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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wheetsin

  1. Wheetsin

    Filled but i could still eat

    Another question for your surgeon. Virtually impossible for me to sit here, read one sentence about what's wrong, and be able to have any clue what's going on. Possibilities? Pulling directly from my butt: Your band isn't really full, but you think it is - maybe you've misunderstood how much was put in or how much it holds. You have restriction, but are confusing it for something else, so it seems like you don't. Your band is misplaced. Whomever did your fill missed the port and shot saline into your abdomen, leaving you with an empty band. Your band has a leak. You're eating foods that won't cause a sense of satiation. Your band at capacity isn't enough to cause restriction so you need surpluss fill. Your fill needs time to kick in. Etc., etc., etc. Don't necessarily think that something is "wrong." Just think that you don't have restriction yet, and seek the help you need from your surgeon.
  2. Wheetsin

    Filled but i could still eat

    Your surgeon can help. You need to call him/her and let them know that despite your current fill, you are still not feeling restriction.
  3. Oops, that box shoudl read: < p > < /p > without the spaces.
  4. I see you have a lot of excess lines in your signature (evident from the space it's taking - *something* is causing those blank lines). Since there's a limit on how many characters a signature can have, including code and blank lines, maybe that's effecting it. Try editing out all of the excess spaces - either regular "returns," or if you see anything that looks like this, without something between them, remove it:
  5. Wheetsin

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Fried foods .... anyone try fried mac & cheese? omfg. It's like a bite sized orgasm. Cheesecake Factory has a mighty fine one. (I've had like 2 bites since banding, it's a bit too rich for me now, but I used to do some hurting with it).
  6. Wheetsin

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Whether or not someone *likes* how you express yourself doesn't matter. I hate sparky sigs. So what? I'm not saying "I hate sparkyl sigs so you should remove yours." Never once asked someone to remove it. I just said I don't like it. It's the thickness of someone's skin that determines what happens from there. If I say "I can't stand the smell of CK1" it means just that, it doesn't mean that anyone out there wearing it needs to stop. Geeez, come on.
  7. Wheetsin

    New Zealand Hates Fat People!

    Actually that's not one bit true. I can't blame a country for not wanting the added costs. When my husband sought residency here, me AND my parents (even though I wasn't their dependent) had to sign documents basically saying that they would be financially responsible for him in the event that he was unable to care for himself, financially - rendering him uneligible for assistance until he obtains citizenship (I don't remember if it only applied to particular programs or not). He pretty much had to waive it - not that it was actually being offered. And he's paying more into taxes than most American citizens are. :scared:
  8. Wheetsin

    Anyone used LasikPlus?

    My husband is on his LASIK kick again (he has wanted it for a long time, but the degree to which he pursues it comes and goes). He has a consultation tomorrow at LasikPlus. Wondering if anyone out there has used them...? I think the number of procedures places like this can do is great, builds famiilarity with the equipment, etc. -- but I'm hesitant to put trust into any medical-related (chain) company that puts its product "on sale." I mean - it's my husband's vision, not a sweater.
  9. Wheetsin

    How do you decline a job offer?

    I recently interviewed for a director position. Yesterday their recruiter called and in a few more words told me the job is mine if I want it. They want me to fly out to meet with the business next week. Between when I interviewed, and now, I've decided I don't want the job. It would be a great job that I might be interested in later, but it's not a good match for my life right now. So I would like to part on somewhat good terms. However, since I know I don't want the job now, I don't feel it would be right to take any more of their time (or mine) by interviewing, and definitely not take their resources for the trip. So I'm looking for help with messaging - the just right way to tell someone thanks but no thanks...
  10. Wheetsin


    This will vary person to person, but to me: Just pain = stuck Excessive saliva (usually thick) = sliming Bands make our bodies very fickle. Normally anything thicker than Soup hurts me much before evening. Lately even in the evenings I"ve been noticeably tight. Today I had grilled chicken for lunch without so much as a hint of pressure, then for a snack I had a cup of soy milk and the milk took a while to clear through. No rhyme or reason, I say!
  11. Wheetsin

    Reviews of protein powders?

    Immediately post-op, and maybe for 8 - 10 months afterwards, I would have them for a meal, and/or a supplement. For a while, a choclate shake with a spoon of peanut butter blended in would be my desert. I'm still too tight in the early day for much more than soup, so if I'm hungry (rare occasion) before evening, I may also have a shake for breakfast OR lunch - not both, because they fill me up for a long time.
  12. Wheetsin

    Can u drink too much

    Fluids for the most part should funnel on through. One major exception being when if you are already backed up with food. Then fluids are a major ouchie (IME). I also know people who have PBed on straight liquids - that I've not done, but it would indicate that even just a plain liquid can be ingested too fast and back up, having no where else to go but out.
  13. Wheetsin


    Most sushi places have a bean/soy paper alternative to the nori. Ask for it next time and see if they have it. It pretty much just melts in your mouth - very thin. You can also ask them to go light on the rice... or get the inside-out sushi (rice on the outside) and scrape it off. I can do sushi, but I've opted to forego rice. Not that there's really great sushi in the midwest. *sigh* If you're concerned about the rice, or just can't do it, go with sashimi (that's what I do). I've even seen cooked "sashimi" lately - mostly at grocery stores.
  14. Wheetsin

    Reviews of protein powders?

    I've not come across any. However, if you search here (or just any WLS or even bodybuilding) site, I'm sure you'll find lots of individual responses/reviews. I've not tried unjury. My personal favorite powders are the Six Star whey protein, in chocolate or vanilla. If I cannot get those, I will buy the EAS (whatever kind comes in the big bag at Sam's). I used to go with Unjury, and once I mixed it with milk & other things for flavor it wasn't horrible, but it's not one of my favs anymore. I've tried several of the pre-made drinks as well, and of those my favorite is the EAS AdvantEDGE in strawberry, but you have to drink it REALLY cold or it's not that great.
  15. Wheetsin

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I'm not sure who you were addressing, but if it was me, I can't really ignore users or any part of a user's message - not through board functions anyway. I've never discarded a person here, even those I disagreed with most staunchly, I still supported and helped with their band issues.
  16. Wheetsin

    Project Runway?

    I've not seen it, but I have been watching America's Most Smartest Model. I heart Ben Stein.
  17. Wheetsin

    Do You? You know use that word!

    I neglected to revisit this thread - my bad. Marimaru is right. I gave one warning to stop the personal attacks. We are fine with attacking an idea, but not a person. I don't like to lock threads - let's make sure this one can stay open.
  18. Wheetsin

    World has gone to PC

    Isn't that already its own thread?
  19. Wheetsin

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    That's the beauty of it - for me anyway. I can come here and get something off my chest, turn right around and answer people's questions without batting an eye. There are some people this isn't true for, people who carry over grudges, but I think for the majority of the people here (who also contribute in the other fourms, we certainly have some RnRers who prefer to stay out of the other forums), this holds true -- that what we say here has NOTHING to do with whether or not we're willing to help someone, or answer a question.
  20. Wheetsin

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I have an advanced degree in psychology, but I'm far from a psychologist. Clinical work never interested me, I just wanted the education, really, because I think it's a fascinating field. However, even thuogh I don't practice it, I do know more about it than your Average Joe. One time on a thread LONG ago people were suggesting a bunch of self help books to someone who was experiencing some mental dysfunction. I posted that I wasn't a fan of self help books, and instead recommended a book that would really tell you what's behind a mental condition (I think the person was wanting to know what the symptoms of smtg were). OMG, you would have thought the others in the thread had disabled puppies that I tortured and molested. One person in particular PMed me about how I didn't know what I was talking about, had I ever even taken a psychology class (uhh... no, I just "found" the MS), how dare I say self help books aren't worth a crap... and how this person was so offended that I disagreed with them. SO Iresponded, trying to validate what I had said, and asking this person repeatedly to explain what I did that personally offended them. In response I get something to the effect of "I'm not looking for an argument, and don't respond to me again. And don't ever post to me. And don't mention this post. And don't reply to me." Ahhh, gotta love a person who wants to walk in, poke you in the eye, tell you not to poke back, and then runs away before you have a chance to react.
  21. Wheetsin

    Anyone go to Curves? What do you think?

    Curves is a good workout for beginners who don't need to be held accountable for the amount of effort they put into their routine. In other words, with the resistance setups, you're only going to get out what you put in. Weight machines can really make you lift the 100 lbs, but a resistance machine is only going to make you lift as much as you're putting into it. Here's a prior review I posted. IF you're looking for good feedback, stop reading.
  22. Wheetsin

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I have to agree with what the others have said, you do seem to think it's about you, but it isn't. Hence: Posted by me 1/31/07: POsted by me 10/19/2007, in answer to "who have you had enough of": You joined 10/24/2007 so how exactly is it referring to you? Chill, don't be a victim, most everything we talk about in here has a much larger umbrella than the "non-regulars" know.
  23. Wheetsin

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Instructions for resizing pictures.
  24. This came up before in RnR, but it was a while ago. I can't find the thread so it may have been archived or purged by now. N/M just found the thread, focused on drug abusers.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
