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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wheetsin

  1. Diarrhea could be a result of your new diet. Diarrhea could also be that you have diarrhea, and you were banded. There isn't necessarily any correlation. If you normally have stomach noises when you have diarrhea, and you've ever had diarrhea, then it's probably normal.
  2. Wheetsin

    How do you flirt?

    I'm much the same Green. DH asked me to marry him for about 6 weeks before I clued in to the fact that he wasn't just joking around. Maybe it's an issue of humble roots, I'm not sure. I would never be so presumptuous to assume that someone looking at me = interested, because for one, it's me and for two, I look at people all the time, and don't mean anything by it, so why would they. Not that anyone who makes that assumption is overly vain/isn't humble. I mean - maybe someone looks at me "like that"... how do I know they aren't just thinking about something, and happen to be looking at me? How do I know I'm not misreading? How the hell could I for sure differentiate "like that" from "constipated"?
  3. Wheetsin

    First fill..not good

    Wow, it's not typical to receive a fill at surgery, and this is part of why. It's the sole reason my surgeon states for not doing it -- that being, you don't know how much swelling, and restriction from swelling, someone will have post-op -- hence you can't know how much to fill them until the swelling subsides (typically the first fill is around 6 - 8 weeks post-op). DO you have pain all the time, or just when you try to eat/drink? As a general guideline, if you cannot comfotrably get Water down, and have no other way to account for it (e.g. you drank too soon after a meal), you should call and potentialy seek an unfill.
  4. One year our holiday decorations were stolen/vandalized. We had done a "candy house" type of theme. We had cutout and painted plywood gingerbread men and lined the edge of the yard with them. I made some of the regular outdoor lights up to look like strings of candies. We made big "lollipops" and "kisses" and put them in the yard and on the steps. Wrapped our front door to look like a stick of chewing gum, etc. Not that long after we had set everything up we received an "anonymous" note (signed "the neighborhood") telling us how inappropriate our decorations were because they were reminiscent of Hansel & Gretel, and how that was a horrible pagan story, etc. The note essentially demanded that we take down our decrations and either put of Christian ("reason for the season") decorations, or opt out of the holidays and do nothing. We knew the note came from the people directly across the street from us, who were some kind of big-wigs with the local baptist supermegawerehouse church. We ignored the note, and left our decorations up. Then one day someone had broken the heads off of our gingerbread men, torn down our lights and thrown them in the gutter, pulled our lollipops out of the ground and tossed them around our yard, etc. So... we picked up the broken pieces, but left the broken headless gingerbread men out, lining the yard. We didn't take them down until July. For Valentine's Day they got little hearts. In April we dressed them in little yellow slickers and rubber duckies. In June they got swim trunks. In July we painted them red, white and blue. These horrible neighbors decided to sell their house, and tried to put up "for sale" signs on our property, in front of each gingerbread man. I would go out every evening, pull them out of our yard, and place them neatly by their front door. Every morning, they would be back in our yard, so I started pitching them. It must have gotten expensive enough that they have up.
  5. Wheetsin

    Unique Gifts for Christmas

    One year I bought my father (very proud of his alumni status) a brick in his school's new construction wing. I have bought my husband a star. Ridiculous idea, but he's an astronomy/psychics/general science nerd and he loved the idea. This year we are funding a trip for us and both sets of parents for a week including villa, meals, entertainment, etc. We told everyone early on that would be their anniversay/xmas for the year. I also got my mother a 5-yr subscription to her two favorite magazines, and dad got a year's worth of golf cart rentals. That's not so outside the box, but it beats a tie or sweater.
  6. I've never met a bandster who had the same "look" as some of the patients of other WLS types. Losing weight quickly can contribute, but so can things like deficiences, and body reactions.
  7. Wheetsin

    Help!!!!! Gained 2 Pds!

    Nothing is wrong with the situation, and there's no reason to think anything is wrong with you, other than a little impatience. Sounds like what you're experiecing is 100% normal to me.
  8. Wheetsin

    Compulsive habits?

    Definitely. People who have OCD - there's no doubt about it, because their lives are interrupted. Rituals, practices, etc. But, you can also be obsessive about things without having OCD. Obsessive tendencies.
  9. Wheetsin

    Buy or borrow a recliner before surgery

    My husband has leather recliners (nice ones, not the big 80s ones that you can barely get in and out of) in his home theater room, and he brought one up to the great room for me post-op. Other than to use the bathroom, I barely got out of it the first two days. Slept in it, waked in it... loved it.
  10. Wheetsin

    What is "support" to you?

    Oh yes, I do need the inetllectual stimulation as well. :scared:
  11. Wheetsin


    Hmm. I can't honestly say that I hated shopping pre-op, but I hated trying to find clothes that fit and complimented my blob of a figure. And I hated trying clothes on because I pretty much knew they either wouldn't fit, wouldn't look good on, or were what I was buying because they fit vs. buying because I really liked them. But even then, I loved the process of shopping. They say that the right clohes will flatter any body size, but I say bull ponkies. At nearly 400lbs, nothing looks great on you unless the lights are turned off and someone poked out your eyes. Now add to that I'm just shy of 6', hourglass build, long legs but proprtionately longer torso & upper body. In other words, it was not possible for me two find a two piece outfit unless it was mix & match. And since we're on the subject of talls... talls seem to be taller now. Even just since last season. I've actually found some average length jeans that fall long enough to wear with flats, and that NEVER happens. And I've found talls that are too long, even with heels. That NEVER NEVER happens. Until now. It's very hard to buy a pair of men's jeans without going for a specific by the inch inseam. So WTF do we only have 2 choices, when we're MUCH more picky as a whole about pant length than guys are??? Never understood that one.
  12. Wheetsin

    Any Handbag Lovers out there?!?!

    Umm - just re-read my post and I think I make myself sound like a shoplifter. :scared: By "never willing to pay for them" I mean - if they're otuside of my seasonal basics, and much more than $100 or so, I will pass unless they're perfect. I like several from Brahmin but not the croco look ones. I'm always partial to most things Coach puts out in brown leather. I don't care for fabric bags.
  13. Wheetsin

    Any Handbag Lovers out there?!?!

    I like handbags, and I have a few, but I've never been willing to pay for them. I stay very practical. A brown purse and black purse for summer, a brown purse and black purse for winter. Right now I'm using a Benetton cheapy because I really liked the looks of it. I'm ultra picky about looks, I am not ultra picky abotu brand or price. That doesn't matter, what matters is do I like it, does it have the compartments I need, etc. Of course, if all of that comes along with a higher price tag, that's fine. :scared:
  14. Wheetsin

    Stupid Question

    User CP > Edit Options > Default Thread Subscription Mode. You can not subscribe, or opt out of email notification.
  15. Wheetsin

    Wheetsin, oh Wheeeeetsiiiiiiin!

    You know - wow, I owe you an apology. I never even saw this thread. Until now, of course. I noticed my inbox was overflowing, cleared it out, and soon came your message.
  16. Unless you follow the threads, it's really easy to be completely disconnected and have no idea who likes who, who's a fan of whom, etc. 95% of the time I don't know who's referring to whom or why. So I always just assume they're talking about me.
  17. Wheetsin

    Game: What Color is Oprah Today?

    I've had some interesting conversations with people about why whites and blacks are referred to as colors (when whites aren't really white and blacks aren't really back), while others are referred to as ethnicities. I don't really have a good theory for that one. I don't know a single black person who objects to being called black. Quite possibly they're out there, but I personally don't know them. I do know black people who object to being called African American. I don't mind "white" (I'm so pale that "clear" is more accurate than white for me!), but I would think it stupid if someone tried to call me a Greek Welsh Indian American.
  18. I have very, very few women friends, like 1 or 2. This is part of why. I guess the anonymous posts are the virtual world's equivalent to saying something just loud enough for the target to overhear. You know? It gives you just enough slack that you can still claim you weren't talking about them, whomever them is.
  19. Wheetsin

    Lactose intolerant? What to drink?

    I really don't know what the Slim-Fast diet is, but if you need a milk substitute, soy milk is lactose & cholesterol free. You can find it in plain, vanilla, and chocolate at most stores.
  20. Wheetsin

    Gallbladder Poll and Question

    The poll doesn't apply to me. I had my gallbladder out August of this year, which is about a year and a half after banding. But I first started having issues with it when I was on Atkins. They went away for a long time, but then came back about 2 mos before I had it removed. Never consistent.
  21. Wheetsin

    Compulsive habits?

    GadgetLady, I don't know how strong your daughter's compulsions are, but have you tried a reward approach? Is she girly? Maybe you could tell her that if she'll let her finger & toe nails grow out long enough that they can do anything with them, you will take her to the salon for a mani & pedi, she can pick the colors and accents, etc?
  22. Wheetsin

    OMFG.. Race Card

    That's when I say (from your end): Look, here's $40. Take it and go away. It's worth it to not have to deal with you. That lady could definitely benefit from a professional communications course. You don't start an email that way unless you're trying to cut.
  23. Wheetsin


    Teresita - just reading through your posts again. You might enjoy this thread. It seems several of us have hit the bandster's version of a 7 year itch. This, too, shall pass. (ok, I think that's just my post on the thread, but it's the whole thread that's worthwhile)
  24. Tommy, I know we've disagreed on some things, but I think I love you.
  25. Wheetsin

    1/2 cup per meal??

    I'm going to give you a slightly different answer. IF you're someone who has the exact same amount of restriction all the time, then MAYBE you can go off a set measurement. I know VERY few people for whom this is the case. In my case, I am almost super restricted during the day, but I tend to loosen up at night. I used to loosen up more than I do now. 45 minutes ago I had two spoons of Soup and I'm still feeling it. It doesn't hurt, I just have no doubt that it's still there. Tonight, I plan to eat turkey chili. This is very, very typical for me. I may have early days where a Protein drink wants to take its time, and then I will have chicken breast for dinner. So for me, I could never go by a measured quantity. Sometimes I can eat Breakfast, most of the time I can't, so there goes the 1/2 cup idea. Hope that makes sense. I also wouldn't necessarily look only at what you're eating in terms of weightloss. Very often it's posted that if you eat X, and you're losing weight, then your restriction is good. That has never made much sense to me. I mean - maybe your restriction is poor, but your concept of a meal has changed. Maybe you have awesome restriction and eat a cup of food, but aren't losing weight because you're eating a cup of the wrong foods and laying on your ass watching tv all day. Who knows? The best answer I can give is to give it some time, and you WILL be able to answer this for yourself. No one can answer it for you, because as different as we are personally, we're also different with our bands. (Just saw the last question) When I'm heavily restricted, it can take 45mins to... around 2 hours for food to move through. When I'm moderately restricted, 20 mins or so. Light restriction, it either goes right through, or takes maybe 15 - 20 seconds.

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