and take it for two years, you will have a much harder fight than if you go on first offense.
  16. This is a toughie. It really is. I've thought about this before. I know my thoughts on most welfare programs tend to go against the flow, but I certainly don't think for even a second that I have all the answers. And sorry, I can already tell that this will be more me thinkig out loud, than actually providing a concise answer. I think Medicaid should offer the treatment that saves the most money. Period, no choice involved. If WLS will save money, then offer the surgery with the highest chances for lifestyle success and has the lowest long term/population costs. In the case of Medicaid, I think this should be RNY. Yes complications are higher and probably cost more to resolve when they arise, but I think that when you consider ALL factors (compliance/results, diet, aftercare, etc.) it's probably the better choice. I would also like to see stricter requirements in place for Medicaid-funded procedures. You don't have to read too many posts here to see people trying to find ways to cheat the system, and a LOT of others willing to help them do that. So we know that ethics around qualifications aren't up to really super high standards. According to some of these stories, it's "easy" to inflate your BMI. And the same is true for comorbidities... if I had a dime for every time I've read something like, "You don't really need comorbidities, just tell them your knee has been hurting" then, well - I'd have a lot of dimes. I think the psych visit should look for specifics and require a solid program of behavioral change, not just be a checkmark needed on the road to WLS. Point being, if the procedure is going to be funded through Medicaid, then I think NEED has to be established, and it needs a method of establishment that's a little more resistant to people trying to cheat the system. Again, I don't even pretend to think I have all the answers, but some requirement that requires either a life-threatening condition or some other medically necessary (truly medically necessary) need, or enough analysis of evidence to prove that the WLS will bring ROI. (As if states have that kind of manpower... dream on). See, I'm really not very compassionate. I think the 10%, 15% of people who really and truly need the assistance should get it, but I don't think they should get it at the expense of the 85% - 90% who don't. (Those aren't researched numbers, they're anecdotal from people I know who work in my state's family services programs).
  17. Wheetsin

    Which embarrasses you more?

    Oh yeah, I could also live without, "There's no way you lost that much!" I know people mean this in a positive way - that's sooo much to lose, nearly impossible, good job. But it always hits me like, "...you're still so fat! How could you have possibly lost that much, and still need be fat?"
  18. Wheetsin

    Which embarrasses you more?

    All the turkey gobble "OHMIGOD YOU LOOK SO DIFFERENT IS IT YOU OHMIGOD OHMIGOD" embarasses me. I do not like the spotlight attention. I do not like feeling like people are looking at me. I would much rather people say nothing, than make a big deal out of it.
  19. P.S. - in terms of debate, this is flawed logic. Be careful how you give tips to others about making their arguments more credible. Just as easily as an aborted baby/fetus/whatever could have been the next great thing, they also could have been the next great Stalin or Amin. You seem very comfortable with keeping your baby, and that's GREAT. It really is! I'm certainly not going to change your mind on that - it's not something I would NOT want to do, nor is it anything that's my business. I think that the presence of a baby in your life will possibly give you many things that you need, and may do you more good than you will ever understand. I do get the impression that you're not taking responsibility for your pregnancy. I think yesterday I read you stating you were "basically forced to get pregnant" (paraphrasing). Outside of really weird sci-fi movies, that just doesn't happen. Abortion seekers, too, do not want to take responsibility for their pregnancies, you're just seeking a different outcome (your choice) than they are (their choice). It's all about the choices. ANd the matter of business, as mentioned earlier. I'm curious -- not that long ago, you were posting that you could barely afford a package of ramen, and had to go without meals. I think you also said that your family had no money to help you out. How will you provide for the baby? Have you started looking in to family services? If not, you might want to, there can be a lot of red tape (read: delay) to wade through, and no one would want the baby to suffer for it.
  20. Wheetsin

    Dr. 90210/ Dr. Rey's wife-Halley

    There are two of them that creep me out. One is the guy who is doing all the Brazilian butt lifts. I can't remember his name. But they showed him at a radio stationwith Playboy models there and he kept grabbing/smacking their butts and was just acting downright creepy. The next segment, he's in the office with a woman feeling her butt, klike squeezing it. That was just creepy to me. The other guy I find creepy is the one who does all the genetalia procedures. Obviously I'm not good at names, but every time I've seen him doing a procedure it's a labia reduction, scrotal reduction, clitoral hood realignment, etc. He just looks creepy, like his face bothers me.
  21. Wheetsin

    unwanted sexual advances by boss

    What you are describing is quid pro quo sexual harassment. In other words, "this for that." If you're "ok" with being sexually harassed in the workplace or "dont want any trouble or to even deal with this situation" then ignore his behavior. By doing this, you give him permission to objectifty you, continue the harassment, and put your job in continued jeopardy. You also kind of forfeit the right to complain about it if you're not willing to try and effect a change. If you are not "ok" with being a target of sexual harassment, then tell him to stop sexually harassing you. Look into the laws your state has on the matter, you can start here. You cannot be rightfully fired for making efforts to stop sexual harassment. This is prohibited under Title VII. Retaliation includes tranfer to another area, demotion from current position, dismissal from current position, and poor performance evaluations. Your actions protected against retaliation include (among others) resisting advances and registering a complaint. I disagree with the past advice. Don't tell him you're flattered. Flattered?! Come on! Even "I'm flattered, but..." still says "I'm flattered." ARE you flattered? If not, then never say it. You cannot expect a behavior to change if you are inciting it, and telling him that his actions flatter you is definitely incitement. Do tell him that his advances, comments, etc. are unwanted and make you uncomfortable. If it continues, you're either "ok" with it, or not, and your actions from that point forward are 100% up to you. Yes, at a place where I was a director and he was the VP. I told him to stop, it did not stop. I took the issue to the board of directors and it still did not stop so I escalated it to my state's Commission on Human Rights. It stopped then, I resigned after a few weeks, and he was fired within 3 days of my departure. I don't regret one ounce of it. He was inappropriate, no ifs ands or buts. I respect myself too much to just ignore it. I respect my marriage too much to just ignore it. I respect my professionalism and career too much to ignore it. You jsut have to figure out where your priorities are, and then the decision, either way, is not so hard.
  22. I like cottage cheese but will only eat the full fat kind. It's the only thing in the world that I will eat black pepper on. Weird. You can whiz up cottage cheese and it takes on a consistency similar to sour cream. From here, your choices are pretty much unlimited. I've even tasted "ice cream" made with blended cottage cheese, Protein powder, and SF pudding... and while it had no risk of being mistaken for Ben & Jerry's, it wasn't all that bad.
  23. I was in the hospital room when my grandfather died, but my grandfather hadn't been there for 3 days -- his mind was gone. He died of septic shock following a round of experimentally high predisone dosages. We knew he wouldn't leave the hospital, we just didn't know how long his body was going to keep fighting. It wasn't him fighting, it was the body doing what it's programmed to do. I took his body 4 days to die. We knew he was dying. There are things you can see and hear and feel that let you know someone is dying - things that happen as the body starts to shut down. We watched this happen for four days, and watched him slowly slip from delerious to unconscious to that pure state of the body trying to survive (if you've ever watched someone die, a death that took a while, you know what I mean -- the lungs keep trying to breathe in air even as the brain is shutting down so you get these almost desperate spasms, etc.) If I could have given him a little poke & push with something to expedite the process, and it had been his wishes, I would have done it. He was already gone, we were just waiting for his body to figure it out, and the only reason he was around those four days was because we couldn't do anything else. Sometimes we prolong death because we tend to hold on to those "just maybe..." thoughts. Bust mostly it's because we're selfish, and it's easier for us to have them around still. A little less final.
  24. Wheetsin

    JK Rowling and Dumbledore's sexuality

    Louis Black, from his Red, White & Screwed routine. A definite must see!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
